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for entry "Simene
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item as a part of your current shower. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

Hiya, Escape Artist !

My Thoughts

This was an excellent chapter, JJ. It captured me right from the start, and then the excerpts from Merci's journal submersed me completely. By the time I hit the end of the chapter, I was more than ready to keep turning the page. I'm sitting here wondering what the heck a Swift ship is. I don't know anything about boats, so I may be being blond, but I'm interested nonetheless, especially since Simene seemed so surprised about it.

Simene's character was shown well in this chapter through the exchange between him and Merci. He's even more technologically inclined than I had originally thought, which is awesome. I'm sure Merci will be making good use of that talent as the story progresses.

The dialogue in this chapter flowed smoothly and felt natural, and I liked the attitude Merci's thoughts had. For some reason, I felt like I connected to her the most in this chapter so far. Could be my mood, but it was hard for me to pull myself out of the story to do the review this time around. That can only be a good thing. *Wink*

The journal entries were active, vivid, and kept me on the edge of my seat, not to mention made me even more interested in learning about what's been going on with Merci. I can't wait to find out more.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

You know me, I love to edit, so I've included anything that I noticed as I was reading below. As always, they're yours do with as you wish. If you'd like to check out my comments, please click here.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

A very strong chapter that left me wanting to click the link for the next chapter. Keep up the awesome work. *Thumbsup*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Drive Me Crazy  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item.

Hiya, Purple Wishing WDC Happy 24th !


My Thoughts

Oh, my. Well, I'd say you hit the nail directly on the head with this one. It was sensual, enticing, emotionally compelling, and hot.

You did a great job pulling the reader in with the first sentence and setting the expectant mood for Lina's playtime. The sensuality increased slowly, each touch and thought adding to the expectation and anticipation as the reader waited to see how Taylor would respond. When Lina saw him watching her, she upped the ante and did her best to force his hand, to make him come to her. I loved that he waited, that he had the control to watch her take her own pleasure before fulfilling her desire for him. Dang. I need me some of that. *Laugh*

I loved how you weaved small details about their established relationship throughout the narrative, allowing the reader to feel comfortable and happy that they had such a loving and passionate relationship. Very nice work.

The ending left me feeling happy for these two and wishing my hubby wasn't at work already. *Wink*

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

I just noticed a couple of small errors which I have included below for your consideration.

*Bullet*that she sat here longing for him to come back inside and take her he would surely stop what he was doing and comply, . . .
Consider a comma before he would surely because the phrase before it is an introductory phrase.

*Bullet*Instead Taylor turned away, providing her . . .
Consider a comma after Instead because it's an introductory word that transitions from the previous sentence.

*Bullet*Lina stood her focus completely on Taylor as she thrust her shorts and panties down her legs,
Consider a comma after stood for a smoother flow.

*Bullet*darting inside his mouth to dual with his,
The word dual should be duel.

*Bullet*She loved that, that overpowering feeling of loving . . .
Consider substituting the for the second that in order to eliminate the chance of it feeling repetitious.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

An enticing, sexy read that aroused the senses and left me feeling just a little bit jealous. Keep up the great work. *Smile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Invalid Entry
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item as a part of your current shower. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

Hiya, Escape Artist ! I finally found a little time to read another chapter of Merci's adventure. I hope you find my comments useful and encouraging.

My Thoughts

This was an interesting chapter, JJ. I liked how you used a menial task such as looking for cat food to introduce the importance of the estate, as well as the guest house and the secret room. Your mention of there not being any blueprints and the people who made it being long gone gave a sense of secrecy to the place that made me wonder what role it will play in the coming story.

You also did a nice job of introducing Simene and his knowledge of electronics, such as the motion sensor lights, as well as the relationship between him and Merci. When added to the knowledge available through her archaeologist boyfriend, Merci has quite an effective little team building that I'm sure she'll use as the story progresses. Nice job on that.

The narrative flowed smoothly, and I read along with ease as the chapter progressed. The descriptions were well done and produced vivid images in my mind's eye of the area around her.

I really liked the reference to the wraith of wing point being her running in the buff.

The ending of the chapter worked well to hook the reader through Merci's thoughts of Rho and her upcoming trip.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

I found a few small errors as I read. To check out my suggestions, click here.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

An effective chapter that introduced Simene and provided what I'm sure will turn out to be necessary information while maintaining the reader's interest. Keep up the good work! *Smile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hiya, Jeff

This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item.

I am more than happy to review "Too Little, Too Late as a part of my Week 6 Entry in "I Write Romantic in Winter. We seem to enter in the same succession almost every week. *Wink* I hope you find my comments helpful and encouraging.

My Personal Impression

I quite enjoyed this poem, Jeff. It was intense and heartbreaking, and it left me feeling like life is short and no time should be wasted. The despair of the narrator came through well, and I felt for his loss. It seems almost like a case of you don't know what you have until it's gone.

Tone & Mood

The tone was personal and conversational, giving the impression that the narrator was speaking directly to his lost love. The mood came through as regretful and full of sorrow while also conveying the love he felt. Nice work on that.

Emotional Impact

To be honest, this poem kind of hit me hard, and I had a hard time formulating my thoughts on it. I could really feel the heartbreak, the utter devastation of the narrator's loss, and it kind of floored me. I sat and thought about how awful it would be to lose someone you loved so much. I think part of the overall effectiveness of the mood had quite a bit to do with how you focused on honest thoughts like, Because I'm too stubborn to admit I'm wrong show that the narrator knew where he'd gone wrong but that it was too late to do the right thing. I think living with the knowledge that you screwed it up would be plain horrible. I think you did a great job conveying that emotion throughout the piece.

Rhyme, Form, and Flow

I found the rhyming scheme very nicely done. Your word choices didn't feel forced, and I think they reflected your intended meaning to a 'T.' The form was also smooth, and the wording flowed easily off my tongue when I read it aloud.

One thing I really loved in this was how the last line of the stanzas reflected the other. One showed the fresh loss, and the other showed the long-term result. It pulled the piece together nicely.


*Bullet*My pride unwilling to concede a fight.
To me, the use of a in this sentence makes it seem like it could be any old fight. Instead, consider making it a specific fight by using the.

*Bullet*Iā€™ve bet set adrift, to wander amiss,
I'm not sure if this is a turn of phrase I don't recognize or not, but I think been would fit smoother in this than bet.

*Star*In Conclusion*Star*

All in all, an excellent emotional poem about lost love. I highly recommend it. *Bigsmile* Good luck with the contest!

Happy Writing!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Invalid Entry
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item.

Hiya, Escape Artist ! This is the third of three reviews that you won in "P.E.N.C.I.L. Anniversary Fundraiser .

My Thoughts

This was a very good second chapter, JJ. On the whole, I found it intense and intriguing. The mood was anticipatory, and even though she hasn't yet left for her trip, I'm on the edge of my seating, waiting for it. It feels like something big is going to happen, and I'm curious to see what that will be.

I really enjoyed the section where Merci thought about the how of her episodes. The fact that most of them revolved around large solar flares was interesting. I don't understand it, exactly, but it adds a level of reality to the mysticism she faced from the other people she contacted in her quest to understand. Nice touch.

Very nice job on the journal entry. It was action-packed, informative, and exciting, and I read along eagerly. It was also a great way to show the reader why her father was so intense and set on teaching her the hard lessons. The following narrative that explained the way he acted after his wife's death helped put it into perspective and allowed the fact that he left his nine-year-old to traverse ten miles without even clothes to seem less crazy than it had at first. I mean, it's kinda scary, but considering how well trained she was already at that age, it was more realistic.

Wow. Merci has had a very active life so far. I couldn't imagine going through what she has, and I'm sure this is only the tip of the iceberg. I'm liking her character more and more. She's scared, but more than that, she's excited to see if she can get some answers. Her reactions felt realistic and believable, and I really respect how well she kept herself together after the episode. So far, a very strong character, complete with vulnerabilities.

I love the following sentences:

. . . and like yeast tossed into unleavened dough, she was feeling a rising pressure.

Very vivid!

she knew how to survive in harsh situations, adapt to any environment, blend in like a chameleon, and fight like a cornered tom cat if threatened.

Excellent use of figurative language to enhance the mood and atmosphere.

One small thing I wanted to mention is that the last paragraph didn't provide a great hook to keep the reader going. It felt almost boring in comparison to the paragraph before. Consider eliminating it and allowing the reader to leave off with the image of Merci hanging on for dear life. I think the emotional aspect will compel the reader on more effectively. Look it over and see what you think. *Smile*

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

To check out my suggestions, please click here.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, an effective second chapter that has me wanting to know more and forming an attachment to Merci. Keep up the good work! *Smile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Dead Soldiers
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item.

Hiya, Escape Artist ! This is the second of three reviews you won in "P.E.N.C.I.L. Anniversary Fundraiser . I hope you find my comments helpful and encouraging.

My Initial Impression

This was an interesting second chapter. It left me with a lot of questions, and also with the desire to keep reading to discover the answers. Sam came across as a real person, and I liked him right away. He's not perfect, he doesn't try to be, and his past mistakes have left him scarred but not beaten. I like that because he's not trying to hide from it or be someone he's not. Nice. The ending of this chapter piqued my curiosity big time. After discovering that something happened with his aircraft assembly team, I can't help but wonder what happened. The fact that the red phone rang for the first time ever wasn't lost on me. Nice work hooking the reader.

Plot / Theme / Pacing

I think you did a great job with the pacing in this chapter. The intensity in the beginning as the reader relives Sam's horrible mistake through his dream carried into the narrative, granting him a dark, almost impenetrable kind of aura. The narrative, though full of background information, felt active and compelling, each paragraph revealing a little more necessary information in a way that kept me reading forward eagerly to learn more. Nice work with that.

While I'm not yet sure what the plot line is going to be, the tidbits of information about Sam's past and the present that he's involved in leave a lot of room for possibilities, and I'm interested to see where it goes. I'm also curious to see where Merci fits in to all this.


Sam Remy came across as a battered soul with loads of determination and drive. While he's been out of the military for quite some time, he still feels the need to work, and in the narrative the reader learns that the itch to get back into the game has been bugging him lately.

His scarred past adds a layer of emotion to his character because of the way he reacts to it still, years later. A part of him has accepted the loss, but the other part still carries guilt, and I think that will end up playing a role in his developing characteristics.

I really like Sam. He's hard and tough, but he has morals, and he seems like the kind of man who will stick to them. I'm sure he'll prove to be a frustrating character in the sense that he doesn't budge once he's made a decision, and I'm looking forward to seeing that personal side of him develop. At this point, I respect him for what he's done and been through, and I'm excited to get to know him better.


Excellent work here. I could see his surroundings well through the entire narrative, especially the cigars and the state of his office. Nice job using those elements to enhance the mood.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

Since this was such a smooth read, I noted all the spots that slowed me down at all. Most of them are what I would consider final editing. If you'd like to check out my suggestions, please click here.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, an intense, active chapter that left me wanting to turn the page. Nice work. I look forward to chapter three.

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Merci
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya, Escape Artist !

I am more than happy to stop by with a review for "Merci. I hope you find my comments useful. *Smile* This is the first of three reviews you won in "P.E.N.C.I.L. Anniversary Fundraiser .

My Initial Reaction

Intriguing, intense, and compelling. I found myself pulled into the story effortlessly with the first paragraph, and the active, captivating narrative kept my interest right up to the end. Loved the ending hook. I can honestly say, if this was a book in my hand, I'd have already turned the page and kept reading. Nice job.

Tone/Mood, Tense & Point of View

The tone was intense right from the beginning. Merci's thoughts were deep and emotional throughout the chapter, supporting the emotional angst that built as the memories of her father and mother created a personal connection for the reader.

The narrative was active and Merci's perspective remained tight and focused. I lost myself inside her mind and was more than happy to allow her to pull me along.


Mmmm. I'm not too sure yet where this is going, but I'll tell you one thing for sure, I want to find out. Through the narrative, the reader discovers Merci's parents died when she was young and that her relationship with Roman works as a buffer for her emotional issues. At first, I took her reference to her father's ghost as a metaphor only, but after experiencing her psychic attack, I wondered how much deeper than that it might go. I love this part in a book where the random details float around in my mind and I can't help but wonder how they'll all go together. The part about Manny getting upset and watching something on the ceiling really intrigued me, and freaked me out a little. It made me wonder if the vision she had was something that happened to her naturally through some sort of internal power, or whether there was an outside influence. Also, why would she keep a handgun by her bed? Obviously there's a lot going on here.


For such a short chapter, I finished it feeling like I was already getting to know Merci on a very personal basis. Through the revelation of her past, her condition, the way she felt like an outsider in the world because of her physical differences, I got the feeling that she's a bit lost inside of herself. She seemed confused and exhausted but strong in a way that had nothing to do with being able to protect herself physically. If anything, the bits and pieces of information in this chapter have made me excited to get to know her better.

Imagery & Setting

You did a great job of weaving vivid imagery into the narrative, allowing the reader to see the world around her, as well as feel what she feels. The use of strong verbs, active sentence structure, and clever figurative language created a well-rounded scene. Nice job.

My favorite line: Merci listened for the rustle of an unseen intruder, trying to ignore the conga line of Daddy-long-legs skittering down her back.

I love how you mixed emotional and physical details here to create a sense of dread. A beautiful example of showing rather than telling.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

I have a few suggestions for you. If you'd like to check them out, please click here.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

A very strong and effective first chapter. I'm looking forward to reading more.

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bus Ride Home  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item.

Thank you for entering Round 10 of "Invalid Item. I am more than happy to read and review your entry as the judge for the contest. *Smile* I hope you find my comments helpful and encouraging.

Hiya, S.T. Rose !

My Thoughts

This was an interesting short story, and it held my attention well from beginning to end. I found the writing style smooth for the most part, and I enjoyed the dialogue. Your dialogue worked well to show the personalities of the characters in a realistic and believable way. I especially enjoyed the dialogue between Amber and Jacob. The way they misinterpreted each other's words was cute and made me like Jacob even with the uneasy feeling Amber got from him.

You used the prompt in a way I hadn't expected in this story, and it worked well. The fact that Jacob gave her this present because she deserved it added a touch of romance that made me like him even more because after what she suffered at home every day, she really did deserve a little something nice.

At the end of the story, I was left wondering who Jacob was and why he singled her out. Do you plan on delving deeper into this story? Perhaps Jacob had lived through something similar during his life . . . not that it really matters. I just have a mind that likes to keep spinning some days. *Wink* If you ever delve deeper with these characters, feel free to shoot me an email. I'd love to read it.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

I noticed a few errors as I was reading, most of them repeated issues that I have provided some suggestions and explanations for below. If you are interested in seeing my comments in this area, please click here.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, this was a good read. Thank you again for entering "Invalid Item. I look forward to seeing more entries from you in future rounds. *Smile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Progression  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item. This is the second of three reviews you won in "Invalid Item. Thanks again for your support!

Hiya, šŸŒ• HuntersMoon !

My Thoughts

This was an emotional read, and I loved how you used flowing sentences on a consistent basis to create a soft, almost dream-like atmosphere as Joshua discovered his abilities, as well as the truth about what had happened to him and why. His confusion in the beginning of the story was understandable and felt realistic. Before his injury, he couldn't hear conversations from a room away or feel other people's emotions. I think waking up in a hospital with no memory of how he got there would be confusing enough, never mind adding in a dream woman and a new aptitude for using psychic power. He handled the revelations in stride without doubting himself.

The way he could sense the emotions in those around him worked well to give the reader hints about their intentions, so when he realized who put him in the hospital and why, it felt realistic and brought the story around full circle.

I really liked the ending. The way he said "We'll see" to Kali was a great way to reference the beginning when she said the same thing to him when he asked if the other place was a dream. It ended up being very real, so I'm sure everything will work out well for him. A nice, feel-good ending to an intense piece.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*ā€œHi Josh, Iā€™m glad you found your way.ā€
Consider a comma before Josh because it's a direct address. Also, consider a period after Josh because both Hi, Josh. and I'm glad you found your way. are independent clauses.

*Bullet*with red hair that seemed to shine in the sunlight.
When you say seemed to shine it creates a passive image for the reader, rather than an active one. Consider using the more decisive verb shone to give the reader an active visual.

*Bullet*ā€œHow, how do you know my name, Kali?ā€ he managed to stammer.
Consider using a dash or ellipsis to show the stutter instead of a comma.

*Bullet*he tried to croak before she could shush him.
Since she does understand him, I'm thinking he did croak before she could shush him, not that he only tried. Consider giving this sentence more power by making it more decisive. For example, he croaked before she could shush him.

*Bullet*ā€œWell, your back,ā€
The word your should be you're.

*Bullet*Letā€™s check you out and then weā€™ll see what we can do about removing all this,ā€ he gestured.
The wording, he gestured is an action, not a dialogue tag, so it should have its own sentence. Consider, Let's check you out, and then we'll see what we can do about removing--" He gestured vaguely. "--all of this." Or you could just keep it at the end of the sentence, but end the dialogue with a period and capitalize the action.

*Bullet*ā€œIā€™m fine Mom.
Consider a comma before Mom because it's a direct address.

*Bullet*he started but stopped when he saw Josh pointing at this name tag.
Besides the typo on his, consider being more definite with this sentence. Consider, he started but stopped when Josh pointed at his name tag.

*Bullet*Iā€™m tired of you trying to come between me and your Mother.
The title mother doesn't need to be capitalized because it's not being used as a name.

*Bullet*ā€œMy Mom,ā€ he began and stopped.
Same thing here. Mom is being used as a title, not a name, so it doesn't need to be capitalized.

*Bullet*ā€œItā€™s you decision.
Just a typo here on your.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, I really enjoyed reading this story. Both the tone and mood supported the story content well and produced a believable and realistic emotional aspect for the reader. Keep up the great work! *Bigsmile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Haunting Memories  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya, Gary !

This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item. We hope you are enjoying your shower!

I am more than happy to offer my reactions and suggestions for your work. Please keep in mind these are my opinions, so feel free to disagree.

My Personal Impression

This poem really captured me. Right from the first two lines, I was hooked. You set the mood with that first sentence and maintain it throughout the entire poem with deliberate word choice, sentence structure, and consistent rhythm. I also think you did a very nice job delivering an emotional arc in this piece as the narrator goes from somber and hopeless to longing and waiting. Nice job.

You know, it's funny how things work out sometimes. I was perusing your port to decide whether to send you an MB or an Awardicon for a gift in your current shower, and I ended up staying to read and experience your poetry instead. I read several of your pieces, but this one hit me on a personal level, and I felt I could relate to it. Thanks so much for sharing this.

Tone & Mood

I kind of touched on this already, but I want to elaborate a little bit. I've heard a lot of writers comment that tone isn't that important, and I love pieces like this because they are proof that tone is so very important, especially when conveying emotions that are deep and complex. The first two lines of this piece set the tone and mood through a statement not related to the main subject in content, but that showed the reader the emotional state of the narrator in a way that causes the reader to experience the emotion without even realizing it. The first thing I felt was acute loneliness, and it created the perfect atmosphere for the piece to come to life in.

Rhyme, Form, and Flow

I'm almost completely sure that this piece doesn't follow any specific formula or form. I did notice that within each set of four lines, the second and fourth rhymed, and even though the stanzas all varied in length, they all contained sets of four. I think this consistency worked well to contribute to the flow of the piece.

There were only a few minor areas where I stumbled a little bit when I was reading this out loud. If I may be so bold, I would like to offer my thoughts on these spots.

As visions of you
dance quietly through my brain.

When I read this entire stanza, the word As felt awkward to me. My mind automatically wanted to put and there instead. Try it out and see if you agree.

But living without you in this place
is a place I cannot find.

On my second read through, I wondered about this section because to me it doesn't really make sense. I think you're saying that the narrator feels lost without this person, but the phrasing doesn't quite produce that message. Using the word place twice like you have makes me think that both places are the same place, and my mind can't wrap around him being in that place and not being able to find it at the same time. Does that make any sense? Man, I sure hope so! I guess what I'm saying is that the logical part of my mind wouldn't let the impossibility go to allow it to work as figurative language. See what you think.

I know it may sound twisted,
like a crazy lunatic,

Okay, this one is another spot that just didn't sit right with me when I read it because it doesn't quite make sense. When you say, like a crazy lunatic it makes me think of a person, but the first part, I know it may sound twisted doesn't associate with a person, but rather a statement. I think you could eliminate that by using I in place of it in the first line.

know that youā€™re away for now,
but someday youā€™re coming home.

The second line here tripped me up just a tiny bit. I wonder if a rewording would allow it to flow easier off the tongue. For example, but someday you'll come home.

I know it would be cleaver

I'm thinking this was just a simple typo. I think cleaver was meant to be clever.

I'm going to pester you with one more thing. I noticed that you used punctuation in this piece, and for the most part, I think you used it well to enhance the flow of the poem. The only thing I wanted to comment on here was that the punctuation wasn't always right on the money as far as punctuation rules go, and I think it would give the piece even more impact if you were to iron those spots out. If you'd like me to show you what I mean, just let me know, and I'd be more than happy to email you my thoughts.

Now, I get to tell you that I loved the third stanza. The flow was superb, and it allowed me to lose myself in the emotion within the words. Excellent work.

*Star*In Conclusion*Star*

This was an emotional, intense, and compelling poem that I thoroughly enjoyed reading over and over. A must read, and one I will happily recommend to others. Thanks again for sharing it. *Bigsmile*

Happy Writing!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item as a part of your current shower. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

Hiya, A*Monaing*Faith !

My Thoughts

Ah, this was an uplifting read, for sure. I quite enjoyed it. *Smile* I think that most people could relate to this story in one way or another. The spiritual awakening, the pushing of one's boundaries, when successful, can lead to a much more personal understanding of ourselves, as well as an increase in self worth.

The tone you used in this was conversational and personal, allowing the reader to feel the character's emotions as she experiences the aftermath of a hard workout with a trainer who was pretty easy on the eyes. *Wink* The playful atmosphere between them kept the mood relaxed, and the flow of the narrative granted a smooth experience. Nice job.

The opening hook was done well to capture my interest and make me want to know why she'd collapsed on her trainer's couch. I do have one small suggestion for you regarding the way it is phrased. You wrote,

*Bullet*I can honestly say when I woke up this morning and donned my yoga pants, the last place I expected to be that evening was collapsed on my trainerā€™s couch.

This story is written in first person past tense, so this sentence doesn't quite work. The first part of it is present tense, followed by past. Consider, I can honestly say that when I woke up and donned my yoga pants, the last place I expected to be come evening was collapsed on my trainer's couch.

The character's thoughts drew the reader through to the ending with a gentle curiosity about the sensations she was experiencing, leaving the reader with the character's perception of what the experience meant to her. I think it worked well to leave off on a thought provoking note.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*Forcing myself to look him in the face I grinned impishly.
Consider a comma after face to show the introductory phrase.

*Bullet*Following his line of sight I saw a half dozen striped . . .
Consider a comma after sight to show the introductory phrase.

*Bullet* I tried not to grimace.
The dialogue in this paragraph is from him, so the narrative from her should have its own paragraph.

*Bullet*I looked at him sarcastically, ā€œI wasnā€™t asleep that long.
This is an action, not a tag, so the comma should be a period. However, consider rephrasing this. I'm not sure what looking at someone sarcastically is. Perhaps she arches a brow at him? Try to be more specific with the action so the reader can produce a visual image.

*Bullet*I stretched dramatically and groaned emphatically.
Try to be careful when using -ly ending adverbs such as these. Most editors feel that more than one adverb every three hundred words is too much. The reason for this is because adverbs tell how something's happening, whereas strong verbs show the reader what's happening.

*Bullet* but now, basking in the depths of this afterglow I couldnā€™t help but respect and appreciate him.
First, consider removing now to reduce the chance of confusing the reader with a tense change, and exchanging this with the. Also, consider a comma after afterglow to show that basking in the depths of this afterglow is an introductory phrase.

*Bullet*Then again, this is the same man who dressed up . . .
Consider using was rather than is to maintain tense.

*Bullet*The formal underwear had thrown the muscles of his Herculean thighs into sharp relief and really set off the whole ensemble quite nicely if I must say so myself, though Iā€™d never admit it out loud.
Consider a comma before if to show that if I must say so myself is an interjection.

*Bullet*Floating towards the abyss of unconsciousness I smiled to myself, today I had become a StrongWoman and Iā€™d had the spiritual experience to prove it.
Consider a comma before and I'd had because this is a compound sentence.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, this was a thoughtful, uplifting short story about a positive personal experience. I enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work! *Smile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Halo Effect  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hiya, NixiešŸ¦Š here and there !

This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item.

My Thoughts

My goodness, Nixie. I can definitely see why this story is going to be published. It's intense, emotional, compelling, and it ends with a hook that allows the reader to understand the severity of that warning look and the need to run. Wow. While the reader doesn't get all the answers right out, you hint and prod the reader to think deeply about what they're reading and make their own conclusions. It makes for a much more intense read, as well as leaving the reader with their thoughts running a thousand miles a second as they process all of the information in hindsight. As a reader, I found it very stimulating and satisfying. As a writer, I'm insanely jealous. *Bigsmile*

You asked for editing advice, so I included anything and everything that I noticed as I was reading. Be careful of having two characters utilizing the same paragraph. I noticed it a couple of times, and I think I noted all of the spots, but just in case, you may want to take an extra look through for that. Also, I noticed a tendency to use commas before subordinating conjunctions. I have a link here that I use whenever I'm not sure. Maybe it'll be useful for you, too. http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/subordinateconjunc...

On the whole this is an exceptional story that I will remember for a long time to come, for sure.

To see my suggestions, please click here.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

An excellent short story that played with my mind just enough to keep things interesting and explored a situation that I'm sure very few would ever experience. It was intense and compelling, and I enjoyed every second of it. Keep up the excellent work, my dear. You're a natural. *Heart*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Wax Dolls  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hiya, Michael Thomas-Knight !

This review is being made on behalf of "Invalid Item as a part of your current shower. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

My Thoughts

Now this is one of those time where it just goes to show you that everyone has a breaking point, and when given the means, even a child will do what they feel is necessary. In this story, Elizabeth, a young girl, is wronged by her step-father in a horrible way, and her mother wrongs her by not seeing what is happening. When her maid realizes how upset she is, the woman creates wax dolls for her that work like voodo dolls. Her step-father decides to upset Elizabeth by sending away the house maid, and in so doing, pushed Elizabeth over the edge.

On the whole, the story flowed well from scene to scene, and Elizabeth's personality was shown well through her interactions with the other characters, as well as through her thoughts in the narrative. There was just one spot where I felt her character did something that didn't feel natural.

In the following part, Elizabeth goes from being somber to screeching her hate for her mom and step-father. While I understand why she would hate them, I didn't quite believe the switch from calm to freaking out. Consider using a few more lines of dialogue between them beforehand to show her rising temper. I think it would make it more believable for the reader. See what you think.

*Bullet*ā€œShe agrees with everything he says and does. Everything! I hate her as much as I hate him!ā€ the young woman screeched.

Excellent first line, I have to say. I was intrigued instantly, and after the second line, I had to know what would happen as her drunk father came home. Very good opening hook to pull the reader in. *Thumbsup*

The ending left me wondering if her step-father had sent the woman away to begin with because even after the deaths, Tichiban said she had to go. That made me think that leaving had been her own choice and that Elizabeth's step-father simply took the credit for it. An interesting ending that left me thinking it over for a while.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*It was promised to me and my sister, before he died.ā€
The comma here isn't needed because before is acting as a subordinating conjunction.

*Bullet*ā€œHate is a strong word my child, you are so young to hate,ā€
Consider a comma before my child since it's a direct address.

*Bullet*She put a finger under the young ladyā€™s chin and pushed her head up.
By using the young lady's in this sentence, it takes it out of Elizabeth's point of view. Consider rephrasing.

*Bullet*Elizabeth squeezed the piece of fruit she had been holding tightly, until it squished out between her fingers like green putty.
Watch out for unnecessary adverbs. Because you show the fruit squishing out her fingers, you don't need to say she held it tightly. The action shows how she's holding it.

*Bullet*She had remained in this situation all these years to protect Emma from the fate she has endured, hoping one day to take her away from this house.
The words has and this take this part into present tense. Consider using had and ending the last sentence with, take her away.

*Bullet*While everyone in the house fell ill, it had not fulfilled its intended consequences.
The part not fulfilled its intended consequences seems a bit off to me. Consider something like, not claimed its intended victim.

*Bullet*She walked several miles into town, the trip took her over an hour, but she was rebuffed at the general store.
The first two sentences are both independent, so the word and is needed to join them. For example, She walked several miles into town, and the trip took over an hour . . . Or you could always use a full stop instead of the comma. Either way would work.

*Bullet*But for all her shouting the proprietor would not yield and she left the store red-faced and angry, . . .
A few commas in this sentence would help it flow a little smoother. Consider a comma after shouting because for all her shouting is an introductory phrase. Also, consider a comma before and she left because and is being used to join two independent clauses.

*Bullet*Fighting back tears she found her voice.
Consider a comma after tears to show the introductory phrase.

*Bullet*Abby sat up in bed, disturbed from a rare afternoon nap.
Consider starting this sentence with In the house, in order to transition the reader a little bit. Or, better yet, consider using a scene break for the section that comes from her mom's point of view.

*Bullet*ā€œNo, No Elizabeth!ā€
The comma here should be a period. Also, consider a comma before Elizabeth because it's a direct address.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, I think this was an entertaining and thought provoking short story. I think a bit of editing could increase the impact it has on the reader. The plot line was smooth, and I think the character of Elizabeth was well developed for the length. Keep up the good work! *Smile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hiya, Mantis !

I am more than happy to offer my reactions and suggestions for this piece as the judge for Round 13 of "Sensual Moments, Vol. 9. I hope you find my comments useful!

My Thoughts

This was exceptionally entertaining, I have to say! I smiled through the entire thing, I'm sure, and I was left chuckling to myself at the end. I think what I like best about it is that you managed to entertain me with witty narrative and get my blood flowing at the same time. Right from the beginning, the character was established as bold, outgoing, and confident in her sexuality, and as the story progressed, her spark of interest flared to life in her imagination and grew until she couldn't (or wouldn't, as the case may be *Wink*) hold it back any more. I loved how sensually brazen and unrepentant her thoughts were. The kinds of things that many women think but never have the guts to admit to, let alone act on.

The narrative was casual, personal, and friendly, allowing the reader to feel like a guest inside the character's mind. Instead of hearing about what happened, I felt like I got to experience it, and really, as I look back at the story, you didn't even go into explicit detail. Instead, you got the reader so far into the character's head that the scene unfolded naturally in the reader's mind without the need for a play-by-play.

The beginning paragraph was great. It kind of confused me at first, but when I slowed myself down to match the tone of the words, it became smooth and intriguing. A fault of this reader not paying enough attention to sentence structure cues. *Wink* Excellent work bringing the reader into the story on an active note.

I have a few editing suggestions. They are as follows.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*against her flimsey t-shirt.
I think flimsey should be flimsy.

*Bullet*"Awe yeah it is.
Consider a comma after Awe.

*Bullet*...the scent and intrigue of The Young One, or all of the above she wasn't sure.
Consider a comma after above.

*Bullet*She wanted to press herself all over him, and breathe in his musk as they tumbled and turned and fought for dominance; hands grabbing wrists for control, ...
Since the sentence following the semicolon can't stand alone, consider using an em dash instead.

*Bullet*She longed to tease him, to make him beg for mercy, and tickle him mercilessly; the sound of his laughter offering a comforting caress upon her soul; every chortle and snuffle and gaffaw that issued from him a chorus of manly notes to tickle her heart, and massage the foundations of her feminine fancy.
I love this part, but I do want to suggest alternate punctuation for a smoother flow. Semicolons should only be used to separate independent clauses, not to separate an additional element from the main sentence. Em dashes work perfectly for this. Consider: She longed to tease him, to make him beg for mercy and tickle him mercilessly--the sound of his laughter offering a comforting caress upon her soul--every chortle and snuffle and guffaw that issues from him a chorus of manly notes to tickle her heart and massage the foundations of her feminine fancy. ~ I also emitted the comma before and massage because the same subject performs both actions. See what you think. *Wink*

*Bullet*and she watched transfixed an old time movie reel in sepia tone:
Consider adding on before an for a smoother flow.

*Bullet*as her panties where with cream.
I think where was meant to be were.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

An entertaining, light-hearted, and sensual representation of lust at first sight that left me grinning. I definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys erotic short stories. *Bigsmile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hiya, Vincent Hunter !

This review is a part of your current shower from "Invalid Item. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

My Thoughts

Okay, you definitely got my attention. You started off with an interesting first paragraph that had an instant impact on me as a reader. Right away, I know that this story will be about someone who feels the kind of longing that while not understood, won't go away. The mention of humans being protectors piqued my curiosity about what the character will be like, as well as what type of story will arise from the concept. It set a somber tone, and I think it worked well to pull me in for the read. Nice work.

The first section comes from Wendy's point of view, a teenager looking for information about her mother's past. I was intrigued by the fact that she was nervous about sending the email, and then even more curious about the repercussions after she'd done it. Great work on the structure of the dialogue between the two girls. Their speech felt natural, and their actions supported their conversation well. The only suggestion I have in regards to the dialogue and supporting narrative is placement. When placing dialogue and narrative together in a paragraph, make sure the actions or thoughts always coincide with whoever is talking. For a quick example, you wrote:

... See you in school tomorrow.ā€ The window closed, leaving her alone in her room, a picture now in her hands.

Since the dialogue is coming from Bethany, the reader will instantly assume that the following pronoun her is Bethany, and it will take time for them to stop and figure out it's actually Wendy. By granting the narrative its own paragraph and using Wendy in place of the pronoun, you create a smooth flow from one to the other.

The second section kind of blew my mind a little bit--in a good way. On the first read, I was confused about the dialogue because it seemed like both characters were the same character, but then when I re-read it, I realized that it was intentional. The ending line was great, leaving the piece off with a powerful hook. Excellent work.

I have included a few technical suggestions for your consideration. I hope you find them helpful.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet* It creates a longing, almost from birth and some spend their entire lives searching to fill a void they donā€™t fully understand.
The sentence before this start with, From birth, so the use of the phrase here feels a little repetitious. Consider eliminating it. For example, It creates a longing that some spend their entire...

*Bullet* Wendy Harris, 17, sits at her computer screen with an icon flashing, waiting for her to respond.
I ended up reading this sentence a couple of times to figure it out. First I wondered if I should know who her was, and then the wording with an icon flashing caught my attention. Was she waiting for her friend to respond, or was the flashing icon a way of showing that she herself was supposed to be responding? Consider rephrasing to eliminate confusion.

*Bullet*Itā€™s inner walls are made to look like the interior of a house,...
The word It's should be Its.

*Bullet*You know that Dietrich.ā€
Consider a comma before Dietrich because it is a direct address.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

All in all, a very effective and intriguing start. After reading it, I am eager to know more about these characters and the world they live in. Keep it up!

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Once Upon A Time  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya. TarynSloane ~ Writing !

I was out searching for treasure, and what do you know, I found some in this poem! *Wink*

My Thoughts

This was a very enjoyable poem. Within the first few lines, the rhythm was established, and though I have no clue if you followed a preset pattern or rhyme scheme, I found that it flowed well and that the cadence remained mainly consistent throughout. When I read it out loud, I noted a couple spots that I think could be smoother with a small change here or there, and I have included a couple of suggestions below, but for such a long poem that tells a direct story, I think you did an excellent job keeping the rhythm constant while also keeping the story itself flowing smoothly. I tell you one thing, I know I could never have accomplished it. *Smile* I especially enjoyed this piece while reading it aloud. Nice work.

I enjoyed the ending of this piece the most. The section And even though she loved her knight, / from him she would recover. But the heartbreak from a death of a dream / could last forever. It fit the story well and created a satisfactory ending, and it also made for a thought provoking ending that revealed the piece to be more about the loss of her dream than the loss of the man himself.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*Her love, as true and rare as diamonds.
Her dreams, sparkling like gold ;
fueled her hunger for happiness untold.
Consider a comma after diamonds rather than a period. The reason I suggest this is because the two lines work together to create the introduction for the final line. Also, the semicolon doesn't work here because the line following it cannot stand alone. It depends on the first two lines in order to make sense. Consider a comma instead.

*Bullet*thrown into still waters that run deep,
Since this is being told in past tense, consider ran to maintain consistency.

*Bullet*He was all she had wanted,
his love was all she had.
Consider removing the word was in the second line in order to smooth out the flow.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

A very enjoyable poem from beginning to end, and one I highly recommend. Keep up the excellent work! *Bigsmile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Rose Has Fallen  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Newbie Help And Support Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hiya, AmbyK !

*BalloonR* Welcome to WDC from "Newbie Welcome Wagon! *BalloonR*

Why Did I Chose This Item To Review?

I'm popping by to welcome you to the site. *Smile* I work with your mom in a number of different groups, and when I'd heard you'd joined up, I had to come on over to check you out. I hope you will find my comments and suggestions helpful and encouraging.

My Thoughts

While this is a pretty short poem, it expresses a powerful emotion. The first section where the word "Down" is used three lines in succession gave the feeling of falling slowly, and it set the mood well for the last line of the first stanza. After the reference to "dark dark ground." For me, it created an impression of hitting rock bottom.

The second stanza solidifies the darker emotions, though the last line's reference to the light of the moon feels a bit like a ray of hope. I think it's really cool how you managed to use such subtle ways to express emotion. Almost like a puzzle that the reader can put together. I like that.

To be honest, I would love to see you add on another stanza or two. Consider exploring the idea a bit more. What you have here sets the mood really well and would work great as a solid base to build from. Of course, it works well as it is, too. It's just something for you to consider. Mainly because when I was reading, I'd wished it was longer. *Wink*

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

The only punctuation you used in this was one period at the end of the first stanza. Consider removing it for consistency. I think the lack of punctuation worked really well to promote the mood. For me, punctuation is what put words in order, makes them rational, makes them make sense. When no punctuation is used, the words flow a bit more freely, allowing the reader's mind to explore the words with emotional freedom. Does that even make sense? I don't know for sure, but I hope it does! *Laugh*


I enjoyed reading this poem. It made me think for a little while about how I interpreted it, and I love that. Keep up the excellent work. I hope you'll love WDC as much as I do. *Bigsmile*

Thank you for allowing me to read and comment on your work. If you do not agree with my opinions, feel free to disregard them.

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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Scarlet Ribbon  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Unofficial Erotica Newsletter ...  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hiya, Hatsuda !

I am more than happy to read and review your writing. Please keep in mind that my suggestions are my own opinion, and if you don't agree, no worries!

My Thoughts

This was a very good read. I so wished there would have been room for you to expand on the encounter at the end, but on the other hand, the way it was written made it all the more romantic, so it worked out well.

The story flowed smoothly from beginning to end, and the narrative tone was consistent, allowing for an effortless read.

I really enjoyed Blade's character. He came off as a very kind person who did as much as he could for those around him without sacrificing too much of himself. He made it in business because of people who had been willing to help him when he needed it, and he continued in the same vein as he advanced with his career. A very likable personality trait. I think it's cool that while he was the looker, so to speak, he was the only one who always went home alone. At first, I wondered if he felt he was too good for the women at the bar, but then I realized it was because he wanted more than just a quick fling with some random woman. Very nicely done.

The HEA ending worked well and left me feeling content that the two of them had hooked up again after so many years.

Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, etc.

I have a few minor suggestions for your consideration.

*Bullet* Stepping into the evening air, still displaying a bit of diffuse sunlight lingering on the sidewalk, Blade took in a deep breath...
This sentence caught me for a few seconds. I think you could make it smoother and more easily understood with a small change. Consider, Stepping into the evening air, a bit of diffuse sunlight still lingering on the sidewalk, Blake.... For me, the way it's written made it sound like the air was displaying the sunlight. See what you think.

*Bullet* he saw that one of the drunks had reached around ladyā€™s shoulders
Consider adding the before lady's in order to smooth the sentence flow.

*Bullet*ā€œAh, there you are my dear.
Because my dear is a direct address, it should have a comma preceding it.

*Bullet* white haired gentleman,
The word white haired can be connected with a hyphen because together, they create a complete adjective.

*Bullet* Lately however, he began to pay way too much attention...
The beginning of this sentence needs a quote mark to show the reader that her dialogue is continuing. No quote mark at the end of the first paragraph, but a continuing quote mark at the beginning of the second.

In Conclusion

A romantic and uplifting reunion between two people who had once been close but never pursued a relationship. Thanks so much for entering round 8 of Sensual Moments. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your entry. *Bigsmile*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hiya, mARiā˜ StressedAtWork !

This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

My Thoughts

I have huge respect and admiration for anyone who can write a dialogue-only story and have it make sense to the reader. It is a very challenging form of writing, and I have to say, you went above and beyond. Not only could I understand and follow the conversation, I could clearly see the emotional effect Romaine Olivia's other personalities had on her.

When I started this story, I had no idea it was about psychological disorders or written for What a Character! Contest. At first, I will admit to a slight amount of confusion about the identity of the other speaker, but rather than stumping me, it intrigued me and pulled me into the story.

Within the first few exchanges, I started feeling Romaine Olivia's stress and fear of her. The fifth paragraph placed the seed in my mind, and then when she called the other speaker Livi, I was almost certain I knew what was going on. As soon as I met Rome, I knew for sure. I liked how you used the clues to create a full story, and I think it's awesome that you managed to do it with dialogue that felt smooth and natural. I often find that the dialogue ends up falling flat and feeling contrived because the author's trying too hard not to use tags or additional information.

The ending was kind of sad. Understanding the root of the disease made it worse because life events caused it.

There's just one thing I wanted to mention about the back and forth in the beginning. With each new paragraph, the reader expects the speaker to change, but it seemed to me that both para 5 and 6 were the same speaker. Take a look and see. I had a hard time trying to decide if it was off or not, so I thought I would mention it, but not actually suggest a change. *Wink*

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*You have the power over her don’t let her take you!”
I think there should be a semicolon between her and don't because there are two independent sentences.

*Bullet*You’re just jealous, you can’t see them the way we do!
Consider removing this comma. It isn't needed, and it interrupts the flow of the sentence.

*Bullet*You’re going to make a mess of everything she’s build up until now!
I think build should be built.

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

An intriguing read. I loved how the story caught me from the beginning by making me wonder, and then clued me in little by little as the scene progressed. I had one of those Ahhh moments, the kind where suddenly everything makes sense and when you look back at the story, you see all the hints the author gave you that you didn't quite notice. *Laugh* Gotta love it!

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Homecoming  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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Round 46
Prompt: Need. Hunger.

Hiya, OOTā„¢ !

I am more than happy to read and review your work. Any suggestions I provide are my opinion. Always feel free to disagree.

My Thoughts

I enjoyed reading this story. I really liked how you used the prompt. Rather than pure physical hunger, you concentrated on showing how deep the emotions ran between Sheila and Tony. She desired him like she'd never desired anyone before, and while she knew she should feel guilty about needing him so bad, she couldn't help her mind from straying to him constantly.

I loved Tony's character. He was sexy, sensual, compelling, sweet and sultry at the same time . . . it doesn't get much better than that. *Wink*

The chemistry between them was great. I had no trouble feeling the overwhelming hunger they had for each other. I'm sure these two will be the kind that just never get enough of each other. *Smile*

The story flowed well from beginning to end, and the tone and mood were held constant through active narrative. Very nice job!


*Bullet* "The gas tank is in a much better position to wait than I am," Shelia smiled ruefully . . .
Since this dialogue is followed by an action, the comma after am should be a period.

In Conclusion

A steamy, romantic read that left me wanting to see this couple in action again. Thanks so much for entering Round 46 of "The Weekly Quickie Contest. *Bigsmile*

*BalloonR* Congrats! You have won an Honorable Mention for this entry. Your GP prize is attached to this review. *Bigsmile*

Tone & Mood *Right* 1.0
Plot & Characters *Right* 1.0
Technical Aspects *Right* 1.0
Use of Prompt *Right* 1.0
*Blush* Blush Factor *Blush* *Right* 0.5
Total Rating *Right* 4.5

~A.J. Lyle~

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
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Round 46
Prompt: Hunger. Need.

Hiya, A*Monaing*Faith !

I am more than happy to read and review your work. Any suggestions I provide are my opinion. Always feel free to disagree.

My Thoughts

This was a fun read. I have to admit, when it started with flying venison, I wasn't sure what I was in for, but it turned into quite a seductive tease. Poor Marco darn near didn't know what hit him when she decided to take matters into her own hands. *Wink*

I got the feeling that the dominance wasn't her usual style, but she also didn't seem to be a stranger to the art. I'd guess she'd tried it before but didn't live the lifestyle. I think that made it more sexy because it was her way of evening out the playing field between them. She may find it backfires and ends up being a reward for him, though. *Smile*

While I enjoyed seeing his reaction to the treatment from his point of view, it caused what many publishers label 'head hopping.' Changing perspectives in the middle of a scene without any kind of break is somewhat frowned on with many editors, but that's not to say it's wrong. Sometimes it can cause confusion as the reader adjusts from one person to the next without warning. Just something for you to keep in mind.

I'm not sure that I could label this as blush worthy, but only because it doesn't get far enough to arouse the reader. It works as a great tease to get the reader feeling anticipation and suspense, though, and that's just about as good. Personally, I would have liked to see more action, but that's just my preference. When working with such small word counts, it's hard to know what to focus on, and since all readers like different things, it's impossible to please everyone.

You did a great job on Abby's personality, and I'd be more than interested in seeing where this situation leads. That's half the battle right there. The way you worded your sentences and structured the piece was compelling and smooth, and like I said above, the only thing missing was the pay off. If you decide to create an extended version of this, or even a second part, I'd love to read it. *Bigsmile*


*Bullet*"Seriously Marco, do you . . .
Any time you address someone directly, there should be a comma before the name.

*Bullet* The dark haired coal eyed beauty paused . . .
First, the words dark-haired and coal-eyed should be hyphenated to show that the two words make one concept. Second, both of the compound adjectives are equal in importance to his beauty, so they should be separated with a comma. They are called coordinate adjectives.

*Bullet*. The four legged creature . . .
The words four-legged should be hyphenated.

*Bullet*There were a few places where commas caused comma splices. Any time that two independent clauses (sentences that can stand alone) are joined by a comma without a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so) it is considered a comma splice. A semicolon can rectify that, or you can separate the sentences by a full stop. If you'd like examples, just let me know.

In Conclusion

An original, seductive read with a nice twist. Keep up the good work! Thank you so much for entering this round of "The Weekly Quickie Contest. I enjoyed reading and reviewing your entry. *Smile*

Tone & Mood *Right* 1.0
Plot & Characters *Right* 1.0
Technical Aspects *Right* 0.5
Use of Prompt *Right* 1.0
*Blush* Blush Factor *Blush* *Right* 0.5
Total Rating *Right* 4.0

~A.J. Lyle~

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hiya, keikei-love critical reviews! !

This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

My Thoughts

Oh, goodness. I can already feel the emotional strain and it's only chapter one. I'm sure it will only become more and more intense as the story continues.

Your introduction on this first chapter was very intriguing, and I was interested in the story right away. At the mention of her having the kind of beauty that would make men sin, I felt a wave of fear for her. Within the first few paragraphs, I knew I was in for a hard read.

I love how deeply you've delved into Zaharra's mind. Not only does the reader get a feel for what she's goes through at her cousin's hand, but the reader gets to feel her as a young girl. To see the way she loves her father, how much she helps her father by taking care of the house and meals, shows that she is a responsible young woman. You allow the reader to see her hopes for the future, and though she is dwelling on them in a negative light as being unattainable, the reader gets to see a lot about the world she lives in and how society views things.

Not only is Zaharra suffering through a hard time at the present, but there's also hints about the past not being that good, either. I have many questions about why she wasn't a virgin when her cousin raped her, whether she was a victim once already, or whether it was her choice. With the basis of her religious views, I tend to think she was somehow lured into it. Not too sure, but I know that I want to find out.

As I read this, I felt a heaviness settle in my stomach, and that tells me two things. First, I'm scared of what will happen next, and second, no matter what happens, I feel a need to know. Strange how that happens sometimes. Good, but strange. *Wink*

The chapter flows very well from beginning to end, and besides final editing, I have just one suggestion for you about the flow. At the end, the chapter seemed to fizzle out instead of leave off with a hook. Instead of revealing that the person to be stoned is a woman and then having Zaharra wonder why, perhaps end it on a suspenseful note by revealing that it's a woman in a way that shows Zaharra's surprise, but doesn't give any other details. Then the reader will feel compelled to keep reading.

Regardless, I would keep reading, but anything we can do to make the writing more active is good.

All in all, a very enticing and emotional first chapter. I can't wait to get to know this girl better, and hopefully, see her happy eventually. Keep up the amazing work.

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with House of Sensual Prose  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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Round 38
Prompt: Let's get hot and heavy in a hotel.

Hiya, Purple Wishing WDC Happy 24th !

I am more than happy to read and review your work. Any suggestions I provide are my opinion. Always feel free to disagree.

My Thoughts

A very satisfying encounter, I must say. You used a clever mix of vivid descriptions and active narrative to pull the reader into the story to not only watch them, but to be able to feel the heat between them, the passion and need that they shared. His dominant attitude was done perfectly to be sexy instead of controlling or overbearing. It was just enough to add a little spice. Nicely done.

I enjoyed the smooth arc of the story as it progressed and the sexual tension increased. I found it easy to lose myself in their desire. The ending made me grin and wonder what she had in mind for him. My imagination provided several rather interesting scenarios. *Wink*

You did a good job on these two characters, as well. I could sense that they were comfortable with each other, and the way Taylor perked up when he saw her in her outfit made me like him right away because it showed just how much he wanted her. Knowing that they were both so eager amped up the intensity.


*Bullet*A smile remained on her face as she entered the room and quickly changed . . .
When I see the word remained, I think of it as a reminder of something that happened previously. I think you might try using this to introduce her smile and create some imagery for the reader. What kind of smile was it? Perhaps something like, A sinful smile stretched her lips as she entered the room . . . I'm not sure that works either, but it pops out at me as a great place to begin showing the level of her arousal.

*Bullet*She lingered at the closed door concentrating on slowing her erratic heartbeat before strutting into room.
To ensure that the phrase concentrating on slowing her erratic breathing is modifying She from earlier in the sentence, consider a comma after door. That way the reader doesn't get confused and think that the door is the one concentrating. *Wink*

*Bullet*until those dark eyes sparkled and landed on her.
In this sentence, you are indicating that his eyes sparkled before his gaze landed on her. I think it would work better if he saw her, and seeing her made his eyes sparkle. What do you think?

*Bullet*and catching her breathe.
I think the word breathe should be breath. The e on the end makes the ea give a hard vowel sound, and the absence of the e creates the soft vowel sound.

*Bullet*Gasping for breath she broke the kiss, spreading her legs granting him full access as her body caught fire, . . .
Consider adding the word and between legs and granting in order to further increase the smooth flow of the sentence.

*Bullet*One quick thrust and Taylor filled her and then set the pace. Long, slow thrusts followed by short and quick, . . .
I think you could increase the flow of this section by rewording just a little bit. For me, the added on and then set the pace took away from the sensual act of her being filled. Consider something like, One quick thrust and Taylor filled her. He set the pace with long, slow thrusts, followed by short and quick, . . . In my opinion, using the pacing to start the next sentence feels a bit smoother. See what you think.

*Bullet*he reached around cupping both
Consider he reached around and cupped both in order to avoid repetition with the ing words.

*Bullet*I noticed that you tend to use the word as often in order to show two things happening at the same time. While it's very useful, it tends to get repetitious fast. Consider substituting some of them with words that mean the same such as when and while.

In Conclusion

A satisfying and intense encounter that uses the character's personalities, emotions, and reactions to tantalize the reader. I enjoyed it very much. *Smile*

Just in case you feel the urge to expand this story, you might consider the upcoming round of "Sensual Moments, Vol. 9. The prompt being posted tomorrow will be very similar to this one. Just sayin' . . . *Wink*

Tone & Mood *Right* 1.0
Plot & Characters *Right* 1.0
Technical Aspects *Right* 0.5
Use of Prompt *Right* 1.0
*Blush* Blush Factor *Blush* *Right* 1.0
Total Rating *Right* 4.5

~A.J. Lyle~

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review of Loss of Control  
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hiya, NixiešŸ¦Š here and there !

This review is from Showering Acts of Joy. I hope you have your towel ready! *Wink*

My Thoughts

I have to say, this story hit me pretty hard. I've experienced the same kind of emotions and impulses in my time as a wife and a mother, and I could really sympathize with how Terry was feeling. My reactions to those emotions was less drastic than Terry's were, but I could see why she did what she did. Sometimes it's all too easy to lose oneself while taking care of a home, a husband, kids, and everything else that goes along with them. While I love being a wife and a mother, depression can lead a person down roads that they never imagined they might go. I can't say I was happy to see Terry leave her family behind, but it did work well for the story. It shows the reader that everyone has a limit. I think it will affect mothers in a positive way by giving them a reality check, and I believe it will affect others in a positive way as well because perhaps it will cause them to think of the mother in their life and appreciate her. *Smile*

The dialogue in this was very effective, and it moved the scene along well. You used actions and reactions to 'show' the reader what was happening, and it increased my reaction because I became that much more involved in the scenes. Terry's thoughts through the narrative worked well to show bits and pieces of her characterization as the story progressed, and I think it worked well to give the reader insights needed to understand her point of view. Nice work.

The flow of this story was smooth from beginning to end. I had no trouble following the transitions. I also wanted to mention that I liked the beginning sentence. It was something out of the ordinary to catch my attention because right away I wondered why you'd mention an over-sized diaper bag in a sentence used to hook the reader. The awesome thing is that wondering that hooked me instantly. *Wink* Nice.

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*The kids were screaming—no worse than any other day—Terry turned and climbed the stairs to her bedroom.
The em dashes don't work in this sentence because the words before the first dash and the words following the second don't form a proper sentence. Consider: The kids were screaming--no worse than any other day--when Terry turned and...

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

A well-written, compelling, vivid, and meaningful short story. I definitely recommend it, especially for those who may be dealing with the same sort of emotional turmoil. Keep up the great work!

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!
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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.
Review by ~A.J. Lyle~
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hiya, lorrielee kelley !

*Fire* Congrats! You're receiving a gift from "Invalid Item ! The Lightning Package has been ordered for you from: Itchy Water~fictionandverse and includes the reviews of three fiction stories! This is review 3 of 3. Enjoy! *Fire*

My Thoughts

I really liked this story. The basis of it really appealed to me as I was reading, and the narrative voice that told the story was emotional and factual at the same time, granting the reader a chance to feel emotion while hearing about the people in an indirect way. I liked that because it did more than just relate this one family's experiences, it gave the reader a look at the 'bigger picture', and that will cause people to really think about the lesson to learned by this family. Great work on that.

I think the heading of 'Two tortured souls...' that you used was effective in its repetition. It also made it even more powerful when it became, 'One tortured soul...'. Very nice.

The structure of the piece was great. Each paragraph took the character farther ahead in time, revealing details about this couple. Right from the beginning, the reader knows it doesn't turn out well by the last sentence, "Two souls already in turmoil." and I would normally say that keeping the reader in suspense would be best, but because of the overall scope you get with it the way it is, for once I am saying that I think it worked very well to give that information up front. *Thumbsup*

The only thing I suggest for this is to do some editing to give the reader the full effect of the piece by creating a smoother read. I really believe you have a great, emotional story here, and I am glad that I got a chance to read and review it. *Bigsmile*

Grammar/Punctuation/Spelling, etc.

*Bullet*Moved far away from everything they knew, bringing their daughter in tow, they moved to a great place that...
Consider rephrasing just a little bit here. The 'bring their daughter in tow' doesn't quite flow. Also, the word 'that' is out of place. Consider something like, 'Moved far away from everything they knew, their daughter in tow, to a great place with ...'

*Bullet*Moving broke her heart, the little girl was now well on her way to also became a tortured soul.
Consider separating these two sentences with a full stop. Since they are independent sentences, the comma is a comma splice. Or, you could add an 'and' after the comma to create a proper coordinating conjunction between the two clauses.

*Bullet*always holding the others vice over each others heads,...
Consider apostrophe's in 'other's' to show possession.

*Bullet*The daughter got married, more then once...
The word 'then' should be 'than'.

*Bullet*was more then she could handle.
The word 'then' should be 'than'.

*Bullet*This isn’t what she wanted
The word 'isn't' should be 'wasn't' in order to maintain the tense.

*Bullet*The only visitor he had in long hospital stay...
Consider 'during the' instead of 'in' to grant a smoother flow.

*Bullet*Then the cancer went into remission and went back to work.
Who went back to work?

*Bullet*His long, laborious, unhappy life over.
Consider, 'His long, laborious life--over.' for more impact.

*Bullet*His tortured soul gently lifted out and brought to the place where all things are made new again.
The word 'brought' doesn't fit in this sentence unless something 'brought' him. Consider, 'went' instead.

*Bullet*...was the worse torture imaginable.
The word 'worse' should be 'worst.'

*Bullet* that went on much longer then anyone expected.
The word 'then' should be 'than'.

*Bullet*Kissing her she left the room, and couldn’t look back.
The comma in this sentence isn't quite right. Consider: Kissing her, she left the room and couldn't look back.

*Bullet*In the second last paragraph, the voice changes from one relating events, to talking directly to the author. Consider placing the lesson in the daughter's perspective so that it doesn't pull the reader out of the story. Consider something like, 'The lesson she learned from all of this?'

*Star* In Conclusion *Star*

A compelling read with an original and effective approach to telling a story. I really enjoyed it. If you decide to edit, please let me know. I'd love to come back and re-rate it accordingly. *Smile*

Thank you for posting your work and allowing me to comment on it. If you do not agree with my suggestions, that is just fine. They are definitely yours to do with what you wish. *Wink*

Happy Writing!

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