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by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
Kathleen-613's creation for my blog

"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself."

Blog City image small

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet
confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you.

David Whyte

Marci's gift sig

This is my supplementary blog in which I will post entries written for prompts.
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August 10, 2023 at 11:13am
August 10, 2023 at 11:13am
Prompt: I am my own biggest critic. Before anyone else has criticized me, I have already criticized myself. Do you criticize yourself? What's the best way to overcome our self-critic?


What's so wrong with self-criticism? I think we all do it at one time or another. And yes, I do it a lot, but I have learned over the years, to tell myself, if I'm still under the influence of a questionable situation, "Not now, do this when you are calmer." Then, when I'm calmer, I try to assess the situation to see where I went wrong and where I did well. This is because self-criticism has both positive and negative sides to it.

On the plus side, it can foster personal growth and improvement and lead the way to enhance our abilities and skills, while encouraging accountability, so we can make amends for our mistakes. When done with constructive intentions, self-criticism makes us adapt to others and difficult situations much better while showing us the way of engaging in more effective communication with others.

On the negative side, self-criticism--when it is too much--can result in continuous self-blame and negative self-talk, inhibited action, and relationship strains. This is because it can erode self-esteem, prevent us from taking risks, and even may lead us to be suspicious of ourselves as well as the other people, most of the time.

A healthy self-awareness is a very valuable tool for personal growth and it can be exercised in a much more realistic fashion than putting ourselves down. Thus, after any iffy incident, to prevent the self-loathing and cruel self-criticism--after calming down and giving ourselves some cooling-down time--some of the questions to ask and answer can be: Why did I do/say that? What is a better way to act and talk if a similar situation would arise? In what ways can I make amends? How can I prevent myself from acting this way, again?

In essence, I think the act of analyzing and evaluating one's own thoughts, actions, and behaviors is a positive thing, but I also believe it is a good idea to try to tone down excessive self-criticism because of its negative effect on our mental health. Luckily, this can be done by exercising at least some self-compassion and understanding.

August 8, 2023 at 10:29am
August 8, 2023 at 10:29am
Prompt: Peaceful Place
What place makes you feel most peaceful? Describe that place.


I can find moments of serenity in several places, not just one. These places hold a unique power to bring me peace and solace from the difficulties of everyday living.

My most go-to place is sitting on my bed with the cat next to me and reading a book. Such a simple pleasure! Yet, it transports me from where I am to distant worlds and other people and places that I can only imagine. Maybe it is the soft comfort of the bed or it is the purring of my cat, but I feel, then, I am in a cocoon of relaxation. This is when the outside world recedes and any worries and my I-have-to-do-this-or-that stressing fades away.

A second place--strangely enough that I find solace--is in the mental image of my great grandfather's grave. This kind of tranquility connects me to my roots and the lives that came before me, a testament to a quiet reflection and the memories he left behind to remind me and my family of the oneness of creation and the cycles of life and death.

Another place I find solace in is on my porch. Sitting on a porch chair and watching the pool waters ripple and change colors offers me a visual symphony of nature. As I sit there, the cares of the world dissolve and I find myself locked in the reality of some man-made beauty. Related to this is me sitting on the sands of the beach and watching the waves lap the shore, which brings me in touch with the vastness of the ocean and the ebb and flow of the tide. It is at this moment that the rhythms of the ocean, the salty breeze, and the endless horizon evoke in me a sense of infiniteness, and I feel I have become a part of the eternal cycle of nature.

Then, I also feel peaceful watching the rain, too. Rain has a remarkable ability to cleanse the earth and the soul. As I watch the raindrops cascade down the window pane, each soft patter soothes me, offering a reprieve close to something magical.

At this time in my life, these are my sanctuaries where I can find peace in the present moment as they speak to my soul inviting me to their shelters of calmness so I can find an equilibrium in the middle of any sadness or disturbance.

August 7, 2023 at 11:23am
August 7, 2023 at 11:23am
Prompt: Your loved ones
Which traits do you value most in your loved ones and in what ways can you draw strength from their actions and their traits?


My loved ones in my extended family live all over the world and I appreciate all their traits and positive qualities, but most of all, their soft hearts and helping hands stretched to whoever needs them. Having loved ones who are exceptionally compassionate inspires me to practice empathy and kindness in my own interactions with others. In fact, I couldn't have designed a better family, now with only cousins left, if that job would have been asked of me before I set foot on this earth.

As to my closer family, now two sons to be exact, they have played a significant role is shaping me while I helped with and witnessed their facing challenges and overcoming difficulties. My older son has taught me the importance of perseverance and adaptability. Then, the younger one taught me a valuable lesson about resilience, patience, and the power of a positive attitude, while he built up a whole new life after a painful divorce. Both my sons, with their own perspectives, quirks, and preferences have broadened my horizons. Their ways of thinking so different from each other and sometimes from me, too, have helped me to view the world from many new angles.

In short, I think, our dynamic interplay has created a beautiful tapestry of interconnected lives where we learn, support, and uplift one another, where vulnerabilities taught us about resilience and empathy and where our differences have broadened our perspectives, while still connecting us deeply.


August 5, 2023 at 3:30pm
August 5, 2023 at 3:30pm
“August rain: the best of the summer gone, and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.” – Slyvia Plath
“The rains of summer’s end were very like tears, falling warm and gradually chilling where they fell." – Lael Wertenbaker
“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
– John Steinbeck
Let one of these quotes inspire your entry today.


Soothing rhythm and gentle patter...Such a mystical way of echoing our emotions!

I guess it is because summer will turn into autumn soon. And I can't wait because it's still sooo hot, this year!

As to the connection between August rains and human emotions i.e. tears, or innermost feelings, they both serve as a reminder of our humanity, as they try to connect us to nature's rhythms and the transformational experiences of life.

Human tears, just like rains cleansing the earth, do the same for our burden of emotions. As to my own burden of emotions, my tears are usually held inside because, at some point in my life I must have decided not to let them fall.

Still, for most people, tears may have many different reasons to fall, while I wonder if the sky does cry over our silly stupid human ways; the ways how we cannot hold ourselves back from fights and wars and how we make small things huge, and not in measurable proportions either.

That they both cleanse something or other may be a fact, but is their falling in watery drops, gentle or fierce, limited to their cleansing aspect? Maybe they heal our hearts, too. How I wish they could heal our human ways so we could become more humane!

August 4, 2023 at 12:21pm
August 4, 2023 at 12:21pm
Until ~SilverMoon~ reviewed our Sunday Social I had forgotten we had the forum in our group with all kinds of recipes to share. Do you have a special recipe that's given you immense joy sharing with others? Would you consider sharing it on the Sunday Social forum? I've included the link.
"Blog City Sunday Social Book
Or if you'd rather talk about something you've enjoyed eating with friends.


Here is a recipe I like for lentil bread. You can also substitute chick peas or beans for lentils. If you use chick peas or beans, they'll need to be precooked. Canned pre-cooked garbanzos (chick peas) or beans will make the work easier. *Wink*
I don't usually measure very strictly as I am not a chef but I put up here some approximate measures in the recipe. So, use your own judgment. It makes a lot of bread. The last batch I made I froze most of it, as it freezes well. You can cut the bread in pieces and wrap each piece separately in wax paper then put the whole thing in a plastic bag to freeze. Otherwise, I keep it in the fridge.

Lentil Bread

1 12 oz. package of lentils soaked overnight
dill or oregano (as much or as little as you like. I use about a couple of teaspoons)
any cheese you like (Feta works well, but any cheese will do to give it a lift. Or you can just omit the cheese.)
yogurt, about half a cup.
flour 1/2 cup
water 2-3 ounces
1 egg
baking powder 1 teaspoon
yeast about 1 teaspoon
sugar 1 1/2 teaspoon to ferment the yeast
A pinch or two of salt
Olive oil about 3 oz.

In a bowl or cup, put the yeast and sugar and add the water.
While the yeast is fermenting, drain the lentils and puree them in the food processor.

In a large bowl, add the fermented yeast, flour, olive oil, egg, and salt to the pureed lentils. Mix. Then, add the rest of the ingredients. Mix well and let it rest about half an hour to an hour.

At this stage, you can add other ingredients if you wish to make the bread look better and richer. I usually add finely chopped red and green peppers, olives, scallions, garlic, and/or mushrooms. All or some of them. You can even add chopped hard-boiled eggs. Then, give it another stir.

Grease the pan or pans and add in the bread mixture. If you wish, you may sprinkle sesame seeds on top of it.

Bake in a preheated 350 degree-oven for about 35-40 minutes.

August 3, 2023 at 2:28pm
August 3, 2023 at 2:28pm
August 7 has five holidays in one: National Lighthouse Day, Purple Heart Day, Professional Speakers Day, National Sea Serpent Day and National Raspberries & Cream Day.
Write about these holidays in your entry toda


To tell the truth, I had to look these holidays up; although, I first thought most of them were not important to me. How wrong I was! And thank you Google!

I found out that National Lighthouse Day is for honoring and appreciating the importance of lighthouses in maritime history, for they have guided ships safely, preventing shipwrecks, and many lives. Plus, lighthouses and their keepers symbolize, hope, guidance and strength, in addition to their navigational input.

When I say freedom has a high cost, I never say it in jest. In fact, Purple heart day celebrates the creation of the Purple Heart medal and honors the sacrifices made by members of the U.S. armed forces who were wounded or killed in combat and their bravery, valor, and dedication. The Purple Heart medal was originally known as the Badge of Military Merit and was established by George Washington in 1782 during the American Revolutionary War.

Professional Speakers Day acknowledges the impact of public speaking on the diverse range of topics about the various aspects of society. Public speakers play a vital role in inspiring, educating, and motivating others. That made me recall, from my dinosaur time, many a boring hours listening to speakers on stage while we students yawned in the school's auditorium. But now, go Ted Talks! I think Ted Talks are here to stay as I have the advantage of clicking them off, if they get out of hand.

The next one gave me chills at first when I heard the word serpent. Not that I'm scared of snakes on land, I'm not--of the smaller non-venomous ones--but the word serpent denotes a much bigger and fearsome animal. As such, National Sea Serpent Day celebrates the fascinating mythical creatures and the mysteries of the ocean and marine life that have captured the human imagination for centuries.

Now, this one --National Raspberries & Cream Day-- is yummy and I feel my mouth watering. Delightfully, this holiday is dedicated to the savoring of the sweet combination of raspberries and cream. I guess it has significance as it encourages us to enjoy our simple pleasures and the culinary arts.

Well, so many holidays on the same day with a rich and varied tapestry of the subjects and celebrations. I think they are there to remind us of the beauty and the depth of our human experience. Then, in essence, this prompt was well-worth the time I spent while I looked these holidays up.

August 2, 2023 at 11:04am
August 2, 2023 at 11:04am
Prompt: What was the last expensive thing you bought for yourself and what was the reason?


This prompt made me laugh. The last expensive thing I bought for myself is insurance for my car. Did you know once you hit 80 years in age, everything doubles up in price and the insurance amount they agree to pay is half of what has been, even if you have a perfect driving record? Shouldn't it be the other way around? What happened to taking care of the elderly?

Since treating oneself to gifts can be a delightful way to indulge in personal desires, I might splurge on a few things, but I need nothing at this point in my life. To begin with I am not an object person.

Then, most of what I need or want I already have it. Except of course, my cat's health, which today, she isn't doing well and we have an appointment with her vet in the afternoon.

I am not into exotic vacations as I have already traveled a lot. Neither am I into high-end jewelry since I can't even bring myself to wear what I already have except for a couple of rings that have meaning for me.

Wardrobe is out also. I only wear what I'm comfortable with. I don't like spa treatments and the walls in the house already have enough art hanging on them. As to technology, I already have a new laptop I bought a few months ago, on which I'm writing this entry.

I think the key to indulging in expensive gifts has to align with one's passions and interests. My passions and interests just don't depend on material objects. Come to think of it, a nice cup of tea with a good book always does it for me.

August 1, 2023 at 12:28pm
August 1, 2023 at 12:28pm
Prompt: A teleportation device
What if you were to come across a teleportation device and you were given free use of it, where would you go and what would you explore, in this world or elsewhere or in this time or in the past or future?


Well, the truth is I would be scared to set foot out of this earth; however, just only as an observer, I wouldn't mind seeing its past or future places. I guess I can easily name my teleportation device as Joy's Chronoport.

Since this chronoport was developed by a team of brilliant scientists and engineers, I have no fears in exploring ancient and future civilizations when I step in its portal. My chronoport operates on the principles of quantum entanglement and space-time manipulation, offering a safe and seamless experience for me. So why should I fear anything?

Still, my heart is beating fast. Let's see what I and my chronoport can do. Here it is! I have activated it and its interface shows me a dazzling array of destinations from history and the future. Now, how should I choose?

Oh, look at that! It gave me a virtual tour guide, too. I wonder what useful information it will offer me.

Ahha! Here we are in the Lost City of Atlantis. Although I know it is, at present, under the depths of the ocean, I am right now marveling at its towering spires, advanced technology, and its enlightened society that thrives in harmony with nature. How nice the population and the people are! No wars, almost no crime, and those that step the wrong way are only taught to do things right. How I wish we humans could do that again!

Ooops! I clicked on something out of my excitement over Atlantis. I think I am in a Martian colony. Weren't we the ones who wanted to colonize the planet Mars? I think the fates have turned this, the other way. It is the Martians who are colonizing us!

These Martians have already built their floating cities over our cities. The one over New York redefines what New York was with its flying cars and virtual realms and thought markets. What they did is beyond the boundaries of human existence or imagination. These Martians have harnessed the black hole energy and they have set up research stations orbiting distant stars. My guide tells me earthly humans now are their slaves that do the menial jobs. She says, "It's only fair. Your kind did the same to those populations that you took over."

I have the foggy wish to visit The Great Pyramid of Giza and the Egyptians of its time, after this. But I think my guide will carp again about us using slaves for building things. So, I am deciding that The Great Pyramid of Giza can wait.

What should be for another time and place, I am not sure yet. Now that I have a personal chronoport, I can visit anywhere anytime. All those journeys to the past and the future are waiting for me. I don't know whether to rejoice or get scared over this kind of a travel idea. Let's see what my future holds!

July 31, 2023 at 1:54pm
July 31, 2023 at 1:54pm
Prompt: Your pockets
Write about what you put in your pockets. Do what you find in them sometimes surprise you?


My pockets can contain anything depending on the kind of use I get from any piece of clothing I have on. Those pockets may seem like a small and often overlooked feature on clothing, but their importance cannot be understated. Mine have nothing to do with fashion trends, gender roles, or any economic factors. They are practical to use, period.

These pockets enable me to stick anything in them at a moment's notice when I don't have the time or the luxury of opening my purse and storing items in it neatly. So, I just stick in whatever is at hand at the moment, into a pocket. For example, the pockets on or in the jeans and pants I wear to go shopping usually contain grocery lists, receipts, Kleenex tissues, etc.

The clothing I have at home again contain Kleenex tissues, a stylus and a pen and note-paper. I never know when I'll need to note something or other.

Pockets are important for me. Even for tees and other pieces of clothing that lack pockets, I fashion or sew discreetly on or inside the garment a pocket or two. I wouldn't want to be without a pocket, as for me, it is a practical tool for organization and a symbol of of my independence.

In short, as long as I am alive, my pockets will endure.

July 29, 2023 at 3:23pm
July 29, 2023 at 3:23pm
Prompt: What's your favorite Saturday activity?


Many activities exist on Saturdays that can be favorites. In my case, my favorite activities are not bound to the days of the week, more so when the mood strikes me.

Come to think of it, stargazing on a Saturday evening would be fun, if with this scorching heat this year, the evening rains wouldn't get in the way. I always thought that the night, any night, as being something magical with the sky offering a sense of wonder and perspective.

Reading and writing could be another venue but I do those everyday anyway. Taking a short walk could be yet another thing, but not in this hot weather during this time of the year.

Nicely brewed and prepared coffee and tea is also a fun thing to do, but more likely tea in my case, since my cardiologist would flip if he found out I even mentioned the word coffee.

Today, though, I'll probably bake something, which baking always entertains me. I usually bake while listening to books on tape and I get to have double the fun that way. Then, I may watch a travel video while enjoying a cup of *Wink* something. So, this will be for this Saturday.

About other Saturdays later on, I don't know yet. I'll let them take care of themselves as they come and go like the breeze with whatever I wish to do in their moment.

July 28, 2023 at 11:28am
July 28, 2023 at 11:28am
Prompt: Let this quote inspire you to discuss friendships: “Friendship ... is born at the moment when one man says to another "What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .” ― C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves


I guess the quote focuses on friendships that start when there is something to be shared like a challenge, a joy, or an experience.

Yet, a friendship can start from just about anything as friendships are as diverse as the individuals involved. In other words, no clear-cut formula is there for how a friendship begins.

Some of the elements from which friendships start can be common interests. For example my cousin is my best friend. It started because we are only one year apart in age and we both have loved and suffered the same family. Then, our likes and dislikes matched even when we were six or seven years old.

As such, proximity is another element. People of the same neighborhood, the same class in the schools, or even those who sit close or next to our desks can become good friends. This is because nearness fosters familiarity and frequent interaction.

Mostly though, shared experiences and similar likes, dislikes, beliefs, sense of humor, and similar moral and life philosophies are more likely to add to being friends with acquaintances, possibly on a deeper level. This type of understanding and closeness can lead to acts of kindness and mutual support, which may create a sense of trust and comfort.

I've enjoyed some very good and lasting friendships in my life and still do. Those can not be bound by any formula whatsoever. Although sometimes, an inclination to be open to new people and experiences can lead to unexpected and wonderful friendships. What truly matters is the willingness to connect with others, to be open, and to nurture those connections over time.


July 27, 2023 at 11:12am
July 27, 2023 at 11:12am
Prompt: Christmas in July. Do you do anything that is Christmas related in July?


Nope! To me, Christmas belongs in December.

I think, although celebrating Christmas in July might seem like a lighthearted, fun idea, it can also have several negative aspects and consequences.

To begin with, how about commercialization and consumerism as if we don't have enough of it, already! In other words, greed takes away from the spirit of Christmas, once more in the year. Not to mention that a second Christmas dilutes the importance of the real one. It is like saying there are two gods instead of one true God.

Some families and friends like to come together during Christmas, traditionally. Add to this family problems and misgivings, the emotional impact may not be something pleasant. Stressed and overwhelmed once more in the year, people may turn away from celebrating anything.

Plus, there is that tradition and history of Christmas in December, added to cultural and religious sensitivity. Some people who value tradition may even be turned off and insulted by the Christmas in July idea.

There are many other ways to have fun in July, in the first place. In my opinion, replicating Christmas in the middle of summer does overshadow the magic and the significance of the original holiday.

July 26, 2023 at 11:44am
July 26, 2023 at 11:44am
Prompt: "The more I'm left alone and not worried, the better I function." Ernest Hemmingway Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Well, as much as I like Ernest Hemingway's writings, there are individual differences among people and his sayings should not be taken as to apply to all of us. On the other hand, he is only saying what applies to him alone, so as far as I am concerned, he's cleared of trying to enforce his ways on others, at least with this quote.

What he means, as I get it, is that solitude and freedom from worries are directly correlated with improved functioning. Then, if only by solitude and being worry-free, how in the world a writer can find stuff to write about if he shuns social interaction? Constant isolation is not good for anybody, let alone a writer.

While external and internal worries may impact one's work, life's challenges are also necessary for a writer's insight into his work. Thus, a balance of solitude and introspection should be mixed with social give and take, cultural considerations, and living in the world and not out of it. Such a balance fosters better mental health, leading to overall functioning smoothly.

In the case of a writer like Hemingway, this functioning may be measured in productivity and lack of troubles, worrying, and other worldly considerations. Then, sure enough, achieving work success even if slightly close to Hemingway's productivity may be something any writer can be proud of.

July 25, 2023 at 12:06pm
July 25, 2023 at 12:06pm
Prompt: Gossip

What do you think about gossip and have you ever been the target of one? Why do you think gossip grows more and more distorted as it changes hands?


Yes, I was the target of a gossip at an age and a time when I was young and quite vulnerable. Someone in the family started that gossip, as I found out later. I found out about it when my best friend and cousin congratulated me for getting engaged to a friend of the family. When I told her that wasn't true, she almost didn't believe me at first, although she later did. Imagine!

All this happened because the person who started the rumor supposedly did it with good intentions since she thought we'd make a good couple. At the time, I was in college and had no intention of getting hooked, let alone with that person in question. After learning this, I was disgusted with the people who made up the lie and with those who perpetuated it. In hindsight, it might even have to do, at least partly, with me choosing to marry someone else couple of years later, just maybe to get away from that circle.

Gossip is not just personal information, rumors, or secrets about others, but it has to do with sharing them and causing them to grow and get distorted in the process. It has to do with psychological amplification by each person who repeats such an information with exaggerated and embellished details.

At first, we may think gossip happens due to the need for information as we humans have an innate curiosity about others' lives. Gossip may satisfy that need.

But that is not the only reason. A stronger reason is the human memory and its shortcomings. We are all fallible and our memories are prone to distortion. This is why what we repeat can become emotionally charged and even risky.

Still yet another reason has to do with the character of people who repeat that gossip seeking social validation from others. As sharing gossip and circulating it can also create a group social bond. Then, their lives may be so dull that gossip becomes an entertainment.

We must be wary of gossip and its widespread consequences, especially in these times of social media. Without meaning to, through gossip, we can harm relationships, reputations, and trust among people and communities.

In my case, my cousin did the right thing. Even though she believed that gossip, at least she told me about it. Thank you, dear cuz!


Prompt: Happiness

What did you expect happiness to be while you were in your younger years and did you find out what it is? If you did, what is it?


I am still not very sure what true happiness is, although there were times in my life when I thought I had found it. In my youngest years, what I thought my happiness was, at the time, was confined to moments and conditions.

This is because happiness can be defined as a state of well-being and contentment that arises from a combination of positive emotions, satisfaction, and a sense of fulfillment. If so, who in this world can live in such a perpetual state!

Also, happiness can also be a subjective experience, varying from person to person, and it can be influenced by various factors, internal and external. It may have something to do with self-awareness and intentional efforts.

Then, the most likely description of happiness--according to me--can be a deep sense of joy and peace and satisfaction with life in general. Not merely the absence of negative feelings but also the positive one like joy, gratitude, love, and serenity. As to serenity, is it really there in this wild world of ours?

I think we can at least be partially happy if we surround ourselves with meaningful relationships, good social connections, a sense of belonging, plus a passion or an activity that engages us. Taking care of our physical health also may have something to do with happiness.

If you ask the people who think they know about happiness, they'll also add doing acts of kindness as altruism and compassion benefits everyone. They'll add self-reflection, meditation, and self awareness as well as acceptance of the ways of the world. But I wonder if those are fully doable, as lofty as they may sound.

Happiness may just be, as some say, the journey rather than the destination. Thus, to me, it has to be what we deem it is, a personal and unique experience, and what happiness is can change from person to person and it doesn't need to be a forever, perpetual condition.

July 22, 2023 at 9:48am
July 22, 2023 at 9:48am
Let these words inspire your writing today: determine, retire, vision, struggle, midnight, company, influence, and retiree.


The transition into retirement can be a tough one for some employees, as it was very difficult for my husband, but he got over it by working for a couple of half-time companies that provided him with odd jobs all over the US until he was 81. That was when I asked him to stop because I didn't like that his health was deteriorating. Speaking for myself, I never worked for any company. I worked solo as I was doing translations and some academic work.

Aside from our personal data, a retiree's experience during their golden years may be shaped and determined by the company they worked for, the support and influence they received, and the hopes they had for their retirement. A company can influence the retirement experience, the struggles faced by retirees, and the importance of fostering a positive retirement vision.

If the company was one that didn't provide well for the retirement of its employees, in addition to emotional struggles, financial ones add on to the unhappiness of the retiree. On the other hand, such situations, similar to some midnight bad dreams, can be avoided. A company can support their employees with retirement planning seminars, offer resources for pursuing hobbies and interests, and create connection between retiree communities.

In conclusion, ensuring a positive retirement for their employees is what makes a successful company rewarding to work for, also. After all, who wouldn't want to work for a company that thinks about the well-being of its employees, at work and when they retire, afterwards?


July 21, 2023 at 11:16am
July 21, 2023 at 11:16am
“A rose in a desert can only survive on its strength, not its beauty.” - Matshona Dhliwayo
Let this quote inspire your entry today.


It looks like it's story time for me. *Laugh* As bizarre and freaky my stories may sound...But I'll only embellish on this saying.

In the vast expanse of the scorching desert, a solitary rose stood in contrast against the harsh elements, with her petals of delicate crimson, the color of passion and determination. But the winds howled and sun beat down on her so strongly that it became evident to her that her survival depended on her inner strength, not her beauty.

Without any lush oasis to draw nourishment from or any friends to offer support, she had to rely solely on her own resources that she sensed she had within her. So she let her roots penetrate into the parched sand, searching for any trace of water. Through her sheer determination, she was successful, but this wasn't all.

Each day brought new challenges, such as the intense heat threatening to wilt its tender petals, with the sandstorms threatening to strip her bare. But the rose stood, adapted, and endured.

In a short time, her stems grew stronger, her thorns sharper, and her ability to conserve water increased. Yet, she still kept her delicate appearance, despite her indomitable spirit, and her beauty became more captivating as it reflected her strength within.

The travelers who passed by her, marveled at her beauty, and since they themselves had to deal with the harsh conditions of the desert, they came to understand that her allure was only the façade, and the inner strength and resilience was what truly sustained her. So they told her story, her tale of fortitude, wherever they traveled, and that tale has been proving to this day, that the strength of character can transform even the most fragile of beings into a symbol of hope and inspiration.


July 20, 2023 at 10:18am
July 20, 2023 at 10:18am
Prompt: Do you adjust well to change?


No, I don't adjust well to change, any change. Too much change upsets me. I, however, understand that life is a dynamic journey with its challenges, opportunities and new situations popping up all the time, so I push myself to adjust.

Even when change is expected, I am really upset inside; although on the outside looking at me, you'd think how easily I adjust. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am not a complainer and I don't like to upset people, and that's why I look calm on the surface.

Case in point, I am writing this on my new laptop. You'd probably say, "Oh, how nice, she's got a new toy!" Yes, it's new, but I was used to my old Toshiba with its larger screen and slow-poke motion. But after 8 years of dealing with it, it started getting too many blue screens, which means its CPU is dying, so I got this one, but didn't start working with it immediately. It waited for two months in the closet for me to make up my mind. Finally, yesterday, other two more consecutive blue screens on the Toshiba led to this HP to be put into action, which wasn't an easy deal, either. Now, I'm trying to adjust to this new HP with its Windows 11 and quick and weird ways,

The difficulty in getting oneself into a new situation, I guess, lies in the uncertainty and unpredictability of the new situation with one's comfort zone disrupted and routines altered. This can be mentally taxing, if not also physically, as well.

Then, you might think I am grieving over the old setup, and you'd be right. I do feel a sense of loss, and as much as I am embarrassed to say, fear of failure, or rather the possibility of it. But it isn't in my hands; Toshiba is not making computers anymore. If I could find the replica of my same old computer, I'd certainly buy it.

I guess, an adaptation period is in the works now, and maybe I'll grow and learn with this fresh start and develop resilience. And even if I am not sure of it yet, maybe new opportunities will surface with the improved circumstances of my laptop use.

As of now, as I type on the new machine, I am trying to accept this change and I'm pushing myself to attain a more positive attitude. Then, maybe with time, I'll adjust to everything. Right now, I'm trying to finish typing this entry and I recognize that it took less time to do it, however unfamiliar the keyboard is.

Then, I also tell myself that in my long life, I have weathered many a change, and eventually and with much difficulty, I ended up adjusting well enough to each one of them. My hope is, if past is any indication that the future will follow in its steps, I may even end up loving this silly HP.

July 19, 2023 at 10:26am
July 19, 2023 at 10:26am
"The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them."
Ernest Hemmingway
Write about this in your Blog entry today.


Ernest, through his all earnestness, has shot off the mouth, just maybe. The statement, the way I see it, is not all true and it is not all wrong, either. While it highlights the significance of trust in building relationships, it is not advisable to fully trust someone without any consideration for their character and behavior.

On the plus side, it is true that mutual trust can be build with optimist and some level of trust in the beginning, but we have to be sure of the other person's trustworthiness.

To begin with, we need to find the right balance in trusting others. Trust should be based on a combination of factors such as the other person's past behavior, whether they are comfortable in engaging in open and honest conversations, and if there is a consistency to their words and actions. This is because the negative aspects of blind trust can lead to betrayal and naiveté on the part of the trusting person, and as a result, personal safety can become a huge concern.

Yet, when we trust a person, they are more likely to reciprocate that trust. Trusting others can help us overcome fear and suspicion in interpersonal relationships as it enables emotions of well-being and promotes faster progress toward shared goals.

To wrap it up, there is an element of truth in the saying, but we need to use it with much caution and nuance, and hopefully, by using some previous information, too.

July 18, 2023 at 10:57am
July 18, 2023 at 10:57am
Prompt: Sound Effects
Some say that chefs invented potato chips for their sound effects. Can you think of other sound effects that enrich our lives?


I don't eat potato chips all that much but the crunch of my regular morning fare, open-faced and toasted bread and cheese slices, might produce similar sound effects. They seem to do that to me inside my head anyway while I take the bites.

Granted, toasted bread's crunch is not the same as a potato chip's, but it has its own unique auditory allure. The two are similar in that, the crunching sound begins with a subtle, yet crisp crackle as the teeth break through a hard thin surface. chip. This initial sound sets the stage for what is to come, instantly drawing my attention and building anticipation. The volume may vary depending on the force applied and the thickness of the food item, but the essence remains the same—a resounding crunch that echoes delightfully.

Not just the sounds of eating something, but also other intriguing sounds surround us on a daily basis. Just a while ago, I heard the beeping sound of the Terminix truck and I rushed to close the doors and windows since I knew that our Terminix serviceman was going to spray the outdoor areas around the house.

Then, for those who are lucky enough to live in the four-season zones, the crunch of the autumn leaves on the ground may captivate their senses and evoke a range of emotions. And of course there are other sounds, too, like that of the rain, waves against rocks, birds chirping, crackling open fire, cat's purring, an owl's hooting, wine or water being poured, a baby's giggle, sea in a conch shell, popping bubble wrap, a bat hitting the baseball, referee's whistle, buzzing bumblebees, popcorn popping, car engine, fire truck sirens, arcade amusement game sounds, clock ticking, coins clattering, hands clapping, kettle boiling...etc.

Come to think of it, we are living in a symphony orchestra, the orchestra of life in our world, whose music can trigger memories and emotional responses. In essence, simple or complicated, we owe a lot to all the sounds that surround us to make our lives unique by evoking sensory experiences inside our minds.

July 17, 2023 at 11:09am
July 17, 2023 at 11:09am
Prompt: Human Beings
In general, do you have faith in human beings or are you disappointed in our human ways? What do you think would make us better as species?


We, the Homo Sapiens, think we are a remarkable species as the most dominant and influential creatures on this planet, with supposedly fine cognitive abilities, social complexity, and adaptability. We think our cognitive strength (i.e. more developed brain!) has facilitated numerous achievements, including scientific discoveries, technological advancements, and artistic expressions.

Just because we think we are so hot, my faith in human beings is below appreciation; however, I'm not totally disappointed in us. Just some! To begin with, we share a good amount of genetic similarity with other species. This may be a plus.

Also, we get what we need and then some out of this earth, no matter the consequences. I think other living beings are more considerate. They take only what they need, and not the extras.

Then, despite originating from a common ancestor, we have diversified across geographical regions, resulting in different ethnicities, physical features, and genetic variations. So what? So do the cats and many other species. If we are taking pride in our diversification, then why are we trying to kill or outdo one another?

Individuality, one might answer. Yes, each one of us has their own personal definitions of kindness, strength, masculinity, civilization, femininity, God/Creator/Disbelief, right or wrong. Humans are always into everything and every idea in the world, however limited by subjectivity.

Plus, any absolute truth we think we have found always gets replaced by someone else's or by something else. We just can't hold on to anything for very long. Then, we cannot do without each other, either. Other people are the most important in our lives, but other people can disappear to be replaced by still other people. Worse yet, we make them disappear through wars, famine, poverty, etc.

I don't exactly know what would make us better as species, but to begin with, we should end all wars and famine, and respond to one another with much more understanding and kindness. Then, as my grandmother used to say, "Clean after yourself. Pick up your own garbage. Don't leave a mess." That should go how we treat this planet, too. Otherwise, either we suffer as species or our earth becomes even more of a poisonous dump site.


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