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Rated: 18+ · Book · Spiritual · #1149750
10k views, 2x BestPoetryCollection. A nothing from nowhere cast words to a world wide wind
Making sure everything goes down with a yank
before someone has to sit where I've been at.

I had a lover's quarrel with the world - Robert Frost

I'm sorry you got caught in the middle. - me

This poet’s words collect, arrange on a kaleidoscope spectrum. The experience of discovery through writing is the truest reward that has allowed me to grow and learn who/what I am — what other people get naturally, immediately, while I stomp around in it.

Been blessed, but pushing it — envelope, world and all inhabitants away. Push buttons, find boundaries to trip traps. No clue why cat curiosity, living in your dark. (Bored, perhaps?)

Now and then, push dirt out of this hole; someone/thing/entity might envision me how I need to be viewed (if I knew what that was). Cryptic, yes. Try living in my dark, find comfort amid strange, virtual, wonderful walls that tower above, tempt me to scale.

Been more than I could imagine or expect here. But, achievements aren’t going on a LinkedIn wall *Think*. I dig deeper than I should, often without forethought. Aimless words, brave or veiled cowardice, flinchingly flung, inadvertently hit targets? Get a ‘back off’ shoulder shot when asking your motivations here. Not fair?

No prize to eye; not incentivized. Dealt the worst two cards before the flop, do best with what’s in hand.

My Pluggers:
You are an icon here.*BigSmile*
You suffer, but you suffer brilliantly. Wow, what a great writer.*Heart*

It’s like plugging myself, but using other people’s (reviewers) words…Review of "Poetic Referendum(s) On Life"
Your poetic muse is on fire! *Fire* Some great emotion, well-balance(d), lovely lyrical qualities -- even the ones that were written out of sadness or anger came through in a clever cadence…It's obvious you've put a lot of work into each entry and the totality of the blog has eye appeal. *Cool*

Published four times with one a literary journal, including… *PointRight*   "The Tender Core (Sedona)
I don’t submit because it’s too much work. Truly alone, know no one cares to show they believe/support me. Lip service feeds delusion. I’ve seen a lot of smoldering and snow. Try not be cynical, work hard at openness and consideration — work, sooo…gut thing.

*Toilet* *RibbonW* Merit Badge in Taboo Words
[Click For More Info]


Congratulations! You won 1st Place in Taboo Words with your fantastic poem, [Link to Book Entry #1027659]. 

I absolutely loved this! *^*Heart*^*

Rachel Merit Badge in Poetry
[Click For More Info]

    Thanks you for supporting the  [Link To Item #power]  with an order to the  [Link To Item #powergifts] ! We appreciate it. *^*Heartv*^* Keep writing the beautiful poetry. [Link to Book Entry #1027659] is an awesome poem! *^*Starv*^* ~Lornda

Love my process constructing and sharing visions in words collected (no small task considering personal and physical limitations, see below).

August 28, 2006 this blog opened

SuperNova Afterglow: End Of Days  (18+)
All that remains: here in my afterlife as a 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know.
#1300042 by Brian K Compton

No specific aim going forward (2014)

What I used to say: 'Maybe, I just don't get it. Watch me fumble with my version of reality, expose ignorance as truth. You don't have to get me, either. But, wish someone would explain me to myself.' Now I say: *Cool* *FacePalm* Now: I was such a whore.

*Laugh*This is old….
What? Oh, this? A rhetorical, self-motivational speech I'm working on.
Don't just read the parts to construct your theory, as if to confirm (construed out of context) your opinion, mentally-stunted Neanderthal. Therapist wants me to be less negative toward myself. I see it as attacking, rather than being defensive. Fear I will chomp too many bullets unintentionally sent toward the unsuspecting.
If you can be triggered for stupid reasons, then I?
…just looked like me rolling around on the floor with myself.*RollEyes*

What Was NEW

Who am I, you ask? My mirror knows that question, repeated daily.

Just trying to create a little buzz, not boost my ego.

#amwriting #poetry #blog #contest #freeverse #award #bestpoetry #freyaridings #lyrics #music #video #YouTube

Can you believe it took this long for someone to put a quarter in me and push the button GET ANGRY?

Mud 4 My Eye: Is that you, Poo? 💩 Secret Back Door

The Best Poetry Collection on Writing.Com
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November 16, 2019 at 3:13pm
November 16, 2019 at 3:13pm

My interest in math is from a purely actuarial perspective. What makes no sense is how words are valued -- too broadly interpreted by people not qualified to quantify.

Poetry should be a stream of consciousness. Stay connected with the integral subject, theme, inspiration. The moment you stop, lay down the metaphorical pen, life moves forward without those thoughts yearning discovery in context and subtext. Each branch produces fruit.
A dance with a caliopy of words that when stopped no longer produce music. If you try to pick up again, what beat, what rhythm? Can it be reproduced or seem futile effort, chasing ghosts of memories as fleeting as time escaping us.

My brain is always processing and wants to spit out what it’s computing before the results are in.

Poetry was made for me because I only manage hide behind expressions rather than tell you how I feel, fearing the pained expressions. I’m connected and wish for a circuit to complete with you, so words would more pleasingly form in this addled head.

Saving people who don’t know they need saving is risky business.

People draw conclusions without hard evidence - assumptions are circumstantial filler that support a theory or bias toward proving their end result. They are guessers, usually not high stakes. But it can lead to anything from character assassination to creating urban legend. It becomes misinformation. Our minds cannot sort something without putting a definitive label on it. More irresponsible is not to ask questions and/or covertly investigate (again) to support transparent hypotheses to justify our egos.
November 16, 2019 at 3:03pm
November 16, 2019 at 3:03pm
I know how villains are made
Forged in the fires
Of super hero rhetoric
Twisted words
In the mouths of the good
Spoil a good season
Unwatered, unattached
To fertile earth, exposed
To nature's harsh elements

You take all the beautiful words as if
From my mouth
Leave me nothing to speak
Except echo your praises
Leaves me hollow, you know?

Send Me Out For Ice

Connected, feeling their love
When they send you on your mission
And you think it’s a quest
But no one from your party comes
As you further down the road
Look back and see no one followed
Not a vigilant eye as you further
Away from the scene
Like they sent you off for ice
When you get back
The night over,
Venue moved,
Door shut
It's a private engagement
Do you ply that threshold?
When you risk the fear

Drink the Kool-Aid
No one is getting killed
We don’t want your entire savings
Don’t complain if it’s bitter
Spit it out
Make your face
For everyone else to see
This is not your party and you can

Too acidic this punch
Leaves a mouth dry what seems
In the corner you draw eyes
Their stares bring memories of life escaped
Haunted by failures of the past
Rub your tummy vigorously for all to see
Hide secret shame with your integrity
What’s the cost of a little fuss?
But that’s not where it ends
It starts with their distrust
Now you have to do something more to appease
Would be gods, fake idolatry
They want you to grovel handsomely
Leave gifts at their transparent feet
The party is a hollow feast for just a few
At the table where offerings gather
Black vultures guard them with hungry stares
You don't dare
Help yourself
But you can never leave 🎵
November 16, 2019 at 2:40pm
November 16, 2019 at 2:40pm
Recycling Propaganda And Myths of Self-Perception in an Ambition Driven World

To whichever song moving me now…

Yes, Katie
floating plastic bags
(garbage to you) are
elegant, ethereal
to the sore eye
yearning for release

send us upward
to the benevolent sky
dream in a tree
dare fly higher than hovering clouds
but magnetic gravity is reality
whenever eyes roam
with thousands of light, plastic objects
manipulated on unseen strings
twirl a make-believe dance

we're destined to fall to hard ground
with man's machinations
ready to bury
dispose the extinguished
dreaming no longer

sorry, death had to be so cruel

reformed optimist
conformed realist

living in the shadows of Joel/Jeff's realization, slapping Abed hard in the face, yet no awakening from this dream, reality.

don't you become a part of the character you are
will forever play
because you are everyone's
plastic bag?

That's not how I saw that going...
November 16, 2019 at 1:59pm
November 16, 2019 at 1:59pm
Rodeo Star

I’m a rodeo star
Spurs retired I stride
Impeccable blue jeans
Contour bandy legs
Sturdy, as if I
Just dismounted
My one ton bull

I’ll tip my cap
Blue eyes wink
For the ladies’
Passing glances
Thumb ensconced
In small pocket
As confident as bashful
         Just the right balance
That kept me atop
Untamed beasts

I’m a rodeo star
Stirrups repurposed
Tightly pressed cotton flannel
Reveals nothing up my sleeves
         Hides a heart beneath
Rippled-hard and scarred
Tattoo-free flesh
A heart beating
So smooth
Conceals its acceleration
As the lovely passersby
Linger too long
To inhale naugahwde
And a hint of cinnamon
from toothpicks held
In breast pocket

Manners as plain
As a gift of a flower
Bowing to the maidens
Who curtesy sweet
November 14, 2019 at 6:31pm
November 14, 2019 at 6:31pm
Didn't work out as a static...posting here:

Dreams were disappearing clouds on a dry horizon
The sand could not warm an empty heart
Black Capri spandex seemed a poor choice
She wished something would crystallize
As she held his hard arm in her weak clasp
Seagulls swooped, circled for their impromptu offering
         Scraps of leftovers good enough for white-winged rodents
Her long hair fluttered out, wayward like kite tails
Dark hazel-green eyes couldn’t make out the color of this horizon
The sun faded fast and stars blurred
         Burgundy through empty glass held before bubbled vision
She could never self-actualize
Peaches’ one-take ‘F*ck The Pain Away’ played on the ride back
Waves faded into rhythmic high-hat cymbals
No cocker spaniel would wetly nuzzle her face tonight
A calico licked rough paws until unconscious

November 13, 2019 at 8:08pm
November 13, 2019 at 8:08pm

The New Nightmare

When all the world hushed
In your lavender room,
Little bean snuggled
In lap quilt and capable arms
In green glider-rocker.
Lullabies from CD
Echo memories
To the tiny, decelerating heart,
Gripped no more
By monsters
That seemed all too real.
Silent rhythm,
We two swayed
Sending me a-hum
Employing those harmonies
To create her new songs
Long forgotten --

Until windows close
To our tender past.

Disinterest began as:
Rejected rides on my back,
Refused story recitations,
Voiced plush gesticulating
Before a comic, sagging man.
To warm your heart now,
Innocent flesh pierced,
Crop golden hair,
Transition gender
Hidden in restrictive garb
(Something you're trying out,
Or maybe other girls),
Renaming yourself
Camden --
Douse dreams
Of daddy and daughter
Running down a beach,
Two kites.
Now you insulate,
Clutch phone,
Blue illuminates
The dull, pale face —
Subterfuge in black.
Consulting on social media
These unusual,
As confused, peers.

The crib long repurposed --
Where I don't know.
Books and CDs boxed --
I'm sure in attic.
A cluttered room hides
Our past,
Like stuffies ushered out
En masse that even mother
Doesn't understand why
I won't part with.
I cannot caress
Digital memories contained,
What she refuses
We shared
In a green glider-rocker.

"Camden (My Owner)
"Invalid Item

I'm supposed to have all the andwers, all she gets to do is question my authority.
November 7, 2019 at 8:28pm
November 7, 2019 at 8:28pm
Typos and all until I feel like editing this confession. Get your screen captures now. Should know by now rubbing stuff in my face empowers me. (Should subtitle 'How You Make Your Villains.')

Concussed, head traumas, abused, bullied, ridiculed, beaten up to cite a few because I was different. Dad didn't understand me, mom pitied me, oldest brother tormented me, youngest constantly got me in trouble. I became defiant, never backed down; though I became shy and afraid of confronting issues. So, when I made mistakes, I lied and covered up. Few liked me because I started to hate myself because I couldn't connect with people on a human, emotional level. I spoke with little inflection, monotone to avoid being noticed.

What made it more complex than easier was blossoming into an attractive young male. I masked fears and anxiety with false bravado and vanity. At least I learned to love myself by realizing what I could see in the mirror. By working my sculpted body into a coveted specimen. Unfortunately, that would be about all I had going for me from 18-26.

Now,, I'm just a villain. It's the easiest personna to uphold. My family disrespects me. Won't accept excuses of lifelong trauma. I don't want to viewed with contempt, though. But, by getting everyone to hate or become indifferent towards me, I can be assured of outcomes. It's better than have people turn on me because they don't understand or see eye to eye and would rather demonize one who started out a sweet, innocent soul that became callous and hard so no one could penetrate his armor.

No trust, prepared to circumvent any manipulator who comes my way. Tired of being a chump, left out, unworthy unless I decide -- be alone. I have no one to truly confide in. I just write to get it all. No pity please. There's only one person left on this planet who got me and she won't reciprocate my attempts at communication.


** Image ID #1177947 Unavailable ** Picture of me when I became editor of my college newspaper. ** Image ID #1278143 Unavailable **
November 6, 2019 at 5:40pm
November 6, 2019 at 5:40pm
Now something by someone else:

The Stones
Richard Shelton

I love to go out on summer nights and watch the stones grow. I think they grow better here in the desert, where it is warm and dry, than almost anywhere. Or perhaps it is only that the young ones are more active here.

Young stones tend to move about more than their elders consider good for them. Most young stones have a secret desire which their parents had before them but have forgotten ages ago. And because this desire involves water, it is never mentioned. The older stones disapprove of water and say, "Water is a gadfly who never stays in one place long enough to learn anything." But the young stones try to work themselves into a position, slowly and without their elders noticing it, in which a sizable stream of water during a summer storm might catch them broadside and unknowing, so to speak, push them along over a slope or down an arroyo. In spite of the danger this involves, they want to travel and see something of the world and settle in a new place, far from home, where they can raise their own dynasties, away from the domination of their parents.

And although family ties are very strong among stones, many have succeeded; and they carry scars to prove to their children that they once went on a journey, helter-skelter and high water, and traveled perhaps fifteen feet, an incredible distance. As they grow older, they cease to brag about such clandestine adventures.

It is true that old stones get to be very conservative. They consider all movement either dangerous or downright sinful. They remain comfortably where they are and often get fat. Fatness, as a matter of fact, is a mark of distinction.

And on summer nights, after the young stones are asleep, the elders turn to a serious and frightening subject -- the moon. which is always spoken of in whispers. "see how it glows and whips across the sky, always changing its shape," one says. And another says, "Feel how it pulls at us, urging us to follow." And a third whispers, "It is a stone gone mad."


My poetry tries to hint at underlying meaning, quite often. For some it's plain easy to interpret the symbolism. Others take the words at face value. Writing that is rich begs you go beneath the surface to explore, feel.

November 6, 2019 at 11:54am
November 6, 2019 at 11:54am
To the lying sacks of shit and those who would espouse their propaganda as justifiable rhetoric to enslave the good with guilt and shame — recompense for erring or not buying into the manipulative philosophies:

The one thing that is true
When I get hold of the bone
I'll chew it
Until all the flavor has left
Until another leg of something
Is tossed
I'm not too tired for treats
But I'm not a dog
And I know it
I'm very selective
I've cultivated a taste
For these castoffs
In fact
I know the remainders
Are not what you require
Are easily given
To curs like me
Draw me off the scent

You called me bad dog
Once to my face
You called me 'dog'
You make me sleep outside
Not in your warm
Cuddly house
Pet my head
When I'm obedient
Seldom send me
Chasing after a stick
When I learned
Fetch was your game
To distract me
What have you got
For all the years
Of misdirecting me?

First, I'm not a mutt
Or somebody's pooch
You dehumanizing piece of shit
Who marginalizes and segregates
Beautiful people from
Your redeemed
I will say
You're not an ethnic cleanser
Yet I stand about the bones
Of the black and gray deceased
Who silent suffered waiting
For a bone
That did not arrive.

From the Unwritten Memoir: Allegorical Stories and Poems of A Naked Man (Already written but unassembled--every day of my life)

I am sooooo Britta right now. Yeah, I get it means nothing. But, it could...mean...something--
November 6, 2019 at 10:55am
November 6, 2019 at 10:55am
Grinding over pavement
Man-made plastic wheels
Evoke memories of reminders
And those I fail
Before me
         Garbage not curbed
Before the snow I do not view
From kitchen window
(Oh, I know it arrived --
A bright blanket dimmed)
Plaid autumn curtains drawn
Because the leaves
Did not fully fall
         Were not fully raked
To street or a garden bed
That never received new bulbs
(dry, unpurposed husks)
Frost was quick
Unrepentive ground solid
My mind would like to go elsewhere
Or end
Like this poem...

...but garbage doesn't move itself.

Pencils down!

Since Lost In Translation seems to relate to writing, this (and what does one thing have to do with the other? Just experience):

Coinciding with preceeding private entry and proceeding blog post...

"to understand this song, one should read the 17th century Dutch philosopher -Baruch Spinoza. In essence, Spinoza, although being a religious Jew, was effectively one of the first heralds of secular (dis-)believers in modern times.
Nature is god, said Spinoza, and there is no transcendental one. More than this - there is nothing.
Determinism governs the world and free will is an illusion. But to our limited mind, of course, it "feels" like we are free, but that's just out epidemiological limit. So, how can we know where leaves falling in the night are blowing? There is no way of knowing. Our lives appear to us an unfolding, open ended movie -- like a dream in the night, we can never know where we are going. Still, deep within us, we ask the question of the determinism we see around us - why the sea on the tide has no way of turning (e.g, choose its way). We feel we are free, but we see determinism surrounding us. We want the comfort of certainty and absolute knowledge, but also fear it since its consequence will surely mean we are no more then sophisticated automatons..."
November 6, 2019 at 9:57am
November 6, 2019 at 9:57am
Big picture. Small world. Coincide or co-exist?

You might not follow, but use your imagination...plenty of that renewable resource:

In this life, we are dealing with real mysteries. We are not trying to figure out if free will or atoms exist...science fiction to commoners without Einsteinian awakenings. We just want to know what to do with ourselves. It should not be to crush candy or be mesmerized by a YouTube video or some life changing meme...for the few minutes. Our time has been compartmentalized rather than compelled to linear wayward time travel.
We are not meant to have an impact on this world. We are meant to be consumers of the giants who manage to take control of our world until we die. We cannot unify against the forces that compel us to do their bidding. We are ungrateful curs if we don't acclimate ourselves to the mental mantra meant to lead us into war or consumerism.
As one cannot cram the whole world's existence (let alone entire universe) in one blog entry, I leave pinholes of light to allow your eye follow out and seek truth. Not wormholes and other dimensions that we cannot know exist. Yes, that sounds exciting but more than we have the ability to truly take on. We have to think of the immortal words of Prince, we 'just need to get through this thing called life.' And that's a mighty long time. For him 57 years? I'm 58 and feeling every bit as vulnerable to all that preys and the predators in wait. They will not allow free will, let alone dine too long on its buffet. After the hand slap, fingers point to the exit. I ignore them, move about the room. Still no freedom, plenty of escapes.
I have been distracted too long. No nuggets, no kernels of truth. It might be right under our noses in a life full of misdirect. We are all too smart to be babies in diapers we can't change ourselves. We leave so much to others, it's a wonder how anything functions, still exists. Machines? Robot nannies? Big brother exists?? Whaaaat?
We are on automatic pilot. We have become complacent. Our discourse over social media is hardly social and unacceptable in terms of dialoguing. It's a disconnect. When we want our news now, can we talk to the anchors live and set the stories straight? No. Information is a one way feeding tube. We are not so much lied to as we are denied the true headlines, the most important facts in these stories. We all die before full actualization. How do you think rumors got around about how Albert felt in his dying, yearning last moments? The story ends without us, begins anew with another innocent. 'A sucker born every minute.'
Time will not stop in our lifetime. It renews with each purpose to deny us truth. What is real is income to pay for the things we are lead to believe we need and go to things we should not consort with. If the world had a garage sale, we'd line up to look. It would leave us going home empty handed. It has no bargains, nothing we want. We are fine with what we already have...and yet?
What we don't know won't hurt us. I'd just like to meet our real parents...scarier than science fiction.

--signed, anonymous

From the soon to be unwritten memoir: Allegories and Fables Not Meant to Be Your Parables

If there were any hint of truth, death.

Just meanderings of person bored enough to attempt seek life outside this common utopian existence.
October 20, 2019 at 10:01am
October 20, 2019 at 10:01am
Even though I had to leave college in the spring of 1992 to have emergency surgery on my eye, my dad chastised me for dropping 60 cents in a vending machine for a soda.

It was a turbulent time. I had a graduate course I was missing out on, a strained relationship with LuAnne (many poems were written) and was just starting a new job as a TV news producer in addition to working radio as on-air journalist. My boss made me bank a week worth of stories before I left so he could keep focusing on sales clients when not 'reading' news as news director.

Dad had driven us to a Mayo. We had our own troubled dynamic because I was 'different' and didn't do things his way. He was piling a cache of money into bonds and CDs, spending pennies on day-old, dented, used or free remainders of the world. I was blowing what little I had 'like there was no tomorrow.'

Our stay extended, he checked us out of a nice motel where I could recover after a near botched surgery and into a room in a woman's house where I shared a bed with a 60-year-old who bathed once a week. He brought in groceries, including a 12-pack of generic soda. It cost $2 -- cheaper than 20 cents can when I paid six dimes. His logic was flawed, though I didn't know it at the time. You should have what you want and it doesn't have to torpedo your budget...or life.

My son is going to college now and got the idea he doesn't have to work because he's going three years instead of four. Simple logic says yes that is cheaper. But, there are more complex algorithms lying beneath this labyrinth of educational expenditures you can't escape. He's already in debt from non-subsidized loans of $1700 (round dollars) just this semester. He was granted $800 work study but dragged his feet and no job now, since he got the idea he can cut a year of college expenditures. That's like going 2.5K in the hole per semester. And, he doesn't have a plan. It was innocent when I walked up to that machine and plunked in a few coins. I had no plans to buy vending machine soda for the next three years.

Dad didn't get he wasted money on soda we had to consume that week, and it wasn't very good. Meanwhile, my son could miss out on internships that go with a four-year degree in communications at a public university. His focus is becoming a gaming creator through story-telling. I have an eerie inkling how this story goes:
While not working to defer cost of his education and increasing difficulty of student work load (18 credits per semester +8 more credits in summers to catch up), he'll struggle, stress, grades drop, falls behind, misses important electives, misses internship opportunities and valuable contacts and winds up going...four years.

I told him I will support him, but is his advisor on the same page...crafting a three-year plan? Does he just not want to work and goof off, mail it in, sail through college like he did high school? He got better at the SAT when he retook it after drilling him on the importance of planning and strategy. You don't re-do college (though many go five or six years). You take your best, measured shot. You're supposed to soak up this experience.

College is regimented, structured so that you qualify for that diploma. They don't hand them out like the no-child-left-behind softies who gave him a hall pass out of high school. And, if he's thinking about a career just three years away, what is it? How will it materialize? We can cut costs, take a risk, let this kid think he's a stud and go out there and fall flat on his keister/face. How will he recover from that? He'll always find a job serving slices and wiping down tables. When the regret sinks in and no true career to bring joy lays out in front of him, what then? I will have regrets too, if I don't make him think big picture.

I don't discount that he will be great. I took the reins off to let him run wild. He's trying to jump out of the stable instead of going through his paces. He's talented and a spectacle. How do you apply simple logic to a complex math question with moving, flexible parts -- and he wants tighter reins and all the pressure of pulling it off without the financial understanding and complexities that potentially make this an implodable situation.

I didn't want him to leave college with huge debt. My debt was $700. Paid it off in a year. His? Astronimcal? No. $25-40K at this pace...three years! If it goes four because he struggles? Remortgage the house?? His decision means not my problem. I don't think he'll wind up living in a cardboard box. He just needs to know the value of a life spent rationalizing one vending machine purchase.

The irony, it's grandpa's money that is paying for half of college (or more: investment strategies), not my own $. My dad didn't take risks with money (mine were calculated investments that near tripled college seed money). Dad still saw me as an unbreakable stallion while saving a penny at a time over sixty years. I just took his financial ideas and made them better (after I blew through all my college money with no plan in less than five years!). College is so expensive now. My son couldn't even land scholarships. And, he's a genius. To hear my family talk, I wasn't...at least about money. I got smarter. Maybe, my boy will, too.

And, despite my efforts to plan for this college thing, I still worry. Or, is that already obvious? 529 college fund, parents. Look into it. Or, you'll be awake at night remembering guilt felt sucking down a Mountain Dew 27 years ago...and other life stuff.
October 19, 2019 at 1:22pm
October 19, 2019 at 1:22pm

Who In This Hell Knows
Dying like the leaves of Autumn
Yearning renewal
That's for someone else
         Believers, maybe
Brothers and sisters I'll never meet
Until we die
Scattered, cluttered

Not an accurate analogy.
We seek the heavens
Not the ground.
Decay is hell?
No. We,
The purposed
Give of ourselves
So others learn
From the beauty
And torment
Of living and dying
But apart.

Until we meet
At the burial ground...
October 15, 2019 at 12:07pm
October 15, 2019 at 12:07pm

Moon in October
sinking pale heart
glow, slip beneath
whispers of dark
Grasp dull blue pearls
Douse streetlights
block by block
Escape my wide dungeon
Return sadder
cold -- gloom fuller


as the savaged leaves
you illume
I stand crisp
gaze clear
within -- beyond --
knowing your true position
Sadden another lover
messages from me
along our great divide


"Through this world I've stumbled
So many times betrayed,
Trying to find an honest word,
To find the truth enslaved,
Oh, you speak to me in riddles and
You speak to me in rhymes..."

I took a break one morning to look upon something I forgot to appreciate before it was gone, even more beautiful than I could have imagined. Maybe, it was better to wait rather than regret the hours that lapsed. Plus, I need my sleep.

Growth as a writer comes from taking time to step back, take it all in. It's about perspective. I've learned as much as a slave as I have a free man. It's not my possession you will get. I'll wait for a worthy lover, even if it's the last chance before sunrise. Maybe, I'm just not ready.

October 13, 2019 at 3:52am
October 13, 2019 at 3:52am

What's in a name?
You'd think by any other name she
Would smell as sweet

Burst into my world
Like an unplanned thing
Because I had no name for her
Until I saw
Tender, frightened
So uninlove with the light
This trembling creature
         Revealed unto me
Madeline Margaret

I was her owner
Until we mutually agreed
While playing horsey
She held my fate
In her reigns
Some unmarked day
On the living room rug
Where chafed knees began to frail.

She was my owner
Rebuffing any thought
How she could steady herself
Quell angst against a world
Much more punitive than a father
Now yielding to mother
Who one day delivered
There's been a change:

No, she's not Madeline Margaret
But some pierced, hooded creature
Trolling about
         Still my plaything, buried
Deep within that trembling
Tender-calling, bleeding heart
Just 'Camden' now
I was not to be introduced

The story will have an ending
One day
But who will I see
Staring across a restaurant scene
At me
With love? The same contempt?
For the man who released trills
From a choked throat, when
She became my owner

Every time we say goodbye you're frozen in my mind as the child that you never will be, you never will be again.

** Image ID #1173582 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1155335 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1289222 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1295877 Unavailable **
October 5, 2019 at 12:07pm
October 5, 2019 at 12:07pm

Describing aloud (but not within hearing range) someone you see at the pool,
knowing your daughter could crush hard on him:

Teen Ken now with mustache accessory
Earring not included
Backwards-facing-hat sold separately
Not reversible
Cranium not suited for forward facing hat

Now ending disclaimer
October 5, 2019 at 10:46am
October 5, 2019 at 10:46am

Insurance Is Medicine

I’m never getting diagnosed
So, sorry to the stationary makers that supply your prescription pads
To the dispensary that won’t have to count thirty more bitter pills this month
To the little yellow vial providers who will have one less plastic container to ship
To the pharmaceutical giants
who will have to let off some random
nanoseconds before the shift ending whistle
because I don’t need a dram of what you got
And until they legalize pot
I’ll take two fingers of what you got
And keep ‘em comin’.
October 4, 2019 at 3:51am
October 4, 2019 at 3:51am
When I was a fiery young man
How my engine roared
Fuel-tossed heart burned
Inspired by their gasoline
Now that I'm old
A flaming spirit still soars
Passion-engulfed soul seemingly
Doused daily by wet buckets
Of indifference.
I can
Start this up again.

To my detractors, I'm learning
To the indifferent, and you arrreee....?
To myself, let it all hang out
What doesn't kill...
October 3, 2019 at 4:21pm
October 3, 2019 at 4:21pm
Merit Badge in Quill Award
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the 2020 Quill Award for Best Psychology for [Link to Book Entry #980764]. *^*Delight*^* For more information, see  [Link To Item #quills] .

I Am Not Forever
Or now
But I'm here somehow

I live on light
Once paper
Permanently inked by
Stains of revelations/
I live in fear light
Isn't paper
Fading into oblivion

Stains of revelations


Signature for nominees of the 2019 Quill Awards          A signature for exclusive use for members with Honorable Mentions in the 2019 Quill Awards


Merit Badge in Poetry
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on being named Honorable Mention for Best Short Poem, Free Verse at the 2019 Quill Awards for [Link to Book Entry #967185]. *^*Delight*^* For more information, see  [Link To Item #quills] .
Honorable mention: 2019 WDC Quills 6.2020
Honourable? *Laugh*

A part of this poetry collection, earning:
Signature for those who have won a Quill Award at the 2020 Quill Awards

Lives temporarily here, too:

September 8, 2019 at 11:29am
September 8, 2019 at 11:29am
You know that scene where the protagonist approaches a scattered group of people with contemptible looks and he/she tries to walk past? They passive-aggressively snort derision, violently shoulder bump, or/and shove the misunderstood hero in the back? The protagonist seems confused or knows there is a misunderstanding, or worse, he's done something he shouldn't have or can't undo. But, well meaning, he's just trying to be himself. And in the PC world we live in today it's all about co-exist. And, in these scenarios, the antagonists may have been mislead or misinformed -- a group of puppets that act out, rail against when their leader incites them.

As the story goes, fewer people want to take up the cause for the raging group. Some question authority and suffer being ostracized or worse consequences, which means nothing to those coalescing evilly against the protagonist. They use too much force; innocent people get hurt. The protagonist sees this and has options.

He's a coward if he leaves the situation, knowing the group will hurt more people. He's powerless to stand up against them, because he needs that one thing from an exiled member or one authority to realize a miscarriage of justice. Often, that is not enough. We think, the protagonist has to die valiantly taking justice in his own hands. As an audience, we have a blood lust of our own that needs to be sated.

Well, I'm too old for that. We need a new ending. And, it's boring. Everyone shakes hands and decides to be friends. The world is dying. We don't need war. We need to save this planet before it's too late.

I think I just took the story back to act two. Hmm. Funny how these inter-dimensional portals function.

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