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Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi whiskerface! Here I am with a review to celebrate you! I love chocolate chip cookies so I could not resist checking this out on the random read! *Delight*

*Smile* Yum! I like the recipe as you use real butter and the semi sweet chocolate. I like bittersweet so this really works. I wondered what nuts would be the best for flavour. Did you have a favourite?

*Bigsmile* The directions were easy to follow and it was so cool to add the ways you can prep the cookies for a pan, or even a roll and slice. I never thought of doing that. *Think* Bars would be cool too and thanks for adding the difference in bake times for each type. Cool.

*Delight* Adding high altitude baking is a convenient element. I knew it was different but now learned how it changes. Cool!

*Star*Yummy! I could use one of these right now, but will have to settle for ice cream and chocolate chips for a treat. LOL

Write on and cook!

A  birthday gift

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*Welcome to WDC, Satwinder Vig I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

I liked the title that makes an intriguing one for a self help book. Evocative. Your short report shares the intent of the book clearly and that it is accessible to most people in its simplicity. Good idea to keep it simply said!

It is interesting that you apologize for old info that might be there after publishing as this is true of many books. A time thing we can do little about. *Wink*

Thanks for sharing your interest in spirituality. Maybe you can share some of the ideas in another article.

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

A  birthday gift

for entry "The Corpse Flower
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Smile* Hiya KingsideCastle! Looks like I forgot to review this in "I Write: Enter the Second Decade! *Think*

*Flowerr* I was fascinated by the name of this flower so the title hooked curiousity. The picture is beautiful and adds colour, effect and realism to your description.

*Flowerb* I can't imagine it's smell. EW!!! It is cool that smelling it is actually one of its attractions for people. I guess it is a fascination. Wow.

*Flowery* Your blog has a friendly vibe and shares facts and your experiences with this rare plant.
I enjoyed reading it aloud. I wondered what it does once the 3 days of blooming are up. I guess it has done its work til it blooms again. It is very interesting.

*Star*Thanks for sharing another delightful piece of New York!

A  birthday gift
Review of A New Rule-r  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Delight* Happy July Fyn! I am happy to review to celebrate you!

*Bursty* Oh yes!! This poem is priceless and has a relevant message that I really sense came from the heart of the poet. It applies to everyone and inspires us to see the truth.

*Burstb* The title is evocative and a unique image about measuring. Verse two use the imagery in a meaningful way and makes a potent point. I smiled at "IQ to date"! *Cool*

*Burstr* Your chorus chimes clearly in a quick pace. Repeating the offending words "not enough" is emphatic and I believe it is one of the most harmful phrases in our collective thought.   Bringing attention to it and then countering its effects with a new point of view in the last verse is effective and inspiring. I liked the image of "Kindness hue". Good one.

*Burstg* Your expression was pleasant to read aloud with its rhyme and flow. The emphatic tone in
"enough's enough!" and "else be damned" helped give the poem its emotional potency. I felt it! And agree whole heartedly. I did not notice a specific rhythm scheme yet it did not take me out of the reading aloud. The chosen words, sound effect and meaning kept me engaged! Well done.

*Star*Thanks for sharing this much needed piece of wisdom!

Write on!

A  birthday gift
Review of Birthday Party  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI NormaJean! Guess who popped up on the Read and Review so I guess another review from me is fated! LOL *Star*

*Smile* I have been enjoying your short tales with their bits of comedy. And I had to burst out laughing at this one! Oh my gosh! Sometimes this whole facebook communication thing is so useless. Doesn't anyone talk directly to the person who most needs to know the news? LOL

*Laugh* I enjoyed the straight forward voice and structure at the beginning, which sets the situation and setting. The short staccato sentences work as time goes slow when you are waiting.
Liveliness begins with the facebook chatter and though usually we put different speakers on different lines in a story, this meshing them all together works for a facebook back and forth and adds a faster pace. I laughed when your mom said, "Have fun" when no one will be there.

*Sad* I could really hear the disappointment in the last line of the story. Resignation. I was hoping he had more friends that would show up! LOL And I could see the two of them pigging out on cake.

Thanks for sharing this bit of fun. I was entertained and felt bad for the planner.

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

Review of Private calls  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI jimminycritic! Guess who popped up on Read and Review And it is your anniversary month. *Delight* So I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Shock* Oh, the idea in this short story is creepy and scary! That you have the government involved does not surprise me, either.

*Bursty* You captured this fellow's delight and his job with good detail. Beginning with his imperative dialogue was an appealing hook. First I think he is just wanting someone to answer him and then when he says "that's right" I get that he is alone and speaking to himself. You show the man's intent and motive in the first paragraph. *Thumbsup*

*Cellphone*Your explanation of how the system works was easy to follow and it was pleasant to read such lines as "The trick..." with your use of alliterative and repeated sound technique. It added to the flow. I think the word "pic's" here needs to be plural "pics". *Wink* Same in the next paragraph.

*Phone* I miss the old phone though my mom still has a land line. I can almost feel the man's excitement with what is to come with technology. Not nice! LOL

*Star*Your piece was evocative and well done in so few words! Thanks for sharing your craft.

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

for entry "Sights of the Bronx
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Delight* Hi KingsSide Castle! I am back with a review of your item in "I Write: Enter the Second Decade.

*Smile* I have never been to the Bronx though it is a famous location from movies and sports. So it was interesting to read your recommendations on what to see. I saw the zoo on tv one time and had no idea that Poe cottage was there. How cool! It is sad to think the old stadium had to be renewed but I am sure there are great pictures and archives somewhere.

*Bigsmile* Your blog was easy to read and coherent with an inviting vibe. I could tell that you love your city. Wow! There is a trail from there up to Canada, where I live. Wonder where it ends up! So neat. I love walking trails.

*Cheshire* This was an effective follow up to your other link on the Bronx! Thanks for sharing.

A  birthday gift
Review of Wonderland 2022  
for entry "3. Alice's Right Foot
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI white pawn NormaJean! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

Back in Wonderland at the court I found your scroll wailing a lost limb.
I was drawn into the wife's panic thanks to the emotive dialogue
The event seemed real as you had the husband notice the loss so grim.
The turning point came as a surprise and led to happy result.

Words like "Yikes" and then "hallelujah" make for great contrast
as the tale changes from terror to joy thanks to a dream.
Coming full circle she can tell the tale! What a blast
to wake up whole and not in a wonderland madness!

I enjoyed entering the vision, complete, short and sweet
Engaging and fulfilling the nonsensical prompt.
Thanks for sharing your gift. It was such a treat
just like the Queen's tarts we can't yet eat!

Keep on hopping round in the Rabbit Hole!
Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI HollyMerry! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Elephant* I so enjoyed this charming story with its tender reflective voice. Your first line drew me in as I too love old books and your description is poetic. The first part of the story was set in the past and was a lovely vivid image of this girl captivated with the book ends. Your descriptions are detailed so I could really imagine the elephants.

*Elephant* I liked how you then move to the present time after the grandparents are gone. Going into attic rooms for treasures is a favourite scene for me too. I love old things. It was interesting how this older girl thought of how the ornaments would have been made. A sad one! And she will never know if her folks knew. I like how she assumed they did not as you have shown their love for animals and especially elephants. Using a memory that grandma told her was a fine ploy here.

*Elephant* It was sad at the end when the wood also reminded her of how grandpa died. It seems a waste to go like that. Good lesson not to smoke in bed. *Sad*

*Elephant* The writing was effective and I did not stumble anywhere, enjoying the tone and flow of the memoire. You have some lovely prose expressions and use some repeated sounds to make the read feel elegant.

*Elephant* My friend loves elephants and goes to Africa with a charity to help the baby ones in the parks and visit other elephant reserves. She says they are awesome.
Thanks for sharing your entertaining episode. I loved it!

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

for entry "Miami Driving
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Delight* HI KingSide Castle. I am happy to review your item for "I Write: Enter the Second Decade!

*Carr*This sounds like a wonderful trip down memory lane! Driving with the windows down and the tunes loudly playing is so fun! As long as one can choose. Travelling with family can be problematic with all the kinds of tunes. LOL I am familiar with a few of the songs and Miami Vice though I am older than you are! *Wink*

*Smile*It is good to hear that music is included in games as it must add to the adventure. I am not a gamer and don't know much about it. It is a pasttime of today that I have not entered into! But I know folks have fun with them. I get a little annoyed at the violent ones that kids play though. Sad.

*Thumbsup* Your voice is light and I can tell you enjoy your subject.
Adding the link to your favourite song gave it energy and let us share in your experience. I am not familiar with that song. Making your own CD is awesome too. I had lots of CD's on my car as I hate radio ads! Now I guess folks use playlists. Still it is cool how driving with tunes never dies!

*Laugh* This was fun to read and evoked memories of my own. Thanks for sharing.
Keep trekking to the tunes!

new signature for WDC Superpower Reviewers
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
*Delight* Hail Megan rose, white pawn of Wonderland. I am from the court of the Queen here with a few comments on your delightful poem of unexpected events in a day. *Cheshire*

*Shock2* I would not want to spend a day like this. It was really absurd as Wonderland can be! Good job holding my attention and interest with all the imaginative and wild things that you describe. *Thumbsup*

*Laugh* I like the way the events all twist together all in one day. Quite absurd but fun to read. I liked the turkey walking the stalk and seeing Prince in the moon. Getting a new tea set was fun as the other broke. Glad you got that in there. It will fit with your Jane Austen set. *Rolling*

*Quill* A tweak the ax could help:
in "it fly back " fly should be "flew".

*Star* The free verse suits the variety and nonsensical things that occur. The voice shows surprise and the poet appears to take the weirdness calmly! Not sure I would. Whew! The wind reminded me of the Wizard of Oz. And I had laughed at the "nerve pill" working. LOL Good one!

This was a cool piece of nonsense. I think your mind is truly grasping madness! Are you wearing Hatter's Hat? *Crazy* Entertaining read.

Thanks for playing in Wonderland so eccentrically!

new signature for WDC Superpower Reviewers
Review of Final Goodbye  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI webbie! Guess what showed up on Read and Review as I was wandering around. Your story! Must be a sign. An Anniversary one so I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Heart* I enjoy a positive love story and yours is ideal. In a short story you captivated me with a love story from the meeting to the trials of no children and to a surprising yet so realistic sad ending. This disease is so common now and so hard to deal with. I like how you showed that the spark was still within even while her mind was gone. It makes sense to hold on to love!

*HeartP* I like how you have the narrator reflect in the moment back through his life with his wife. Your descriptions of the background story of young tentative love and the flowering was vivid and that they loved each other was so evident. It was cool that they were well matched and I laughed at the dad being glad he was not a jock! Often an idea that parents can have. LOL

*Heartt* It was sad that they could not have kids and so cool that they did not seek why. Love would not make it matter. I thought they might adopt. The story flowed coherently and your line about being a neurosurgeon not being immune gave the story a chilling turn, a clue to the next part of their life. You capture the hardship and sadness of the husband having to commit her and slowly losing her in a vivid way that is heart wrenching.

*Heartv*The last lines were so moving as love remained the connection and even she deep down found peace. Lovely. One really feels for the husband and the topic is so relevant as this is becoming more and more common. You reveal the feelings of it effectively.

*Star*Thanks for sharing this heart felt love story that highlights this illness and the love and bravery it takes to deal with it.

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI Norma Jean! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Rolling* This is too funny! You really show your comical side here and kids can be such a good source of funny incidents. I love this kid. His personality and logic is so clear from his expression and your dialogue. I laughed aloud at his connection at the end!! *Laugh* Brilliant.

*Laugh* The dialogue was well written to tell the tale! I could hear the tones of the mom and the kid. I wondered as the kid's words are in italic, he is thinking this as the mother is trying to convince him. His tone is so cute! It reflects ideas that we have that kids even if not speaking have ideas and reasons for refusals. LOL What a funny reason he has. Yum chocolate. Yet it could be related to poo! Hilarious.

*Smile* Well worth the ribbon you won! I had so much fun reading. Thanks for sharing your genius.

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*Happy anniversary month Webbie! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Delight* Yay! I found a poem I have not reviewed before. I liked the tag line clue and it is a relevant theme. Memories are so precious.

*Babygirl* Oh my goodness! This is so touching and I could feel her tears. The way you describe the precious toys and the memories they stirred are so vivid. I could really enter the vision of the children at the time they played with them. Brilliant!

*Carr* That you have her let them go is transitional. She might have cleaned them for grandkids later. I thought that was maybe where we would head! *Wink* But then, time goes on and newer things are wanted with the time. The metaphor of watching them taken away one by one for free like letting each memory drift away as well. How sad. Yet I thought of some other happy kid who would be wheeling around in that little car!

*Smile* I like how you begin with another's opinion of what the mother should do! It seems to be the way. You are happy in the dream and someone buts in and has one thinking. The free style suit the work and I appreciated the creative rhyme scheme that added to flow and soundscape. Using questions really engages the reader and ideas like "death sentence" set a potent moment.

*Babyboy*The reflection tone is apparent and strong as mom travels down memory lane. And now she has this memory of letting go. A time for her too!

Thanks for sharing this moving piece of poetry. What a gift.

*Balloonp* Happy happy anniversary and thank you for all you be and do around here to make it sparkle and shine like you, and for the laughs you share. *Starstruck*

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

Review of Wonderland 2022  
for entry "2. Who Am I?
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Crown**Rabbit3* Hello NormaJean, white pawn! I am here from the Queen's court first to wish you:


and secondly to give my two non cents about your poetic nonsense! *Bigsmile*{/c]

*Tree* I enjoyed what you did with Kilmer's poem on trees, one of my favourites! I had a good laugh at the comical nature of your verses. It fits right into Wonderland! *Thumbsup*

*Pepperjalapeno* The imagery is vivid and the idea of a chilli and egg tree is unique. Weird monkeys too if they eat that! LOL The poem had a nice rhyme and effective use of repeated sounds like "short i" makes for an interesting soundscape that assist the flow.

*Star* Silly response to the prompt that suits the rabbit hole.

*Monkey* Thanks for sharing your monkey business! *Wink*

A  birthday gift
for entry "B2 - Who Am I?
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Crown* Hi from the Court of the Queen in Wonderland! I just had to pop in and say what a nonsensical poet you are. You mastered a parody of a famous poem that is delightful and befitting of the bonkers life in Wonderland! *Starstruck*

*Thumbsup* You really caught the flow and flare of the original poem and created a totally humourous read. I agreed with the anteater. *Laugh**Smirk* I had to at the god having Latte and reading the paper. The language is so high tone for the place too. Very comical.

*Smile* So many cool images with lovely rhyme and flow. A pleasure to read. Thanks for sharing your brilliance in style here. I am impressed. *Star*

Go onward. Looks like Nonsense in your middle name.

fairy sig for Power Captain!
Review of Free the Poet  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI DyrHearte writes! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Penr* I really enjoy free flow poetic musings and your letting the muse free is a fine theme. I so understand the freedom of spontaneity and the free form you use without convention of punctuation so fits the notion of this.

*Penb* The bits of rhyme add a soundscape and interest as do the past tense verbs on three lines. I liked the personification of the "thoughts out racing the pen". I have had this happen too and such messy writing can result! *Laugh* The image of being "free of chains" as the free flow goes beyond ego and critic is one I can also relate to! *Cool*

*Star* Thanks for sharing this free flow - a relevant theme to poets and writers I am sure. You make it feel like fun, which it can be when the muse gets on a roll!

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

for entry "Hydrangea
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

*BalloonR**ConfettiP*HI April! I am here with a review to celebrate you! *Star*

*Flowerb* What a clear vivid picture comparing two images in the present moment. I liked the move from "growing" to barking". At first I thought the hydrangea was barking so maybe a dash after "growing" would serve to delineate better. The great surprise twist of the dog barking and breaking branches. Our pup likes to lay down under our bushes! LOL

*Dog1* I liked the soundscape created with the repeated b sounds. The form follows a traditional haiku format well and you use phrases at first. In haiku one tries to avoid sentences, *Wink*

*Flowerw* I could so relate to the experience you shared. Thanks for honouring the haiku form in your way.

Light on the path as you write on!!*Star*

A  birthday gift

for entry "A3. The Hallway.
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Rabbit* Hail White Pawn Adherennium! I am back for the Red Queen's court to comment on your entertaining Hall way adventure! *Delight* I hope you won't mind a few tea stains as I read while having lovely tea. You know how messy it can be at the Mad Hatter's table. *Laugh*

*Teab*Wow! This was an entertaining tale that kept me reading on! I love lots of dialogue that relates the story and character and your humour shines through. I could easily pick up the innocence of Pipkin, trying to figure stuff out and the seriousness and patience of Blackberry and Bigwig's focus!

*Teapotp* I appreciated the names of the rabbits you incorporated from Watership Down. I recently did a newsletter about this tale, so it is likely why the names ring a bell. Great connection. And I had to laugh at the Narnia reference too! Don't you love when the muse just shows up with these. I have done similarly in my adventures in this place. *Thumbsup*

The story flowed coherently and was easy to follow while laughing at the comical ideas you add in to the conversation, like "narrative requirements" and the caterpillar with the "hooker"! *Laugh* Your descriptions were vivid and I could envision the place, the little hard hats (how cute!}, the water rat and the mole. I like how the diggers were so serious and I felt bad when they wound up having to refill the hole. I laughed at the last line! It felt Wonderlandish and they are not even there yet. *Smile*

*Teag*One minor typo I think. I wondered if the "small group of rabbit" should have "rabbits".

*Tear* I tried to figure out what "rat sculled away" meant. *Confused* I had not heard that expression so I had to look it up. Effective verb that fits the boat scene. I love to learn new words! *Thumbsup*

*Teapoto*The quip about "British public works" is priceless too!

*Star* This was truly nonsensical and worthy of Wonderland lore! The diggers must have made a wrong turn somewhere but rest assured, brave pawn, I did not! Great to start my day with a laugh.
Thanks for sharing your comical gift.

at the Red Queen's Court!

Sig for blog/reveiws
"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Crown**Rabbit3* Hail Adherennium, brave white pawn! I see your planet from The Queen's Court and you may yet be made a king in this game. *Thumbsup*

The poem describes expertly exactly what we might see
should we visit this unique place in space!
"Icosahedronnmical" will cause a thoughtful squint
especially as "fur lined" does not give folks a hint! *Smile*
The scroll was fun to read with its serious tone
about the weird nonsensical Heisenberg home.
Rhyming was on key and while the rhythm did vary
it did not throw this reader out of kilter.
I had fun reading this aloud with gusto
assonance and consonance adding to the flow
and soundscape like "Gravity don't grab them"
or odd antics "like sipping wardrobe tea." Ahem!
Punctuation assisted the pace and only two lines
stood out as "all" and "shore" don't rhyme! *Shock*
And a missing period after "victory"
I took for a typo in the midst of battle history.
What a planet! I guess if they don't care
about changing pants, then at errors they won't glare! *Wink*
That is just for a judge like me...
and it could have been your purpose, to see
if I would see, or just to add a mystery
to the quantum gods rolling dice with no accuracy! *Cool*
Thanks for sharing your discovery
through the telescope I lent thee!
Carry on your nonsense, if you please!
We love to be entertained and laugh with ease. *Thumbsup*

at the Red Queen's Court
In Wonderland and for "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
PS. did you know you can edit up to the deadline, if you need to! *Wink*

Sig for blog/reveiws

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "b Pool Of Tears B.2
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
*Rabbit3* Hi White Pawn Megan Rose! I was enjoying the garden in Wonderland, when you poem floated by! *Cheshire*

*Flowerr* What a delightful and nonsensical poem. I like your choice of Emily's poem, one of my favourites!
I enjoyed reading your poem aloud with its good rhyme scheme that reflects the scheme of the original. I like the idea of the Cat being Hope! Details like flower pie, and the hatter hiding in a hat are comical. *Crazy*

*Flowerv* I laughed at the Shock Rock Band! Nice connection to another Alice. Adding the Wonderland characters was brilliant too. The poem had dramatic elements that added to the atmosphere of the confusion of Wonderland. *Smile*

*Flowerb* I wondered about the repeated word "singing" twice in one line. It flows like song. I just thought for variety a different descriptive might be cool.

*Flowery* You made good use of some assonance and consonance that added to the soundscape and flow of the poem. Awesome read!
I had fun entering your vision! Thanks for sharing your imagination.

Keep on hopping in Wonderland!

a gifted signature
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Review of The Doll  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Delight*Hiya Sumojo! I am happy to review your piece in "I Write: Enter the Second Decade!

*Shock2* Oh wow! Your story was evocative as it tells the tale of the Holocaust. I was drawn right into the journey from the start. Your descriptions were vivid and the point of view of the narrator consistent and potent in tone.

*Fire* The structure was sound and the story line coherent as you take us through the experiences on the train, depot, the camp and the chamber. I was not thrown out by any major glitches and stayed involved in the story. I really felt for the man and it must have been hard when "skilled" folks felt like they worked for the enemy. Sad and yet to survive, sometimes one has choice.

*Sad* I was so sad when the guard took the doll! You did a good job having us witness this through the eyes of the old man. The mystery of what she said was a good hook too. I wonder what she said.

*Fire* It was a brilliant twist to have the doll a symbol carrying some reminder of the girl. It was a surprise that you could make a horror even more of a horror! The ending was sad and an unexpected twist. To survive and then...Wow! Evocative at the end to as he realizes what she had said..and I am guessing! LOL I am glad he found peace.

Well written and potent! It really captures the essence of that time. *Starstruck*

for WDC Superpower  Reviewers group
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
*Cupcakev*Hail White Pawn Megan Rose! *Teag*

*SnailB* From Down the Rabbit Hole at the Queen's court, I speak!

*Teapotp* Your telescope worked quite well and revealed details beyond reality! The planet sounds like it has a variety of environments that are appealing.

*Teao* I enjoyed reading your present tense voice and personal tone in the narrative. I enjoyed how you bring movie character references into play here. I was happy that one creature was not Jabba!! *Shock* You also bring in the white Rabbit and dina! It is a place Dinah would like.

*Teag* The names you use for the characters are other worldly and fit the theme. You have a great imagination as you reveal such yummy berries. How cool.

*Teab* Adding dialogue with a caterpillar kept us in tune with Wonderland theme while taking us out of the world. I enjoyed the conversation and your point about how man can destroy. Good message. I loved the surprise ride home! Unexpected and fun!

*Teapotp* I really felt the care the author has for the planet. Lovely!

Keep up the awesome work. This felt Wonderlandish! *Laugh*

at the Queen's court!

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Happy July Jeff! I am happy to review your item for "I Write: Enter the Second Decade! *Delight*

Wow! This is a deep topic and you make good points about individuals. Every bit helps but I think it will take a collective action. I always thought if we just all stopped buying certain plastic things, businesses would make no money and stop making them. Yet as a world we can never seem to agree at the same time. *Sad* You would think, too, with our future children at risk, we would get it together.

Your blog entry is well written with details that back up your opinion on these issues. It is interesting about the electric cars. I am not familiar with their workings but always wondered how long the battery would last. As you said, electric fill ups are not handy yet. It is cool that you had a hybrid car and are ready to go all the way to do your part.

Thanks for the links to the article to the car experience. It was cool. I live in the country so I am not sure about electric in our area! I did notice a few tesla spots at the mall in the bigger town. They are usually empty.*Think*

I like the narrative that mixes fact with personal experience and viewpoint. It invites us to consider our own ideas on this important subject. *Thumbsup* Thanks for sharing this informative expression.

Write and dream on.

"WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group
a gifted signature
Review of Barrier  
Review by eyestar~*
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Hail Words Whirling Round! Thanks for entering "DreamTime Dragon's Poem Contest! Here are my brief comments on your creation! *Fire*

*Dragon* I so enjoyed the clear imagery and flow of this expression with its sad tale of these soul mates. I could imagine the playfulness at the beginning and then the inevitable separation. It was lovely to read aloud as your word choices and use of poetic techniques assisted the soundscape and flow. Cool that I did not miss the rhyme. The title is perfect for the metaphor.

*Mermaidtail* I notice you use 4 line verses and have one too many lines as the prompt calls for 15. *Sad* Still, a well conceived poem that captured the essence of these two mythical creatures.
Thanks for entering your magic!

I rate it lower as it missed part of the rules. *Wink*

Keep the quill scribing! *Star*

A dragon reading a book by candle light
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