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Rated: 18+ · Book · Spiritual · #1149750
10k views, 2x BestPoetryCollection. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind
Making sure everything goes down with a yank
before someone has to sit where I've been at.

I had a lover's quarrel with the world - Robert Frost

I'm sorry you got caught in the middle. - me

This poet’s words collect, arrange on a kaleidoscope spectrum. The experience of discovery through writing is the truest reward that has allowed me to grow and learn who/what I am — what other people get naturally, immediately, while I stomp around in it.

Been blessed, but pushing it — envelope, world and all inhabitants away. Push buttons, find boundaries to trip traps. No clue why cat curiosity, living in your dark. (Bored, perhaps?)

Now and then, push dirt out of this hole; someone/thing/entity might envision me how I need to be viewed (if I knew what that was). Cryptic, yes. Try living in my dark, find comfort amid strange, virtual, wonderful walls that tower above, tempt me to scale.

Been more than I could imagine or expect here. But, achievements aren’t going on a LinkedIn wall *Think*. I dig deeper than I should, often without forethought. Aimless words, brave or veiled cowardice, flinchingly flung, inadvertently hit targets? Get a ‘back off’ shoulder shot when asking your motivations here. Not fair?

No prize to eye; not incentivized. Dealt the worst two cards before the flop, do best with what’s in hand.

My Pluggers:
You are an icon here.*BigSmile*
You suffer, but you suffer brilliantly. Wow, what a great writer.*Heart*

It’s like plugging myself, but using other people’s (reviewers) words…Review of "Poetic Referendum(s) On Life"
Your poetic muse is on fire! *Fire* Some great emotion, well-balance(d), lovely lyrical qualities -- even the ones that were written out of sadness or anger came through in a clever cadence…It's obvious you've put a lot of work into each entry and the totality of the blog has eye appeal. *Cool*

Published four times with one a literary journal, including… *PointRight*   "The Tender Core (Sedona)
I don’t submit because it’s too much work. Truly alone, know no one cares to show they believe/support me. Lip service feeds delusion. I’ve seen a lot of smoldering and snow. Try not be cynical, work hard at openness and consideration — work, sooo…gut thing.

*Toilet* *RibbonW* Merit Badge in Taboo Words
[Click For More Info]


Congratulations! You won 1st Place in Taboo Words with your fantastic poem, [Link to Book Entry #1027659]. 

I absolutely loved this! *^*Heart*^*

Rachel Merit Badge in Poetry
[Click For More Info]

    Thanks you for supporting the  [Link To Item #power]  with an order to the  [Link To Item #powergifts] ! We appreciate it. *^*Heartv*^* Keep writing the beautiful poetry. [Link to Book Entry #1027659] is an awesome poem! *^*Starv*^* ~Lornda

Love my process constructing and sharing visions in words collected (no small task considering personal and physical limitations, see below).

August 28, 2006 this blog opened

SuperNova Afterglow: End Of Days  (18+)
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
#1300042 by Brian K Compton

No specific aim going forward (2014)

What I used to say: 'Maybe, I just don't get it. Watch me fumble with my version of reality, expose ignorance as truth. You don't have to get me, either. But, wish someone would explain me to myself.' Now I say: *Cool* *FacePalm* Now: I was such a whore.

*Laugh*This is old….
What? Oh, this? A rhetorical, self-motivational speech I'm working on.
Don't just read the parts to construct your theory, as if to confirm (construed out of context) your opinion, mentally-stunted Neanderthal. Therapist wants me to be less negative toward myself. I see it as attacking, rather than being defensive. Fear I will chomp too many bullets unintentionally sent toward the unsuspecting.
If you can be triggered for stupid reasons, then I?
…just looked like me rolling around on the floor with myself.*RollEyes*

What Was NEW

Who am I, you ask? My mirror knows that question, repeated daily.

Just trying to create a little buzz, not boost my ego.

#amwriting #poetry #blog #contest #freeverse #award #bestpoetry #freyaridings #lyrics #music #video #YouTube

Can you believe it took this long for someone to put a quarter in me and push the button GET ANGRY?

Mud 4 My Eye: Is that you, Poo? 💩 Secret Back Door

The Best Poetry Collection on Writing.Com
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October 3, 2018 at 7:31am
October 3, 2018 at 7:31am
Does every word
Every line
Each poem contain
Earth shattering
Eye opening
Heart skipping
Baubles of Experience
We must clutch
Never put down
It escapes
         Fades   into   oblivion
With the next
And the next
And another
We pile on
The writer's words
Like pseudo-life
Altered dimension
We pass through
Again and again
         We   breathe
         Another life
         As words   mesh
         Thoughts   coalesce
         Yes, but
Not ours unless
Do we even
Breathe the same
Air, inhale
With same lust
Or wish
We could just
         Dreams ?

It started off as a poem about tough love for a sick daughter who doesn't need to miss a third day of school, and how I must administer this medicine without invoking her resentment. Never easy.
Steps back to look. Yeah, not the vision. Maybe, another.

Edit later.
October 2, 2018 at 7:50am
October 2, 2018 at 7:50am
Read The Room

Shadows and a trail of light
spread thin through the room
I prefer the black dim
to the sharp sink light
in my eyes
where I sit at the table
should I look up at her
did you read their letter
that lay open
between us and the boy
nuzzling the furry animal
that woke her early
too early,

when the window at my side
would not illume
the groggy world:
a kingdom of slippered
and be-socked feet
one insulating bathrobe
two bare arms
and my growing suspicion
no one cares
what I think.

The letter is the object which makes the room
quiet, deflecting. It doesn't matter what's in it. The idea is
it has an affect on the situation as much as the conditions
presented. Most important are what is laid out to describe
the personalities and if I can find enough adjectives and
nouns to express our cast.
October 1, 2018 at 11:20am
October 1, 2018 at 11:20am
Sweet sensory poetry, youth...

by Gary Soto

The first time I walked
With a girl, I was twelve,
Cold, and weighted down
With two oranges in my jacket.
December. Frost cracking
Beneath my steps, my breath
Before me, then gone,
As I walked toward
Her house, the one whose
Porch light burned yellow
Night and day, in any weather.
A dog barked at me, until
She came out pulling
At her gloves, face bright
With rouge. I smiled,
Touched her shoulder, and led
Her down the street, across
A used car lot and a line
Of newly planted trees,
Until we were breathing
Before a drugstore. We
Entered, the tiny bell
Bringing a saleslady
Down a narrow aisle of goods.
I turned to the candies
Tiered like bleachers,
And asked what she wanted -
Light in her eyes, a smile
Starting at the corners
Of her mouth. I fingered
A nickle in my pocket,
And when she lifted a chocolate
That cost a dime,

I didn’t say anything.
I took the nickle from
My pocket, then an orange,
And set them quietly on
The counter. When I looked up,
The lady’s eyes met mine,
And held them, knowing
Very well what it was all

A few cars hissing past,
Fog hanging like old
Coats between the trees.
I took my girl’s hand
In mine for two blocks,
Then released it to let
Her unwrap the chocolate.
I peeled my orange
That was so bright against
The gray of December
That, from some distance,
Someone might have thought
I was making a fire in my hands.

September 16, 2018 at 10:57am
September 16, 2018 at 10:57am
I don't see myself here
I don't see myself there
I don't see myself anywhere

I see the vistas
Above the plains
I see my feet
I just see feet

I hear myself here
I hear myself there
Yet, I don't
Hear myself anywhere

I hear you
I hear them
I listen in
I just listen in

I smell the roses
I smell coffee
I smell the corpses
Lying in their coffins

Please don't rise for me
Don't set eyes on me
I'll go back
To my undoing

I taste
I touch
No sense
No feel

I don't see
I don't hear
Don't let me smell

I've had enough

Hello Mother?
I'm lying here dead in the street.
Can you come pick me up?

Something I wrote for Halloween, but for what? About what? 7.18.21
Obvious, the lack of puncutation lends to tone.
September 16, 2018 at 10:55am
September 16, 2018 at 10:55am
Your vitriol --
Ten mega ton blast
Shreds the paper-thin soul clotting
Like paper mache.
Soluble, malleable.

Hide this head
In dusty crate
Deep within, down below
where I keep moving,
Hope you don’t find, knowing
All the moving will bring you nearer
By skill or serendipity...
Until your fuel-raged vehement
Rips through the gauze
I neglected to secure.
I’m not a nurse
And these dressings don’t suffice
For wounds that cannot heal
Without the salve of words
You could dispense,
Instead of torment I wish
I didn’t have to endure,

She’s gonna get medicated now...

7.16.21 edit, make public

An idea I didn't fully realize, and cannot imagine much about its origins. 7.16.21
June 10, 2018 at 2:40pm
June 10, 2018 at 2:40pm
There are moments I feel indestructible. People at the YMCA where I play pickup basketball are afraid to come near me. Seems the slightest contact from me hurts a lot of guys, though I have no intention of fouling. I think it's their movement into my stationary body that does the damage.

Friday, after a week of waiting for the gym to reopen after spring cleaning, I was late and forgot my basketball. I reached into my bag to discover one of the cats peered on stuff in one of the partly unzipped pockets. It reminded me of why I was late. My wife took the high tops from my bag to put in the garage because of the smell, not knowing it had not come from my feet. I Doubled back after doing a mental inventory in my head, remembering what she had done.

The YMCA cannot keep decent equipment, so I managed to find a men's ball that wasn't lopsided or flat but only squeezed off a few shots before another game was to begin. I found a dry bandana to wrap around my head, my only sweat collector to protect my eyes for the afternoon.

I was glad Nate was on my team. He's a really good player who will keep me motivated and get me the ball, as he did on this day. I seldom need to get limber nowadays, years of physical conditioning finally paying off. Nate is one of those guys who is vocal about not wanting to collide with me, too.

We were a motivated group. I thought we would be a bit outmatched, since there were some big boys in the gym...at least two about 6'5". Nate guarded one. Though I can't remember much of the game, only passing up a shot Nate wanted me to take, I did get a clean catch from his pass and saw the defense coming to close me out. We needed a three to win. I made a quick touch release shot that was short on arm motion but relied on a full extension from time of catch at my shoulder to the top of my head release. It was a pretty arc that landed softly and cleanly through the net. There wasn't a huge commotion that we won, but I felt a great sense of satisfaction before low fiving Nate, who confused me with what hand and how we our palms would meet to celebrate.

There was a lot of disappointment in the other games and matchups, though I felt we competed. I knew the week off made me rusty. I should have been in the gym early.

Friday is usually a busy day for ball at the Y. Our last game ended when I was finally getting it all together. We had a huge disadvantage. I was tallest at 6'2" as our talent and scoring came from two guards averaging 5'7" in height, guarding two of the giants I mentioned. We managed to keep the game close until it looked like they would win. I played hard as hell to deny any scoring, getting boards and loose balls and setting up our scorers. They were close to scoring the winning bucket when I saw the ball go up and made a mad dash down the baseline. I could get to the ball like I did earlier, or just deflect it enough that their bigs wouldn't get an easy put back. Or, maybe steal the rebound or contest a put back. I managed to high point the ball on the other side of the rim and got it out to our team. I did it again when we were on offense. I deflected a missed shot, making the carom go to another teammate that got us our winning basket. Again, not much celebrating, but feel good for the effort.

Shot around for awhile as people left until my 10,000th step was reached on Fitbit, packed up my smelly gym bag and drove home.

October 1, 2017 at 11:01am
October 1, 2017 at 11:01am
Raw and unedited

Hide in your coffee cake
Hide in your overpriced car
Hide on your tropical vacation
Hide your dreams in that nearby star
Hide in your tree house
Hide under your covers
Hide when the dark arrives
Hide your heart when they turn out the light
Hide in your malls
Hide when you shop online
Hide when he slips that ring on your finger
Hide the truth from promises in a wedding vow
Hide from your boss
Hide from your mounting work
Hide when the deserved raise doesn't come
Hide the secret vocation never sought
Hide from yourself
Hide from the truth
Hide from your neighbors
Who don't know the real you
Hide yourself come Sunday
Too busy for church
Hide from your spouse
When your chores are undone.
Hide in a video game
Hide when you laugh at a meme
Hide when you use social media
Don't say what you truly mean
Hide from yesterday
Lies of your youth
Hide because you know death is coming
Deluded from truth
Hide from the world
They don't know you exist
what you're hiding from
while hopes still persist?

The idea is we're all just killing time on earth instead of enjoying the precious moments, afraid it will all be gone in an instant...when it's not really threatened. We miss things before they're gone.

October 16, 2015 at 10:26am
October 16, 2015 at 10:26am
I made fudge. Now I need someone to Jedi mind trick me out of eating it. But no one else touch. We're all just going to stare at it like starving, would-be cannibals.
October 16, 2015 at 10:13am
October 16, 2015 at 10:13am
A song from the ongoing, unwritten musical in my head...unedited...

You Can't Get There From Here

You can't get there from here
You don't know where you are
You're in a maze, can't see over walls
knowing there's something out there

You can't get there from here
Though you try to connect
and redirect. It's a disconnect, I fear
You can't get there from here

There are no shortcuts or
easy ways out when you're stuck
You can dream of a rescue
someone to guide you out, but
you can't get there from here

You don't have time to start over
even though it's not a race
You don't have the vision
to see your future
When you can't get to where you're going
wherever that is, because
you don't come with instructions or knowing
No friendly faces, a stranger without a crowd
You can't get there from here
if you keep listening to the same old, pessimistic song
October 16, 2015 at 9:07am
October 16, 2015 at 9:07am
If I'm ever satisfied with anything I've ever written, then there's no reason to write anymore.
October 16, 2015 at 7:01am
October 16, 2015 at 7:01am
Cleaned out my iPad notebook and found 23 poems that were started or unedited. I said I was done with poetry but it keeps wanting to be jotted down. Do I edit or ignore?
October 15, 2015 at 6:23pm
October 15, 2015 at 6:23pm
Anyone purporting to be a hero should be held suspect.

If there were a professional Solitaire league I'd finish in first place.

There are times when I want to forget everything I have ever learned and start over. #Ruined

Everyday I get a little closer to something; I don't know what. I can just feel it. It could kill, it could rejuvenate me. I edge a little closer, hoping it opens it's eyes to view me.

Because of my alleged OCD it is difficult for me to be a slouch at my job. Wannabe slacker.

I'm at the intersection of a left brain and a right brain and I don't know which way to turn. #indecision

Lost like the change beneath your couch cushions. I have value, but not until you find me.

How can my thoughts be linear, if I keep letting those trains roll off the tracks?

Returning my attention back to internet stalking now.

My brain becomes a random fiction generator when I'm or too tired to write. The process of getting it out destroys the story.
I blame copious amounts of caffeine. There's going to be one hell of a headache at the end.

It sucks that I have to decide whether or not I am, or just to be, happy. Shouldn't I just know instead of having to weigh the measurables.

Forgive me because I don't close my eyes when I pray, peaking instead to see that little hand slipped between my rough paws when we lift our hearts to speak with you.

Metaphors are my crutch.
I use similes like a crutch.

So much time, so little motivation, so sayeth the procrastinator.

Aphoristic pithiness

Wait. Isn't "How To Win Friends and Influence People" just a sociopathic manifesto?

Sarcasm lesson of the day: that's about as flattering as the fist-bump-thank-you from my 12-year-old boss.

Delusional disillusioned illusionist

We are the rodents under the floorboards, not the domesticated animals under your feet.

I sleep on my face and wake up with my head looking like a waffle cone. I guess that means my brain is full of ice cream.

He who thought of something first is smartest. He who takes your idea and patents it is richest (Thomas Edison).

I would like to put my ear to the ground, as I suspect it tells a story unlike the one I'm hearing above the rails.

Do what you love. Don't expect to be loved.

God put the slowest possible dimmer switch on my vision...can't pull the wool over my eyes. #glaucoma

When you have sunk your teeth into fantasy, the fangs cannot savor the bitter reality.

You can think what you want of me. There's more than meets the eye. #cliche #true

When he misspoke, he was unwittingly prophetic and the people flocked to him like it was Mecca, yearning to know their future (a tease).

There won't even be a whisper when I'm gone.

When you write an 'am I right' genre and you don't get an 'amen', you question your god for answers.

In the future, everyone will be a sociopath, because we will all feel compelled to lie for fear of the truth: we all grow old and die.

Futility: the jotted scraps of thoughts masquerading as wisdom like foggy reminders to someone with Alzheimer's.

There's no lonelier person amid company than I.

Not every villain likes to be villainized.

Some days I don't know how I'll go on, and then she smacks across the back of my head and I somehow get through it.

The moral high ground is a slippery slope where I am cornered, and I am still going to launch a vociferous 'Fuck you' as I go down.

You don't want them to turn out like you
but a better version of you -
the person you were meant to be -
what you thought mom & dad wanted.

No one ever truly sees you the way you want to be envisioned before you start to wonder whose version is closest to reality.

How can you be a productive writer, if you don't drink yer morning coffee? You cannot publish a novel, if you don't drink yer morning coffee. Wrong, do it again!

Out of the ashes and into the dust

When I tell my kids I plan to reduce the amount of time they spend with their electronic devices, I imagine the screams of the drug afflicted who need a fix.

There's a lot of evil out there disguising itself as righteous. You look at me, but I say look in the mirror.

Is it the catch of the day or bait? Hmmm, smells fishy. They keep measuring my mouth for a hook. Been in this pond a long time.

I've earned a lot of awards and accolades over the years for my writing. You know what, it doesn't define you and not an accurate measure. Do not display. Throw out. Move ahead as a writer until you know you have achieved all you can.

@glaedrfly: Dogs are dumb, #cats are self-sufficient. Unless you like co-dependency... Walks with a plastic bag. #poop

You are a young me. I see your naïveté and future disappointment. I insulate and cannot appreciate anything, never to be disappointed again.
October 15, 2015 at 6:07pm
October 15, 2015 at 6:07pm
When I was a teen with low self-esteem you told me I need to love myself before anyone else would while lobbing your own pithy, snide sarcasm.

Self-prophecized failure who would let success change him for the worse.

The teasing comb mocks me while aiding me in my delusion.

It's a good thing they don't retest your faith to keep membership at my church, because my license to practice what I preach would be revoked.

@glaedrfly: You're supposed to say Aha! when I'm found out. Literally, cannot get a rise out of you, my #targeted #audience .
#acceptance #writing

When you decide to come outside your head, I won't be around. I'll be hanging outside someone else's head.

I'm a social/cultural experiment, like some emotional Frankenstein.

My son and I differ when he says he isn't lying and I tell him he's just fabricating the truth.

I am capable of great loneliness. I've done it before and I can do it again.

Thanks Apple for all the reminders that my storage is full in the middle of a game on this very expensive device dedicated to just Solitaire.

I go to put on my ball cap when my heart melts. The tiny thing doesn't fit my head because my darling girl readjusted the headstrap.

Defer, defer, defer, defer...oh, crap. Now it's my turn. O-Kay. Defer. What'd you expect?

Glowing white (you say lacking color), I shine brighter before you flip the switch. I'm lost in your night.

You embrace capitalist pigdom and should be proud even after you're pitching cell phone plans at a kiosk to hobos with more expendable income than you.

I'm 10,000 tidal waves collapsing at once
Nothing I say means anything to anyone
Yet I am a force
It's important to me
You don't diminish me
My fire disintegrates magma
Cools it like snow
Pressure cracking the dry dust
Until evaporated into nothing
I don't care if you don't know that I exist
Is that why we're here?

I'm 10,000 waves
collapsing at once; nothing
I say means anything.

@glaedrfly: I'm 10,000 waves collapsing at once. Nothing I say means anything to you, as I eternally crush rock into sand.

Bunch of us exacting our own version of reality on others until one of us becomes the most real person in the world...in our minds...whatever.

Sometimes you have to live outside yourself instead of inside. Pressure too great, better perspective, don't have to insulate.

The early signs of his obsessive-compulsiveness were hard not to notice.

Family can be rudely confrontative and oddly too familiar to keep constant company. It's like they know every weakness and innocently exploit you.

Old: aging reforms the narcissist but does not cure the dreamer.

Every once in awhile, some temptress will come along to remind me I have unfinished business with THE ONE who I didn't close the deal with. So, it's not about you when I give you my eyes. I just need to know if she is somewhere inside you.

@glaedrfly: I want my head in a musty pup #tent on an Indian summer day reading old #comicbooks until I've absorbed the last ray of light. Come find me?

I broke myself a long time ago. Have neglected the repairs ever since.

I invite danger and ignore it when it comes.

I work to earn disapproval because it is easier and something I can relate to. Fear success, something I'm not conditioned for.

I think we set up our children for failure if we pay too much attention to bad behavior and don't give them our approval.

I've always wanted to be a better man, but with so few good in my life it's been a struggle.

Is profundity possible without notoriety?

No one knows you're breathing if they don't come to take your vitals.
You don't have a pulse until someone comes along to take your vitals.
How sick do I have to be to get some medical attention around here?
Can't I just be normal and at least have a annual check up?

You cannot come up with words until you go into seclusion, but once there you're cut off from all the world that inspires you.

Begging for peace from the world so I can have peace in my own head.

Need to stop thinking! Brain won't shut off once it's turned on.

Once all the thoughts were spilled from his head, he looked at them upon the laminate and realized he needed a mop.

I am a collector of words that mostly get boxed and stored in my head.

I collect words like flowers that need a good floral arranger. I don't grow them or cultivate them, they just appear to me.

Used up all of my negative capability in the 90s. Now I just go through life looking for reason to be angry.

There's actually a great rift or divide between the two hemispheres of my brain.

Children who live in fear don't learn to respect authority but disrespect themselves.
October 15, 2015 at 5:58pm
October 15, 2015 at 5:58pm

Headscratcher: I can clean up other peoples messes...just not my own?

My face is apparently your confessional...you're begging forgiveness from the wrong god.

Characters most likely to indignantly overuse 'literally' in quizzical rant just landed on my list of stereotypes. Did you LITERALLY just say that? Probably English.

Some days, I feel like I'm trapped in a musical where no one can carry a tune.
Rhapsodic disharmony unification system!

I want not to want

@glaedrfly: They need to create 'Inappropriate Day' so people like me can get it out of the system. #inappropriate #jokes

Sins of the past have arrived for collection and not leaving until you open that door.

Cognitive resources are limited at best.

Why isn't the media investigating the startling disappearance of Bruce Jenner? Ah well, he wasn't very interesting anyway.

I'll die someday, unless you freeze my head in a jar. But then, I won't talk to you. Let's compromise. A taxidermist?

I tell you I want to move mountains for someone until the moment I'm told it needs to be done.

I want to be faceless now that my face isn't my face anymore.

All the dark places I hide where I ache for you to join me.

She was good for me (in a way) like rabies from a dog bite could give you a hallucinogenic delirium if left untreated. Slow, painful death is the only cure.

It's not about predicting the future, but looking at both sides of the coin. Then, flip and watch it play out. Anyone who thinks they know the outcome is a fool.

I have to be unlikeable before it is thrust upon me. I fail the moment I open my mouth. I can read it in your eyes. I'm used to being friendless.

My wife is lying next to me making less harmonious sounds than a whale in distress.

I get nostalgic for the past too often. There's nothing wrong with the here and now.

Face down. Can't lift my head from the heavy mud.

Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blah. Right? #debate #rhetoric

#necropost -- replying on old threads...

I keep playing, even when I'm winning, even when I dominate, because I can't savor that thirst for victory. Why do I play on?

Trying to be honest with yourself is like telling a stuck up little kid to stop trolling you. ?

Objectivity...even the mirror lies because it is curved

I used to get deeply depressed because I kept messing up...something in my DNA that couldn't figure out people, how to socialize.

Now that I'm old, the wiring is all messed up. Can't figure out this circuitry, no training and outdated.

Geppetto was so skilled with wood...his creations literally would come to life...but the high cost of rhinoplasty put him out of business. #stopthelies

I remember when alanis morissette had all her unfinished stolen, and I think what would happen if my portable device were taken. Unfinished novel excuse number 397 or dog ate my novel

From the too short to be a haiku offerings:
I'm really smart, I think. Hmm

From the too short to
Be a haiku offerings:
I am smart, I think

Things Shakespeare might have said...
Can I get a syllable count? How's my assonance sound?
Can you tell the handsome man playing Juliet to let out the hem on that dress?

I think I will subtitle my book, "you will learn nothing from this, but bad grammar." Is that Englishly correct?

After every time I change my profile pic and/or name, I find myself silently saying, 'If I sit real still...' I'll disappear?

Some days, I think if everything burned to the ground but the clothes on our backs, I'd be good with that. I got my bank accounts, retirement, fat check from insurance. Let's get outta here.

Wait, Amy Schumer is a feminist? So, that was all satire? Ahhhh, I still don't get it. Can you tell me what parts I was supposed to laugh at. #justcallmestoopid

Hardly a person of interest
Why the trap, full court press?
Just holding ball, waiting for help
Not even taking an open look if you back off

I lied to you once and I'm sorry about that. If I lie to you now, it is because I am weak and unworthy. #findstrength #forgiveness

you pry and it's none of your business.

Is that the electric handsaw?
https://etchedtraumas.bandcamp.com/track/incipient-void #incipientvoid

Wasting time in the incipient void.

Nature abhors a vacuum or horror vacui...another will come along?

My mind swings like a pendulum back and forth from regret to regret, cutting on both sides.

My brain is not a simple thing to navigate.
October 10, 2015 at 10:05pm
October 10, 2015 at 10:05pm
Work in process...mostly just rambling. Editing is tedious...

The children are out the door, the bus rumbles away down the street, the coffee maker spits out it's last drop, but the refrigerator still shivers, as you seek silence and solace in the den below where a whiskered feline scratches frayed furniture, an obedient clock clicks off the wall and the fish tank bubbles and stirs wake a mindless life. So, you slip on the indifferent headphones to stream music to a beleaguered brain thawing frozen thoughts into words on an illuminated screen where your fingers speak to a fictional fourth wall.

But, too tired to remember what inspired a careless dreamer, the writer pauses for now.

Words are a part of memory and without writing you have no way to capture them before the collection of brain scribbles are slowly flit away like dust. Words come in bursts that cannot be harnessed without some tool or device to preserve and define meaning. We seldom know what these expulsions of rhetoric want to say after uttering a few inspired words cause you to reflect on how they could be displayed.

We all want someone to notice this unruly creativity inside; and having no wall to echo our meaning, we turn to paper or computer to uncover these pearls.

Trying to process why we write: For different people it can have different meaning. The craft drives writers in a similar ways, but ultimately to publish. I feel we each want to be heard. And for me, it's possible being read will lead to some kind of validation?

Recordkeeping has been important for ages and if you don't write it down there's no proof that it ever existed. So the process of putting things on paper or onto a readable disk or storage is to prove that whatever inside our brain can move outside of it.

And there's a process in writing of perfecting what we think. The first time you speak something you might get out something clever in short description. But how to make your discourse longer and more appreciable takes the craft of writing.

If I wanted to tell someone I love them, would I not run the words through my head and put it in the specific context to help them appreciate its meaning? The simple words should be enough. But when we want them to favorably react,mdon't we try to dress it up and give it that flavor to ensure we hook our intended listener?

Love letters are not as common place these days with texting and the Internet where we can share our feelings in social media with an Emojis or picture. Writing wants to share its love with the world and perhaps the selected audiences in which we seek approval, validation, a return word.

Why are reviewers so important to Writing.com? We don't write just to put our words up on the wall and forget about them. We are hoping somebody will come along who may be like-minded or have a keen eye to figure out what we are saying and how to inspire us to write more.

Readers are very important to writers. There would be much less writing if there were less response. And without response, what seems to keep me going is the hope that someone will come along and appreciate what I have to say.

where am I going with this? Did I just have too much coffee?

September 23, 2014 at 11:49pm
September 23, 2014 at 11:49pm
They're a little version of you and when they land in your hands you suddenly know what you must do and commit the rest of your life to make sure...tearing up now. #children

My whole life speeding to the stop sign or intersection to idle, getting the most out of the drive. hurry up and slow down

I am all for the rights of the common man. I do not care about the rights of the wealthy, but when their rights are violated what chance do I have?

The origins of rap is credible... Expression can be bought, trademarked and permeate our culture like any other godless thing.

@glaedrfly: Sorry I don't respond to your #nicknames for me at #work . You see, I reserve the sobriquets for my #pets and #children .

Anyone who makes a movie with the woman chasing after the man is a misogynistic pig. Am I right? Any actress cast in that role would be Julia Roberts.

Either serve a purpose in this life or suck at the teat of whatever will feed you. You must choose or do nothing.

Don't feel sorry for me. Don't pity me. Just pick me up.

I'm a hollow shell of a human being because I did not fill this container that aimlessly roams through life.

It helps to know what you want in life and to go after it. It doesn't help to be told not to follow certain dreams, to go through life halfhearted.

Don't know if I am freaked or geeked that you are subliminally tickling the binary codes of my Twitter posts. Huh?

Swimwear < underwear = less modesty

Time to do this thing: gonna go in like a bullet and come out like shrapnel. #work

The buzzing feedback in my ears is now louder than the sweet harmony of crickets.

For Michele Beadle: If VW wants you to endorse the Beetle ala J Lo with Fiat 500. Do you do it? Dance on the tiny car.

I feign innocence, numb my eyes with regret that we must all learn the truth to survive this life. We are all #alone together.

Nearly every scene, every iota of dialogue in every movie has never happened. The odds of occurrence increases greatly after each film's debut.

You can be asked to believe for just so long before you grow weary and ask, 'where are your miracles?'

Science through the ages has made many wise men and fewer Christians.

If you don't look for answers, miracles might happen. Chance favors prepared?

Slavery has been back and under our noses all this time? Just learning from my child about #TheSims Hmm.

My muse went to Las Vegas where the grass is apparently greener.

I'm at most peace with a purpose.

My body can't keep up with what my mind thinks it can do.

Overheard a group of men at the airport talking about another guy's style. Really? We've come a long way. But hey, I prefer to talk about what women are wearing.

You're greatest gift is to die, so they can live. Give up you dreams, sacrifice.

They should have 'make a wish' for the middle aged. We'd appreciate it way more and we don't have to go to our grave wondering what could have been.

Thought is linear, to have forethought throws us off the track. Be in the moment. Let life happen. Don't think so much...

Bordering on lunacy, delusional or hopeless dreamer with low aspirations. Very low.

To the Enterprise MT yearning to manage a branch, your position does not indicate you are smarter than me in your first job after completing college. You'll figure it out later, when you were selling cell phones out of the kiosk at some mall.

It's been my experience that if you do not treat others with respect you will not receive respect due unto you.

The world is sometimes a punitive, dysfunctional existence where frustrated people would rather lash out than try to break the cycle.

It's okay to be upset, get emotional about something in reaction. You're too sensitive if you don't get over it, move on.

Spread myself too thin, taking away from the essence of life to suck at the nectar, enjoy what I love.

Don't need money. Need to live within means and get a fuller appreciation of life before it's gone.

The worst thing to lose in your life is love. If you learn to live without it, you're not living.

I don't take criticism very well, especially when I feel I am working to my fullest abilities -- the job I was taught to perform.

Sarcasm. It's good that you're not up at night wondering, "could have done something different?" don't want to rack those itty-bitty brains.

That unintelligent sound you hear emanating from my face is my voice.

When she's heard your shtick… Can I just pack up, move on?

We work hard so you can get all the glory. Shine on, star player.

What would hurt: is if no one came back from my past to rip me a new one. Care to hate me, at least.

Fire the coffee. It only works part of the time ...
September 23, 2014 at 11:33pm
September 23, 2014 at 11:33pm
I tweet therefore I am...

I tweet because I think I'm clever. Now I don't tweet anymore.

I'm angry all the time. I just hide it well.

That awkward moment...when I don't return your follow. #Twitter

I'm mixing the Fila with the Reebok and the Adidas with the Nike. Shame on me for not properly displaying the corporate swag.

Even if I lack confidence, my insecurity causes me think, give reasons to write. If I keep reaching for answers, there's hope for peace in my addled head.

Forefathers were a bunch of guys with good intentions whose offspring are trying to find flaws with their rules so they can get their way.

I always worry that my ignorance and insensitivity will set someone off, when I have the best of intentions. So, I'm leery to enter into dialogue.

I'm the nice guy who people put up with.

Am I so #different that I can't find people like me who share the same interests in my daily life? #agree

Why do I have to sit here and worry about why I'm not happy? Can't I just be? It's a nice change from carmelized fantasies I'm force fed.

Do you suppose they replaced the word dump with landfill because it sounded too trashy?

Hold up a mirror to the world the way we see it, or depict an illusion of the way we wish it could be?

If the world were built on thank yous, we'd be living in the Middle Ages. If it were built on heartfelt appreciation, I'd question our existence.

I try to make a point and she turns it into a fight for moral high ground. Why does it have to be contentious.

If you need people to give you space at work, just have a melt down. It worked for me.

I don't regret the life that I have. I regret the experiences I missed out on, too afraid to try.

If I were emperor, first thing I do is fire Machiavelli. Strike that.

@Andrew W.K. How has your brain not hemmorhaged yet? Can someone please get him a tissue?

My dad's parenting style was, 'I put a roof over your head.' My response, 'I'm a kid. I can get that without trying. What else ya got?' #Love?

I would never have disparaged the Chinese as a child if I had sampled their ethic fare from buffets. #enlightened

Splenda, yes! Sweet N Low, bleechh!! Maybe, in my coffee.

I just brew a cup of coffee in the Keurig and my body is all a tingle for its Mecca upstairs. Drinking the beverage taints the anticipation.

I feel sorry for self-deprecating comedians who think their misery is humorous tragedy. I feel worse with fans who relate to the 'material.'

My dad treated me like some buffoon that everyone had to look out for. So, I played the role until told I was a genius. Then, I was really confused.

#Quotes outside periods. It doesn't have to END until it ends. #punctuation #editor.

Poets: you have my permission to verbify all nouns! It is your etymological right. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Unless, it really sucks!

September 23, 2014 at 11:18pm
September 23, 2014 at 11:18pm

Is writing like I have an audience another definition for crazy?

Someone tore me down long ago. Each time I get up, my foundation wrecks more easily than the last.

I think the real reason our country is in debt is because inflation has made it harder for everyone to do the math.

Chevy Sonic + turbo = Turbo Snail?! Aka the Nitrous Skateboard. Turbo for the Ford Fiesta for more explosive results.

You can hate everybody and take their money or you could love the world and never need a dime.

I'm desperate, but not lonely.

Complex equation? 'Walking Dead' > Sunday Night Football. Sunday NFL viewers > Sunday church worshippers. We're all going to hell or zombies??

Capable of original thought? #influenced

Conflict can be overcome in every great story, but there seems no true resolution in this life.

I want to get to know someone again on a deep, personal, non-physical level. Lu?

I miss a world where there was no bullshit, people could be real and have deep thoughts without judgment.

Someday when this novel is finished I'll look back nostalgically at the current events and music references.

She's the left side of my brain, he's the right. Together, they are perfect chaos when the storms in my own mind will not subside. #children

Even with coffee, nothing makes sense right now. Refills cannot spare me, but I try.

I don't want to micromanage my children any more, as a distracted observer of uncoordinated outfits and unkempt hair.

There's gold in there, in what I just thought, mete it out, sift with your pan in vain.

My wife begins exclamatory utterances with the phrase, 'Oh, my God!' Feel sorry for me? No?

My mother-in-law uses double attribution to begin her stories with, 'I told her, I said...' Any empathy?

Siri won't respond to my commands, though I did nothing to turn her off. Feel cold & alone. I could trick her into reading text.

Pt1) I let some girls read my diary in high school. It earned me empathy, but not one date. Sensitive guy = still zero.

Pt 2) I became a narcissistic ass because the mirror image did not lie...the duck now a swan would open his mouth...shut out again.

Pt 3) Welcome back to the couch, sensitive guy. Want some snacks? Just about to watch "Can't Buy Me Love" for the 13th time to see what we missed.

While you say time #travel is not possible, I say you can still go back to the beginning of this tweet and read again. (Tweeted)

We're all caught up in this physical #dimension going forward. What we leave behind is what is real. #lookback. (Tweeted)

Missed something along the way. I want to circumvent this #journey, go back and find clues to this puzzle. #life. (Tweeted)

Friday, the day for reflection. Let's see what it brings. #thankyoucoffee (Tweeted)

I speak softly, gently to you, making tender movements that you don't have to fear. Yet, you cower on your haunches. (Tweeted)

I hope trust is our future understanding.

I can't get my head in that box anymore. #tv

They're not ready for the real me. Have to reign it in, pare it back...

I lack vision in every sense of the word. Perhaps, I'm the antonym.

I don't want my head out THERE, but in HERE.

Everyday I look at what I can't have and want seconds. (Tweeted)
March 2, 2014 at 8:45pm
March 2, 2014 at 8:45pm
Yes, the hits that didn't chart keep on coming...

I've got a new idea for folks at #Snuggi. It's called a fleece jacket.

Seriously, Snuggi. Could we add fleece pants? How about a zipper in the middle of yours. Look! I'm ready for outdoors!

A 7-pound burrito? Do I ask the waiter what that comes with? Just $19.95 -- must make money on sides of sour cream and guacamole.

The 7 pound burrito is only $19.95. Do I want to know what 'meat' they put in that?

I thought I was funny last night. Now, I think the meds might have distorted my sense of reality.

Kittens are wondering why I'm feeding the big cat's wet food to the baby snapper my daughter brought home.

What is this magic hair gel and why didn't I discover it sooner? Fine hair say goodbye to hat and hello to the wind!

My hair wants to say hello! to the wind but my hat says no! without hair gel.

To the 'I know guy', echoing your knowledge of everything I opine about cars, I'm gonna say they just designed a car in the shape of an owl that can fly just to test you.

Terminally ill since the day I was born.

Should I be worried the pin pad at Target can easily be seen by the guy and cashier less than two feet away?

To all of the Cellcom 1/2 marathoners (in Green Bay) running the maze mapped around my house, I am not the piece of cheese.

The new poll that shows people warming up to new health care law, though most still disfavor, 'well, I s'pose.'

There are two versions of me. The person I was and the person I became because my skin wasn't thick enough.

Twitter: trying to capture life before it's downstream.

Freshly showered, shirt off, temperate breeze thru the window, distant birds happily chirping. Just need a buzzy, tipsy feel that only alcoholic intervention orders.

Writing.com is like mean girls of the internet writing world, only I think they're angling to get people's money by peer pressuring the low esteemed.

January 27, 2014 at 4:56pm
January 27, 2014 at 4:56pm

"The list goes on and on...or ends right there."

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