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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1197218
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland

Modern Day Alice

Welcome to the place were I chronicle my own falls down dark holes and adventures chasing white rabbits! Come on In, Take a Bite, You Never Know What You May Find...

"Curiouser and curiouser." Alice in Wonderland

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June 25, 2012 at 1:20pm
June 25, 2012 at 1:20pm
sometimes my commute is a royal affair!

Sometimes my morning commute is much more…this morning it was magically transformed into a royal shuttle for one very fashionable little princess.

One of the benefits of having older female cousins is that they will occasionally weed through their old toys and deliver bags of these gently and sometimes not so gently used playthings to their eager little cousin. These discarded items become instant treasures to Jaden, even more enticing then new toys because they were used by those older girls she adores and emulates. This weekend’s haul yielded a tiny Minnie mouse magnet, angel bear, a bag of Barbie dolls and a Tinkerbell cell phone. Jaden was delighted but when Desi pulled out the plastic yellow and pink princess crown, my daughter’s whole face lit up. She wore that crown, paired with purple sunglasses and strings of multicolored beads, all through dinner and the hours that followed. She would have worn it to bed if I let her. As it was, I had to coax and bribe her to take it all off for her shower. This morning, she retrieved the ensemble and waited patiently by the door in full-on princess gear, complete with that tiny Tinkerbell cellphone dangling from one wrist. Apparently when you are a princess, you just never know who may call you on your way to daycare.

My husband and I shared amused looks and stifled our giggles as we loaded her into the car, knowing that Jaden felt every bit as fabulous as she thought she looked. What kind of parents would we be to break her precious princess bubble? There is often a fine line between looking sensational and looking ridiculous but for a child, no such boundary should ever exist.

Sometimes life hands you moments that are so pure and magical they make up for all the bad and insipid ones we have to deal with. This morning, watching my daughter in the rearview mirror, smiling and singing along to her tunes, looking every bit like she belonged on a Mardi Gras float…. was one of those moments. The chronic stomach pains I’d been struggling with and the busy stream of thoughts and concerns in my head just melted away and it was just me and my princess in the rearview. Every time I ventured a glance at Jaden my heart felt as if it would explode with pride and joy.

I refused to let her wear the ensemble into school only because I feared she’d loose one or more of the important elements in amongst the detritus of the busy classroom. I promised her it would be safe with me and that she could put it all on again as soon as I picked her up today. She relented but insisted on taking the Tinkerbell cell phone with her. After all Princesses are very popular people and as noted earlier, you never really can tell who may call you….
June 15, 2012 at 2:37pm
June 15, 2012 at 2:37pm
This morning on my commute in I was listening to NPR as I sometimes do until I cross over the bridge and my New York-based am news station kicks in clearer. NPR has a feature on Fridays that I have become rather fond of called, StoryCorps. This is an admirable attempt to collect a varied oral history of people, places and events around the country. The story this morning, recorded by a man named Will Smith, left me very touched and in possession of a whole new respect for what makes a good father.

Will Smith, now an older man recently diagnosed with an serious illness, recalled the time when he went away to school at Bowdain College in Maine with his 18-month old daughter Olivia in tow. A single father, he spoke about the challenges of studying, working and carrying for his child. He took at night time job cleaning so he could bring his daughter along, often hiding her in closets to avoid detection. He talked about living in fear of his tiny roommate being discovered and of losing 27 pounds during those years from stress and because he often only had enough money to feed Olivia. He and his daughter laughed as he described coming back to the dorm after class to find his fellow basketball teammates, some of Olivia's first babysitters, chasing around an active toddler. His daughter asked him if he was ever embarrassed by her, by being a young father, to which he emphatically replied "no, never". He told his daughter about the many, many times he would leave his books to look over her sleeping and it was the only thing that kept him going, kept driving him forward. At his college graduation, the university called both Will and Olivia's names. As he carried his daughter up to get his diploma his fellow classmates and teachers all rose from their chairs, giving him a much deserved standing ovation. At the end of recording, both the man and his daughter exchanged words of love and appreciation in voices that trembled with emotion.

There are remarkable men, and then there are remarkable fathers. This man, Will Smith, is an wonderful example of the love and self-sacrifice some fathers regularly make to raise their children. I wish stories like his were as well-known as some of the more media-primed tales we get exposed to on a daily basis. While not all of fatherhood involves such challenges as Will Smith's did, even those fathers who live their lives simply being there for their children can still be the biggest heroes.

So, to that overweight Dad in the mall who walked around in that totally unflattering rubber Batman costume, holding hands with his little boy "Robin" on Halloween...I salute you. To my husband, who has manage to convince our daughter that she is indeed a Princess, the most beautiful and perfect one in the whole world....thank you from the bottom of her mommy's heart. And lastly to my own Dad, who has raised a daughter who knows she has her father's unwavering and unconditional love and support no matter what...You are my hero and I love you. Happy Father's Day

May 25, 2012 at 11:45am
May 25, 2012 at 11:45am
My grandfather fought in WWII. By the time I was a teenager, we had only ever heard one or two stories from his time in the service. He never spoke about those years even though we always suspected they featured predominately in the landscape of his life. He would have his old war buddies over or meet them at the local Mcdonalds. On those rare occasions when I would tag along or get roped into delivering a tray of ice tea to the picnic table in the back yard, the conversation always stalled in my presence. The animated banter simply dropped off until I'd retreated to a safer distance. I was in high school when an old boyfriend, a history buff and military collector, convinced my Grandfather to do a video-tapped interview on the war for a project. It was only then that my grandfather opened up about his years in the service and his feelings about a war that took such a devastating toll on his generation.

I remember now how he had looked uncomfortable and slightly embarrassed, sitting side by side with Roland, his best friend and fellow veteran. My boyfriend Alan had some scripted questions about specific events and dates but the most revealing answers came when the men were prompted to simply talk about their most memorable moments and feelings. My Grandfather spoke quietly, sometimes becoming emotional especially as he described being marched through a town where buildings and homes were on fire. A woman had run out into the street, her body engulfed in flames, and fallen practically at his feet. His eyes teared up as he described being ordered to "keep going, not to pay her any mind." My Grandfather seemed to stare a few moments into the space in front of him, swallowing and shaking his head slightly, lost in that memory.

The two men spent about an hour swapping stories that were representative of the best and worst of human nature. They spoke about camaraderie and of forging friendships and bonds that extended beyond the trenches, evidenced by the way they often finished each others thoughts or smiled fondly at memories of fellow soldiers and inside jokes. They spoke of the brutality of war, the corruption of their youth in battles fought on foreign soil for causes that at times, they had felt remarkable removed from. The most tragic revelation was realizing while the war had ended, it had left them and hundreds of thousands like them, forever marked and wounded in a way that would never heal. Suddenly my grandfather's midnight dreaming and ranting seemed to have a root cause. I discovered a new well of patience and understanding for a man that could so often be grumpy, aloof and very difficult. Only a few years later, my grandfather took his own life, with the very same weapon he had shouldered as a young infantry shoulder. The revealing and intimate portrait preserved on that videotape seemed to go at least part of the way toward explaining his tragic final action.

Memorial Day is a time to remember and to honor the sacrifices men and woman have made over and over again to protect our precious freedoms. I appreciate all our veterans but I have a special connection to those WWII veterans who are disappearing rapidly from our population. I see my grandfather in every aging veteran selling paper poppies outside the supermarket. I always stop. I make sure to thank them after they hand me my poppy flower. I note their shaking hands, their military dress hats and medals worn proudly despite the obvious age and wear. These were once the same young men who may have fought side by side with my grandfather. They may have had the same dreams. They may suffer the same kinds of nightmares. They certainly share the same pride and devotion to country and they deserve to be remembered, this day and all others.

May 17, 2012 at 1:10pm
May 17, 2012 at 1:10pm
I knew there was a special bond between Jaden and her Nene, quite possible since the moment my mother-in-law first held my little blue-eyed baby in her arms. The long months between her visits have done nothing to diminish that bond, in fact the two of them always pick up seemingly right where they left off before. They communicate in a combination of elementary Turkish and English limited to one or two word phrases. They sing and dance and play...endlessly. Just about everything Jaden says or does evokes a barrage of cooing and kissing from her Grandmother which she accepts pretty graciously to my ceaseless amazement. I've even seen Jaden bestow more than one or two extra kisses at bedtime. Even on the mornings when Jaden heads off the school, a stop in her Nene's room before she leaves, has become part of both of their routines. Their relationship is simple, structured only by unconditional love and mutual adoration.

Last night I was watching them play together, a silly follow-the-leader type game. Jaden was mirroring my mother-in-law's marching legs and pumping arms, that was, until her Grandmother tripped and came tumbling down to the ground. Not missing a beat, Jaden threw herself down alongside her Grandmother in an exaggerated swan dive that was so dramatic that giggles instantly turned into raucous laughter. The two of them sat side by side in the driveway, their feet spayed out in front of them, their heads thrown back and bodies shaking with belly laughs...looking every bit for the moment like two crazies. It was a beautiful sight.

Grandmothers are special. They are pre-programmed to see the very best in us and they encourage and celebrate those things in every single way, in every moment of our lives. I have the most amazing Grandmother myself, she has been my kindred spirit, my best friend, my surrogate Mom. I can honestly say I am in part the person I am today because of the miraculous ways she loves me. I watch Jaden with her Nene and I am so grateful she will have the same opportunity to grow up with a grandmother who loves and cherishes her without limits.
May 15, 2012 at 2:51pm
May 15, 2012 at 2:51pm
Jaden has taken up singing lately. Granted, it is only three or four lines to the same song but coupled with some well-time head bobbing and clapping, it is absolutely delightful. On the rare occasions, she forgets she is naturally bashful and will start to sing "Wheel on the Bus" from the seat of the shopping cart or while strolling beside me in the mall, her pigtails bouncing and her hands clapping. I know there is no way my little girl can know this, but her impromptu performances have been like a miracle salve on my wounded spirit these last few weeks. Jaden is singing because she feels happy which in turn, makes me feel like I must be doing something right. It means that even though some days it is a real challenge for me to feel hopeful and positive, I have still managed to impart those sentiments onto her. At a time in my life when I am not feeling secure, I have managed to make her feel safe. Even in this time when I struggle to find things I like about myself, my little girl feels loved and treasured. When Jaden sings, it reassures me, it refocuses me, it lifts me up. My daughter's little melodies make all the difference to me these days.
April 25, 2012 at 11:53am
April 25, 2012 at 11:53am
My morning review of the news wires via the internet reveal a cache of the insipid headlines...from "something mysterious punching holes in Saturn's rings" to "the 10 most beautiful women" and yet another senseless story about Kim and Kayne. Really? How can I assume any of this fodder affects me personally. Maybe I am just giving in to my increasing foul mood, but most of it seems like a colossal waste of space. I'm far too concerned about getting through to next month financially and mentally to care about cosmic mysterious or the love and lifestyles of the rich and famous. I've actually resorted to listening to public radio which, apart from the hours of tedious droning on, at least provides the occasional story with some cultural or social relevance far enough out of the mainstream to be entertaining. There is just so much noise in my life right now, an ever deafening soundtrack to accompany my growing disillusionment and frustration levels. At some point, I really fear that I might suddenly scream, "Fuck it" at the top of my lungs and just uproot the family for a destination unknown, the only requirement being that it be a locale as far away from this one as humanly possible...and palm trees, there would have to be palm trees.
April 19, 2012 at 10:53am
April 19, 2012 at 10:53am
On this, the day of my fourth wedding anniversary, I take a moment to reflect on some of the sweetest moments of my life with him. There are of course, all the big ones...our first date, kiss, the "I do's", the birth of our baby girl. Then there are the memories I don't often have the cause or the luxury to recall as often. I was looking over my the banner picture on my facebook page, I'd recently replaced it with a wedding picture in honor of the date, and I remembered one of those rare and tiny moments, the kind that make the whole world go still around you, just for a few precious seconds. I had been in a rush of preparation the day of my wedding, shuttled from brunch, to the salon and to the bridal dressing rooms in a whorl of happy activity. Finally, standing arm and arm with my Dad waiting for my turn to walk down the aisle, things suddenly just stopped. I could feel every breath like a painful rattle in my chest. Only moments ago I had stood in front of the floor length mirror with my grandmother, amazed at the woman I saw glazing back at me. My dress was more perfect than even I had hoped. I looked every bit as lovely and glamorous as I felt. I was about to change my life, take one of the most promising and positive steps forward after so many years with a good man that I was crazy in love with. I was happy. I was eager. I was ready. Then, a few minutes later after watching my bridesmaids all disappear beyond those doors, I had that moment. The air went still around me. I lost connection to all sound and touch. I was gripped by this sudden numbness, overcome with the tremendous fear that despair was about to consume me, to pull me back from this place of hope and healing that I had found. The panic rose up inside me, blocking every sensation, every rational thought. Then, my Dad squeezed my arm. He looked at me and I saw that he was fighting back tears. Perhaps he was also thinking of how far I had come to stand at this place with him, and of all the goodness and light that waited for me now on the other side of that door. Neither one of us spoke, afraid I think to open the floodgates. We just took a deep breath and moved forward together. The white doors flew open revealing a room filled with the smiling faces of friends and family. Each step I took drove the doubt and the fear back, each step delivered me closer to my new life with my new love. If there was any trace of panic left in me it evaporated the moment I laid eyes on my new husband, standing there with wet eyes, looking as if he had been waiting his whole life for me.
April 17, 2012 at 10:59am
April 17, 2012 at 10:59am
These days I dream so often of palm trees that I am surprised I don't see them lining my driveway when I wake up. It is not that I have the burning desire to move to a tropical location, its more the hope that if we were to move even nine or ten hours farther South, it would change our lives for the better. Perhaps. I supposed it is the romantic in me that dreams about starting over in a new place, of the excitement of forging a new life as a family in a new town, new state, new climate. The romantic that dreams of stepping away from the old challenges, struggles and limitations..of putting space between us and all that feels broken and used up. I'm not sure what is wrong exactly, I just know that something feels like it is. My stomach hurts, almost constantly. I dread my morning commute like I dread a visit to the dentist. I can't shake the feeling I could do more, I could be more. I could do better for my family.
April 9, 2012 at 11:23am
April 9, 2012 at 11:23am
There is a tulip plant growing in my yard. I can not recall ever having planted it but it blooms every Spring in bright yellow bursts. This morning the buds were just starting to open, the cheerful color just visible among the green. There are healthy looking buds on my rose bush and the hastas are also beginning to push through the soil...more foliage I inherited when I bought the house years ago. There are also lots of new shoots and buds on my dwarf lilac, a contribution to the landscape I made myself several years ago. Spring, it appears, is beginning to show itself in my corner of the world. My daughter is more than happy to shed her thick winter coats for lighter jackets that don't confine her pumping legs and swinging arms as she charges out into sun. It takes more and more effort to lure her back inside after the still chilly air has painted her cheeks a rosy red. I can see now that my little one will be an adventurous child of the sun and sky and not the introverted bookworm her mother was.

Perhaps with all these signs of Spring, I will find new reserves of energy, be newly inspired to dream, to plan, to write. it seems far too often these days, I think in pessimistic terms. It is just that one gets so tired of treading water, of just getting by.
April 4, 2012 at 12:24pm
April 4, 2012 at 12:24pm
I feel the approaching depression like a dull ache across the old breaks in bones when the weather is damp and heavy. I feel it like an approaching storm, too far away to hear the rumbles but the tops of the trees sway and the air crackles with the tension of its coming. I bounce between moments of restlessness and tedium like an agitated child. I look at myself and I wonder, where have I gone?

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