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Rated: 13+ · Book · Experience · #2171316
As the first blog entry got exhausted. My second book
Evolution of Love Part 2
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July 22, 2019 at 2:23am
July 22, 2019 at 2:23am
That I read and Picked Up......

1. " Remember that when you think you are seeing giants, they May NOT be giants at all; perhaps it is you who is the Dwarf......"

2. " Choose your battles Wisely. After all, life isn't measured by how many times you stood up to fight. It's NOT winning battles that makes you happy, but It's HOW many times You TURNED AWAY and chose to look into a BETTER direction. Life is too short to spend it on warring. Fight only the Most, Most, MOST IMPORTANT ones, let the rest GO......."

3. " Before you FIND your soul mate, you MUST First DISCOVER your Soul.....".

4. " We Should NOT stop believing in GOD when He starts to let go of our hand; Because at that moment He begins to LET GO of your hand, that's the moment He's begun to Believe in YOU ! He says, "I Believe in you, I KNOW you can." And that's NOT the time to stop believing in someone, when He is believing in you. A Good Father knows when to let go and start believing that YOU CAN. We may not understand it at first, but after we look at ourselves and say "Wow, I'm awesome, I did that all by myself." Then we say "Thanks, Dad. If you never LET GO of me, I would have NEVER learned HOW TO FLY..........."

I hope that I can incorporate some of them in my Life.....
July 21, 2019 at 5:09am
July 21, 2019 at 5:09am

*Eating Fruit on Empty Stomach*

This will open your eyes ! Read to the end and then send it on to all on your e-list. I just did !

Dr Stephen Mak treats terminal ill cancer patients by an "un-orthodox" way and many patients recovered.

Before he used solar energy to clear the illnesses of his patients, he believes on natural healing in the body against illnesses. See his article below.

It is one of the strategies to heal cancer. As of late, my success rate in curing cancer is about 80%.

Cancer patients shouldn't die. The cure for cancer is already found - *its in the way we eat fruits.*

It is whether you believe it or not.

I am sorry for the hundreds of cancer patients who die under the conventional treatments.


We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths.

It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know how and *when* to eat the fruits.

What is the correct way of eating fruits?



If you eat fruits on empty stomach, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.


Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit.

The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so due to the bread taken before the fruit.

In the meantime the whole meal of bread & fruit rots and ferments and turns to acid.

The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil.

So please eat your fruits on an *empty stomach* *or before your meals !*

You have heard people complaining :

Every time I eat watermelon I burp, when I eat durian my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet, etc.. etc..

Actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on _an empty stomach._

The fruit mixes with the putrefying of other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat !

Greying hair, balding, nervous outburst and dark circles under the eyes all these will *NOT* *happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.*

There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter.

If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the *SECRET of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weight.*

When you need to drink fruit juice - *drink only fresh fruit juice,* NOT from the cans, packs or bottles.

Don't even drink juice that has been heated up.

Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all.

You only get its taste.
Cooking destroys all the vitamins.

But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice.

If you should drink the fresh fruit juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it.

You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse or detoxify your body.

Just eat fruits and drink fresh fruit juice throughout the 3 days.

And you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look !

*KIWI fruit:*
Tiny but mighty.
This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away?
Although an apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin C thereby _helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke._

Protective Fruit.
Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits & protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging and free radicals.

Sweetest medicine.
Taking 2-4 oranges a day may _help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens the risk of colon cancer._

Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which _helps boost our immune system._

They are also *a key source of lycopene the cancer fighting oxidant.*
Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium.

Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content.

Guava is also rich in fiber, which _helps prevent constipation._

Papaya is rich in carotene; this is _good for your eyes._

*Drinking COLD water or drinks after a meal = CANCER*

Can you believe this ?

For those who like to drink cold water or cold drinks, this article is applicable to you.

It is nice to have a cup of cold water or cold drinks after a meal.

*However, the cold water or drinks will solidify the oily stuff that you have just eaten.*

*It will slow down the digestion.*

*Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food.*

*It will line the intestine.*

*Very soon, this will turn into FATS and lead to CANCER !*

_*It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.*_

Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.

July 20, 2019 at 12:01am
July 20, 2019 at 12:01am
A few weeks ago, I had attended a birthday party of my daughter’s friend. There they played a game, the age old ‘Passing the parcel’, however, what was different was the way it was played. The child who was caught with the parcel when the music stopped was asked to leave the circle, but with that parcel as the gift, and then a new parcel was introduced. The game continued till every child got a gift. I asked the mother what was wrong with the earlier version, the version we had all grown up with.

She said – “I do not like kids to be disappointed. See, here every child is happy as he or she gets to take a gift home.”

In another instance, I was in the park with my daughter. She was playing lock and key with her friends. Now, one of her friends fell down. Her mother, who was on the other side of the park ran to his son, all confused and upset. She scooped her son in her lap and started inquiring – “Are you hurt? Let me see! Do no cry! Shush, mama is here.”

The child, had a scraped knee, who was perfectly OK till then, started crying earnestly.

I was at a friend’s home for lunch. Her 5-year old daughter refused to eat what was cooked for lunch. My friends felt so guilty that her daughter would go hungry, that she cooked up her favourite pasta immediately. According to her, it was not the first time this had happened.

At the School Sports Day, there are no races, no competition. No first, second or runner ups. Because, everyone is equal, there should be no competition between the kids.

Kids today have a room full of toys and games. Some they ask, some they do not. But, they still get them.

Everything in excess is the new mantra of life.

Our parents taught us self-reliance, while we hover around our children and want to protect them at all costs. We like to hold our babies closer to the protection of the nest. We go out of our way and rustle up something when they don’t eat what’s cooked at home for everyone else, because we don’t them to sleep hungry. Instead of letting them play outside, we organize activities for them. We do their homework and their assignments. We even resolve their conflicts for them.

It makes me wonder, what will happen to these kids when they grow up?

Will they get a gift everytime they fail? Will they be able to handle disappointment? A child who has never been denied anything, how will he cope with rejections? There are a growing number of cases when kids run away from home or commit suicide because they are not able to deal with low marks in examinations or when they fail to secure an admission in an institution of their choice.

Will their parents keep them hidden in their bosom all their life? Our mothers never ran after us, a scraped knee was just that. She would ask us to wash it with some water and then forget about it. But, there was no drama that followed.

Falling and hurting was a part of daily life for us. We cycled, climbed up trees and jumped from the stairs. Today, kids travel in elevators and escalators (because they might fall down the stairs and get themselves hurt). Earlier, kids walked and cycled. I hardly see kids walking nowadays, unless it’s for a kids’ marathon and they are required to pose for selfies with their cool mommies.

Will they shy away from competition or be able to survive it? OK, so we can accompany our kids till the college gate and sit in the waiting area while they appear for a job interview.

A child who is never used to losing – how will he survive in the big bad world?

We are raising our kids to be adult babies.

So what should we do?

Stop telling our children that they are special all the time. They are not, at least not always. So reserve the praises for the times when they actually deserve.

Stop going out of the way to create happiness in their life. The life is a mix of joys and sorrows, and it is for a reason. We have no right to interfere with the nature. So let’s stop pretending that everything is all right when it’s not. Let the kids have their fair share of disappointments at an early age. It’s better to fall at 10, than at 40 !!
July 19, 2019 at 2:51am
July 19, 2019 at 2:51am
Major A.W. Chadwick O.B.E. (1890-1962) was in the British army serving in South America. After getting captivated by Brunton’s A Search in Secret India (no.1), he resigned his post, came to Sri Ramanasramam in November 1935 and remained there for good. He became Sadhu Arunachala and lies buried in the Ashram campus. He rendered into English all the original works of Sri Ramana, which were perused by the Maharshi himself. He authored A Sadhu’s Reminiscences of Ramana Maharshi (1961).

When I first entered the Hall, he greeted me with his lovely smile and asked if I had my breakfast, and then told me to sit down. Bhagavan talked to me the whole morning and asked me many questions about my life and myself. All this seemed quite natural. He was very interested to hear about Brunton whom I had met in London. I felt the tremendous peace of his presence, his graciousness. It was not as though I was meeting him for the first time. It seemed that I had always known him. In spite of being entirely new to India and its customs, nothing that happened in the first days of my stay at the Ashram seemed strange to me; it was all quite natural.

Whenever people came to Bhagavan with their family stories he would laugh with the happy, and at times shed tears with the bereaved. He never raised his voice. He would never touch money because he never had need of it and was not interested in it. He preferred every sort of simplicity and liked to sit on the floor, but a couch had been forced upon him and this became his home for most of the twenty-four hours of the day.

He would never- if he could help it- allow any preference to be shown to him. If any attachment to anything on earth could be said of him, it was surely to the Hill.

He loved it and said it was God itself.

Bhagavan was invariably kind to all animals. Snakes and scorpions were never allowed to be killed. For dogs, he always had a tender spot. At one time a small puppy would always relieve itself near the office. The sarvadhikari got furious and tried to drive it out of the Ashram. Bhagavan came to its rescue saying that if some child did the same thing nobody would be angry, and the puppy was only a child and knew no better. He seemed specially to love monkeys and often said that in many ways they were better than human beings. He would often give directions that they should be fed, and encouraged them in many ways to the annoyance of the management to whom they were a great nuisance. He also told us how, at times, people would reincarnate in the body of some animal just for a chance to be near him. There is, of course, the famous example of Lakshmi, the Ashram cow.
Bhagavan was a very beautiful person; he shone with a visible light or aura. He had the most delicate hands I have ever seen with which alone he could express himself, one might almost say talk. His features were regular and the wonder of his eyes was famous. His forehead was high and the dome of his head the highest I have ever seen. His body was well-formed and of only medium height, but this was not apparent as his personality was so dominant that one looked upon him as tall. He was always scrupulously clean and his body gave off a faint perfume, though he never used any scented soap.
Bhagavan always radiated tremendous peace, but on those occasions when crowds were attracted to the Ashram such as Jayanti and Deepam,

This increased to an extraordinary degree. The numbers seem to call up some reserve of a hidden force, and it was a great experience to sit with him at such times.
Bhagavan had a great sense of humor, and when talking a smile was never far from his face. He had many jokes in his repertoire and was a magnificent actor; he would always dramatize the protagonist of any story he related. When the recital was very pathetic he would be filled with emotion and could not proceed.

On the question of attaining Self-realisation, Bhagavan told me that in the early stages a person who was regularly meditating would usually at first go into a trance which would probably last for some thirty minutes, and if he continued with his tapas properly, such samadhi would become more frequent. A person can still carry on with the ordinary day-to-day business but he no longer identifies himself with the activities but watches them like a dreamer watching a dream.

While knowing Bhagavan’s teaching, that all is only an appearance and a creation of mind, I found his teaching on dreams hard to understand and would often question him on the subject. The waking state seemed to me continuous, going on from day-to-day. I awoke into the same world each day whereas my dreams were always different, they were distinct. However, Bhagavan never accepted this distinction and repeated that the criticism only arose in the waking state and never in that of dreams. Then I myself had a dream:

I was having an argument with somebody on the subject of dreams and in the course of this, I said, “Whatever you say, Bishop Berkeley was right, things are only in the mind, there is no reality outside that. Things do not exist; so dream and waking experience must be exactly the same. They are only mental concepts.” “You say that now”, the other replied, “but you would not talk like that in a dream.” And then I woke up. The whole thing was intensely vivid.

Some people would fail to see how this applies to the above. But the point is that the dream was so real that I never questioned it to be anything but the waking state. The two were exactly the same.

Bhagavan said that the mind was like a monkey, never still for one second, it was an almost hopeless task to try and quieten it; the best thing to do was to give it a productive employment and never allow it to fritter itself away. Let it concentrate on ‘Who am I’? And then there will be no room for any other thought.

Many people identified Bhagavan with Dakshinamurthi, the silent Guru, who gave the instruction to four Kumaras in silence; because no word can express that which is beyond all words and no mind can grasp that which is beyond mind. How eloquent silence could be for the seeker can be illustrated by the following episode, which I witnessed personally.

A gentleman from Kashmir came to the Ashram with his assistant who could not speak a word of any other language except his native Kashmiri. One night when the Hall was almost dark except for the pale glimmer of a single hurricane lantern, the assistant came into the Hall and stood before Bhagavan in a respectful manner jabbering something rapidly in his language. Bhagavan said nothing but lay quietly gazing at him. After a while, the assistant saluted and left the Hall. Next morning his master came to Bhagavan and complained: Bhagavan, you never told me you could speak Kashmiri, was it fair?
When Bhagavan asked how he thought so, he said: Last night my assistant came to you and asked several questions in his language. He tells me that you answered him in the same language and cleared all his doubts. “But I never opened my mouth”, replied Bhagavan.

Bhagavan never initiated by touch. He always refused to place his hands on a person’s head though very many besought him to do so. However, in one case he made an exception. An old sannyasi, who was an ex- stationmaster, came from Mysore. Bhagavan seemed from the first very sympathetic and unusually kind towards him. When he was leaving the Ashram, he entered the Hall, which happened to be empty at the time. The sannyasi prayed to Bhagavan to place his hands on his head and knelt quite close to the couch, resting his head against it. Bhagavan turned towards him and placed both his hands on his head for a few minutes without saying anything. Then the sannyasi rose and left the Hall showing great emotion.

The Taylors, an American couple, came to the Ashram. Taylor was a retired postmaster. They became much attached to Bhagavan. One day, Mrs.Taylor suddenly said in the Hall, “Bhagavan, I want Self-realization.” “Wait”, replied Bhagavan, “it will come in due time.” “No”, she answered, “that is no good. I want it here and now.” Bhagavan tried to explain to her that when she was ready everything would work out all right. But she insisted: she must have it here and now and it was up to him to give it to her. Bhagavan said nothing but gazed at her steadily in the eyes for some minutes or so. She suddenly burst into tears and rushed out of the Hall, but would never tell anybody what had happened.

One evening I asked permission to go to Pondicherry. Bhagavan asked, “Why?” I replied that I was having trouble with one of my teeth and wanted to consult the dentist. As he kept quiet, I did nothing. Later he asked me, “I thought you were going to Pondicherry, you are still here.” “But you never gave me leave”, I replied. Bhagavan kept quiet. It turned out that my trouble righted itself; something that had jammed against the gum became loose and there was no need for a dentist. A few months later I again had trouble, this time with another tooth. On asking permission and telling Bhagavan the reason why I wanted to go, he immediately said, “Yes, go.” This time the journey did prove necessary.

Bhagavan said that the principal sadhanas we should practice were to eat only sattvic food and observe satsanga. He laid no other rules. He said that the mind was entirely created by the food we ate.
Bhagavan never taught morals and had no special abhorrence to sex. He once said in answer to troubled disciples in my hearing, “It is better to do it than to be always thinking about it.” This reminds one of the Gita, “Thoughts are acts in their infancy.”

One day Bhagavan said, “Why do you think that you are the doer? It is absurd, as it is obvious that ‘I’ does nothing. ‘I’ is always the witness. Concentrate on being the witness and let things take their course, they will go on anyhow, you cannot prevent them.”
Bhagavan was insistent on ‘means’ and taught that we should leave the ‘ends’ to look after themselves.

Bhagavan said, “Don’t worry about what other people are doing or saying, you have quite enough to do in worrying about yourself. First reform yourself and then it will be time enough to think about the world. How can you help the world until you have helped yourself?”
If asked about Self-realisation, what it was like, or what would be our state in future, he would always reply, “Why worry about something in future? It is here and now which are important. You are always Self- realized, but only ignorant of the fact.”

Bhagavan was deeply interested in the construction of the shrine built on his mother’s samadhi. He attended every function connected with it. At night, when no one was about, he would walk round and round the construction consecrating it. That he should take such a demonstrative part in anything has a very deep significance. It was extremely rare and has been doubted by many, but I myself was an eyewitness to these things and can vouch for their truth.

The philosophy of this greatest sage can be summed up in just three words, “There is nothing.” So simple yet so supremely difficult. This entire world that we see, this mad rush of people after money and ‘existence’ is just a fabricless thought. We are like the shadow of a leaf cast by the moonlight, intangible and unsubstantial. You may justly turn to me and ask, “Who wants this purely negative state?” I can only reply, “It is just a question of taste.” 9 But this being nothing, there must obviously be a state which is something. That state is Self-realisation. Not only it is something but it is everything.

An Australian journalist in the course of his visit to the Ashram came to my room. It was obvious from the first moment that I was a tremendous problem to him. Why a European should shut himself away in a place like this was beyond his comprehension! He asked many questions but none of my replies satisfied him. At length, he could not contain himself and bluntly asked me what I was doing here. I just said that here I found peace of mind. I know it was an inadequate answer but hoped it would stave off further inquiries. He looked at me seriously for a few minutes and then said pityingly, “Oh, I see, I have never been troubled in that way myself.” All I had succeeded in doing was confirming his conviction that I was insane.

But let us return to the question and admit straightaway that even now I am unable to reply satisfactorily. I can only say, I came because I wanted to. And why do I stay? Because I want to. To my metal, Bhagavan was a magnet and as yet his magnetism has lost none of its forces. I am helpless.

I see him sitting in the Hall completely detached, entirely unmoved by the happenings which seem so momentous to me, his face wreathed in the most lovely of smiles, and an expression of serenity and beauty on it which is impossible to describe, or even believe unless you have seen it yourself. No books written in the past, no stories of former saints can convey the same message: after all there is always the chance that they may have been frauds. But this is absolutely genuine and I am unable to doubt any longer even if I want to. Here we are on the bedrock of certainty in an ever-changing and uncertain world.

I doubt if we realize how lucky we are. One is inclined to get used to things and take them for granted. But there is no taking Bhagavan for granted, he is always surprisingly different, and that is one of the greatest wonders of his presence.

Extracts from his poems:

I say that I have surrendered
But what have I given up?
It’s easy to talk in this fashion Though it’s nothing but empty words, Which came from the tongue too glibly In a sentimental way.

It is all just show and pretending, Prostrating and that sort of thing. Quoting of texts and of shastras, Perfect in word not in deed. I’am sick, sick, sick of this business, I want to start fresh but I can’t.

Transmute me until I am blended
With you so that both are as One. When there’s no longer the talk of surrender Then alone has surrender begun.

Will you not let me go?
Here, in an alien land I pass my hours, Far from my country and all former ties. A restless longing slowly me devours That me all wordly happiness denies. And so, will you not let me go?

Will you not let me go?
I am a fool that I should try to flee; For here, there is a peace I’ll never find When I the least am separate from Thee, Then I’ll be but a slave to caitiff mind. And so, I do not wish to go.

DavidGodmansays:Sometime in1928-29, RangaswamiGounder brought a sofa and asked Bhagavan to sit on it. When Bhagavan refused, he started crying. For three successive days he was crying in the hall, begging Bhagavan to accept the gift. Finally, on the night of the third day, Bhagavan got off the bench (on which he had been sitting till then), and occupied the sofa.

AnnamalaiSwamial so says: “Many devotees, including myself,felt that he
radiated more than the usual amount of power and grace on jayanti days.”

‘It is a question of taste’,reminds us of a Hindi couplet,according to which:
The lust and attachment to the world, renounced by saints and hugely sought after by fools, is the same as the dog eating with relish what a human being vomits.
July 19, 2019 at 2:20am
July 19, 2019 at 2:20am
What is Stress ??

A beautiful girl asks lift from you.

On the way she suddenly falls sick.

You take her to Hospital.

Doctor says : "Congratulations, you're gonna become a Daddy''.

Now you are under Stress.

You say, "No, am not the Father".

But the girl insists that you are the Father.

Now you're under some serious Stress..

Police comes and conducts Medical Tests.

After the test, it is proved that you are not the father and moreover you can never become a Father....

That's some more really really serious Stress.

But still you thank God and walk out.

And suddenly you remember you've two kids at home.

And think, if you cannot become a father then whose kids are they ??

Now that is REAL STRESS...
July 18, 2019 at 12:01am
July 18, 2019 at 12:01am
It is IMPOSSIBLE to Experience the Presence of the Soul for a Master or a Follower of Both the Third and Fourth Kind of Spirituality.
If Krishna is Kind and he Gives Samadhi or Switches off Maya then Even a Lion can Experience it without being in a Human body and without knowing anything about Spirituality but Krishna does not do that easily, and Soul in the World of Maya and when it is Under Maya does NOT have the power to Give Samadhi to the body it is in Or to Switch off Maya(Bhagavad Prapti)

To be able to SOMEWHAT sense the Presence of a Soul, A Mind Must Live in an Advanced State of 'Halting to Zero' Discipline or Like I mentioned Either Cessation of Emotions/Both Cessation and Arising of Emotions HAVE to be there.

There is NO WAY a Body can Experience SPIRITUAL JOY unless the Non Intoxicating Joy in every cell Is attained by Cessation of Emotions OR The Supremely Intoxicating Joy in every cell is Attained by Both Cessation of Emotions and Arising of Subsequent Emotions. Even in a Dum Siddhi State, Only Relative Peace is Experienced and NOT any Joy.

There is a Difference between Reduction of Disturbance (Emotion) and Death/Cessation of Disturbance. Former Reduces Distress but Joy is attained Only 'At least' at the event of Samadhi. That is The End of Disturbance and An Interesting Joy in every cell and If The Case is Bhagavad Prapti then It is the Most De-distressing and Most Joyous State.

We very well Know That By this in knowledge of ours Eckhart Tolle lives with the Cessation of Emotions and he certainly Experiences A Non Intoxicating Bliss in Every Cell. We also know that Kripaluji Maharaj lived with BOTH the Cessation of Emotions and Arising of Non- Suffering Emotions. That means he must have lived with Both Bliss and The Most Joyous State That we say. We say Most Joyous because as compared to the 'Cessation of Emotions' State, it is a Far More Superior Experience.

Thus, It is only and Only when a man lives with either of the Above states, He Can KNOW the Bliss and Joy in Experience. Philosophies don't know of these Blisses in theory and Still The words Bliss and Joy do as much round as the Word Spirituality and Meditation. Does Radha Krishna Know the Bliss and Joy? If we Go by the Experience of the Bliss(Intoxicating/Non Intoxicating) in Each Cell, Radha Krishna DOES NOT experience the Bliss and the Joy that ACTUAL BLISS/JOY talk about all the time. (But he said he Experiences RASA. What is that then? We are coming to that.)

Again Thus, In the Third and Fourth level or Inexperienced Spirituality, A Teacher/Follower Must not say that they Experienced a Bliss or a Joy because When someone will ask them about the Journey/Experience/Sadhana/Mind Science, They would Give a Wrong Answer because Inexperience Based Spirituality is Wrong Spirituality. Any Spirituality that is NOT Practical in the Practical Practical Way and Not even PRACTICAL IN JUST THEORY way is Incorrect Spirituality.

Just because we know that the Practicality of Spirituality is Bliss and Joy in theory, we can Not come out and say that we experienced Bliss and Joy. That will either be termed as Deception OR One shall Again Exhibit the Inexperience by Claiming that the Joy that we Experience on seeing Mountains or In a Serene environment is Spiritual Bliss and Joy. That is MAYA and Mayic Joy that we experience in Jungles and As a Sanyasi and in Vacations or in Silence alongside a River or sitting alone in a Jungle and hearing The Therapeutic Sound of a waterfall. They are all Maya and so they Give us Mayic disturbances. We like them because in the Heirarchy of Material Joys they Fall higher because that is Goodness Maya just like Radha Krishna's angst sometimes is Goodness Maya. But Maya is Maya.

And We don't Stress our minds too much on out Business affairs when we go Touring and so It Feels we Relaxed. That is a Temporary relief. The Root Cause is there and We will again be the same Stressed man when we come back or get a call. Also, Concentrating at a scenic view shall Hold the Thoughts to some extent and we may Experience De distress and even that is not the Sustained De Distress that One Actually Attains by a mind Sadhana.

A Depression Pill Suppresses the Symptoms, The Cure can only be attained if the Curer Knows The Science of Maneuvering or Halting. And in Spirituality, Maneuvering keeps Us Material. One Must consult the Panic and Mind threads many a times if one wants to Understand the Basic Complications of The Mind Body Reaction Theorem.

Coming Back. If any Teacher of Spirituality finds out in the due course that it's a Practicality based subject and He/She feels to somehow Retain the Followers(And Still does not want to follow Practicality himself) or Smartly add/change Course then What he can do is He Can LIE That He has The Experience of that Joy and Bliss and the Experience of Presence of An Entity that is not the body but He must VERY SMARTLY present a Science of the Mind by Finding a Scholar First and At least Understanding in Theory what Gets Explained in the Complicated Mind Control (And Related) threads.

See, Practicality was still not known But If one is Intelligent, He can Present himself as that Practical Knower and MANY seekers will Not be able to Catch it.

Seekers are Innocent lot. When many don't know how to catch the Third and Fourth or Even the Second level Spirituality for that Matter than How can they catch an Intelligent Man's smart deception of Giving the Practicality of The Mind and not Knowing it in Practise? But a Good deal of Work has to be done because a Scholar needs to be found and then His Related Lecture and then A Lot of Brainstorming before one can come out and DECEIVE. A Lot of Pros and Cons need to be worked out.

Radha: 'I am the Gambling of the Cheats!

She means, 'I am the Intelligence of Those Master Con Men and Master Deceivers in the Game of Cards!'

And then The Teacher can come out and Begin by Lecturing the Science of the mind which he knows not Practically but he will still be able to deceive.

And Then What the Teacher can do is that He can Give the Symptoms of Samadhi Attained or Even Bhagavad Prapta and even Attach Videos of a Few Fearless and Straight Postured Samadhi Attained. He can Make Sure that People don't Come and Check Samadhi Symptoms in him because he won't have it and Not even Use the Word Samadhi when mentioning the Bliss and Joy. Only Say, 'I Live in Bliss and Joy!' These smart statements will be those SAVERS because we never claimed that we had Samadhi just in case A Scholar questions. Let the Scholar know that the Con Man does not experience the Spiritual Bliss and Joy. The Scholar is not going from Door to Door Explaining that that is Not Bliss and Joy.

A Samadhi Attained Does not experience Bliss in Only Mountains or Rasa Experiencer Experiences RASA in only Mountains. Both Have what they have when they are even Taking Showers.

When Bliss Is Experienced or Even a De-Distressing Halted State of Mind is There, The Mind is NOT Producing Thoughts. In even a completely Controlled Mind state, as soon as his mind will start talking about the Beauty of the Mountains (By Thoughts), The Body will go in a Chaotic State of PLEASING Disturbance. And because Even The Last Mind Control has not yet given the Man a Samadhi or a Bhagavad Prapti so Even in the Mountains there will be a few moments of DE DISTRESS or the Presence of a Soul but NOT the Bliss or the Joy.

A Rasa Experiencer Can Experience Rasa Even Before Samadhi. That is, as we have Always Discussed, both an Adbhuta Baat and a Tathya (Strange Thing and an Epistemological Fact) Known to Scholars by both theory and Experience.

However, If the Spiritual Teacher claims that he Has begun Experiencing Bliss and Joy Before Samadhi or Bhagavad Prapti than He Must Present his case as the Special case. As a Scholar I have Not yet come across any such case since the time my Research goes back to and it goes back to Yugas and Yugas. However, A Scholar may NOT be aware of this Strange Phenomena and Not a Known Phenomena and the Teacher must present his case with strong practical experience and Science of the mind.

In case of Conning, The Teacher knows that he does not Experience it and so he may follow what a Scholar advises on 'How To Deceive?' Again, The Joy that We Experience in certain Peaceful Situations are all Maya. What we see is Maya?What we Think is Maya? What we feel is Maya?

Even After Catching the Samadhi or Bhagavad Prapti or Rasa, In Theory Nothing can be said, Yet We say that a man became free of the mind in Samadhi and That he becomes free of Both Mind and Intelligence in Bhagavad Prapti(Absolute Absolute Attainment)

One May Argue that Radha Krishna Ji, What if You Copied the Science of the Mind from an Avatara'd lecture and did a Brilliant Homework and by Your Intelligent Intelligence, you Presented the Science of the mind in those Threads as if you know it in practise while the Truth is that You have done what you are advising con men. And You Have attached Kripaluji's Videos so You Have Given Experience Symptoms also.

And you have very Smartly said that Your body still NOT Exhibits as CLEARLY as Kripaluji's Body may Exhibit and that The Maya is NOT switched off so Even if I look at you, I will not be able to confirm it.

In That case, I will Say just three Things.

1. Who is the Man behind giving you all these possibilities and strategies?

2. Please have a Look at the Confidence and detailing on this Page. In fact, Please read only this Post again and You shall Find it very difficult to Not Trust me. Even Leonardo did not have that Confidence when He Deceived Tom Hanks in Steven's 'Catch me if you Can'! Remember the Scene?

3. If I am Lying, Than It is very simple. Radha Krishna does not have it but everything else is true so We will go and Listen to the Man whose Videos I have attached. My work still gets done because I am That Business Man who approaches Thakurji for Another Gift once a Man Experiences an Experience after coming across me or If the Source information was me. I will lose following but I will NOT lose my business. But how many Con Men will be ok with that proposition?

Conning Happens in the Game of Incorrect Spirituality and Incorrect Religion to Gain Followers and to Make many the Followers of the Passion of One Human Being or a Group.

Talking About Rasa that I Experience. It is a Non Suffering Joy Which, as per my Nyaya Verdict, is Either a Unique MAYIC Experience Not Related to Goodness, Passion and Ignorance Maya(This is Technically Very difficult but I will still keep it) OR An Actual Soul Experience. And even in this Case, even if it is A Definite Soul Experience, It can still not be confirmed in Theory. But Yes, It is That Joy which is Of the Svabhav and Category of The Most Joyous State that we Talk about and like I said before, There is a Stark Difference between The Distressing Emotion of an Earthly Boy Girl Relationship and a Non Suffering Joy which begins with a PANG for Maheshwara and a Form Eruption. It's Got nothing to do with that Mayic Feature.

And Talking about Love in Spiritual Context. It is Not Even Experienced in Deathless States and Infinite Tattva and So It is Sad that The Spirituality that We talk about Uses this word Every now and then. When Love is NOT present in the Samadhi Spirituality than How Can The Spiritual Games Continue the usage of this word? Some May say that It's not that Scholars only have the Right to word LOVE. I am Not saying that. Please make use of this word all the Time for Earthly things and Relationships but If Anyone will Make use of it in the 'Beyond the Matter' Context than A Scholar of RASA has all the right to look into it and see if Any Undertaking of That Rasa/Soul Love/Soul Bhav Concept was Ever known or Initiated by the One who Promoting the idea.

I Have even Used the Word Soul Beat for Rasa and Have Titled a Post as 'Rasa is Soul Bhav!' That Strictly Comes From My ANUBHAVA(Experience) of Contradicting Emotions. A Nyaya Verdict.

It's very important to understand what Maya is, atleast in Theory, before using words like Bliss and Soul and Love. I shall Discuss Maya Tattva in Detail in a Post.

I am amidst Himalayas like I said in the Last Post of this Thread. Have not yet attained what I come here for. No need to go anywhere to look for Soul Bliss and Soul Joy and Soul Rasa and the Dark Skinned Boy. Run away from The Bliss/Joy/Love Disasters and Only and Only Fix the Mind on the Form of your Choice. I sometimes go here and there because A Few things happen. When they happen with you, you shall also go, but that Law of Abandoning All Sadhanas and All Endeavors and Only REMEMBERING A Form is an Uncuttable Statement said by Thakurji Himself.

Mind remains fixed on the Girl who is free of Residence yet She resides and that Residing is a Superior aspect than No Residence.

Radha: 'Every Creation Rests upon me but I don't reside in Every creation!'

That is because If the Absolute Absolute will be seen residing in Certain worlds like Earth than Residing in such worlds will immediately gain Merit.

Yuddhishthira: 'There is NO merit is Living and leading an Existence Where Govind Does not reside!'

Yet, Mind Remains fixed on the Girl who Resides at the Hills of Vindhya, Shore of River Yamuna, In Dwarka and atop a Hill or At the base of a Huge Rock or at the Base of a Hill in the Mountains which Is popular amongst us as VALLEY.
July 17, 2019 at 2:39am
July 17, 2019 at 2:39am
When goodness grows weak ,
When evil increases ,
I make myself a Body .
In every age , I come back
To deliver the Holy ,
To destroy the sin of the sinner ,
To establish righteousness .

One of the great distinctions between Western and Eastern thought is that the West tends to think in terms of linear time span ___ the world and human history having a definitive beginning , middle and end . On this horizontal time line , God has specific , historical interventions .

In contrast , the East thinks in terms of great cycles : ascension and descension , creation and destruction , growth and decay ; these cycles are seen as continually repeating waves in an Eternal Cosmic Process . Civilizations , Religions and Individuals are all part of this on going cycle .
The appearance of the Avatar (God manifestation in human form) is essential to this Eternal Movement of Spiritual Decline by regeneration .
July 16, 2019 at 9:13am
July 16, 2019 at 9:13am
My vision is so simple that neither can the mind embrace it nor put it into words. What I see is that Being is the very first expression of this dynamic energy of Silence – that primal matter which gives life to life.

Global Awareness designs the forms, the vibrations, their frequencies and the “I am” gives them names. It is through the appearance of word, of the “I am”, that the innumerable life expressions well up: the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom…

The “I am” is the ocean of all forms of existence. It is the abode of time and space. It is the birthplace of duality – pleasure, and pain, good and evil. It is in the “I am” that thinking, memory, identification, imagination, awareness, and the concept of world and individual reside.

July 16, 2019 at 5:53am
July 16, 2019 at 5:53am
In this World Cup we have witnessed
1. Two Days of a “One Day” match between India and NZ
2. A Six in the final that went rolling on the ground
3. NZ losing the final by “ZERO RUNS” and “ZERO WICKETS”
4. An Irishman lifting the World Cup for England
5. A final decided by a weird rule and worst umpiring
6. First time ever in cricket a team never won a match by runs or wickets but by a rule

Congrats ICC for the greatest ever comedy show
July 15, 2019 at 3:37am
July 15, 2019 at 3:37am
This formula was supported by evidences from Ma's life : Bhaiji (the well-known devotee of Ma) asked Ma one day, what miracle would happen if a burning tika (a preparation of coal-powder) was kept on Her feet. A few days later, the Kheyal in Her answered. Ma Herself kept a burning tika on one of Her feet. What happened ? ------- Any miracle ? -------- No. Did Ma meditate to endure that pain ? ------- No. Did Ma apply some yogic process to make the burning flesh senseless ? --------- No. Ma Herself described from the plane of a divine spectator : " I saw that the tika first burned the hair on the spot, then the skin, then some flesh, and after finishing its work it became extinct naturally."

Referring to another occasion when one of Ma's feet was severely hurt, one devotee asked Ma, " Did you not feel the pain ?" The answer was, " Yes, but just like your understanding of the pains of some others body."

Similar examples are many and Her words are innumerable which suggest that She is a mere spectator of all that happens --------- the physical changes from childhood to old age, the stage of sadhana, the words that are uttered by Her mouth, the way " the Janata-Janardan (God in the form of people) come here for getting service of this body", and the Kheyal working in this world by healing people's internal pangs, inspiring people to a pure life, elevating Yogis to a higher plane, wiping darkness and pessimism from the injured minds, and so on. She is a spectator of the infinite Kheyal's play, not an enjoyer, neither of pleasures nor of sorrows and pain.

After discovering this formula, I was trying to trace intellectually the source of this 'Kheyal'. How beautiful are the Kheyal's plays ! .......... After my first darshan of Ma, I read different diaries on Ma. I saw Ma from a distance, whenever I got the opportunity. But I never sought any private interview. The first interview was arranged after 22 years, on 26 February 1960 at Varanasi by the instigation and request of others. My heart laughed merrily when I thought how funny it was that a son needed an interview with his mother and that also through others, when every corner of his mind was known to Her. Didi Gurupriya, according to her routine practice, began to introduce me to Ma. Does anybody knows a son needed an interview with his mother ? So, this funny practice evoked a boundless laughter in me. Before speaking any word, therefore, I laughed for a while merrily, heartily and very loudly. Ma also was laughing spontaneously, perfectly in tune with me. Very soon a doubt came in my mind. Was Her laughter genuinely by feeling my mind ? -------- She stopped laughing immediately and an impenetrable gravity covered Her face. " In the way you play on the instrument, so you can hear", --------- is very often said by Ma.

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