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by fyn
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1216945
For meandering thoughts, and mindful walks...
The White Board

New pic for the white board

For meandering thoughts, and mindful walks...for rants and pouts, and blowing off steam. For happy days and sad days, for crazy adventures and delightful victories! :)
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June 17, 2007 at 12:00pm
June 17, 2007 at 12:00pm
ter really wanted me to put up a pic of me...so i took it and she made it look somewhat presentable. I really am uncomfortable with my picture being taken, but ah...the things we do for our friends....then she and kel said they thought i'd look better with bangs so i disappeared and they freaked....and i came back with bangs...again...friends...got to love em....but then I do.....

Yeah Ter, I took it out...sorry...really uncomfortable with my pic being up...please understand......
June 16, 2007 at 3:44pm
June 16, 2007 at 3:44pm
so stay inside where it is cool and check this out!!!!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1236439 by Not Available.

June 16, 2007 at 12:49pm
June 16, 2007 at 12:49pm
there's a slight breeze and Ken is outside joining the 'hole in the wall' gang as he punches a hole through the brick to install a window in his bathroom....all was well, then the wind changed directions and the wind blew in and mortar/brick dust went everywhere...a fog i couldn't see through billowed throughout the house....my nice, clean, dust free house.....fine, whitish grey dust now coats EVERYTHING from one end to the other...........he's so upset.....not that i am thrilled by any means......well, off to dust....

it is EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!! gonna take hours to totally 'settle out'......whaaaaaaaaa

June 15, 2007 at 10:17pm
June 15, 2007 at 10:17pm
Friday!! Yahooo!
Aside from payday and friday and work going well after a rocky start, I came home to a spotless house! Laundry done, floors washed and/or vaccuumed, dishes done, every room shining..and...wonder of wonders...the Christmas tree downstairs is down as well!!!! (Yeah, I know....tree STILL up? ) My other half's daughter needed some cash and it was payday and my son is arriving from Boston area on monday...or is it Tuesday...ummm not sure actually.....anywhichwaywho, the house is clean and she even 'found' the spare room which LOOKS like a guestroom now...yahoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! (It had been the repository for odds and ends {and everything!!! in between} as well as all the 'stuff' that needed a temporary home and the stuff we 'got out of the way' and the stuff we 'didn't know where to put' along will laundry, and a ton of other stuff)

Everything is dust free and shining and looks like normal regular (!?!) folk live here. Gotta love it!
June 9, 2007 at 12:21pm
June 9, 2007 at 12:21pm
what a lovely, lovely day! Following a super day! Had a week full of 'better I'd stayed in bed--just shoot me now! and put me out of our misery' days, but Friday made up for it. Earlier this week as the blog-minder kept yelling at me to write in my blog kept going off, I couldn't.

Even rehashing the grief in my blog was more than I wanted to do...just wanted to forget it. Well, now I can shut the blog-o-meter up and let the world know that life is good again.

It was just one of those days when the paperwork just falls into place, where my cashiers didn't mix up their safe money with their drop money (as they usually do at least once), where the cigarrette count matched (!!!!), where the money all worked and the lottry counts were dead on, and where I got a new (OLD!) computer at work so that I now can switch between computers at the touch of a button and do payroll and lottery in an excell spreadsheet instead of by hand. Wonderful day! AND it was a friday!!! to boot!! Gotta love it!
June 4, 2007 at 9:01pm
June 4, 2007 at 9:01pm
Well, I got some good surprises today!!!! First off, the big boss, mark stops by the store. my store is his pet project, which, actually, is kinda nice *grin* Anyway, he liked the box and the flowers and loved the photologe in the bathroom. He also told me he and bob (my immediate boss) had talked and (previously I had been talking about wanting two of my long time employees to get a raise) and everyone there got one! Yahoo! I really work for some awesome people!

Then I find out that mark had been googling my name 'fyn' looking for my 'alyndoria' book and he'd found this white board! So he's been reading all about the store...lol...good laugh over that one...good thing i really like my bosses! lol
May 28, 2007 at 9:06pm
May 28, 2007 at 9:06pm
Lovely, beautiful day! Especially in small village America! This was what it was like in front of my store 1/2 hour before the parade started!
from my village and store on memorial day

Inside, all decorated for the holiday. We have only one register and we had lines curling halfway around the store at one point. But it all looked beautiful and later on i gave the balloons to the kids out front. Big hit with both the kids and their parents.
memorial day in town

Here's one of the front of the store and one of my faithful and stalwart employees taking a well deserved break!

memorial day in town

See the brown box over on the right? That's a box for the donuts my other half built for me :) You can also see the huge flower pots i planted with geraniums!

Another pic taken in front of the store during the parade. This is our entire downtown area. (Got to love tiny towns!!!) The parade lasted maaaybe 20 minutes! Town was messed up traffic wise for 2 hours! See the red, white and blue balloons? Those are the ones i gave out! What a day *big smile* The high school and middle school bands were in the parade along with all the Boy and girl Scout troups, LOTS of veterans, horses, clowns, old cars and the entire police, fire and emergency response departments. Lots of fun, kids, noise and laughter! Pretty sure this pic is of the middle school band playing 'It's a grand Old Flag' and "God bless America.'

memorial day in town

Between the first and last picture, you've now seen all of 'downtown Pinckney, Michigan, USA!
May 28, 2007 at 9:53am
May 28, 2007 at 9:53am
1st and foremost...today is Memorial Day in the United States. Unofficial start of summer, day of bbqs and picnics, family get togethers and parties aside...today is the day to remember all our veterans.
memorial day sig

As the granddaughter, daughter, mom and mom-in-law to American Soldiers/Veterans, as a Veteran myself and for all the heros who have served and/or fallen in defense of this great country, I remember! Today the flag should fly at half staff (unless you are on a ship--then it is half mast) until noon. At 3 pm your local time there is a National Remembrance for One minute...One minute to stop all the things we are freely able to do and to take that moment to remember and appreciate all our military have done for this country over the years!

If you go to a parade today...Please remember it is a Memorial Day Parade. For God's sake, STAND UP and SALUTE THE FLAG when it passes by!!! That is Official protocal for when the flag passes by. Remember you (if you are, of course) are an American. Set the example for showing you are proud to be one!!!!! Set the example for those who may not know. Show everyone YOU know and appreciate what it means to live freely in this country!
Nothing drives me more crazy than people being too lazy to salute our flag.

*steps off her soap box--end of rant*

May 26, 2007 at 5:58pm
May 26, 2007 at 5:58pm
I am so psyched!!! Check out what i had made from "Invalid Item!!!!!
From the latest and greated yet site by Terrjroo!
Lexi and i have become friends since IamMark's Auction and when i saw this, I had to get one!!!!!
May 22, 2007 at 6:32pm
May 22, 2007 at 6:32pm
Last night after a last minute dash to the store to get some stuff for dinner, I came outside and basically stopped in my tracks. Now you need to understand that I live in a VERY small village. Seriously small. We have 1 stoplight. Smalltown america...complete with a small park in the middle of town with gazebo and green lawns. It is the sort of small town where everyone knows everyone, where kids behave because everyone knows their dad or mom and where no one feels the keen need to lock up doors and stuff. We have movies in the park on Thursday nights and everyone comes with chairs and kids/grandkids/dogs and lawnchairs and sits out in the dark watching movies we've all seen a hundred times before. Kids trick or treat allll over town and everyone decorates for Christmas. Take a step back in time to the fifties here in Pinckney, Michigan.

ANYway, I was leaving our local food store and walking by the flagpole. This flagpole has a HUGE, MONGO-GIGANTIC flag flying. The sky was blue and people were smiling and well, it sortof just hit me. I LOVE living here! Someone asked me last week how i felt about coming back to the state I once swore I'd never come back to. Well, I LOVE IT! I really just realized how very happy I am to be living here, in this place, in this moment. It isn't just the job or any one thing, but a conglomeration of a zillion little things all of which add up to I love it here, in small village america. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 20, 2007 at 11:26am
May 20, 2007 at 11:26am
Ter helped me get the new whiteboard photo to work. She said it should be updated! The jade BUTTERFLY was my birthday present from my daughter...mind-slip writing jade heart...because i call her 'dearheart' lol....
May 20, 2007 at 9:28am
May 20, 2007 at 9:28am
Dates....marvelous things...never in my life did i ever think I'd be having virtual dates with females..lol...thanks Mark ! *grin*

Thus far i've had an emailing/reviewing one with SouthernDiva and then phone ones with darkin and Lexi

Darkin is a love and we had a wonderfully crazy, doofy, full of laughter conversation!
The second part of her date will come later as i've been able to arrange a fun afternoon for her and her kids to happen later this summer!!! Too cool for words!

Lexi and I seem to have discovered we are so very similar in a lot of ways...our lives have almost intersected a number of times as well as our having incredibly similar pasts. In fact we even joked about some less than joyful characters in our pasts that should have had the same names!!!!!

She's been at work when we've talked and thus our dates were 'datus interruptus'. Added to the mix was my other half chiming in. Thus we (all three of us) shared a date...sort of....hmmmmm menage-a-date.....We told him he's had one of those 'male fanatsies' come true. Oh dear, did we laugh! Ken keeps telling me that i have a curfew. He's off to a Tiger's game today and his final words as he left were to 'behave myself today on any dates...and to not do anything he wouldn't do.' Hmmmm well, that leaves me lots of play room...*giggling*

I still need to actually have two others, but soon, I expect that we shall connect. We are trying but our lives are all so crazy.

May 17, 2007 at 1:40am
May 17, 2007 at 1:40am
and I can't sleep. My mind just won't shut down...worse part is that there isn't even anything bothering me...my mind is in overdrive on a zillion non connected nothings.

Store's doing good, I won 2nd in the Themed Port Contest (whooo-hoooo) and my son is coming for a visit in June. OTHER THAN THAT, LIFE'S THE SAME OLD, SAME OLD NORMAL LIFE. hOW BORING! LOL

I need sleep tho.....tried all my normal 'go to sleep' things...nope....wide eyed...and yawning....even tried (sorry, Ter) counting flying pigs...no luck.

May 6, 2007 at 4:19pm
May 6, 2007 at 4:19pm
inside as well! Here's some pics of the mobil On The Run that I'm managing! The first one is the inside of the store! Looking all so new and clean and shiny. Pics taken a year from now BEST look this way too!
Inside my new store

Here's the outside on opening day...well, it was just barely getting light as we opened!
Outside of my store

And the best part of all...my sweetie sent me flowers....roses even!!!!! Made a very special day even better. he said i was beaming that morning...he should have seen me when the flowers arrived!!!!!!!!!
Flowers from my sweetie

Over all it is going....um...well, I suppose. Had some problems employee wise as we've been working long hours with only 3 of us, thus one of them quit. But I've hired 2 more and possibly 2 more tomorrow and perhaps then we can get organized and get shifts down to something resembling normal!!! I worked almost 70 hours last week and this week promises (for me at any rate) to be the same...ohhhh boy is THAT ever going to be a killer paycheck!

May 3, 2007 at 7:21pm
May 3, 2007 at 7:21pm
I'm a tired, but happy camper :) Today, the store's opening went well....Got there at 4 am and left at 6:30 PM. I think i sat down once all day! Our gas prices were 20 cents below everyone else and we closed at 10 cents below everyone! So we were busy! That and all the curiosity about the new store. Ken sent me roses!!! And he thought I was beaming when he stopped by in the morning on his way to work! He shoulda seen me then!!! LOL

All the top brass was there (and, frankly) underfoot...but it all went pretty well, only a few glitches. I'm tired, wiped, exhausted and happy :) *huge grin*

Flowers, he got me flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 2, 2007 at 7:16pm
May 2, 2007 at 7:16pm
Tomorrow is the BIG day! Whoooohooooo....my store finally opens! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy Excited and a little nervous and psyched and exhausted!! Can't wait!!!!!!
April 30, 2007 at 9:00pm
April 30, 2007 at 9:00pm
I got my new computer! Gobs of space, whizzzzzzzzzing fast processor speed, kick ass graphics card and a 20 inch wide-screen monitor!!!! Whoooohoooo. Now all i need to do is get back all the stuff from my old, fried, dead hard drive and life will be peachy! I've lost so much there...but I'm hopeful!

Store's going well and we open in a few days! on the really up side there...no more 'Miss talking back, demanding, argueing with everything i say' cashier! She quit! Says it is a kid issue out of state BUT she didn't tell her other boss so who knows...but now he's fired her! lol

April 25, 2007 at 5:32am
April 25, 2007 at 5:32am
Grocery day! 1st truck arrives at the store today :) Three of us get to enjoy about an 18 wheelers worth of stuff to put on shelves... I'll have a store almost full of food and stuff...lots and tons of candy lol. I can't wait. It is getting close....

In the continuing saga of 'angel'--yes...still stuck with her....she's a hard worker, i'll give her that, but well.....sigh
*looks forward to the day....*

Taking pics today :)

AND if all that weren't enough... I'm getting a new computer :) Trying to check out hard drive in another computer...lights come on, fans whirrrr, but no one's home...so i'm getting a new one with a....heck...i'll cut and paste all the goodies tonight....hurry up delivery day....timing is cute, should get here on May 7th, two days before my birthday...goooood birthday present!
April 20, 2007 at 9:07pm
April 20, 2007 at 9:07pm
The most awesome thing happened today! Yesterday (at work) having to clean the cooler from top to bottom because it had been shut off for 3 months. Black mold was coating every *sneeze* thing! All the sliders that hold the pop etc and all the racks from 8 cooler doors worth (something like 64) were coated. I suggested tossing them all in the truck and I'd powerwash em....well Ken and i did just thaty and got em all white and pretty again. The big boss came by today and said he'd heard about my doing that and he wanted to see them. Well!!! He was amazed at how great they looked as he was afraid they'd be replacing them! He made a bunch of comments about how he liked my thinking etc and I said I was just doing my job and getting the work done in the most expedient fashion etc. Then he says thank you again and hands me a $100 bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All day long, everything I suggested he thought was great!! What a day! Whooohooo!
April 20, 2007 at 8:16am
April 20, 2007 at 8:16am
I miss my computer. Sure, I have one to use, but it isn't the same...links are different and the mouse and keyboard are very different and darn it!!!! I want mine back *whine, moan, groan and complain*

My store opens in about a week! I'm getting very excited about it, but this morning i can hardly move. My sore muscles have sore muscles! I think I may have found one tiny part of me that doesn't hurt! Putting up shelves, scrubbing the walk-in cooler that was a black mold disaster, sweeping the lot....sore puppy this am and I can't wait to get to work!! I'm hopeless! lol

Today I'm going with my district manager to get my desk! Whooo hooo! And all the other office-y sort of stuff to go with it.....will be fun! Can't wait to 'decorate!' My frog is going up on the wall for sure!!!!

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