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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Michelle Keyes

I am reviewing your story "The Wonder of a Smile” as a judge for.

Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest  (ASR)
Use the quote provided to write a story and win big prizes!
#1207944 by Writing.Com Support

Thank you for entering the contest!

The quote for the August contest is:

“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”
- Mother Teresa -

Because changes are not allowed during judging, I will not offer any editing suggestions.

Your story brought back so many dear memories of not only my own children’s first day in school; but of my own. I felt very much like little Amber, wanting to help the other children who seemed fearful of this first day away from mom and the security of home. Thankful that I had a teacher, who gave me her hand and thanked me for coming to her class; deep impressions are always lasting. I dearly loved the dialog between the children, parents and teacher.

These were my favorite lines:

“Her voice floated across the room to me, small in such a big space but huge with friendliness. “Hi. I’m Amber. What’s your name?” A smile lit her face as she waved at him. I watched, speechless, as the little boy’s thumb came out of his mouth and he smiled back at her.

A few places I found need a bit of tweaking, you may want to do at a later date.

Best wishes in the contest.

Review of That Simple Smile  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello SoCalScribe

I am reviewing your story "That Simple Smile" as a judge for.

Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest  (ASR)
Use the quote provided to write a story and win big prizes!
#1207944 by Writing.Com Support

Thank you for entering the contest!

The quote for the August contest is:

“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”
- Mother Teresa -

Because changes are not allowed during judging, I will not offer any editing suggestions.

I truly enjoyed your story ‘That Simple Smile,’ the same smile Katy’s mother smiled when looking at her own husband. Shows that when people are in love nothing changes but time. A sweet story, one I’d like my granddaughters to read one day. I guess you might call this one; Mother knows best.*Smile*

Thank you for sharing and my favorite lines are:

“Katy’s mother looked over at Howard and smiled... the same simple smile that Tommy and Katy shared only moments ago.”

I like the way you brought the reader right into the living room with the family and the exchange of words were right on.

Best wishes in the contest.


Review of Smile for Me  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Little Cricket

I am reviewing your story "Smile For Me" as a judge for

Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest  (ASR)
Use the quote provided to write a story and win big prizes!
#1207944 by Writing.Com Support

Thank you for entering the contest!

The quote for the August contest is:

“We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”
- Mother Teresa -

Because changes are not allowed during judging, I will not offer any editing suggestions.

I enjoyed the reading of your story. It certainly goes to show how a kind word and a smile can go a long way in lifting a person out of the deepest pit and helping them find a new confidence in who they really are. Your story showed just how this could be done. You took your character from a place she was not happy with and placed a person in her face who; could see the real person behind all the facade.

My favorite lines; which opened a deep meaning for me in your story was:

“Brandi took Leecie's hand, and found a smile - something she hadn't done in a lifetime.
"Amy. My name is Amy."

I could truly see this exchange of smiles, thank you for sharing.

Your story will need a few revisions and tweaks, but you can revise at a later time.

Best wishes in the contest.


Review of "I Can Make It!"  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jaye P,

I love this story and though it speaks about a young blind person; it tells the story about anyone looking for the path, though the road be filled with many obstacles in between and on the way.

There are many falls on the way to finding ones self but one must never gave up and continue to seek the path; no matter what.

Beautifully written and the metaphor was absolutely great.
Thank you for sharing and I've truly enjoyed this trip through your port

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Review of Chained  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jaye P,

This story could have had a different ending but the fact that you gave it the ending you did was to drive home a point that things don't always end happily ever after.

I felt I'd heard this story or a movie with much the same theme, before but than I would say that much of life is still like the story you've written. While continuing to read I found myself moving deeper into the subject of the story and felt it began strongly; but I feel that the story may have shown a little more punch in the ending.

I'm sure it could have also become a continuing story and what might have happened to the young woman after so long.

Over all I enjoyed the story and look forward to reading more of your writing.

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Review of elements  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Moonbaby,

Wow! What creativity and loads of talent. I truly love this piece.
I could relate to it right away. Absolutely beautiful; I love the tone, the pace and the rhythm was perfect. If I point out everything I like I'd give the whole piece away, so I'll let them read for themselves what a little gem this truly is. Thank you so much for sharing and I look forward to more from your port.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Tim,

Anyone who writes poetry as well as you do, should never be treated bad by anyone, at anytime. I love your writing and you do come off as very smart and with a very caring heart. I love the way you paint a picture of what its like on the job and how you and the company must play the game. These words stick like glue...

"I find enough care to be
The helpful one around the place,
But my job is based on mediocrity,
Some common sense can make that case...
I come across as really smart,
But my job is kind of dumb -
So I continue to play my part;
Without pride, I feel so glum!"

It just shows no matter how mediocre the job, taking pride in whatever you do takes fortitude. Thank you for sharing and I'll be back to read more of your fine poems.

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Review of A Friend Forever  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Jaya,

What wondrous prisms of radiance you’ve weaved into this piece, piecing each tiny fabric into an intricate scheme. Lovely and breath taking, this poet finds. I found so many delightful corners in which to sit and contemplate, about life, endings and beginnings.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful piece; it was most enjoyable.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Sweet Jewel,

What a beautiful poem; filled with so much emotion of love and caring for a country filled with both so much love and at the same time so much hate. I have had a clear picture of one sitting on a perch high in a tree; I was overwhelmed with my own emotion when I read these following words:

"Depressing at what we can't be,
gazing at what we wish we were."

My breath caught in my throat when I came to these words. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful words. It is amazing how wise you are for one so very young. You are certainly a beautiful Rising Star.

Love always
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Review of Ballade of Sorrow  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ben,

Thank you for entering July’s Rising Stars Shining Brighter contest:

Rising Stars Shining Brighter  (E)
Contest for existing Rising Stars...Monthly award of "Shining Star" status.
#1215871 by Tornado Day

First Impressions:

A love story; made in heaven and a tiny gem, soon to make it perfect. My heart was crushed by the sadness that was to come and the loss of both mother and child. I hope I’ve interpreted that last part wrong. The flourish of your words lay beautiful upon the page. It was truly a pleasure to read.


Please continue to write. I promise to come again to read.

My favorite line/s:

“Oh, Prince, forgive my sad and sorrowed screed,
Writ on the tattered remnants of my heart.
Repair with healing solace in my need;
Though drawn together once, now torn apart.”

Final Thoughts:

A beautiful poem of love and a loss.

Thank you for sharing with our Circle of Sisters’, and Good luck in the contest.



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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jaye,

Thank you for entering July’s Rising Stars Shining Brighter contest:

Rising Stars Shining Brighter  (E)
Contest for existing Rising Stars...Monthly award of "Shining Star" status.
#1215871 by Tornado Day

First Impressions:

It didn’t take long to realize that Aunt Jane was an ol’ Meany. The thought of having to leave my child with her would cause me to panic. But I thought you showed the mother’s anxiousness’ about having to leave her daughter with her Aunt, was very good showing.


What I didn’t see was anything regarding the age of the little girl. Would have been nice, to be able to see her better. Also where was dad going? Wasn’t really clear until close to the end. Over all; very good story and I enjoyed reading.

My favorite line/s:

“Before her was a paper plate containing a ham and cheese sandwich on rye bread. Her sad eyes began to tear up again. I hate rye bread! She sighed. It was going to be a long three days.” Yikes! Kids don’t like rye bread. *Smile*

Final Thoughts:

A good short story, about mean Aunt Jane and little Teresa.

Thank you for sharing with our Circle of Sisters’, and Good luck in the contest.



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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Rebecca Jeanine,

What a wonderful rant about those ol’ home owner asso. I could relate to this one very well. When my own children were growing up I had to deal with these same ol’ Home Owner’s Association give me a break, nit pickers. Kids couldn't be in the pool after a certain hour etc...wow! I hated it. I am really glad that my Rising Star jaan told me I'd love your work. She was so right and I'm looking forward to reading a lot more of your work. I love your poem, I only have one suggestion and that would be to remove (go) from

"When kids only want to go PLAY?" It took a little away from the easy flow. Just a suggestion.

Thanks for the great read and I'll be coming back soon.

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Review of Much  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jimminy,

Something about this small
piece made me sad for the
for the writer.

Who tells us that poetry
is the sum of his life
and that life was broken.

I hope that somewhere
there may be a smile
which crinkles the eye.

And maybe this is the
place that he should
surely be.

Thank you for sharing
and welcome to Writing.Com

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Review of Open Heart  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Liliana,

Open heart is told beautifully and without holding anything back.
Breaking through to where love is pure and knows no boundaries.
You're heart poured all of the feeling within you into this piece and what came forth was honesty and truth. Touching and inspiring for those who know the pain of open, wounded hearts. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Dear Marlena,

What a sweet tribute to a loving friend - who will be missed for always. Sometimes things come without warning and it breaks are heart and takes a long time to forget that they won't be here to laugh and talk with us. But your tribute speaks to her; and reminds us to always say good - night to someone we love, because we never know what tomorrow will bring. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful tribute with us and welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review of Frantic Heart  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear Dave,

I do like the way you split your words, and some how I feel like
you sing the words before putting pen to paper.
Sometimes in our heart of hearts we do fall for someone like a ton of bricks, only to be embarrassed by the very feel of the blood rushing to our face when those feeling are not shared by the other. I like it very much, and I'll be reading more from your port. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello WebWitch,

Just passing through your port with some Simply Positive things on my mind and to let you know I am really loving your port.

I noticed this piece right off since it’s about the California school system, and I live in So. Cal. in fact I was born and raised in Cal. and as was my mother and her sisters, so we go a long way back. My three sons graduated from some of the best schools in Los Angeles with no incidents to speak of, thank God. My grandchildren go to the finest schools in the Inland Empire, and I worry about them daily, not about school uprisings or drive by shootings, but about trusting those who grade their papers and see them to the school bus.

I fully agree about the schools and what parents are up against more today than even when your daughter was in school. I never thought I'd see the day when every time I tune into CNN, I am hearing about shootings on school campuses or teachers molesting students or vice - verses. Or someone; accusing our teachers of selling drugs to the children. If I had small children today I for one would do just what you're doing! I'd feel more comfortable with home schooling, your article hold’s some very valid questions, and answers for parents and grandparents to moll over. I'm so glad I was able to read another parent who had these worries about our children’s well being.

Thank you so much for sharing this story with us today.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Tallulah,

What a beautiful thought for someone who is more beautiful than anything that has ever been in the writer’s life. This love is innocent, and pure which brings a joy that eliminates all the ugly, vile and worthless things that have made life worth living from this beautiful point of view. Thank you for sharing and welcome to Writing.Com.

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Review of Mariposa  
Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear NickiD,

Thank you for entering this month’s RSSB contest, (July) and for your entry.

Rising Stars Shining Brighter  (E)
Contest for existing Rising Stars...Monthly award of "Shining Star" status.
#1215871 by Tornado Day

What a lovely tribute to the young woman who saved that little girl’s life. I like how you mixed the story of the letter carrier, who it seemed was in the right place at the right time and was deemed a hero by catching the tiny child into her open arms a few months ago. The story became even more surreal with that of your fictional character in the story. It really brought a real meaning to life of a butterfly. I loved it.

Thank you for sharing this piece with our sisters Sheamus, and good luck in the contest.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Dear ShiShad,

Thank you for entering this month’s RSSB contest, (July) and for your entry.

Rising Stars Shining Brighter  (E)
Contest for existing Rising Stars...Monthly award of "Shining Star" status.
#1215871 by Tornado Day

I truly believe this story just from looking at the prompt. The visual you painted was surreal and she looks as if she means business this time around. From what the reader sees is that she has taken all she can take of his jerking her around and now she is going on to live her life and hitching a ride, laying it on the line as she heads outa town. In my opinion she must be strong and tough.

The form Hendecasyllabic has a syllable count of eleven syllables per line. Great story

Thank you for sharing this piece with our sisters Sheamus, and good luck in the contest.


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Review by MDuci
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Dear Nizza,

This piece flows with out a gap anywhere, fast like a streak of lightning - outlining the blue black night. Quick like the dagger that cut her from behind.

A great story told in the quickening of an eye. I loved it and could read more of it anywhere anytime.

Thank you so much for letting me raid your space, and hopefully we can do this Buddy thing again; another time. I enjoyed your writing so very much.

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Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello poetdontknowit,

I think you do know it and I know it and all of wdc knows it. Your poetry is super terrific. I've been trying to get over here to visit your port for weeks, and tonight I said; I’ve just got to visit the poetwhodontknowit. I am so very glad I dropped by...your pen is awesome and your artist pad surreal. Saying all that I'm glad to meet you at last and look forward to returning again and again for the pure inspiration.

Best wishes
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Review of The Blessed House  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jaya,

The visual of your garden will forever stay in my mind. Like you I love a beautiful garden and I smell as a slight breeze blows into my bedroom window the sweet smell of jasmine. I love the way you describe each delicate bloom and the tree that grows so lovingly in your home. A house is truly blessed when surrounded by such beauty...and so is the keeper of the house; who grows the lovely garden. Thank you for sharing and I'll be back to read more from your port very soon.

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Review of How Small I Am  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)

I love your article and I will pray that your church will accept this very touching piece. I hope you'll keep me updated when it is published.

Congratulations and good luck in your writing. I feel like everything is always in its place and all His little creatures work to keep the earth whole.

Thank you for sharing and I'll be back very soon to read more from your port. I truly enjoyed my visit tonight.

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Review of FAITH  
Review by MDuci
Rated: E | (5.0)
I certainly can say Amen; to this one. But in the wake of all the things that are happening in the world right now; I can't attest to the invisible part. I like this piece a lot.
Thanks for sharing and keep the

T-oo be in


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