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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
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June 22, 2023 at 10:45am
June 22, 2023 at 10:45am
Prompt: What is one thing you do every summer and it wouldn't be summer if you didn't do this one thing? Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Eeeek! Summer where I live! Hot, hot, hot! In fact I couldn't stand it if not for the AC.

Yes, air conditioning! When the temp outside hits 90's plus even goes into 100s and the temp inside tries to win the heat race with it, air conditioning comes to the rescue. I couldn't live where I live if it weren't for the AC. Thus the one thing about summer here, it wouldn't be summer if I didn't crank up the AC.

To me, air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions of all time. That newest techy thing, AI, you eat your heart out! I could live without the AI but not without my beloved AC.

AC in the house is like having my very own personal oasis in the middle of a sweltering desert. Let me give you an example. My mailbox is about 60 feet away from the house. On a hot summer day, when I walk down to pick up my mail, on my way back, I feel all sticky and sweaty. Then, as soon as the AC's cool air embraces me inside with a refreshing hug, I get instant relief and I think, "Well, maybe where I live is not so bad after all!"

This is because air conditioning helps regulate the humidity levels, prevents dehydration, which drains my energy, and therefore, it helps with my productivity in everyday life. Plus, its sweetest perk comes at night when it lets me sleep soundly without tossing and turning in a Gehenna-like bedroom.

Then, most importantly, there is my cat with her fur coat wrapped about her. AC ensures that she stays comfortable, lounges around in style, and doesn't have heat-related health issues.

In short, AC is a blessing I am very grateful for, as it is a life-saver and is making me feel cooler, despite what happens outside of my home.

June 21, 2023 at 10:57am
June 21, 2023 at 10:57am
Prompt: You can have the universe if I can have....... Write about what you would like to have in your Blog entry today.


No way am I stepping foot out into the universe! In the first place. Isn't earth bad enough? Eat your heart out, Captain Kirk and all the ETs!

Yet, as much as I've been carping about the negatives on this planet, I have an ultimate distant dream, which I probably mentioned many times before. I wish people could coexist peacefully, without conflicts and war in our world, the earth.

Just imagine a place where we could prioritize understanding and compassion over hatred and division. That would be pretty amazing, right? This planet, our earth, could be a place where borders are just lines on a map, where people from different cultures and backgrounds come together in harmony, embracing their differences and celebrating their similarities.

When and if that happens, imagine all the wonderful things we could achieve if we didn't have to spend this much time and energy on conflicts. We could further our education, healthcare, and our other important needs, so we could improve the quality of life for everyone. There would be no worries or revenge-taking by anyone since we would instead foster dialogue, understanding, justice, and equality.

I could probably come up with some ideas and urging for the world peace so every one can take action toward it, but this has been done by better people than me, many times over, and unfortunately, to no avail! So, at this point, I am going to keep on wishing for a reality that all of us human beings can enjoy, and I hope, at least, this wish for world peace can gain more than a few allies.

June 20, 2023 at 9:28am
June 20, 2023 at 9:28am
Someone who had difficulty ignoring another person's negativity asked me this question:
“How do we learn to not see what we see, or not know what we know?”
How would you answer her question? And how difficult or easy is it for you to ignore negativity?


Speaking for myself, I can tolerate and even ignore some negativity but there's a limit to everything. I may even try to help if the negative person has some good qualities and does not mean to hurt and scare others with nasty words and behavior.

Negativity can blind people to reality and hurt their growth because it works as a powerful force that seeps into thoughts, perceptions, and overall outlook on life. It also clouds vision, distorts understanding, and stops them from seeing the truth.

Overcoming all this requires a conscious effort on the negative person, but most negative people aren't even aware that they are being negative. For others around them, I can't think of any real workable solution for dealing with the negative ones if their negativity is extreme as what they need may be professional help, only.

Some negative people, however, can be encouraged tenderly to see the positive by being made aware of their negative thought patterns. Possibly, gentle prodding and saying something like, "There you go, again! Nothing is that bad!" may work.

Then, maybe,--when they delve into negative self-talk with words or thoughts such as, "Why is this always happening to me?" or "I must be so rotten to be in this position," etc.--,emphasizing their strengths, achievements, and potential may work to some degree.

Chances are most negative people learned to be negative through their past experiences and by being criticized by people important to them in their earlier lives, such as parents and teachers. In other words, their earlier negative experiences may have led to their later negative behavior, with them subconsciously doing unto others what was done to them.

Truth is, such people need positive reinforcement more than most of us, so they can nurture some self-compassion. This is because self-compassion and the understanding of one's own self leads the way to compassion, kindness, and understanding for others.

Unfortunately for some negative people, their negativity makes them focus only on the flaws, shortcomings, negative aspects of situations, other human beings, and even themselves. This may lead to a general defeatist mindset and hidden or apparent self-doubt and fear.

People around them, then, need to be careful when pointing out a problem or a mishap as something simple may be blown to epic proportions in the minds of negative people. Also, being gentle with them and encouraging the positive sides of their selves would help greatly.

Who knows, maybe what the people who take things adversely all the time can use some praise, meaningful conversations, other perspectives, and most of all understanding.

Then, if you are around a negative person and you cannot "learn to not see what they see, or not know what they know," maybe the negative person's antics are too much for you. Being around a negative person all the time may seriously hurt your own mental health and well-being. I would say, for self-respect and self-preservation, to just remove yourself from the company of such a nasty, pessimistic person rather than allowing them to define and hurt you in unseen ways, when you are only trying to help.

June 19, 2023 at 11:44am
June 19, 2023 at 11:44am
Prompt: Colors
In his Nobel-Prize-winning novel, My Name Is Red, author Orhan Pamuk says:"Color is the touch of the eye, music to the deaf, a word out of the darkness... Delicacy manifests itself neither in weakness nor in subtlety, but through determination of will."
What does color mean to you and how do colors affect the way you feel?


All colors talk to me in some way and my favorites among them change and morph according to the mood I'm in. This is because colors have a language of their own, evoking memories, conveying emotions and painting the world in their bright and pale hues. Their meanings, at times, transcend what my eyes can see.

A color speaks to me at the absence of sound or words. They stir my heart when a favorite color becomes music, with images and memories dancing before my eyes. When I gaze upon a breathtaking sunset, the golden strokes blending into fiery reds and soft purples remind me of letting go of another day in my life.

A spectrum of colors may evoke joy, sorrow, tranquility or excitement within my soul. Color breathes life into my life and into the void when it paints my dreams at night and my wishes and imagination during the day.

A few decades ago, I learned more about the effects of colors when I tried my hand in painting. Then, I discovered their soothing touch, vitality, and illumination. I also discovered that nothing is more bland than an unpainted canvas.

In short, colors are more than pigments and light. They are intangible forces that stir my imagination, wake up my senses, and expand the boundaries of my perception.


June 17, 2023 at 1:13pm
June 17, 2023 at 1:13pm
If you're getting together with friends, do you prefer one on one situations, group situations large or small? How important do you feel it is to keep a social network?


As human beings, inherently, we all are social creatures. Our quality of life and well-being depend on our relationships with others. This might be through physical interaction or online sites and friendships. In fact, I find I can relate better to some of my online friends than to some of the real-life ones. I guess that has to do with being like-minded.

About getting together with friends, it depends on the group or the single friend. I really like both. With a single friend or a small group, depending on the other person or persons, I can learn about them and interact with them better, but a large group can be just as fun, too. As they say, the more the merrier.

Almost any kind of friendship, for me, offers emotional support and companionship, be it in a group or one-on-one. I believe it is the perspective of another person or persons I am after, for a deeper understanding of life, for celebrating achievements, and for providing encouragement concerning everyday struggles and joys. These types of interactions contribute greatly to personal growth as they lead to gaining insights into different cultures, new interests, and new goals.

Also, it is essential to strike a balance between online and offline interactions. Face to face meetings, for example, provide more nuanced communication, reading body language, and emotional bonding than the online interactions. Friends who provide a listening ear, advice, and a different perspective can be invaluable during difficult times. Yet, some of that can also be found in online friendships, too.

To wrap it up, online or offline friendships, whichever or both, do enhance my quality of life, and I feel very lucky to have gotten to know all my friends everywhere.

June 16, 2023 at 9:47am
June 16, 2023 at 9:47am
What makes your family unique and different from others? What do you love about them the most? What frustrates you the most about them?


No two families are exactly alike due to the cultural backgrounds, values, traditions and individual personalities making them unique. The only sure thing I can say is, each person is an individual and we are quite different from one another.

Even in my own core family, we have been individuals. In fact, my two sons are so different from one another that sometimes I jokingly question if their father and I were the parents who raised them. Still, we have been close to one another through thick and thin.

My extended family, on the other hand, is a different story as its members are now living all over the world, which has added, in heaps and bounds, to our differences.

Yet, while I was growing up, we were a tight-knit family. I loved my uncles and aunts and one of my cousins has been a life-long best friend. The thing that splits the togetherness of the members of my extended family now has more to do with the political anything and individual views of the world. As such, some of my cousins evade one another. This is unfortunate because the generation of people before me (RIP to all of them) prioritized loyalty, respect, and some family traditions. Maybe, it is the ways of the world nowadays that people cannot adapt to and appreciate their differences.

Still, I suspect, deep down, should push come to shove, we would stick together. I might be dreaming, of course, but I'd like to believe that.

June 15, 2023 at 10:52am
June 15, 2023 at 10:52am
Prompt: "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." Bob Ross, Painter Write about this quote in your Blog entry today.


Bob Ross may have been a believer in the power of happy accidents, but I can see how it may be easier to convert and adapt an accident on canvas such as the wrong color, an extra line, or a blob of paint into the overall composition.

Yet, not every mistake in life will lead to a happy accident or a positive outcome. In fact, some mistakes can have serious consequences. Still, they can become opportunities for growth and exploration of new paths. What is needed is handling setbacks with resilience and optimism.

On the positive side, mistakes can lead to feelings of humility and empathy for others who may be suffering from the outcome of the same or similar mistakes. This way, mistakes can strengthen connections and deepen relationships among people.

Also, when I am aware of having made a mistake, I try not to repeat that mistake in some other form, but this is not always possible as circumstances and dealing with life's issues can shapeshift and fool me once more. Frankly speaking, I don't like myself much when I make a mistake, but through trial and error, I have at least learned to tolerate them with the hope that their potential to transform into "happy little accidents" will jump into positive action and, sooner or later, I'll end up feeling better about them.

June 14, 2023 at 10:00am
June 14, 2023 at 10:00am

Prompt: It is so important to do something everyday that makes you happy." Bob Ross, The Painter Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Adding and mixing happiness boosting ideas and activities into my daily routine offer a lot of benefits, health-wise and in other ways. Plus, they also affect the way I feel and adjust to the world in general. I believe, above all, having a daily routine--even if I stray from it at times--organizes my thoughts and my life.

The first thing I do in the morning after the getting dressed and ready for the day is to make my bed. I found out that this small activity sets me out to meet the day well, every single day. Then I take a short walk, water the plants, and get breakfast.

Afterwards. I do what needs to be done as to taking care of the house and outside business. Putting things in order plus living in order makes my life more meaningful than when I would get up in the morning without having decided what to do.

The rest of the day, I read, write, text friends, and do stuff on WdC and online. I also try to learn a new language or add vocabulary to the ones I have already studied.

On an even more personal note, I have a 14 year-old black cat. I got her from my son who had her since she was a kitten. She's the joy of my life and, at this time, she's the first thing in the morning that binds me to the rest of the world. I also get in touch with either or both of my two sons and other members of my family like my cousins who have a great impact on the way I feel throughout the day.

Yet, the most important thing I try to do everyday is to make someone else happy or at least try to ease what's difficult for a friend or any other person. To me, these kinds of activities help generate a sense of fulfillment within myself.

In short, prioritizing personal happiness sets a positive tone to the rest of the day.
June 13, 2023 at 10:33am
June 13, 2023 at 10:33am
Prompt: What if there were no wars, poverty, famine, global warning or any other ecological threats on earth but only peace? What would it be like and how would you like it?


As far-fetched as this idea is, in a world with no wars. poverty, famine, and ecological threats and disasters, humanity--that is us--would experience a profound transformation. Therefore, it may be a good idea to explore the possibilities.

In such a utopian existence, especially without the devastating impact of wars, human societies would redirect their resources toward progress, development, and cooperation, with global collaboration flourishing. Instead of investing in wars and defense against the wars, governments would have more funds toward education, healthcare, infrastructure, and scientific research.

Then, the peace and the feeling of well-being by all would lead to a culture of understanding, empathy, and diplomacy, and resources would be distributed more equally and toward the betterment of societies and the preservation of the planet.

As people, we would also be more open-minded, embracing diversity, different traditions, languages, and customs. This would lead to more open borders and global unity.

Yet, the best would be for the children of the world who would grow up in an environment where violence is not a norm. This would reduce the trauma and fear they feel and they would be have more emotional intelligence, empathy, and a tendency to conflict resolution, should any conflict arise. This is because education plays a vital role in cultivating these values from a young age and fostering a generation of peace-conscious individuals.

In the past, the United Nations and the European Union have tried to prevent conflicts and wars with some success, but they weren't 100% able to instill and keep that ideal peace. Should such unions involve every society in the world, they might have been much more successful.

The way I look at it, a world without wars is not an unattainable dream. It is something we should pursue for its potential benefits with the shared aim of progress uniting us all.

June 12, 2023 at 11:23am
June 12, 2023 at 11:23am
Prompt: Shapeshifting
If you had the power to shift into whatever creature you want --earthly or otherwise-- who or what would be your choice?


The longing to experience the world in a different form sounds interesting to an oldie like me, since I've had it with the way we humans treat one another.

I guess I could transform into a majestic bird. soaring high above the clouds, stretching my winds wide as they would carry me through the open skies. Heaven forbid that I come face to face with a drone, or an airplane, or a UFO. Come to think of it, a UFO would be the most interesting as that might give me the chance to explore the vast expanse of the universe, unburdened by the weight of my old age.

If not a bird, then, maybe I'd be a graceful deer, agile and swift, roaming through the sun-dappled, thickly forested earth. The sights and scents of the natural world would come alive with the soft touch of grass beneath my hooves.

Then, there's the possibility of the sea, with me turning into a wise, old dolphin, exploring the depths of the oceans and ancient mysteries on the sea floor beneath the waves. I would probably communicate with other sea creatures through clicks and whistles, wondering where I could catch a glimpse of a mermaid.

Yet, all these possibilities--in air, water, or land--, remind me of my own human form, which has carried me through years of life and I am grateful for the lessons learned and the beauties experienced. Also, maybe unfortunately, that wisdom and grace they claim the elderly can hold has evaded me, despite my wrinkles and gray hair, but then, I try not to be an old hag flaunting any so-called wisdom, which supposedly arrived (or not) with age. *Wink* *Laugh*
June 10, 2023 at 9:35am
June 10, 2023 at 9:35am
There was an announcement in the news about finding unidentified aerial phenomena and that information has been concealed by different governments around the world. Do you think there is truth in the announcement or do you think it's another media grand storm. How would you feel if aliens had indeed visited us? Ever wonder what kind of first impression we would make?


I dare to think that we might already be getting visitations from aliens of some sort, but seeing what we are like, they probably run away at full speed, without looking back. And this is regardless of the media hype because I've stopped relying on the media decades ago.

As for the scientific community, they require, generally, rigorous evidence and reproducible observations to establish the validity of extraordinary claims. Then, what about that "true" evidence and observations? On what criteria are they going to base that? Our understanding of science or what we can notice with our faulty five senses? What if there is so much more to our sciences and to our human attributes? What kinds of concrete, provable evidences can those ignoramus scientists get?

In fact, the whole thing is totally speculative. About those people who said they were abducted into space ships and those who claim to have seen the UFO's, I am not disregarding their stories as made-up. On the other hand, who can prove that these people are 100% healthy and sane? In fact, who can ever claim that any one of us is !00% sane? So many things affect our mental, social, and intellectual well-being, not only as persons but as crowds and nations.

Only if we could stop and look at ourselves with a critical eye and live decent lives as human beings without attacking one another in hordes, maybe at that time, we'd really know if we are being visited by the aliens. Then, probably, those aliens would make themselves visible and available to us.

June 9, 2023 at 12:20pm
June 9, 2023 at 12:20pm
“Of course motivation is not permanent. But then, neither is bathing; but it is something you should do on a regular basis.” ― Zig Ziglar,
Let this quote inspire your entry today. Maybe even share if you have some motivation hints.


Motivation is a deeply personal and internal force, and yes, it is not permanent. Thank God for that! If it were to be permanent, we'd all die of heart attacks in our early ages. This is because with motivation, comes hard work and facing tough challenges depending on the subject or idea one is motivated about.

Yet, individuals--especially we writers--can take steps to nurture our own motivation by concentrating on our values, goals, and breaking them into manageable steps, so we can, at the end, celebrate our progress or the finished manuscript. Surely external factors play a role in the do-ability of a project, but if we can tap into our internal desires, we can easily find the drive for it.

This brings to mind the question if motivation can be forced. I think not, but it can be encouraged by internal and external factors. In an educational or professional setting, teachers, managers, and leaders can cultivate an atmosphere of encouragement, provide clarity of goals and expectations, recognize achievements by offering praise, prizes, and constructive feedback.

Also, we ourselves can find motivation and inspirations from our role models, from engaging in activities that are fun for us, from cultivating a mindset that values challenges, and from setbacks we may deem as learning and improvement opportunities. Then, at the end when we find a sense of purpose and satisfaction in our work, we may surprise ourselves by having an even stronger motivation.

I have to add that it is difficult to find motivation for anything if one is not quite healthy or is going through a trauma or a grief period. In that case, finding the smallest of goals to achieve and trying to enjoy what little fun we can find around us would help. I certainly wish none of us has to face such a dilemma ever, and if we do, I hope we can find in ourselves the strength and the drive to seek for motivation to help us feel better again.

June 8, 2023 at 10:48am
June 8, 2023 at 10:48am
"A lake is a landscapes most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye: Looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature."
Henry David Thoreau
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Where I live in Florida lakes abound. Unfortunately, most of these lakes are slightly larger than ponds and are man-made, especially by developers who took over the lush wildlands. Yet, these lakes can't even come close to the beauty and grandeur of natural ones, ever!

In the presence of a natural lake, one cannot help but be humbled by the grandeur of nature. Whenever I am in the presence of such a lake, I get a sense of wonder at its timeless beauty. Plus, a lake transforms with the changing seasons from lying under a blanket of snow to showing off the colors and images from the surrounding landscape.

One such lake is Lake Como in Italy as it is a wonder of nature and the art and the craftsmanship of humans who live, play, and do commerce around it. Commerce is the key word here, Lake Como is a tourist haven and has become far too commercial despite its breathtaking natural beauty.

Then, there is another lake that had impressed and inspired me during my college years for its natural magnificence. It is a much less known lake and it was not as commercial when I saw it.

I'm talking about the large Lake Sapanca in northwest Turkey, located in a tectonic hole, surrounded by mountains in the south and smaller hills in the north. This lake supplies much-needed water for the area. Then, it is also known for the variety of fish that lived in it. I hope the fish still do live there, as the waters of the world did get dirtied by humans.

At the time that I visited this lake, I was awed by its reflective quality. Its quiet waters mirrored the natural beauty around it, the mountains, the lake grass, the surrounding foliage, and whoever or whatever else happened to be there. The effect was ethereal.

This lake and many others hold a strong attraction for those of us who seek connection with nature, inspiring introspection and a sense of wonder. They lie in their beds as if they are timeless and enchanting, unlike us humans who are here on earth for only a given, short time.

June 7, 2023 at 10:25am
June 7, 2023 at 10:25am
Prompt: Sometimes older things embody, and in a sense, are witness to-a view of the world much different then our own. This refers to family heirlooms and what they mean to family members. Write about this in your Blog entry today.


We had a curio cabinet in our living room while I was growing up. Inside it, were items I had no attachment to whatsoever, but for my grandmother it was different. She lived through those things.

Then of course, there were the old family photos in black and white, but mostly in sepia. Each time my grandmother looked at them, she wept. During the years I grew up among all these antiques and old stuff, I felt they were just things, out of their time and totally obsolete.

Now that I am old, I can understand my grandmother's attachment to such old worn-out objects. I have never been one to get attached to things, old or new, but still, I do use the rolls and rolls of handmade lace my grandmother made with her own hands. Some photos, too, leave a feeling of sadness and longing for people I'll never see again here on earth.

Truth is, I still don't care too much about the stuff inside my own curio cabinet. Neither do I care for the antique jewelry, my grandfather's stamp collection, the fake Stradivarius violin--circa 1936, which my grandfather brought to my mother from Vienna, or the other even older antiques that hide many stories in them, as each scratch mark or a logo carries its own specific narrative and charm, and I've heard it all from my grandmother.

Still, heirlooms have bridged the gap between me and the people who are here no more, like my grandmother and other older family members, and thus, they've made memories live longer. They've also instilled in me a sense of belonging to a family, a clan, or a group and imparted in me an appreciation for my heritage.

This is because all these items are symbols of endurance and resilience. They have stood the passage of time and countless changes of owners. In their existence, they tell me stories of the lives before me, stories of my family members and friends, most I have never met, as these objects hold a unique significance that now transcends time.


June 6, 2023 at 10:42am
June 6, 2023 at 10:42am
Prompt: Personal Freedoms
What does 'personal freedoms' mean to you? And in what ways do one person's freedoms have an impact on those of others?


Let me begin with an example. Although expressing an opinion on any subject is a personal freedom, insulting someone else while doing the opinionating is an attack and an affront on that other person. Granted, there's a fine line between what I need to say and what I can say without hurting anyone else.

Thus, the idea behind the term "personal freedoms" is one of the most misunderstood concepts, a misunderstanding that is similar to the misunderstanding of political democracy in general, which may mean to some as: "Since we are in a democracy, I can do whatever vile thing I want."

Personal freedoms, on the other hand, refer to the fundamental rights and liberties people possess that allows them to exercise autonomy, to make choices, and to express themselves freely. These are essential rights for the overall well-being and development of individuals, which in turn, have an effect for the progress and prosperity of societies.

I'll now try to list these freedoms.

1. Individual Empowerment: People deserve to have the power to make choices as to their beliefs, relationships, career paths, and lifestyles. This way, they can feel to be in control and find fulfillment and happiness. This leads to personal growth and encourages them to be creative, innovative and better contributors to society. In my opinion, parents should keep these freedoms in mind when raising children instead of pushing them into accepting their or others' ways and beliefs.

2. Human Rights and Dignity: This is the idea of safety, security and equality, as it should protect people from arbirary actions by governments and other entities.

3. Political Participation: People should be able to feel free to participate in the political process--that is speech, assembly, and association--without negative interference from anyone, so democracy and the protection of civil liberties can function properly.
On a personal note, I am wary of pushy politicians who attack, curse, and undermine opponents and their followers. I think twice if I ever consider voting for them.

4. Cultural Diversity and Expression: Cultural traditions, beliefs, and artistic expressions enrich the society with a variety of perspectives, ideas, and experiences and help lead to understanding and social unity.
Then, on a personal note, I think a person is lowly and close to being a criminal when they push their own cultural ways and perspectives as being superior. Such people, therefore, feel they have the right to look down upon others and even act in brutal ways against them.

5. Economic Development: By creating an environment of economic freedom, societies can encourage entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment, job creation, and overall progress. This only one of the freedoms. Unfortunately, it is mostly misunderstood as being the most important one, especially on the socio-political arena.

6. Scientific and Technological Advancement: People should have the freedoms to explore, innovate and inquire. This encourages intellectual curiosity and advancement in all fields important to our lives. On the other hand, this shouldn't mean breaking confidentialities and endangering our personal, economical, and political well-being.

7. Personal Privacy: People's personal lives are sacrosanct. Any unwarranted intrusion into a person's private life should be taboo. Unfortunately, today's technologies are too much into our lives with their nosiness and intervention on their own economical behalf. I don't know how this can be remedied, but I believe we are all in danger of being irresponsibly treated

When all is said and done, balancing these freedoms isn't easy and there are no absolute ways and means to ensure their perfect health. From this angle, what we call personal freedoms are on a shaky ground. Yet, their impacts on the overall well-being of humanity is evident and, generally speaking, still very positive.


June 5, 2023 at 10:30am
June 5, 2023 at 10:30am
Prompt: Character Driven Movies
What are the most memorable character-driven movies you have watched?


During the last several years, I have rarely been to the movies, but I appreciate their effects on our culture. Then, because I have been a rather reluctant movie-goer during the 21st century, I'm going to write about the few good movies that impressed me by being character-driven during the 20th Century. Since I may forget to mention other important ones, do remind me, please!

Well, we all know about Gone with the Wind, since it always gets thrown at us from just about everywhere. Based on Margaret Mitchell's novel, it is about a spirited woman during the US Civil War. This movie alone might just have had an effect on the women's movement later on.

The Godfather movies, as I recall, shocked and scared me. Yet, they had richly developed, unique characters and thought-provoking themes. Best is, they made me see, how human thugs could be.

The Shawshank Redemption is another movie that impressed, scared, and terrified me, since I had no idea what a penitentiary could be like. In that movie, I watched the resilience of the human spirit and the power of friendship. Other movies similar to it are One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and The Silence of the Lambs.

The last three I mentioned are not, by all means, happy or fun, but I can't forget them because with all of them, I felt scared and disturbed to some degree, as they were all thought-provoking, emotionally powerful, and ultimately rewarding.

There are a few other movies, too, that I would classify as character-driven, like Moonlight, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Casablanca. And I'm sure I've forgotten or bypassed several others that must have been unique experiences for me as they challenged me to see beyond the surfaces of people and conditions.

In short, I have learned something or other about life as I went along my years during the time I have been here on earth and good movies did help my trek by inspiring me with their deeply human stories and multidimensional characters.

June 4, 2023 at 12:25pm
June 4, 2023 at 12:25pm
I don't ever write in this blog on Sundays, but last night I read something in a book that got my dander up. Someone who thinks she's the patrolwoman of the craft has written this:

"If you still persist in writing, "Good food at it's best," you deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked up on the spot and buried in an unmarked grave." -- Lynne Truss the author of the 2003 book titled, Eats, Shoots, Leaves: Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation.

First, be it in jest, I don't like violence and any attacker-approach to anything. Second, it wasn't the above book, Eats, Shoots, Leaves I was reading, but a different one that borrowed the quote. I'm never going to buy a book written by a nasty vigilante, anyway.

Coming to the reason why I am writing this entry is because I am a linguist and I know that a language changes as do its rules. The author of the above quote may believe she is preserving the nuances of the language but a language always renews itself. The nuances codify an ideal but not the reality.

Truth is, all languages change, some faster than others. They evolve as if they are living beings.

Especially English is an ever growing, revolving, and styling and re-styling language. What is true today may not be the norm tomorrow. What is presented at any time as rules are, in fact, the preferences of the existing moment and time.

I grew up in a time where high-school English teachers impressed on students these rules rather strictly:
Don't split the infinitive. Don't end a sentence with a preposition. Don't start a sentence with however, and, but etc.
As writers, aren't we already disregarding these rules?

The way I see it, good writing depends, first and mainly, on content and then, partly on grammar and punctuation. Yes, as writers we need to watch out for the rules so what we write comes out as fluent and understandable.

Yet, am I saying mixing up "its" and "it's" is okay? Not by any means. We owe it to ourselves to know the difference and to try to make our work as clean and presentable as possible.

What I am saying is that the writers in WdC should never be discouraged by any vigilantes.

In the reviews on this site, when the reviewers correct the grammar and punctuation, the writers need to give those corrections their due attention. I, too, correct a slip or two if I catch them when I review, and I am grateful when other writers catch my booboos.

What I am against is the way any correction is presented. Unkind words in corrections hurt the writers and discourage them from developing their craft.

So, please, friends, do write on with your first goal as being the content of your work. Then, correct or edit later according to the rules that are in use now, in our time.

June 3, 2023 at 9:42am
June 3, 2023 at 9:42am
Prompt: The blast of the alarm jolted me from my sleep. .I rubbed my eyes, trying to decipher what type of an emergency it was this time....

Have fun


The blast of the alarm jolted me from my sleep. I rubbed my eyes, trying to decipher what type of emergency it was this time, at this late hour. Although I was still disoriented and bleary-eyed, I felt this wasn't a common occurrence.

Quickly, I arose from my bed and stumbled to the window. Our usually quiet street was now filled with panicked voices and hurrying people. Still groggy, I thought of the worst scenario. Was it an earthquake, a terrorist attack, or something even worse?

I threw on some clothes and left the house, then joined the frantic crowd while trying to find out what the trouble was. Each person told a different story, but with one thing in common: the impending catastrophe of a burning apartment building. Sure enough, two streets down, I smelled smoke and later saw the wild flames engulfing a building.

On the location of the scene, the police struggled to maintain order as emergency vehicles sped past, their sirens blaring and flashing lights casting eerie glows on us.

When the fire worsened, the magnitude of the situation became clearer with firefighters battling the flames with their hoses by shooting torrents of water at them.

Suddenly, a piercing cry made me look up at the figure clinging to a ledge on one of the upper floors. I saw a firefighter go up on a truck's ladder toward the victim. When on top, he grasped the outstretched arm of the trapped person and held on to him, and inch by inch, they moved down the ladder together while I held my breath. When they reached the ground, a cacoophony of cheers arose from the crowd.

Eventually, the flames were put out and the fire died down, thanks to the tireless efforts of the firefighters. This incident made me realize how important firefighters are to our society and how little and rarely we think of them during our busy everyday lives.

At that time, down below, we had watched this one brave firefighter save a life, for as a crowd together with the firefighters and the police, we had become more than strangers connected by circumstance. We had become one united symbol of humanity.

June 2, 2023 at 11:46am
June 2, 2023 at 11:46am
Prompt: Write a story using visual language. Add as many of these phrases as you can to work your brain in a new way.

burned like acid rain, mewling cats, tart taste making him pucker, clucked his tongue, adrenaline surged, a hissing rush, heat sizzled, staggered woodenly, sparkling wit or stuttered incoherently

See if you can tie BC0F's prompt together with this for a merit badge.
BCoF prompt: There's a figure standing in a darkened doorway...and...
It's your blog.
Have fun


There's a figure standing in a darkened doorway, its silhouette barely visible and the moonless night throws ominous shadows, while the rain has stuttered incoherently ever since it started falling on the street.

This eerie darkness has burned like acid rain the eyes of another man, Jason.

His heart pounding against his chest, Jason presses himself against the damp brick wall. He feels he has come upon something he shouldn't have, something beyond his comprehension. That something is that figure, which has staggered woodenly and locked its gaze onto him, as if a predator.

The cries of mewling cats echoing from nearby and with adrenaline surged through his veins, Jason's throat tightens and the bile with a tart taste making him pucker surges up. He knows he has clucked his tongue nervously without wanting to.

When the figure steps forward, a hissing rush of breath escapes Jason's lips as he sees clearly the figure's face and its malevolent eyes devoid of humanity. This is a night of nightmares and Jason is in it facing this figure, but he summons a courage he didn't know he possessed and lets loose a sparkling wit.

"What do you want?"

The figure pauses, narrowing its gaze and possibly considering Jake's words. Then slowly, it raises a hand with long, bony fingers extending toward Jason.


Right at that moment, however, a blinding light falls upon the earth, shattering the darkness as hooded figures emerge from the shadows and encircle the figure, chanting in a language Jason thinks as being ancient.

The air now crackles with energy and the forces of light and dark battle in front of him, causing a chaos, to give him an opportunity to escape. This heat-sizzled wet night has intertwined a magic with the malevolent figure that has scared Jason.

With a burst of energy, Jason turns and sprints down the rain-soaked street as his feet splashes through puddles.

Jason escapes.

Behind him, the battle rages on.

Although still haunted by that night's images, Jason now knows of the resilience and courage within him, his courage to know the difference. The difference between fighting or running away from malevolence.

June 1, 2023 at 8:47am
June 1, 2023 at 8:47am
Prompt: Do you judge a book by it's cover?


In a literal sense, no, I don't judge a book by its cover, and neither do I pay much attention to the blurbs. When I am not sure about a book, I run an internet query on its summary, so at least I know what the book is about.

Yet, if you mean the idiom "Don't judge a book by its cover," it is just a metaphorical expression. Where would we be without metaphors, in this world, right? However, that is a short cut that means, in the metaphorical sense, making quick judgments and categorizing things based on limited information.

As for me, I try not to judge anything and especially anyone solely based on their appearance, upbringing, and even education. Everyone may have unique qualities, talents, and experiences not directly visible to our eyes.

Unfortunately, in our world, appearances are given undue importance, for as humans, we may all foster a superficial anything, our biases, and preconceived notions. This is inescapable.

Unfortunately, we miss then the true beauty hiding behind a façade.


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