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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1789627
30 Day Blogging Challenge

Out of my Mind
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August 18, 2014 at 1:16pm
August 18, 2014 at 1:16pm
The clouds are rolling in campers. It's gonna rain hard and get cooler. How are we gonna stay warm and entertain ourselves? Someone's gotta cover the firewood and make sure our supplies are safe, but until then, we've got some board games in the main tent...what's your favorite?

Has to be Cluedo for me, baggsy be miss scarlet! Or do you want that one Fivesixer- you and your beard, chortle!  
Or we could play hide the dead rat - I've just found one. Oh no wait I think it's the remains of Charlie's teddy after the Racoons got in. Awww! Ok how about hide the Teddy arm? No? 

I'll play any board game that doesn't make me bored. *Bigsmile*

August 17, 2014 at 12:25am
August 17, 2014 at 12:25am
Row row row your boat gently down the stream
merrily merrily merrily  
Life is but a dream...

It has a lilty joyfulness and the potential for eternity as it can be sung in the round. I like water and  boats.

It also supplies a deeper pbiosophical thought. Gurdieff states; man is asleep - he needs to wake up! 

We are in a Matrix of illusion. We are awake in the dream so we do not know it's a dream.

Oh and everyone can join in - it's easy to follow.*Smile*
August 16, 2014 at 12:39am
August 16, 2014 at 12:39am
Hey campers! It's time for another Saturday night campfire! Tell us a little about where you're from, and something that is commonly mistaken about your hometown. And if you don't think your town's big enough, tell us the advantage of your small town.

My City is a thousand years old, settlement wise.It is in the south west of England it is the gateway to the moors and  the postcard seaside towns of the south. It is famous for it's suspension bridge which was built by Isambard kingdom Brunel. A Victorian arcitect,and for it's balloon festival. Features that set it up well for featuring in a steam punk story. :)

It has a mysterious cave that lurches out in to the steep gorge. You can stand there on an old rusty balcony and stare at nothing but air, rocks and river beneath you.

It was a city involved in the slave trade. One of the African  slaves became a well known educated gentleman of the times and is posthumously buried in a local grave yard. This did not occur often I suspect. There are roads called  blackboy hill and whiteladies Rd paying testament to those times or so everyone thought but now there is consternation over if that is what they refer to at all. 

It's also said The Black boy Inn would have been used to try criminals, who were often executed and their remains put on display in a gibbet to deter others, they may have had tarred corpses hung there, hence black boys. 

Or its known that in the 17th century they used a blackboy sign to indicated  Inns sold tobacco. I wonder which is true?

It is pretty laid back, quite arty and has a big music and theatre scene. Its like a huge village. People do get shot, stabbed and buried in cellars here but its not too trepidacious. No police with guns, which we are all relieved about.

Bonus Prompt: Share a favorite campfire dinner recipe that's quick and easy.
Marshmallow on a twig
August 15, 2014 at 2:21pm
August 15, 2014 at 2:21pm
There are strange sounds outside the tents but when shine to flashlights out there, nothing is visible. In the morning, we see these interesting footprints all around camp. It was Amy's turn to cook breakfast so she went to get the food supplies and discovered that everything was opened and half eaten. What are we going to do? What kind of footprints do you think these are?

Mmmm now let me see - draws large magnifying glass from pocket- Hmmm who could be the culprit lets just say your name betrays you fivesixer(its all in the name) I put it to you that you have been a fixer and walked backwards in someone elses shoes with a pair of smaller shoes on your hands or perhaps you were on all fours moving forward wearing the shoes backwards. Fivesixer returns a blank stare.

'Anyone for tea' Amy smiles. 

If you would all like to follow me in to the lounge tent I shall sumerise.

At first due to the local geological conditions I thought quite reasonably they were mini sink holes but now in reflection of the absurdity of this idea I have come to the conclusion no.

So in conclusion my friends I say unto you it was col mustard in the library with the lead piping- no wait sorry.

So in conclusion my friends I say to you it must be Charlie dancing with his teddy in his sleep followed by a drunken elf. I believe they like the smell of old teddies -yes that is stranger than fiction.

I rest my rucsack...
August 14, 2014 at 4:41pm
August 14, 2014 at 4:41pm
Prompt:That was a lot to take in yesterday, how about we go into town and have some beers at the local tavern? Tell me about the conversations you over heard.

My first impressions are I like this tavern in this run down part of town. I make myself comfy at the bar.

'Who's buying?' I proffer hopefully. Two graggy characters are supping thier beers to my left.

'What did he say?''

'He said if I take it easy I could be here for years.'

'That's good.'

'Well got the lumps now see so that's not gonna happen.'

'Mnn that's good.'



'Well porch rotten so went straight through.'


'Right down I went, tibia is it? Smashed like a gnawed chicken bone.'

Hmmmm, chicken?'

'Doc said I was... What's that long haired  boy doing he's getting awful close.'


'Get your flipping hair out of my beer son!'

As he goes to punch, Charlie uses one of Chuck Norris' famous moves and lays him out flat.

'Run!' shouts Cuarlie.
August 13, 2014 at 8:03am
August 13, 2014 at 8:03am
This must be my mothers sisters cousin whom always stood on the left side of auntie Nora in photos. I was named after her. She lived in Boston originally.  She said she was going to the toilet one day and never came back. There were rumours she became a trucker and  renamed her self dave. It finally explained  why I am so addicted to watching Ice Rd Truckers! Honk! Honk! *Bigsmile*
August 11, 2014 at 6:58pm
August 11, 2014 at 6:58pm
Invalid Review
Review of "Visit With Grandma"
Review of "Beautiful Despair"
Invalid Review
Review of "A Farmer In The Fifties"

These reviews occurred through happenstance, I enjoyed them all in different ways. Two particularly stood out for me Charlies because it was so based in truth and I really felt the emotions of the peole in the poem. The other piece that really struck me instantly as I read was Noy
August 11, 2014 at 1:39pm
August 11, 2014 at 1:39pm
one upon a time a woman was taking her dog for a walk in the woods. The light was fading she could just see the red boot of her Nissan Micra in the distance. She though she should head back. Her head quickly turned as a swift rustling caught her attention.

"Orpheus!" where was that dog.

"woof,woof" she followed the sound drawing her further into the forest. She looked behind her again, the car was gone. The branches were making spider like silhouettes against the deep purple sky.

"Orpheus!" her tone more insistent now.

She felt a rush past her feet, stumbling she fell, her head resting on a small mound of moss. She lay breathless with Orpheus licking her face. Was the ground moving or was that the dog, must be the dog. As she sat up she leant on the mound,it moved. It pushed up she drew back, it moved upward soil fell and an eye appeared. She ran screaming.

So campers while relaxing in the woods remember that mound beneath your feet could be moving...
August 9, 2014 at 11:16pm
August 9, 2014 at 11:16pm
Dear Marley 

I am Sorry to make you sleep outside again. I 'm outside too. Could you clear up that patch of sick you left outside the bk door by the time I get back, please. And make sure you keep yourself clean while I am away. There are lots of creepy crawleys you'd love it here. Hope you manage to get your reg sixteen hours of sleep. I keep waking up thinking somethings just touched my face? Weird - and that's just the people I'm with!*Smile* I haven't seen anyone yet climb a tree as well as you can. Well must go somethings just flown in to the soup.Don't get too tired out chasing things. Look forward to stroking your furry back soon. 


Paper Doll Angel
"I am a Rising Star!" glass image.
August 8, 2014 at 6:09pm
August 8, 2014 at 6:09pm
Day 3

Now, that you have had a glance of what is around you take a few minutes to journal what you see and what you don't see. How observant are you?

Now, that you have had a glance of what is around you take a few minutes to journal what you see and what you don't see. How observant are you?

I smell Jasmine my body falls limp from it's holder the hammock swings gently behind me. I  
walk forward, the sky is distant with light powdery tones of blue. Hmm the air rushes at me cool and clean. My bare feet gather the soft wet cool moss. I push through to a clearing a dragon fly brushes the air near my eye it's blue and vivid. It draws me to follow. Back and forth it zig zags me to a small face of a rock. The rock smiles and I walk in to it's inner darkness. Dank gentle oppressiveness pushes against my pores. I am the space this space is me. I sit still and quietly on the granite, I listen and breathe.

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