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Review of Milk  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Milk is an unnatural food. Milk is natural diet only for breast fed babies. I feel it very disgusting to take milk. Even babies take milk from breasts of their moms. It is cruel and against animal rights to milk animals for human consumption. Foodgrains, meat and eggs are okay for human consumption.
It is a good thought provoking poll.
Review of Is it normal...?  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Taste is an individual's perception. Only the taster can say how it tastes. One who has not tasted is unable to describe the taste. It is like the old proverb that the wearer alone knows where the shoe pinches. Moreover it is not statedwhich is the item that she tastes. I feel the author has inmind the come frommale partner in oral sex. The tase must be something weird. It may be mettalic.
The poll is interesting and amusing.
Review of Music and Writing  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I do all writing work on computer.
The first thing I do after switching on computer is to turn on media player and select the songs. Then I minimise the player and begin my other work. Most of my work is writing. I write legal drafts and appeal . when I get some time off from legal job, I switch to wring.com and read the articles/ plolls interesting to me. Meanwhile the music goes on. Music is really refeshing background for any creative work.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Underpants are the first layer of clothing and hence nearest to the skin. These ought to be soft and comfortable to wear. Normally these are not visible and so glittering or otherwise, colored or plain or design does not have any affect on onlookers. But underpants must be colorful, well designed and glittering to attract and arouse the erotic feelings in intimate friend. An attractive under garment is asex stimulant.
It is a very attractive and imaginative poll.
Review of The Opposite Sex  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Human mind- male or female is mysterious. No body knows exactly what goes in mind of another. As regards thinking, it is not based on gender. though men and women have distinct gender issues, otherwise both have identical matters to think as it is same world, same environment irrrespective of gender. All that matters is genuine love and understanding between couples, friends and others irrresoective of gender consideration.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
The readers have divese interest. There are many who like to read more erotic literature. some like fantasy and adventure. then there are readers of political, social and religious genres. all this depends on individual interest. Ilike to read biographies of eminent persons and short stories. The political and religious topics are also of interest.
It is a useful and relevant poll.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Fantasy is real story. Historic, adventure and similar genres are sor of history or documents. Reak story is one that decribes adventure, romance, suspense and erotica. Moreover the old american, historica stories etc. are already heard so many times The fables based on old epics are also somewhat know to all. The adventure stoires aremost interesting. It is useful poll to story writers.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Review should be meaningful and serve as a valuable guide to the authors. The review should touch various ponts of the article/ poem reviewed. Thevalue of the review idadded when it containssuggestions for further improvenebt. Thereviewermayalso add his pwn experience for better understanding of the opiniongiven by him.
Thepoll is useful totheauthors and reviewers.
Review of Most unattractive  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I will notfeel bad for anything my girl friend does to me. Her bad behaviour towards my pearents, brothers, friends etc. is definitely annoying and intolerable. As log as she is sincere to me, I have no difficulty in her having some relations with othrs. she is a free human being and I can definitely no restrict her too mych.
It is a nice and interesting poll.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
My style of writing is objective and the oinions are very firm and reasoned. The words used are simple and sentences short. Being an ex government officer and presently, in legal profession, my style is affected by oficiales and legal style.
The poll is useful and very relevant to all authors.
Review of How bad is Acne?  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Facial and general physical appearance is key to erotic stimulation. Small acne would not turn me off if the girl has plump posteriors, bosom and shapely legs. Too much of acne on the face may turn off. However, otherwise cute features may overweigh and I may still be turned on. It is largely the total impact or personality includig voice, mannerism and beauty treatment that make a girl sexy and appealing.
It is a useful and relevant poll.
Review of Spiritual Paths  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I believe ther is no evidece of any divine power that needt to be contacted. However if one existed ther could be many ways to reach him. No body can surely say what is correct ath without reaching him. Moreover even if may paths lead to same place, we choose that which is the shortest and/ or more convenient. As there is no such invisible divine power or at least there is no evidence, it is better to ignore and work for human good
It is a nice, interesting and thoughtful poll.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
the theory of evolution appeaes to be te best. There is no intelligent design by some super power like God. There are many speciies that no longer exist. many species are getting extinct. In this context, the theory of evolution and nature's selection on scientific doctrine of 'survival of fittest' is the best answer.
The oll is intelligent and thought provoking.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I have qualities of many animals and not just one. It may be so with all. However, one may classify in any one category on basis of his most significant trait. As horse is spirited and strong and goes fast, I am a horse. A horse is not less faitful than a dog. A horse even gets whip lash from the master or mistress. It is the whip lash that makes a horse work faster.
The poll is interesting and thought provoking.
Review of Attraction  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
A whole personality of a woman- her features, facial curves, eyes, shapely legs, bottoms, bosoms all have combined effect in attraction. I like a dominant type of lady. Her black robe, gloves, high heeled shoes and an authoritative voice increase her appeal. A woman with big rounded bottoms is definitely attractive.
It is an interesting and pleasant poll.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (5.0)
God is a concept and not a reality. The concept is based on hte prsumption that some one would have created the universe. so he is called Creter or God. But the believers fail to tell who created the creater and then the creater of the creater if any. IIn fact, it is on the fallacious notion that some one must have made the world just as we make things.
I strongly believe that there is no power runig the universe. we have not seen any variation in the system of nature or universe. The natur laws like force, gravitaion, energy do not change. If there were some conscious power, we would definitely notice change in the law of running universe just as man made laws are changed.
It is also wrong to say that all is okay with world because God is there. Good and bad things both occur. there are natural calamities. The said God has never saved his devotees from any clamity. The believers and non believers receive the same consequence of calamities. Any conscious power would definitely save his supporters/ devotees.
The poll is iteresting and thought provoking.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
It ism generally a coincidence who is with you when you are sad. It deends on cause of sadness as to who should be preferred. For family problems, near relatives should be ideally close. One may be sad on acount of professional matters. Her colleagues would be preferred. Usually, company of good friens is okay.
It is a very useful poll.
Review of How Old Are You?  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Age is not so significant as good health, physical and mental efficiency and alertness. The capacity to learn the new and forget the irrelevant is an imortant attribute. Any one is as old as one feels. Chronological age is not so relevant. I feel every one on WDC is youthful.
It is a good poll. I hope it will enable all to remain ever youthful.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am not a religious person and I do not treat any religious scripture as holy or gospel truth. However, i have no disliking either. Bible also contains many things good for life. The virtue of forgiveness, love for neighbour and properly bringing up children are in Bible. Do to othes as you would be done by- is a good principle of Bible. I do not believe in miracles given in Bible.
The poll is useful and interesting.
Review of Have you ever....  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Nobody in his senses would normally do anything that may look strange. There are children and other immatured persons who do or say odd things to get attention. I remember having kissed and spanked a girl when I was a school going boy. I did so only to see what reaction follows. The girl was my senior. She badly rebuked and slapped me.
The poll is inteesting as it is an exercise to recollect strange behaviour.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
All living creatures have their right to exist and are necessary for ecological balance. But every one has disliking for certain creature. Personally, I dislike lizards. These are dreadful ad I cannot stay near them It may be unreasonable but can do nothing about it.
the poll is interesting.
Review of Boy Meets Girl...  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.5)
It is a very pathetic state of mind. The lover is badly frustrated. But he is helpless. He has no optio but to live without his love. Love is not a one way traffic. He cannot force love on the girl. He has to move on without he. In course of time, his frustration will fade and he will find new girl.
The poll is useful and interesting.
Review of Most attractive.  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
As a matter of fact, it is the sum impression of a woman's body that counts. However face is most significant. Hair, eyes and other facial contours are just on the face. Moreover face is the main identification of any man or woman. Breasts, butts, legs may add to sex appeal but the main part of a woman's beauty is her face.
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: E | (4.0)
The male female ratio on the wdc is significant from literary view. The males are more extrovert and aggressive and so they should be more active in topics lie sports, politics whereas the females being sentimental and introvert would be devoting more time to poetry, emotional writing and fantasy. Any way, it is just my guess.
The poll is interesting.
Review of Whos Worse?  
Review by gulshan kumar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hitler, the Nazi dictator is definitely the worst dictator and he nourished a very vicious ideology of so called master race and subject races. Hitler was by thought and deed worst enemy of entire humanity. Joseph Stalin in spite of being a dictator, did not nourish any hatred towards any nation or community as such. He believed in Marxism Leninism. soviet model might have failed but it was well intended. In spite of atrocities, Stalin can not be treated at par with Hitler. In fact, Stalin was on side of the allied powers, who were fighting the anti human Nazi Dictator Hitler. Saddam Hussein is too small to be compared with Hitler or Stalin.
The Poll is very interesting and thought provoking.
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