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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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July 14, 2019 at 4:10am
July 14, 2019 at 4:10am
It is a mistake to think time is going.
Time is not going. Time is here until the world ends. It is you that is going. You don’t waste time. Time is infinite. You waste yourself. You are finite.

It is you that grow old and die. Time doesn’t. So make better use of yourself before you expire. And one of the worst things to do with time is comparing yourself to others.

A cow eats grass and gets fat but if dog eats grass, it will die. Never compare yourself with others. Run your own race. What works for one person may be that which will kill you. Focus on the gifts and talents God gave you and don’t be envious of the blessings He gave others_ .*

*Both Lion and Shark are professional hunters, BUT:*
*A Lion cannot hunt in the Ocean and a Shark cannot hunt in the jungle*
*That a Lion cannot hunt in the ocean doesn't make him useless and that a Shark cannot hunt in the jungle doesn't also make him useless both have their own territory where they can do well*

*If a rose smells better than tomatoes, It doesn't mean the rose can make a better stew. Don't try to compare yourself to others.

* *You also have your own strength, look for it and build on it.

* *All animals that exist, were in Noah's ark. A snail is one of those animals. If God could wait long enough for snails to enter Noah's ark; His door of grace won't close till you reach your expected position in life. Never look down on yourself, keep looking up.* *

Remember that Broken crayons still colour.*
*_Keep on pushing, you never can tell how close you are to your goal...!*
July 13, 2019 at 12:31am
July 13, 2019 at 12:31am
THREE GUNAS IN FOODS................we discussed the three gunnas and their nature. We also said that these gunnas penetrate all creation including the foods we take...In the last 150 years there has been great distortion in the food because we have made the food as an industry.. The seeds could be seen in the birth of McDonald's as a company. Today it is the largest consumer of beef pork chicken etc. With the development of chemical preservation was possible and keep them for well over 90 days in the shelf and marked farm fresh The whole of food industry is the largest mass killer of living things.... Having said this let's see the three type of foods
SATVICK FOOD.......... The simple rule of thumb rule is that anything that grows in direct sunlight. The largest animals in the world live on grass and leaves which are in direct contact with sunlight. Hence mushrooms which grow in darkness is lower than the first category. The next Lower category are those that grow under the ground.. All these form the so called vegetarian foods..Depends of levels of Satvickness you will naturally migrate to the foods which are more and more satvick. Also you must note that all these vegetables also have herbal and curative qualities.
RAJSIC FOODS....All kinds of non vegetarian foods are considered Rajasic.it followers the culture of the west where more importance given to body and activity based living. These animals birds fish etc have more quality of living. The Atma is more reflected in these beings as compared to plants and hence they have a more direct effect on us. Even their pain and sorrow is transferred to us scientifically know we know that mass killing of all these beings for food is not necessarily good for our health..

TAMASIC FOODS....... All foods which are stale and kept for a long time before consumption. So we keep a lot of things in the fridge and consume days or even weeks later All these constitute tamasic food and creates lethargy. More dangerous is the use of chemicals to prevent deterioration. What you see as farm fresh foods in Walmarts could have been preserved for months through the use of chemicals . These are purest of tamasic foods and potentially dangerous. ...
SO .........what do we do.? The best of course is to go to farm markets and pick up what you want. Also eat them as early as possible.. The next which which will save you money as well. Cook as often as you can and avoid going out except as an exception. I think the European culture is more attuned to cooking as compared to US.. Richer a country becomes more the eating out culture comes as a way of life.
The other thing is to try living a non violent life as far as possible.The plants also have life in small measure and we by eating do cause some violence but that the least violent action. This cannot be avoided in the design of nature. They are given the capacity to grow even though we take of them

Spiritual llife by it's very nature will drag us towards satwic foods it's not possible to do any serious meditation with rajasic and tamasic foods.ultimately to just fruits. The body and will not accept the other foods and make it clear to you in many ways.in any case the kind of violence we see in animals birds fish etc the mind cannot accept because it's pure nature is ahimsa..

Love and blessings
July 12, 2019 at 3:22am
July 12, 2019 at 3:22am
My friend and erstwhile colleague Govind reminded me of this.

In 1994, I was elated at being accepted by the super-prestigious Tata Administrative Service, right after my MBA.

I was even more thrilled when I was chosen to be a part of the Tata Singapore Airlines JV to start a world class airline in India - perhaps the most exciting thing happening in Indian aviation, if not Indian industry, at that time.

Very few people know that the original inspiration for Singapore Airlines was JRD Tata’s Air India – then amongst the best airlines in the world. The bureaucrats from Singapore came to learn from him and his company on how to build a world-class airline out of Singapore.

JRD, with his magnificent generosity, shared his mantras of service, humility and operational excellence with them, and Singapore Airlines (SIA) was born. Soon, it became the best airline in the world, bar none, and has kept its crown almost every year since then.

In 1994, they came back to build an airline with Tata – in a sense, repaying the debt they owed to its legendary founder. The largest and most respected industrial house in India was going to join hands with the best airline in the world, and create Tata Singapore Airlines.

No wonder everyone, including me, was giddy with excitement. I still remember my first project job, 25 years back, as if it was almost yesterday. I flew around the country 19 cities in 14 days with two hugely experienced SIA pilots. Once they overcame their initial astonishment and disappointment that I was not a pilot, in fact could not even fly a kite, they adopted me as their own as we went around the country surveying airports, airfields and technical gear.

Their flying experience, the knowledge they had about aircraft, their assessments of pilots and Dopplers and other radars was a learning experience. Their attention to detail was terrifying – I spent days find out costs and specs of wheelchairs which we would need to buy for differently-abled passengers. Along with the entire nation, I was convinced that we were building something special and expectantly looking forward to it.

All of us, except two men – the then Aviation Minister, and a certain Mr. Naresh Goyal. It was an open secret that the founder of fledgling Jet Airways saw Tata-SIA to be a mortal threat to his company, and that he did everything possible to stop it. Rules were changes, permissions were withdrawn, words taken back, as the Aviation Minister, his puppet, brazened it out.

The Tatas could not stoop to retaliate to this form of competition, they did not and would not ‘manage the environment. SIA went back to Singapore to continue building the best airline in the world, and Jet Airways spread its wings and became the leading airline in the country. Many of us, I remember, refused to fly Jet for years afterwards.

Now, 25 years later, the shoe is on the other foot – in fact, the first foot has ceased to exist. As Jet goes through its jet throes, and Mr. Goyal licks his wounds in obscurity, their single biggest hope has been the Tata Group. And, as it withdraws from its prized slots and premium routes, one of the airlines working overtime to fill those is Vistara – a JV between the Tata Group and SIA. Tata Singapore Airlines Version 2.0.

Time is not linear, explained our ancient sages, it is a circle. The core concept of Karma is that what goes around comes around. The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.
July 11, 2019 at 2:47am
July 11, 2019 at 2:47am
Once Buddha was traveling with a few of his followers.
While they were passing a lake, Buddha told one of his disciples,
"I am thirsty.
Do get me some water from the lake."

The disciple walked up to the lake.

At that moment,
a bullock cart started crossing through the lake.
As a result,
The water became very muddy and turbid.

The disciple thought,
"How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink?"

So he came back and told Buddha,
"The water in there is very muddy.
I don't think it is fit to drink."

After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back
to the lake.

The disciple went back,
and found that the water was still muddy.

He returned and informed Buddha about the same.

After sometime,
again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back.

This time, the disciple found the mud had settled down, and the water was clean and clear.

So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha.

Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said,
"See what you did to make the water clean.
You let it be,
and the mud settled down on its own,
and you have clear water."

Your mind is like that too ! When it is disturbed,
just let it be.
Give it a little time.
It will settle down on its own.

You don't have to put in any effort to calm it down.
It will happen.
It is effortless."

Having 'Peace of Mind' is not a strenuous job, It is an effortless process, so keep ur mind cool and have a great life ahead...

Never leave Your close ones.
If you find few faults in them just close Your eyes 'and Remembr the best time You spent together...

because affection is More Important than Perfection..!

Neither you can hug yourself....
nor you can cry on your own shoulder....

Life is all about living for one another,
so live with those who love you the most...

Relations cannot be Understood by the Language of Money... bcoz,
Some Investments Never Give Profit
But They Make us rich...!
July 10, 2019 at 1:37am
July 10, 2019 at 1:37am
Continuing FREE THINKING A Grace or a Disaster...

The Filthiest pollution today in the Human mind is The Fourth Kind of Spirituality and I call it the Filthiest because a Mindset which will Not be able to retain a Human species is to be hailed as Filthiest.

That does not mean that a species which is not human is a Filthy species but There has to be a way to warn the Philosophies who Remain the Scumbags that they are despite losing all their Traits to the Correct Knowledge and Getting those Kicks of Cleansing of Disrespect by the Same words that they Hurled and with a Huger intensity, and they Still Continue to disrespect the Plate that they eat in by Spacing a Paragraph between the word Religion and Pollution and Thinking it will go unnoticed, even if they keep Their Most Hated Word called Religion in the category of pollution.

Indeed These Philosophies show the Character of the Species that Are NOT the Species of Faith.

Once a Religion is IDENTIFIED as Valid by the Scientist of the mind who lives with that Last State of Experience than He shall know why and how The Religious Creed off that Religion is Even Superior than His own Knowledge of Bhakti Vedanta and Bhagavad Prapti and Rasa and Seeing the Dark skinned boy of the Himalayas. The Philosophies which Deserve Only and Only ABUSE, Abuse The Religious Creed as Pollution.

Indeed these Philosophies deserve what they Get from the Hands of a Scholar trained by Kali because they remained in Ignorance which told and pacified them that the The Religious Scholars and Saints are those Foolish Pieties who know Not how to Respond to their Spitting, and that they will not say anything.

The Response will be a Hundred Times Intense than what was the Action. The Response is a Reaction and a Reaction has the right to counter the action. We are talking about The Philosophies which are the TRAITORS of the Salt they use in their Food.

Both the Loyalists of Evil and the Traitors of Nobility are Sinners. But, The TRAITORS of Nobility are The ones who fall Really low. A Bheeshm Pitamah and a Karna shall Easily be forgiven but a Judas can not be forgiven.

Thus, Radha Krishna, The Scholar amongst the Scholars continues the Ganesha Trance Which shall Make these Philosophies dance in Utter Shame of their Existence.


A Philosophy which is against the Titles and Naming coined a Title, 'Politics of the Soul!' That is Very good because yes There are people and Philosophies who indulge in Politics and Either Make Religions by their own personal passions or Change the Known Eternal Things to their own Passions. Huge and Successful Organizations have done that. Everywhere Tampering Happens.

Followers of Gurus Incorrectly Call their masters as Avatars without knowing that there are Ways on how to identify an Avatar. There are Ways on how to identify Maheshwara or Trinity. There are even ways to Find out If we have what Radha Krishna claims he has and there are ways to find out By looking at An Avatara if he is One and By looking at Radha Krishna if He has what he claims. Everything is there in the Knowledge and the Experience Friends. No one can fool us.

So, Coining of this Thing is Good but These things must be done after Becoming eligible to Criticise. I come back to the same point. Did we Learn how to identify our own defects before pointing out Others? Ask the Spiritual Teachers their Defects. They will think and might give you some and then come and ask a Scholar and you shall understand that the Defect that the Teachers point out may not necessarily be a defect and the Main issues are Not known to them because they never dived into their Minds in a State of Sadhana and observed the Thought and Reaction of all the Thoughts on the body.

My Maya is Not switched off. So there must be Defects or Some deep rooted Imprints that may have become milder but They would leave only at the time of Bhagavaf Prapti. Oh Yes. Many.

1. I can Still get a PANG of a Material Romance if I even think of Exploiting An Art that I did at one point in life. I Run away from certain Situations. In Fact I must add that Radha has been Kind. She takes me out of certain Situations.

2. I Experience Anger at Faults and defects. That used to happen even when I knew nothing about this subject. Although a Quality of Goodness Maya but even Goodness Maya is Maya. Radha exploited this Quality of mine.

3. I can Still Get a Strong feeling of ordering a Tequila Shot when With Maheshwara and in Goa and if it's Raining. I stay put in certain situations and avoid being with Friends who are always like, 'Hey You Quit man. A Shot won't kill you!'

I Pointed out these Faults Because Most of the Philosophies that I am Against and who do not know the Science of the mind and the Deep rooted Imprints will Call The Regular Living of the life in a Disciplined way as Correct but Even A Disciplined Pleasure of Maya which Remains in the Mind Will be an Obstruction. This they would not understand because they know not the frequency they must before coming out and claiming what they do.

A Tequila Shot is NOT the Problem, The Problem is that My Mind Can Still Produce The Image of Bartender pouring that Transparent thing in that Small Glass and Decorating it with Salt and Lime and then My Tongue Tastes the Salt, Gulps Down the Shot, The Throat enjoys the Burn and then The Tongue enjoys the lime and then The Brain Experiences the Release of those things which eases the Stress and Make us feel good.

Did I drink the Shot? No, I did not. But what did my Mind Do? The Mind enjoyed it all Sir without drinking. Thus, It is a Bigger obstruction than in the case of A Man who can anytime Have a Tequila on weekeneds or In Parties but his Mind Never produces the thoughts and images that my mind may for a Tequila and The body Does not experience the Reaction of That Thought as a Craving in the Body.

That is why I say become that Scientist of the mind before teaching because you would Not know this detailing and You will end up giving wrong information to the seekers. Knowing one's own defect is our Responsibility. We can not fool around with these things and specially if we claim to be the Masters of a Subject which tells us about all The Hidden Obstructions to Attaining Freedom from Maya and Attaining Soul and Rasa and Maheshwara.

Thus, The Philosophy hit correctly in the dark by saying that There is Politics but Did not Look into the Politics that it's own mind is Indulged in. The Politics and Pollution is First Removed and Cleansed by the Mind Cleansing which happens by a Mind Sadhana under the Proper guidance of an Experienced Guru and then there comes a Point where We don't become Faultless but Atleast we attain the Position where we can Give out defects and we begin Identifying others defects.

I have always said, Even Seven People Amongst the Seven Billion don't live with That Much Mind Sadhana which Atleast makes them eligible to Give them their Defects and others Defects which cause obstruction.

Samadhi Attained who Are NOT the Scientist of the mind Do not have this Capability. A Gentleman who, By a Kriya Yog Or a Mantra/Sound Yog, Has attained the Fifth Param Hansa State that Is Somewhere between Nirbeeja/Nirvikalpa Samadhi and Bhagavad Prapti and which does not Have Rasa will NOT be a Scientist of the Mind who knows The defects and the Rigid Notions and Mindsets.

Why listen to me? Please listen to the lectures of Samadhi Attained on the Planet and you shall know that MOST of them don't Know what I am talking about. I take names when I say they know the Science of the Mind and I don't takes names when In my Opinion A Param Hansa or a Samadhishtha is Not that Scholar who knows the The Deep Intricacies of the Mind.

What was the Pollution in the Mind of that Philosophy? The Pollution that Religions are wrong and That Religious Creed is a Pollution and are Dogmas. They are all a Product of Human Minds and they are all Rubbish Claims.

Let me say a Story of a Brahmin. A Brahmin Who had brilliant knowledge of Vedanta and even Rasa and he was advanced in His Piety and Nobility and had special powers because of His purity. He once sat under a Tree and a Bird pooped on his head. He Looked at the Bird in anger and the Bird Fell dead. That was the power of the Brahmin.

He came outside a House and Shouted.

'Maiyya. Brahmin ko Do Roti de do!' (Mother. Please give the Brahmin Two Breads)

The Lady Saw the Brahmin and Rushed to the Kitchen. A Man/Woman of Knowledge Rushes here there on seeing a Brahmin/Saint and people Have even the Audacity of Calling Bhagavad Geeta as that Little Book. I shall Speak About the Characters who Belittle Dharma and who Belittle Religions and who Belittle The Sanctity of Genuine Divine Texts by Their Species Svabhav.

As the Lady was keeping the Food Stuff on the plate, The Lady's husband entered and She immediately began making Tea for her husband and forgot that the Brahmin was waiting outside. The Brahmin Called in anger at one point and she Remembered.

She Gave the Food to the Brahmin and when the Brahmin Looked at the lady as if he would curse her for that delay, The Lady said STERNLY: 'I am not that Bird who fell dead from the tree. I was looking after my husband who is more important than Govind. You can Wait. Do not even think that you can do anything to me!'

The Brahmin was Shocked. The Lady knew that the Bird Fell dead. He Bowed down and Clasped his hands. 'How Do you Know?'

Lady: 'There is a Vyadh(Hunter/Butcher) who lives outside the Village. He will be able to tell you better!'

The Brahmin who Had Knowledge went to the Butcher's shop. The Butcher came out and offered obeisances to the Brahmin. The Brahmin Condemned his Profession and scolded him. It was against his Knowledge. The Butcher kept Listening. Then the Butcher requested him to come to his place. The Brahmin went to his House and saw His Very Old Parents.

The House was poor but tidy. The Butcher washed his Old parent's feet and served them food and took every little care of his Very elderly parents without an Iota of Laziness. That care was better than What a Mother would perform for her infant. The Brahmin looked at the Butcher and asked, Why did the Lady send me to you?

Butcher: 'Neither am I That Bird who will Fall dead if my Profession is against your Knowledge Brahmin Sir and Nor Am I That Lady who still got a Little Scared of you. My Profession is My Ancestral Profession and I can not do anything about it. When people eat certain things than the Lord must provide for Professions that provide for certain things. Yes, Your Knowledge can certainly Give the Heirarchy of Things. My Dharma is My Father and Mother and I only know my Mother and Father. And You Can not do anything to me!'

You know from where The Lady and that Butcher is Getting the Power that they can even Outweigh even a Brahmin's power who has the Knowledge and the Siddhi and many things and his anger is Right when the Lady got Late and his Condemning the Profession of that Butcher is also Not Wrong?

That Power is also Coming from the VEDIC RELIGIOUS CREED. Husband is above Shri Krishna. One who Takes care of His Old and Ailing Father and Mother can even make Shri Krishna wait outside if he comes for a Request and The Son is taking care of the Father and Mother.

I can Not go to Vrindavana or Kasol or Goa or Mumbai if my Mother says, 'You Stay here and Take care of me!' If I see a lady Taking care of her husband even if she is in Pain and she renounces all her Conveniences and Pleasures to Take care of the husband which the modern feminism will not approve of, I will not tell the lady that I am The Scholar amongst the Scholars who Promises Rasa and a Boy, but I will Ask that lady to bless me and I will Decorate my forehead with the dust of the floor that she walks on Sir. She will Give me purity without any Knowledge That I may boast of, who is Radha Krishna to offer Cleansing?

That's my Religious CREED.

A Man wanting to Renounce World and Go live in Jungles can not Renounce unless the Mother approves of it and Even if she approves he will have to Run back on the Slightest of the Report of Her illness. Sankaracarya kept Begging her mother to allow him to leave and she did not relent easily.

The character called Dev Mishr in my story called 'Radhika & Dev' Gets up before Sun light, Has three showers and Does what he does despite having attained a beyond Cause & Effect state and Yet he revolts against a Kingdom and kisses a sword because of RELIGUOUS CREED of Making sure that a Woman gets the Man she loves.

And People who Do not Even Have the Right to Sit amongst The People who are eligible to be Sitting as Students in a Noble Spiritual Class compare Religious Creed with Pollution. Indeed This Religion called Spirituality and this Intellect known as Wisdom today is the Biggest Pollution that Damages Human minds more than what the Heavy duty Environment Toxics can do to The Mother Earth.

These Goddamn Philosophies F*** their Screwed up Wisdom by their Insolent Characters and Non Human past lives by taking against Religions and Religious Creed. They do not experience the Shame which the most shameless shall Experience and they continue Exhibiting their Parasitic Svabhav.

This is Radha Krishna Exhibiting Anger against what Deserves to be disrespected. The Mind remains Controlled. The Emotions are disciplined. The Mind sees Radha and the words are in Sync with the Knowledge that erupts in the Mind.

All The Glories to Radha!
All the Credit to Radha!


Another Title that gets coined is 'Idiot Individualism'. It is Good to understand that Our Materialism was foolishness but to come up with a Term called 'Idiot Individualism' that shall Call every Materialist as an Idiot and then In the due course Even begin calling Vedic Saints as Idiots and Religous Philosophies as Idiocies is against the Fact known to Scholars that We all are Fools in Maya and Some People genuinely deserve Respect and deserve worshipping.

Indeed this Philosophy has proved itself to be not just the Philosophy of the Supreme Idiots by it's own virtue but it is The shining example of That fourth level Inexperienced and Ignorant Philosophy which disrespects Everyone. We shall Discuss The Idea called 'Essencing Presencing' that gets discussed in this Philosophy and I heard the Idiot follower Who Nudges God out of his Idiocy talk against the Essencers.

Neither the Practical meaning of Essencing was known to these Philosophies and nor Was any Presencing Done which is Done on the basis of the Eternal Epistemology that says, 'Experience Follows the knowledge and Knowledge Follows the Experience'. It is the Game of Continued Learning and Unlearning where Experience is Always a Partner otherwise What we become is a Hindrance to Even Elementary Humanity what to talk of Eternal Spirituality Goddamn it.


I read somewhere that Idol worship is Futile. I have explained the Science of Idol worship before. I would just like to add that When Krishna was Shot by the a hunter called Jara, He gave a Lecture which is Popular as Uddhava Geeta.

How many Human beings have told us to Make his Idol and Worship it? Celebrate his appearance days and celebrate them as festivals. Krishna Reiterated what is Eternal in His lecture to Uddhava. Idiots of the Highest order will Not be able to understand that the Mind Sadhana is a Tough Sadhana and so Maheshwara Has kept an Eternal Sadhana of Being around the Idol which has a FORM and performing certain Things which are day to day celebrations in this Life of Maya and Giving Reasons To the beings in Maya to have fun for the Cause of Worship by Festivals and Lighting Diyas and Celebrations.

It is No Dogma of anyone who wants to be Worshipped you Innocent Philosophies, it is a Milder/Slower Method which will ULTIMATELY make sure that a Man who fell in Love with Decorating an Idol with Lovely clothes will Find himself THINKING of the Form of that Idol that will Give him what we have discussed on this page. But Yes, that is a longer Process and Scholars will ask us to Directly hit on the Mind Sadhana and even Krishna says it, but Maheshwara Will make sure that All kinds of People get all kinds of Methods which shall suit their individual needs and Capabilities and interests and Karmic Record at that time.

Any Religious Philosophy can have the Idols and Paintings of their Revered Saints and Perform Worship.

Lord Sankar: 'Life must be a Celebration!'

Please celebrate the Festivals related to the Revered Beings. It is all Noble and it is Ultimately Intended For An Ouster from the Clutches of Maya. However, I always say to be aware of the Techniques of Mind Sadhana that got discussed in the Bhakti 1 and Bhakti 2 Thread on my Page.


Let's have a Look at a Few attached pictures with this post. The pictures about Vedic Time Spans. I read somewhere that Let's not get into Outdated or Primitive Ideas. I wonder How do people get into such ideas? There is Only One Philosophy that exists since Time Immemorial. It is Impossible for Two Philosophies to exist Eternally.

The Earth Continues to experience it's axis shifts and Tsunamis and Yuga Changes and Local Pralayas(Cosmic Dissolution) and Many other phenomenas. Millions of Years back there were Space Crafts which did not produce useless Sounds that our Aircrafts produce.

Hypothetically, If A Hundred years later an Axis shift happens and most of the Humans die and Only Five Hundred remain with Nothing in hand then their Further generations who would probably Invent good Ships to Sail will Not trust that Their Ancestors Saw Humans fly Iron Machines unless they themselves get it.

It is a Limited Information that We have progressed so much by the Technology and Science and we Evolve and Nurture Knowledge from the stone age or Ice Age from where we began and that Any Spirituality is A Fresh Evolved Knowledge. Knowledge is Eternal because VED is Sanatana Dharma. In that limited information, the History of Other Yugas and the Science of Cosmos AS IT IS is Not known. It is Only the Bull**** of Cosmic Communion by Some Cohesion, that is Expressed by the Wise Philosophers, which Boasts of A brilliant New Ideology that will Rock the Planet not knowing that both Bull**** and Ignorance of Eternality never got any better than Such Jokery.



I hear Some Samadhi Attained followers say that All Forms dissolve in Samadhi. It is Good to be a Follower of a Samadhi Attained but it is much better to Have that Samadhi State or at least a state that is Conducive to attempt a conversion into a Samadhi state.

When You are in that State, Please get in touch with me and Then you Shall understand Why Scholars amongst the Scholars call Samadhi(All and any Kinds) as POISON.

Talking about Forms. All Forms are Absolute Absolute Forms. Whatever Forms we see By our eyes in our World are all Krishna Forms. Form is the Source of Myriad Forms and the Source Form Enjoys all forms. The Formless Brahman which has No Rasa and No Bhav and No Qualities and No Attributes and which is Devoid of Kriya(Action) and Iccha(Will) is An Inferior aspect of Absolute Absolute and it is only Absolute that Resides within the confines of Absolute Absolute. That is Against the logic. (Please read a Post Titled 'Form/Formless' on this Timeline for a Detailing!)

Yet, Krishna showed three Forms to Arjun. The First was the Absolute Absolute Form which contains the Infinity Inside. It has countless Heads and Legs/Hands and It is For Scholars. We don't have any interest in that because we are Lovers like Shri Krishna.

The Second Form that was shown was a Four Armed thing. Once Krishna came with four hands in front of the Girls of Vrindavana and they Covered their faces with their Veils and Said, 'Who are you? Where is Govind?' (Krishna came in the Maha Vishnu Form.)

The Third Form that Krishna showed Arjuna was a Two hands and a Two legged form and he said, 'This is the one desired by Even Devatas'. We are Interested in That Form in which he is Seen in his Realm. Even the Trinity has that Form and when Brahma gets the Knowledge to Create Species, He gets the knowledge to create special Species on Earth which has a Form like him and that is Because that species(Human Beings) will have the privilege of a Special Mind and Intelligence that will understand the Game of Knowledge and Experience that we are discussing on this page.

Now A Lion can say that this is Racism because The Absolute Absolute is a Lion Form too, but He will Not understand our conversation.

Radha: 'Amongst the Land animals, I am Lion!'

But, by the time he will understand our conversation, He will be in a Human form and he will relate to it.

But the Spirituality and the Spiritualists that we are talking about are Making sure that they are heading towards a Species which will not even have the Class the Lion Has.

I shall be on this.
July 9, 2019 at 1:57am
July 9, 2019 at 1:57am
One thing that is starkly missing with a vast majority of us I'd that we do not have Goals or a direction in life. Simply saying I want to be a millionaire or earn lots of money is not a goal Today the majority of parents have broken the goal of life to "good education" leading to a good job leading to a " good" life. This is not a goal.I think I mentioned earlier in my post Non Contextual Living that most people do not have a content and hence live like moving corpses ...

We say there are four goals all of aspire at sometime or the other.

ARTHA... This refers to all activities to provide security for ourselves. First in terms of food then a shelter and all other things that make us insecure. This is a major part of living.we want to secure ourselves from heat from cold from old age health and a whole range of things including death. List out the items and see the list. It's a very large one.lets say you buy a large home with swimming pool gymnasium and the works. You need to secure it. It you are a rich man you cannot travel without armed gaurds and a covoy. You get anything you need security to live for fear of loss of life things etc . This is one aspect of our life and goals. Not to forget life insurance medical insurance and so on. As if you can stop death.....

KAMA .. This refers to all kind of enjoyment from TV serials to exotic holidays cruises flights exotic foods and eating out.Not to forget sex Then may be exploring drugs booze Today our economies are designed to give you as much pleasure as possible so we feel fullfilled. It is the design of mordernism life. Otherwise what is life anyway? All games are corpotatised and the players are like gladiators of the Roman era. So you may be entertained so too with films. You make your list. Sound like the American dream.....

DHARMA.... Now this is a slightly different key.. People want to live a Dharmic life based on values like truthfulness non violence ,non stealing etc. We call them Sanathana. ... Meaning eternal values that makes socities run smoothly. If individuals do not follow this the will be a breakdown of society itself. Deep down we need to give to underprievleged. We need to show compassion and love as there are interested to us This allows us to grow as individuals to a spiritual life which we aspire for some time or the other...This makes us human . These people aspire for heaven.

MOKSHA.....After many lives and many experiences of pain in samsara some aspire for freedom from dependcies and want to explore their true potential as a human being. How can this contact pain and insecurity be managed? How can I get over this fear of death which eats into me How can I get out this trap where am forced to behave in a particular way aspiring for happiness but experiencing pain There is something deep within us which is asking these questions. For a few this becomes the goal ....

Western and Eastern societies. In the western societies the focus is on Artha and Kama goals. We are seeing the effect of that in psychological break up not just of individuals but societies. The Eastern way of life does not negate Artha And Kama but used to focus on Dharma and MOKSHA and then place Artha and Kama as lesser priorities.. The west used to call these people non competitive societies.
The first thing to understand is to put Dharma and MOKSHA as goals above Artha and Kama. No school or college teaches this. Mothers and parents are misguided as well and place wrong priority of goals for the children.
Now can you rectify this?? Is your life going to be better??. This you need to reflect upon deeply .A person who has grown with strength of character will not fail in other pursuits.. But life may be more livable.. Now do revwrite your goals

Love and blessings
July 8, 2019 at 4:23am
July 8, 2019 at 4:23am
Mother would say that when an aspirant becomes desirous of powers it clearly indicates that he has forgotten the object of his activities. His object was originally to go beyond the world of Maya, but powers are in the domain of Maya, and in striving to get these he must of necessity want to remain where he is already.

She would also say, "How foolish people are to strive for some of these powers which are possessed by some of the lower animals and birds. A special kind of spider can walk on the water, birds can fly, so if a man wants to obtain these powers, what is the wonder in them? It may impress fools but does no good to the seeker after truth, except to drag him down."

July 7, 2019 at 3:49am
July 7, 2019 at 3:49am

A truly religious person wishes and prays that those who curse and harass his religion be the first to go to heaven or paradise.
Genuinely religious people do not claim that only followers of their faith go someplace wonderful while nonbelievers all go someplace horrible.

The more a person curses and harms you, the more you should respect him. The Buddha always said that we should strive most to help and serve our enemies and that we should always put them ahead of ourselves.

Once you begin to cleanse your heart, you develop such attitudes naturally.
How did the Buddha treat his wicked, evil scheming cousin Devadatta?
With eventual supreme enlightenment.

July 6, 2019 at 12:02am
July 6, 2019 at 12:02am
We are all rational people I suppose. We also believe in Science. So let me try to deal with this issue to Atma in a scientific way so that you are convinced of it's presence. It is only then will you ever be motivated to have that as a goal in life worth pursuing.

Let's looks the very large and very small. The very large is the cosmos and the very small is the particle and Atom. In the cosmos in space there is matter as matter and energy as another form of matter The sun and the planetary system forms a basic building block of the universe. They are in galaxies. The galxies are in a cluster. Billions of cluster of galaxies form the universe. The funny thing is that they are not radomly crashing into each other and each one is dancing and moving all the time. How is this possible?? The scientists have accepted a force that keeps them balanced in space. It is called Dark Matter. It's not dark at all but the human being cannot see it and look at it using their senses.But mathematically it's proved that this so called dark matter exists only it's pull effect can be observed by the movement of other knowable matter like sun's and galaxies. So it is quite possible for the existence of something very significant even though there is no way the senses can reach there.

Let's take the very small Today the scientists tell is that for every particle there has to be an anti particle for existence. Can anti particle be observed in any way using the human senses?. No. Does it exist ? Yes. Yes..

So Vedanta reveals the existence of Pure Consiousness which provides sentiality in every living thing.Atman is like dark matter. It cannot be seen touched smelt felt etc. Yet it exists. So we want proof that Consiousness exists right? We say the very fact that you are self aware is the proof. What bigger proof do you need let's say we make a robot just like a human being and can move around and do it's thing. Will it be the same as you?? The one thing it will lack is self awareness because consiousness is not there. Can it ever become a human being like you? However beautiful it is inside .. Not possible ..

So the proof of existence of Atman is before us every minute every hour every day Your thought itself is proof of that we call Atman or consiousness Everything you do is based on consiousness alone . This beauty we cannot see??. So it is with every living thing at different levels. You as a human being is rare one to reflect it's full glory
So an Advaitist says there is nowhere to go . simply by knowledage of Vedanta correct knowledge arising out of purity of the mind you immerse yourself in that which is the basis of all. Does the space in your house run away somewhere when it's broken down??Does dark matter go anywhere.?? the Sat in SatChitAnanda means Existence.It is the closest thing in us perhaps that why we can see us. We see the matter in body mind complex yet refuse to see the spirit that makes you alive. Knowing that the Vedas say all else is known, for it is the basis of everything. That you are . Tat Tvam Asi.

Love and blessings
July 5, 2019 at 2:08am
July 5, 2019 at 2:08am

This is Brilliant Analogy and it is certainly A Battle between the Nobility of the Faith and the Cancer that Exists as Disrespect towards this Eternal Religion for Humanity.

While I wrote the Last Post where I would give that Rat and Plague Analogy in the end, Two Supreme Idiots, who Have been Most Idiotically trying to Figure out Spirituality since over a Decade now Without knowing the BASICS that a Philosophy whose Owner is known to have Caught a Psychological Disease or an Emotional Disorder or The one who committed Suicide or Any Such event where An Emotional Discordance was found Which was NOT the Rasa that is a Temporary state of Bhav post which there is immediate regaining of the Power that had Enriched the Scholar with the Supreme Knowledge, Gave their verdict of the Notion of Faith being Cancerous and deemed What leads to Certain Practicality in the Subject and as it is known to The Scholars, as Not the Right way.

The Right way is Based in EXPERIENCE in Emotional Transformation which the Inexperienced Masters don't know and it is Not in Any Religious Injunction. When the Right way, devised by that Scientist of the Mind who by his Ideal Free Thinking Experiences the Step by step Experience till the Last State, is Found to be Already present in a Dharma then that Dharma is to be Hailed as Loyal to Humanity and the Followers of the Individual ways no matter what Shall certainly get the credit of Traitors of Humanity.

It is so Dangerous in the current phase of Kaliyuga that is Only Chaos that The People who Have been Slaves to their own Mind and Intelligence and who Do not Even Qualify as a Dharmic Human as per Knowledge and who are Highlited as those Mlleccha(Barbarians) in the Guise of Claimed posh language and Claimed Spirituality by Knowledge are Giving the Certificates of their knowledge by Comparing the Cheers of a Scholar, who Eliminates Their Philosophies Effortlessly, as a Drunken State and By discussing a Philosophy which they HYSTERICALLY looked for after coming across a Scholar.

What was the need of Looking for a Philosophy hysterically after coming across a Scholar? Because The Darshan of the Scholar can NOT be accepted For Four reasons:-

(1) It is Not the Philosophy that they professed or deduced.

(2) That acceptance and subsequent teaching in Accordance would reduce the following that happened by Exploiting the Non-Faith of People.

(3) That Acceptance would be against the DEEPEST Imprint that is a Stamp because of a CONFIRMED deed, that we shall discuss later, which Makes sure that People Remain against Faiths.

(4) A Mechanised mind Prefers the Word Holon than The Term Maheshwara because the Word Holon is as per the Current Messed up Deviations of the Source Literature which Falsely Pride over their Discrepancy that makes them the Biggest Defaulters of the Foundation of this Subject.

Their Elimination in The Preliminary Rounds of Detecting by a Scholar happens because their First Few statements Exhibit Not just Their Non Experienced State but they shout that the Master has never sat for any Sadhana which would have brought Atleast One Karma Cutting or Just An Iota of Emotional Transformation.

The Question arises off the third point above. Why should an Imprint keep Men against the Idea of Faiths? That is Because Faith itself does not Want to Embrace those People at this point. The Noble And a Confirmed Dharma by the Scientist of the Mind says that Lets have Some BITTER cleansing of Certain Philosophies by the words of a Scholar first.

They must Very Slowly know their Most Hidden DEFECTS which No Spiritual Master can give and only If a Scholar amongst the Scholars is found then these men Will ATLEAST in their Hearts Know their defects. It's ok If they continue their Conduct as always on the outside because No One Likes to be Taught and Told. And when a Strong and Negative And Adharmic Ego comes across a Strong lecture which proves it Wrong, It most strongly and Insolently Resists it.

The detective know why the Resistance and revolt. It is because of Chakra Traits.

Those Defects of Certain Mindsets make sure that Even after decades of Being a Spiritual Master or The Follower of that Spiritual Master, No Emotional Transformation was EVER Experienced by them. They know it for sure and this is their Biggest Frustration.

Their Consciousness is Adharma. Adharma means not just 'Non Doing' and 'Non Acceptance', but ADHARMA is Refuting Dharma till One's last breath because Dharma has made them like that. It is the Svabhav of Adharma To Speak and Be against Dharma. Adharma will STEAL the Language and Intelligence and Argument of Dharma to Present their Adharma as Dharma.

Look around. See how Teachers of Fourth Kind will make use of an argument presented by a Scholar to defend their Philosophy or to counter. They Fail miserably in it and are caught by not just the scholars but by their own followers.

Both the Terrorist Organizations and the Fourth Level of Spirituality do that Stealing of the Intelligence of VED and they shall keep doing it, either Openly or Slyly or in Hiding or in The Comments Section of their post.

Oh Lord my Lord Sweet Lord. How I pity Such Philosophies who will now tell me To not Pity but be Compassionate and when I will tell them that that Knowledge of their comes from VED and that Even Compassion if tried to be Felt will be against the Science of the mind and that I am someone who Even exploits the Emotions of Maya to do my Dharmic Duties, they will Shout and scream and become hysterical and abuse Faiths and Call me Drunk.

I am not drunk. I am the one who Injects a Suction which begins sucking out the LAST Drops of Alcohol of Maya left in the System because of being in the world of Maya.

One can Abuse the Doctor who gives us injection that hurts us or We can be How we should be in front of a Doctor who genuinely strives for our cure. Even that Response of ours gets decided or Exhibited as per the Conscience we have.

And I pity them because By Every Discussion and by every statement of theirs they Continur to Give the RIGHT worlds of Spirituality the Reasons why they belong to the Incorrect Sprituality and the Reasons why The Right world should not Listen to them.

There was a Man called 'Arthur Koestler' who Fortunately stumbled upon a Theory Called the Holon Theory. Sometimes people Hit The Right Aim even in the Dark. This Philosophy in a MILDER way corresponds to the Analytical Concept of Maheshwara Darshan. But how Can Maheshwara Darshan be Hailed because The Word SOUL is the Biggest Weapon that has been given to them by Maheshwara himself?

The Soul concept is an Eternal ATMAN concept that comes from Sanatana Dharma. Any Sanatana Dharma Lecture will Always talk about the Analytics of Both Soul and Maheshwara and their Relationship.

Krishna begins his lecture by giving the Soul Analytics First, Cruises it through Mind Control because without it a Man will never be able to Catch the Frequency and Teachings of a Scholar and can never become a Scholar himself and then Gives Maheshwara Concept that Eliminates the Cause and Effect, before giving the Bhakti Science that is that Special feature which makes sure that One need not have even Mind Control or Renunciation and One can attain Freedom from Both Mind and Intelligence which Will Manifest as an Experience that shall have BOTH Soul and Maheshwara.

People Lowest in the Character Hail the Scholars as Drunk and Saints as Idiots or Compare The Teachings of Even a Krishna Backed Lecture as Finding Something in the Dark. They are Dark and Dangerous men of the Planet. When a Terrorist Organization Completely loses all it's power and the Back up, Still Some are seen Hiding away and Talking in Code Language and this Conversation that I talk about was done in an Analogous and discreet manner.

Fourty Level Spirituality can not conceal their Idiotic understanding of being able to hide a few things by talking discreetly and they Reveal their Disrespect against teachings of Pure Nobility and the idea of Faith in every word that they speak whether overtly or covertly.

One of these Idiots uses Lord Sankar's Pics when Scholars are around and the Other Used Shakti Chants at one point. I made sure by the last post that Certain Philosophies are no more able to Cheat the world by their False Respect shown towards The idea of Faith, which was only and only done to Save themselves from the Arrows of a Scholar. At least the Readers of my Page will relate to the Trait of How to identify.

And These Philosophies don't know that I will Shoot at the Painting in such a way that the Painting Will get an Auspicious Mark while the Philosophy that hid behind it will Be DEAD.

Indeed this Fourth kind Spirituality Is Plague. Indeed this Fourth kind Spirituality is Cancer. People who Lost the Stature of being an Arya or a Noble Man long time back in a Life that was Full of Dreadful SINS can NOT relate to the CHARGE of the Chariot of an Arya because they Lost all Warrior Hood and All Glory and all Pride and all Honor and All Aggression Because of their own Non Glorious Deeds which makes them Now a Crying Rat and a Slyly Venomous serpent and the COWARD who Can only Speak when He makes sure that there is No Nobility around that will Clean Sweep All the FILTH.

We shall discuss later Arthur's Holon and Holarchy Theory. To the Noble Men/Women of Faith, The following Information should be Sufficient as of now. Arthur Koestler Committed Suicide with his Wife in 1983.



When the Chariot of a Warrior is Ridden By Radha, The Warrior Re-Establishes DHARMA whether he is on the Chariot or On the Horse or on Foot. Whether he is With a Sword or with a Bow or with KNOWLEDGE, the Colour of the Victory is Saffron.

This is Radha Krishna Charging the Chariot Ridden by Radha, The Queen. Supremely Drunk in the RASA Called Radha, The Arya amongst the Arya releases Most Venomous Arrows of VED that is SANATANA.


Krishna: 'Whether the Conclusion is of Oneness or of Duality or of Diversity, Scholars reach me Only!'

Radha Krishna: 'It is Inconceivable Simultaneous Oneness and duality and diversity. That Means, Krishna and Soul and Maya are One and Two and Many at the Same time. That One and Two and Many Concept Exists in the Frequency of Absolute Absolute too. Even there(Which is Everywhere) we see different Beings(They are all Absolute Absolute in the Realm Called Absolute Absolute) Exhibiting varied Interests and Qualities despite them being the Same One thing. That is Absolute Absolute. Both the Divisibility and Indivisibility feature is Present there too.

That Divisibility Feature that is of Soul when in the Frequency of Absolute Absolute is Absolute Absolute but as soon as it Exits that Frequency(However Every Frequency is Absolute Absolute but because of Yogmaya, Certain things are Mayic Frequencies and some Frequencies are White Formless Light Frequencies which are Lower aspects than the Absolute Absolute Frequency), it is that Sub-Feature which is Neither as Aware as Absolute Absolute nor as Opulent as Absolute Absolute.

Hanumanji that we know is Jeeva Vishishtha Ansha(Pure Soul Differentiated Tattva) as per my Nyaya Verdict. He is also Hailed as Lord Sankar's Incarnation. Brahma, Sankar and Vishnu, that is the Trinity, is Abhinna Ansha (Indifferentiated Tattva). Although the Term Indifferentiated because nothing ever Disintegrates from the Absolute Absolute but Still because of the presence of The Yogmaya Magical Feature of Divisibility Feature of the Absolute Absolute, It is Seen in A Material Universe and It Creates and destroys Planetary Systems.

This Power of theirs CORRESPONDS with the Power of the Soul feature when it is NOT the Absolute Absolute. What is that Feature? A Soul when not Absolute Absolute and when It is only a Sub-Whole than It does not have the Power to create Universes.

We know of a Girl who ties her hair as a Bun just like we see Girls here do that every other day, and Lord Sankar most Surprisingly calls that Young and Innocent Girl as the Source of Sources and the Source of Countless Universes.

Trinity, which is a Part of Absolute Absolute is restricted to only creating Planetary Systems of One Universe to which it belongs and it can Not compete with the Absolute Absolute's power and Opulence of creating Universes or Countless Universes for that matter.

In the World of Maya too, Krishna and Soul and Maya are One and Two and Many and we see diversity because Maya is a set of Goodness Maya, Passion Maya and Ignorance Maya. We as humans are all a Package of Goodness, Passion and Ignorance Maya. When the Package is more of Goodness and Passion, Human Species is Retained. When the Package is more of Passion and Ignorance like the world of Terrorism or the Fourth kind Spirituality than it's difficult to retain the Human body.

Notwithstanding, Every Best man still has Some Ignorance Maya Qualities and The Most Evil Man will have some Goodness Maya qualities. Visit the Lectures of Terrorists and Fourth kind Spirituality, and we will definitely find goodness Traits because Goodness is Maya and they can not remain completely free of it no matter how hard their karmas and consciousness try.

I explained it Because of the Conclusion of Human Mind of Absolute Oneness and Being Rigid against the idea of Twoness and Diversity. It is ok to Conclude in theory that Masculinity and Femininity is One and That Everything is From ONE Source and even Radha and Krishna is One, But we also have to Look at the Simultaneous Presences both in terms of Eternal Theory and Experience.

Eternally Radha and Krishna are seen and known as Two and the Exhibition of Rasa is the Result of Them being Two despite the fact that Rasa is a Power inside both these entities and each one of them does not need another to Enjoy it.

Still, They Are Two Unborn and Eternal Same things just like Soul and Absolute Absolute are Two Unborn and Eternal things despite being One. The Strict Rigidity to The Oneness Stops one from Attempting Bhakti that requires a Sadhana of Twoness(Despite the Fact that A Point of View Shot still makes it Technically a Oneness Sadhana while the Boy Standing in the Front ULTIMATELY confirms the Twoness Too!)

And when one Stops Attempting the Form Meditation Sadhana because of NOT following the RIGHT WAY of Trying and Experimenting with EVERYTHING before living with a Verdict(That goes for Masters and Not Followers) than What will happen will Not be the Source and Supreme Version of the Holon Theory but a Philosophy that would have arisen out of Hollow and Shallow and Rigid mindset.

(I gave a Bit of the Source of the Source of the Holon Theory above. Shall compare Koestler's Holon and Vedic Holon in a Post dedicated to it.)


I have a few Geordie Friends from England. Geordie is a Word that we use for a few Countryside People in England. They Visit me quite often. It was difficult to understand their accent Initially but some Londoners say that even they can't understand it. It is one of the cutest accents I have come across. I sometimes hear them saying 'Unreal' for certain things. Unreal is something that they are used to saying for things which are difficult for them to digest.

We are all born in varied cultures and we begin understanding things as per the meanings of the words of the language we think in, Plus the Consciousness gets carried forward from the previous birth. Then Our own and Individual Mindset comes into the picture.

We see many people not trusting many things and that mostly comes because of the Notions, Mindsets, Languages we think in, Perceptions. I always say, 'Before claiming to be a Master one must cleanse every notion and Try And get Atleast a Disciplined Mind and Emotions in Control so that at least we Can see certain defects of our own minds before coming out and Teaching!'

Every Fourth Level Master Accuses the Men and women of Faith as having an Imprint of a Philosophy or a Programming Not knowing that The Eternal Philosophy asks us to Even Get out that Philosophy from the mind. In fact the Eruption of the form in the Mind post the Cessation of Material Emotions that is accompanied by Rasa is A Complete Freedom from Even Intelligence, What will a Programming or a Philosophy do?

When a Samadhi Attained and a deathless who Speak against a God Philosophy CLEARLY exhibit their lacking of LAST Experience than I am sure we can evaluate The Worth of a Philosophy whose Master never Promised an Emotional Transformation which should be the First lecture of this subject after Giving the Analytics of Soul.

Look at the way Shri Krishna Glides and cruises in his lectures most METICULOUSLY. As a scholar I am a Huge huge huge admirer of His Scholarly Skills. I envy him at times because he Says a few Scholarly things so Stylishly that I can't help by Laud. Thakur, Let me compliment you. It comes from a Scholar and this should make you Proud. 'You are A MIND BLOWING Scholar of the Subject!'

I remember I was deciphering Bhagavad Geeta for the Seventh time If I remember correctly and on one Statement which gave me Goose Gumps I stood on my feet and Shouted, 'Brilliant. Brilliant. How does he know it? How can he know it? He is Class. This is Class. This is Most certainly The Correct and Complete Spirituality and the Lecturer who claims what he is, is Certainly the man who he Claims himself to be. And Thakur ji became My HERO!

Coming Back. It is completely all right to Think of things as Unreal for a Regular intelligence. (I am not calling a Geordie Intelligence as a Regular Intelligence. How Can I? Beardy is a Geordie. It was just an Instance.)

Let's talk about Polished Intelligences.

Einstein: 'Everything is a Miracle. Nothing is a Miracle.'

The above gentleman has Certainly attained a good nurturing of the Intelligence and he has seen the Miracle of a breathing Baby coming out of the mother and Has seen the planets hanging in the Ether and he will never commit the idiocy of Calling anything Unbelievable or Unreal even if he has not seen/Perceived it.

What if I were to say that That Geordie friend of Mine gets accustomed with a few things of the Spiritual subject and gets into teaching without even Beginning any Sadhana, forget about Achieving the Basics of having attained a Good lot of Cleansing to be able to detect faults in one's own consciousness before coming out and Teaching people a subject which must be aware of the defects by an Experience and not by a theory which is based in notions and imprints.

This is a Page that will become 'Unreal' For even Samadhishtha and Deathless Sir, What to talk about the Teachers of Third and Fourth level of Spirituality? We discuss the Eruption of a Quality that is Absent in the Formless Infinity in which Countless Universes Hang and that Eruption happens in a Body which can still die. The Body which breathes and laughs like Everyone has what The Infinity does not have. The Formless Infinity is a BHAV LESS Entity. It is a Formless, Attribute less and Rasa Less Body.

If we were to get stuck with a Tribe who has never ever seen a Human Civilization and we try to tell them that there are people like you who Fly in Heavy Iron Things(Air Planes), They will start shouting in Chorus: 'Hibalala Hubalala Hibalala Hubalala!'

This is what happens when Incorrect Spirituality comes across a Scholar. People of Faith and People who have polished their Intelligences in the IDEAL manner Grasp the Scholar Easily. Einstein would have Got it like a Piece of Cake.

Again, I always say, Atleast attain a State of the Mind which has No Resistance to what is Known as the Ideal way of dealing in the subject of Spirituality and then take it from there.

Forget about Seeing Krishna by the eyes or Having Rasa, I have seen Teachers calling Samadhi or a Most Mundane Siddhi of having attained the power to not get burnt by Fire as 'Unreal'. That is all because of Mindsets which Never Sat for a Mind Sadhana.

For a Master Not Experienced in this Subject, The Correct Subject will become Unreal and when the Fourth Level of Spirituality will come across a lecture which talks about a Boy Following Vishakha in The Himalayas, We will hear 'Hibalala Hubalala all Over!'

We will find people who won't Trust that In Himalayas people are found whose age is Thousands of years.

Lectures of Scholars will make them Bewildered. I don't know what will happen to them if they listen to the Angry Young Man called Sankar's lecture on Radha. Remember Lord Sankar Gave one Word on Radha to Radha Krishna which Became Radha Krishna's biggest Shock in Spiritual Theory? Imagine what will happen if I Give a Detailed analysis of His Entire lecture.


When Arjuna said before the battle I will not fight, Krishna's First Statement before the lecture was in the Bhav of Irritation. He did not expect it from an Arya like Arjun and he said with an Interesting Expression of his Eyebrows which exhibited that he was irritated: 'Why do you talk like an Anarya?' (Non Arya)'

Kripaluji (In Utter Frustration and Supreme Bhav of Irritation): 'People do not have the Theoretical knowledge in place, what to say of any practicality!'

I read somewhere that The Absolute Control can not be With One Entity. I am Not Talking about the PLAYSTATION And Wisdom Darshans of Today which keep changing Stances from Criticising Now to Embracing it To accepting Void to Phenomenology to Holons by their Mechanised thinking, but a Scholar of the Purusha Prakriti Darshan will say that Soul has Complete control over all aspects all the time despite the Diversity.

A Good Void or Nothingness scholar would say that Void has complete control over all aspects at all times despite the Diversity.

A Brahman Scholar would say the Same thing.

An Absolute Absolute Scholar who tells us of the Individual Freedom of Each Soul Both in The world of Maya and Even in the Spiritual world will always say that Even that Diversity is an Intention and Iccha(Will) of the Absolute Absolute Element which has the Ultimate control despite the Free Will which makes a Man a Terrorist or a Saint in a world of Maya and It has the Ultimate Control Over the Soul's Creativity or Brahma's creativity even if a Soul creates a Planet or Brahma creates the fourteen Planetary systems with their own Individual Potency.

That Individual Power is Because of the Supreme Power which Has all the Control every moment. Even the Discrepancy is The Opulence and In the Plan of the Whole.

If a Body part behaves Not in Accordance, Even that Dischord is The Construct of the Opulence of Absolute Absolute. Nothing is possible outside the Fulcrum and the Pleroma of the Opulence and Control of The Absolute Absolute Element, Not even the Most Evident Disconnects.

That is why Shri Krishna has No choice to Release the Control of Cause & Effect no Sooner than the Analytics of Absolute Absolute get known to Souls UNDER Maya. Shri Krishna Has not created the Unborn Cause & Effect but that is an Unborn and Lower Feature of Maya that is the Lowest Shakti of Absolute Absolute.

We have seen even Krishna Saints in the Jail on account of Crimes against women and who Tried to take advantage of the fact that they were free from Cause & Effect. Even a Slight error in Enunciation can get a Ritual wrong and a Slight discrepancy with Eternality May make us Against it.

Both I and Most of the readers of this page are free from the Cause and Effect because they have understood the Krishna Tattva but the Knowers of Correct and Complete Knowledge that we are, we become more responsible because we know now that we are under direct Jurisdiction of Absolute Absolute. Even Brahman which Allows Crimes to happen in Material words has No more control over the Lot which knows the Krishna Tattva Only by it's Analytics and not even by the Experience.

When we walk on the road we make sure that we don't step on tiny creatures, Even in the Weirdest of Our Dreams we don't indulge in Violence against Women and Children. We follow Respectfully the Laws of our Respective Constitutions even if some are in a slight Discrepancy with Eternal laws. Krishna has Immesne Respect for the Good and Noble Human Intelligences and I am very sure A country becomes successful when A Pious mind is behind the Laying of the Constitution.

We Are like that Grass which bends in front of All Philosophies and we do not get into debates. Our Philosophy is the lowest and Radha, the shy Princess, is Lower than the Lowest. At the Slightest invitation of a debate, we say in a volume which is a little Louder than a whisper, 'Radhey Radhey' and we leave that Premise.

BUT YES, When the Conchshell is Blown against the Dishonor, The Hearts of the Most Fearless Must Tremble.

Continuing. The Source Sentience of even The unborn and Inconceivably UnGettable(From Other) Sentience of Soul is Shri Krishna and the Source Inspiration of All the Diversity is Shri Krishna.

A Part of the Entity May behave Differently or in discrepancy but that Diversity comes only because of the Opulence of Absolute Absolute which is One and Two and Diverse at the Same time, Invonceivably.

We all see Jeeva Vishishta Ansha like Hanumanji Behaving in Accordance with Shri Ram's will and we also see Ravan who had come from the Frequency of Absolute Absolute behaving in a manner Which is popular as Against Ram's will. Both are Ram's will. Ram Has complete Control over What is Taught or Thought of as His or his will and What is Taught or Thought of as Not his.

He has complete control over all Discrepancies and Individual Creative powers and Siddhis that certain Parts or Not the Wholes or Even the Humans may have.

Shri Ram has that Privilege and he will Always have that Privilege.

It is Foolishness to Even Think that for Even a Fraction of a Nano Second the Control can be UNCONTROLLABLY Released to another. That will create immediate Chaos in Countless Universes. It is Released In Absolution to a Plenary Expansion. The plenary Expansion is Different than a Soul that has Exited the Absolute absolute Frequency off the Divisibility Feature. That Soul which has Exited the Absolute Absolute Frequency Will have Partial Control. Control is Released Partly to An Ansha and Created beings like us and devatas have a very Small portion of that Control. In Every Feature of Control of every aspect, both the Accordance and the Discrepancy are Always Indirectly and aloofly and Effortlessly controlled by the Absolute Absolute.

Radha Rani has Absolute Control over ALL THAT IS.


I always say, 'Always Come up with a Darshan after an Experience!' If we come up with a Darshan before An Experience of Atleast a Dum Siddhi, Than We shall immediately come in the eyes of the Scholars who don't much care about the Theoretical part in identifying if one is a Scholar or not.

Big Scientists, Metaphysicians, Samadhi Attained, Kundalini Specialists and Known Philosophers Immediately come in the eyes of the Scholars as soon as they claim any of their theory or Conclusion as a Spiritual theory because then they are claiming to be The Master of a Subject which the Scholar is quite confident of and Most of their theories will falls in the category of What I call as Incorrect Sprituality.

And when some Darshans will come in the Category of Disrespectful Incorrect Spirituality than the Discussions in which the Wisest Idiots Give a Smiley which they think expresses their wisdom of identifying the Silent and Sly attack of an Idiot who Knows NOT what to do as a Human yet Barges his Nose in the ways that can be known only to the Scholars. And This Wise Man said once after concluding something with his Idiot Friend, 'That Nudges God Out of it!' That is how certain Characters, who sometimes get lucky to be seen as humans, Talk.

What is The Way and what is Not the way sounds best when Scholars say it and It sounds as Jokery when Confirmed Imbecility Specialists say it.


When we come up with a Darshan after being a Scientist of the mind, Than a Little debate over Little differences in Darshans may happen and Everyone will know that It is Not a Theory based Subject so there is Not much Fight. Notwhithstanding even that, the Science of the Mind that Fetches us Freedom From Mind and Intelligence Must be Understood by Experience otherwise We can Never Ever be the Master of Correct and Complete Spirituality.

Even if a Man copies a Scholar and begins teaching the Maheshwara Darshan than too I am saying that He is Teaching a Theory and he is NOT A Scholar. Even though That Theory has the POWER to free us from Cause and Effect but I still do not Give that lecture the Qualification of An Ideal Spiritual Lecture.

A Darshan comes Later. First Give the Science of the Mind, Explain how to get rid of the Distress which is the reason why this Subject is Taken up and then We shall Talk about the Darshans whether the Soul or Maheshwara or Void or Bhakti Darshan.

The True Master's fight should Not be of Knowing or Concluding or Explaining a Darshan, A True Master must First Experience what is to be Experienced and then He must strive his level best to make sure that the followers get it. Darshans we handle later and Handling Darshans too is an art that the Scholar Knows and he Gives the Darshans in Accordance if he knows he is in a room where Varied Mindsets sit. That is a different and vast topic though. We shall discuss it in another thread.

And what do we see in the Third and Fourth kind of philosophies? A Mix and match in only the Theory and that too keeps changing. No work was ever done to be able to be the Teacher who is fit to be blabbering.

How many times have you seen me Changing my Darshan in the last Eight years since I began writing about my Experiences? It is ok to Switch and we must switch. Even masters can but Masters have more responsibility than many. One must not perform a Heart Transplant or a Surgery before Both Theoretical Knowledge and Practical knowledge are at least in a Good place if not a perfect place.

Talking about copying a Scholar and Lecturing. If that is the Case then the Man will have to make sure that he does not Involve his own Intelligence into the lecture when he speaks and he copies the exact words and even commas because he has not the Experience and his Intelligence's conclusion about why a Comma was used will be in discrepancy with why was it actually used.

A Mild discrepancy in The Sadhana prescribed can Considerably slow the progress or change the course completely.

Shall Continue this.

Saw the movie Kabir Singh today. Got blown away by that Alcoholic and angry Surgeon who performs Surgeries that go hundred percent accurate. I LOVED the Angry Young Man's Love for that Innocent Girl played by Kiara Advani.

She looked Cute and Portrayed Innocence nicely. Dint She? I liked The Direction. Somewhat Down South style but I guess the Director is from down south and that it's a Remake.

I loved Kiara's Deewangi(Madness) for the boy. Deewangi for a Boy who was Angry all the time and the Boy Lost All of it When with Her.

She actually became his Solace.

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