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by fyn
Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1216945
For meandering thoughts, and mindful walks...
The White Board

New pic for the white board

For meandering thoughts, and mindful walks...for rants and pouts, and blowing off steam. For happy days and sad days, for crazy adventures and delightful victories! :)
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March 29, 2008 at 10:20am
March 29, 2008 at 10:20am

Four more inches of snow yesterday...global warming...bah!

Now that my daughter and her hubby are living in Japan, I am vicariously experiencing all matter of new things as well as learning a lot about Japan. It's fun!

Their apartment there is bigger than our house! With the added attraction of views of mt Fuji on a clear day. They've acquired a Japanese Bob-tailed cat who has taken up residence in either the shower or the bathroom sink although it spends much time hiding still as it is mostly wild and unsure as yet of its new and safe home.

It is interesting talking to her now which we do regularly vie Skype and the computer. With our webcams we sit and yack and it is alllllmost like being together! *big smile*

The weird part tho, is that when I talk to her (like last evening for example) on Friday, it is already Saturday morning for her. (13 hours difference)

So I was talking to tomorrow...she was talking to yesterday. Weird.

Bad news is that they were told that, when he re-upped, duty in Japan was nondeployable. Since he's already spent 2 1/2 years in Iraq in two deployments, that was a huge deal. So now they are halfway around the world and he's getting deployed back to Iraq again. They (and I) are not happy! Sigh...... Depending upon space-a travel, maybe she'll come home for Christmas now as he'll be gone.....

As of Wednesday, I've been at my job a year. I love my store *big smile* But I am so happy today is Saturday and I am off. And will I stop in my store...probably....*shakes her head at herself*
March 9, 2008 at 10:20am
March 9, 2008 at 10:20am
It is 10:14 am in Michigan. That means it is 12:14 at night in japan.(Monday) Got it! Last night (yesterday morning for them) I 'skyped' my daughter and her hubby in Japan. Webcams on, we yacked for about an hour.( GOT TO LOVE THE INTERNET!) When i think of how it was a few years back, it would have been weeks and weeks before i got a letter saying they had safely arrived, etc. Now I can hear immediately and see them as well. She doesn't seem so far away since i am able to actually see her. Their new apt in Japan is in the towers at the Air Force Base in Nakota. They've got a 1500 sq ft (our HOUSE is only 1340 and we've got 3 bedrooms!) 3 bedroom, 2 balconied apartment with a full HUGE kitchen, washer/drier, and...and!!! a glorious view of Mt Fuji! Pretty neat huh? Can't wait for pics!

March 1, 2008 at 11:12am
March 1, 2008 at 11:12am
I'm sitting here drinking Black Silk (yum!) coffee from my WDC coffee mug, wearing my new WDC long sleeved t-shirt on my 3rd WDC birthday! How absolutely corney and kewl is that? LOVE it! Funny how last year the day slipped by unnoticed, but this year, for some reason it is first and foremost in my thoughts. I'm a happy, happy person today and it is due, in a large part, to WDC. My life has changed so much since that day three years ago when I was a lonely, dispossessed soul trying to find a light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel. WDC gave me a voice while flashing brightly. It gave me a place to discover while rediscovering who and what i was and, more importantly, who and what I wanted to be!

It was effectively, the beginning of a new life without looking over my shoulder while treading on eggshells. It was a birth of a free woman with ideas and thoughts and feelings based on my and not on how some one else would react. In many ways I truly feel as if this, March 1st, really is MY birthday.

I found folks here who were patient and kind, loving and sweet, intelligent and excellent writers. One of the first true friends I made here was Mark .

It was so liberating to develop a friendship with a guy that was exactly that. A friendship. Pure and simple. Give and take. An exchange of thoughts, philosophies, truths and occasionally, good, well thrown doses of cold watered reality. Oh and we've had a few water fights. It was so nice to be me. Simply me with no ulterior motives, no agendas, no nothing. There were no 'personnas.' just people, real. So nice.

And it allowed me to be able to learn, once again, to trust. To trust in my thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions. It allowed me to act and react without having to dissect and put same under a microscope to make sure every movement, thought and word was 'safe.' So thank you Mark. You are truly one of my all time favorite people on this planet.

Time went on, as it inexorably does, and I re-found my now 'other half.' And I was now in a position mentally to be able to try yet one more time to find that 'happily ever after' I'd been searching for my whole life. I was able, finally, to feel wanted and loved for me. Talk about a rebirth. Wheeeeeeeee!

Over the years, I've made so many friends here. Lexi , terryjroo, and Lisa Dawn - sunny days to name just a few. Some of these friendships waxed and waned over time and passed into fond memory. Others are ongoing and growing. Kind of like life, I suppose.

I've found folks to share writing with and folks to debate philosophy with. I grew as a person and as a writer. I turned yellow and blue. I went from becoming almost addicted to this place to realizing that while it is extremely important to me, that it isn't the begin all/end all and thus now have a full and satisfying life outside WDC and that is a good thing.

Both feed off the other and compliment each other, yet have now achieved their rightful places. I am so happy with everything and am planning on totally celebrating today. The phoenix (fynix) is indeed flying and life is just so, so SO good!
February 29, 2008 at 5:12pm
February 29, 2008 at 5:12pm
Do you know what that is? Sadie Hawkins Day is Feb 29th and the one day every 4 years a girl can ask a guy to marry her. Hmmmm wonder if I should tease my other half about that! *giggle*

Tomorrow (3/1) is my 3rd wdc birthday. Three years here. I am so glad I found wdc when I did and I have loved nearly every second of my time spent here!!! *big smile* I've made some awesome friends here!!! My writing has grown by immeasurable amounts thanks to the help and reviews I've received from the crew here at wdc.
God, I LOVE this place!

February 25, 2008 at 12:21am
February 25, 2008 at 12:21am
We can expect another foot of snow. Oh goody. Just got home from work. Half my crew is down with the flue and I'm not feeling too well. My other half has a fever and feels totally crummy. Me thinks this is going to be a very LONG week.
February 10, 2008 at 10:37am
February 10, 2008 at 10:37am
something like 20 below zero...brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Went to a funeral yesterday. Mass was said by a gentleman whose accent was so strong, I could not recognize most of the service. The parts i did (almost) were sung by one who's voice surely was in danger of shattering the modern stained glass windows. Standing when folks should be kneeling...sitting when folks should be standing. Sigh. I remember Latin in high masses. And I understood it far better than the highly accented gobledegook spouted yesterday. How sad.

Part way through the service he came up to the widow and asked her, 'How are you doing?' How the hell did he think she was doing? And in church, could she honestly answer that? Flipping terrible thank you very much!!!! Sheesh! And the glass shattering renditions of 'How Great Thou Art' and 'The Old Rugged Cross' ruined familiar favorites, pretty much guaranteeing the congregation couldn't sing along because no one I know can sing in the key of ultra-supersonic c.'

Any the entire world knows that if you are not Catholic that you wouldn't take communion...yet the priest specifically said that if you weren't members of 'that' congregation that you couldn't...!!!!!! never minding the fact that they didn't do the 'confessions of sins, communion of saints' part first! ARGH!

The rest of the day was better except that my back was killing me. But we had fun in spite of it and I tried not to let it get in the way of everything else we wanted to do as long as we were down in that general neck of Michigan. Stupid back :( I hurt it a month ago and it STILL HURTS!!!!!! Physical therapy does NOT seem to be helping and it is SO AGGRAVATING!!!!!!

ok...I'm happily sitting here on some nice sharp cheddar cheese...goes well with all the whining! lol

January 17, 2008 at 3:23pm
January 17, 2008 at 3:23pm
This is my dog Bear :)

my bichon frise, Bear

Cara made it for me. Bear is named after Cara (long story),.

Our time together has been absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
January 12, 2008 at 9:22am
January 12, 2008 at 9:22am
Cara's here!!! It is soooooo good to see my daughter after a year!!!! We (Ken, Cara and I) all went out for dinner last night...NICE! Tomorrow, finally, is Christmas! Yippee!

Had a horrible experience yesterday morning......

Driving down the road off the road we live on and there's a white blob in the road...I pulled over and no more than I got out of the car, I freaked. Full out, total, complete freaked! Ken had been behind me and he got out too. In the middle of the road was a bichon that had been hit by a car. It was dead. It looked exactly like our bichon. I'd never even seen another bichon in our neighborhood!

It had a collar exactly like Bear's (our bichon) I was screaming for Ken to tell me it wasn't our dog. he couldn't tell as it looked exactly!!! like ours. He left me with the dog and went home to check. I was crying and wanting to fix the dog and there was nothing i could do.

He came back a few minutes later and took so long (probably only seconds, but it FELT like forever) getting out of the car and all I could think was that he was trying to figure out how to tell me it was ours...

But it wasn't!!! Ours was home on the back of the couch 'guarding the house' as she always does.

I was still crying but now because it wasn't ours and ours was safe and...and...but...someone else's wasn't okay and someone else would now go through what i just had. While i was soo happy ours was okay, I was miserable that this one wasn't. I was shaking like a leaf and it still is really bothering me! When i got home i started crying all over again as i held our wiggling puppy.

Nothing like running the emotional gauntlet. Ours is named Bear because my daughter's nickname as a child was 'carebear' which shortened to 'Bear' as she grew older. And it is Cara, or 'Bear' that I picked up at the airport yesterday afternoon.

So now i have both my bears safe and sound...but I'm exhausted! *grin*

January 5, 2008 at 8:18am
January 5, 2008 at 8:18am
My goodness!! It HAS been a while since I updated my blog....time got away from me, I guess...OK Condensed version....Party was awesome!!!! Lots of fun and everyone had a good time! Christmas, too, was fun, family filled, turkey was awesome and in the middle of it I had to work...Now former employee decided she didn't want to work...sigh...

New Year's came and with it 16 inches of snow!...so New Year's Day morning... I had to open the store and Ken took the truck and wallowed his way to employee #1's house (down unplowed dirt roads ) got them unstuck and brought her to work and then we went and snowblew out other people, including employee # 2 as she was still trying to get her car unburied. Ah management lol

Big changes at work too with the new year. We have a new district manager and it is going to be good. W e had a big meeting and it is going to be so cool once everything is in place and rocking and rolling! I am so looking forward to this! No more being tossed to the wolves and sinking or swimming...actually will feel like we have a support system in place again and it is going to make my job easier and my store so much better! I'm psyched!!!!!!!

and for the really big news.... my daughter's coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
December 8, 2007 at 12:09pm
December 8, 2007 at 12:09pm
Christmas Party tonight! In a little over 7 hours, the house will be filled to overflowing with friends and family, some 50 or 60 of them all happily talking, eating and singing and dancing! This will be ken's and my 3rd Annual Christmas Party....and tho think it all started out as an excuse to get ken to clear all his tools out of the dining room 3 months after he'd finished the remodel!

This year there's room for dancing, a dj and I AM NOT EVEN CLOSE to being 'ready'!!! I'm hoping lexi and john make it....they are trying and i am so keeping my fingers crossed! Wish any wdc member who was in Michigan could come! That would be cool!

Still have to decorate the tree, finish the food, finish off the dining and living rooms and fuss up the master bath....It won't all get done, and no one will care anyway *grin*
November 28, 2007 at 9:28pm
November 28, 2007 at 9:28pm
CARA'S coming home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My daughter's coming home from the Navy (she's been in 6 years!) She'll be here a whole week before she and her hubby (he's army) head to Japan for 3 years!!

She's coming home *sniff* She'll be here the 30th of December! *sniff* Oh I so cannot wait to see her *big proud Momma smile*
November 25, 2007 at 5:52pm
November 25, 2007 at 5:52pm
Christmas lights. Peculiar critters with both minds and lives of their own! It doesn't matter how carefully they are put away the previous january. It doesn't matter at all!
Because over the course of the year they meet, mingle, mate and wear themselves out so that brightly beamng bulbs of Christmas past flicker weakly now and join the lost socks and mittens in Where-ever land.

Icicle lights are the worst, having long, twisty tentacles that wrap, entwine and insinuate themselves around their fellow strands, clinging tightly to each other, refusing to be parted. I miss my navy daughter...this is her job! She's good at it; they listen to her! *sigh*

Plug them in, they light...detangle them, they don't. There's something to be said for NEW Christmas lights...every single year! Maybe we'll get some of those new intense blue ones!
November 22, 2007 at 8:21am
November 22, 2007 at 8:21am
Just wanting to wish all my friends here at WDC a very happy Thanksgiving! Off the baste the turkey and watch the parade...mmmmm gotta love family traditions!!!!
November 17, 2007 at 9:17am
November 17, 2007 at 9:17am
perfect day to run away to the Christmas capitol of the world...ie; Frankenmuth! Little Bavaria in the midst of Michigan. Ken's off north hunting and I'm headed to shop my feet off!!! Bronner, is a HUGE store devoted almost entirely to Christmas decorations...maining ornaments. If it is on the face of the planet, and an ornament, you can find it at bronner's!!!

So much fun to meander and mosey and poke!!! Then there's the River Walk...a twisted trail of lovely, cool, unique shops!! Then, downtown...about three blocks of even more cool shops to poke, window shop and just enjoy!!!!

November 10, 2007 at 4:19pm
November 10, 2007 at 4:19pm
The COOLEST thing is going on!!!!! I emailed my favorite author on the off chance that just maybe she'd a)even get the email, let alone b) read it and c)actually respond...well she did and she did and...she did! I emailed her asking if she do an email interview with me for one of the newsletters. She wrote back and said she'd be happy to!!!!! I am so psyched. I love her writing, have every single one of her books. This is so exciting! I'm sitting here with a grin a mile wide!!!!!!!
November 3, 2007 at 6:05pm
November 3, 2007 at 6:05pm
See the new white board pic above? It has changed!!!! Look who signed it!!! How very cool is that???? Lexi and John Ashton showed up in Michigan to surprise me! Lexi is totally awesome! We all went to lunch and then they came over to the house in the hopes that they might not get a load until the following morning....but it was not to be and they got a good load to SC a few hours later.

Lexi didn't want to go and I didn't want her to, as we had no way gotten all the yacking we wanted to do out of our system...but she'll be back! Oh we had such a good time tho!!!!!

October 26, 2007 at 10:25pm
October 26, 2007 at 10:25pm
I give up...seems like everyone has already been tagged :(
October 26, 2007 at 10:00pm
October 26, 2007 at 10:00pm
Hmmmmm...didn't move quick enough and got tagged by Shannon

What do I do now? I need to list 8 facts about me and then tag 8 other lucky souls....
by leaving them a comment in their blogs and letting them know!

So 8 facts about the fynster....
1. I've lived in 38 states and 3 countries.
2. I spent the night (inadvertently ) in the catacombs under Rome.
3. I used to be a roadie for a country singer.
4. I would love to be on the show 'Survivor.'
5. I once flew to England from the US to meet an online friend...and he wasn't an axe murderer!
6. I'm terrified of spiders.
7. I believe in Santa Clause.
8. I can handle seeing a deer be gutted and then cook the backstraps, but if my other half gets a turkey I don't want to see it unless it arrives in the kitchen looking like a Butterball turkey...complete with pop up timer!.

Now...who shall I tag??????


Hey, y'all...you've been tagged!

Ric The Woolicane
Patricia Gilliam

October 25, 2007 at 6:30am
October 25, 2007 at 6:30am
ken got his deer!!! A 4 point! Yahoo...fresh backstraps for dinner!
October 25, 2007 at 6:29am
October 25, 2007 at 6:29am
Weather's been a roller coaster ride! 70 degrees a couple of days ago...now it is COLD! Gotta love Michigan weather!

I got a snail mail letter from Lexi! So cool! Now I'm gonna have to make a trip to Macinaw Island one of these years!!! A 'Somewhere In Time' weekend..oh yeah! Jane Seymore too!

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