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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1921220
My thoughts released; a mind set free
These pages contain my thoughts, from meandering ideas and persuasions to deep cerebrations and serious mentations.

Why, for what purpose? To release my mind and set creativity free. Somewhere inside the constraints of my mind dwells a writer, a poet, an artist who paints with words. In here I release those constraints and set the artist free.

Perhaps, lost somewhere in the depths of thought, is a story or a poem, waiting to be written.

I'm docked at Talent Pond's Blog Harbor, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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April 20, 2023 at 11:42am
April 20, 2023 at 11:42am
I'm not sure what I want to write, but I do need to write about a very unpleasant surprise we got yesterday. I should tell the backstory, but that would take volumes and likely get very confusing. So, a short summary may work.

My stepdaughter and her guy had three kids, but because of drugs and bad choices, lost them. By the time, my wife and I got involved, the kids had been in social services care for a few years, bouncing between foster homes and institutes. It took a long time to work out all the problems so we could adopt them and give them a family. One of the biggest, and most difficult parts was to break all contact with any of my wife's kids because of the abuse and trauma they caused.

After finally adopting them, we had to agree that there could be no visiting or contact with them until they turned eighteen or it was approved by psychiatrists and social services.

So, our oldest is now eighteen and wanted to meet her mom. We arranged it, they had a good visit, and upon returning home wanted to spend a week with her boyfriend to think about everything. She went over on Sunday, and yesterday text my wife to say she's moving out this weekend, she's tired of the lies and stuff we have told her.

What did her mom tell her? We have no idea, and that she even thinks we have lied and manipulated her to keep her away from her mom is crazy. But, she no longer wants to live here.

How it all will turn out, we have no way of knowing, but we still have a fifteen-year-old at home with us, and now we fear that if they communicate, and they will, that the younger grandchild will soon want to move out, too.

Time will tell, and there's not much that we can do except hope that they understand we have never lied to them about their parents and have only tried to protect them and provide a stable home.
April 16, 2023 at 9:35am
April 16, 2023 at 9:35am
I will apologize in advance for my following rant: Sorry, I just want to get this out, and who knows perhaps someone has a solution that doesn't risk incarceration blow-back.

With the warm weather, our snow is melting fast and has resulted in quite a lot of mud in the driveway. Of course, there are large snowbanks that are still melting and creating even more mud.

My solution to this was to dig out a few trenches for the water to flow away from the driveway, rake and shovel some of the surface to get all the water to flow off the driveway, and then let it dry out some. Once it was dried out, I drove back and forth over the surface to pack it down and create a solid surface that would allow rain to run off instead of letting it soak in. It worked great.

Except, our neighbor kind of messed it all up. He's a nice enough fellow and means well, but he is also one of these people who does what he thinks is best. He thought it would be good to plow down the remaining snowbanks. It was a good idea, but it would have been nice if he decided this before I put in multiple days of work on the driveway. In the process of plowing, he created more ruts, totally destroyed my trenching, and spread snow all over the drive creating more mud.

After he was done, I redid my work on the driveway, re-dug my trenching, and re-packed the surface. I was ready for the rain predicted for the weekend. I also helped him work on his boiler Saturday and took that time to inform him that I had packed the drive and asked him not to run the drag over it and loosen it all up because it creates more mud. Knowing that he likes to drive the 4-wheeler around with the drag just for something to do, I also told him that I would let him know when we wanted him to drag our side. (I should add that last summer/fall, he would drag both his side and ours daily, sometimes even twice a day. Anytime it rained we had mud and when it was dry, our vehicles were covered in gritty dust.)

Yesterday, he decided to push the knocked-down snowbanks around a bit more and messed up my trenching, then hooked onto the drag and raked it over the entire driveway. Before I could do any repair work it began to rain harder and without the trenching, the water flowed onto the now soft and worked-up driveway creating a lot of mud. Last night the rain turned to snow, so when this melts, it's going to sit on top of the driveway and soak in even more. It's going to take a week or more to get it dried up again, and I'll have to dig trenches, shovel, and rake the damn thing all over again.

I thought by asking him nicely, he would stay off our side, but I should have known he would do it even more because I told him a packed driveway would stay drier and he commented that dragging it and having it soft would let the water soak in instead of sitting on top.

He's like that; whatever someone else tells him, he will argue and do the opposite. I just wish I knew how or what to do to counteract this.
April 4, 2023 at 5:37pm
April 4, 2023 at 5:37pm
April has arrived along with the second major snowstorm of the month; not bad for only four days. I wrote on this a bit in the Newsfeed and in "Alotta Monkey Business but wanted to touch on it again here. In my other items, I may have sounded a bit bitter by the endless winter weather, but in truth, I take what we get and try to keep a bright outlook. Maybe I should say I vent a little, but it's meant to be lighthearted and with humor. Sure, we are in a blizzard, and the snow is butt deep to a giraffe (not really) and I'm eagerly waiting for warm weather and the snow to be gone.

But, others in the path of this storm are having tornados, thunderstorms with damaging winds, hail, and all sorts of other nasty weather. If it's a choice, I'll happily take being snowed in for a few days. Sure, the wind is gusting and howling outside my window, but forty mph is a lot better than ninety. And, I'd rather get a bunch of snow instead of hail.

I'm eager for some nicer weather so I can start working with our Husky, Max (almost six months old) outside, but currently, his training is limited to adjusting to Bellah, our eight-week-old Australian Shepard. There has been so much going on that it's been hard to do any serious training with him, but I squeeze in what I can and everything is going pretty well.

I did try and work with him a bit today on a new task since he has: sit, lie, shake hands, and kiss down very well, but he was much too distracted, so we just did some of his already down tricks. Although Bellah has been with us for a couple of weeks, the newness hasn't worn off yet, and being a puppy himself, all he wants to do is play with her. What did you suggest, separating them? Yeah, we tried that, but his focus then is just on getting to her, and again, no focus. As I said, his current training is trying to get him adjusted to her; we are making progress.

Let's see, what else is happening here? We are pretty well all moved and set up, except for the garage. By renting both sides of the duplex, we also get both sides of the garage. Nice! Well, it would be if we could use the other side. I would love to have another vehicle inside out of the weather, but the former renter still has items in there. When asked about it, she stated that she sold her pick-up and has no way to move anything out until the landlord helps her. He is supposed to be back this week, he drives a truck, but with the weather we're having, he may be delayed. Even if he makes it back, I don't see him hauling stuff until after the storm has ended.

Sometimes life is like two steps forward only to find your three steps behind.

So how are things going this month? So far they are going about the same, only different...
March 30, 2023 at 2:59pm
March 30, 2023 at 2:59pm
Yesterday I blited that things were looking better and I may have more time and fewer interruptions. I also titled it "A light At The End Of The Tunnel, Or A Train?" because I was a bit skeptical. Rightfully so!

When my wife got home from work she informed me that orders are down and she had today and tomorrow off. So much for peace and quiet...

But, the company is also talking lay-offs and has asked for volunteers to take lay-off status for April. In doing this, the company will continue to provide all benefits, but if not enough people volunteer, they will shut down for the month, and as is the standard lay-off policy, no benefits.

So, we discussed it and she is in the office volunteering to take April off, then she will file for unemployment and be around for the next month. Now, with two puppies, the added help is great, but with me liking my quiet and alone time, it's also going to be trying. Even so, I held an optimistic view that it will work out in the end.

Just moments ago, I got a call from the high school and was told my younger teen has been busted for vaping. It's still undetermined if she will be suspended, pending her discussion with school personnel and the local police, and there will be consequences here at home.

If today is a preview of the days ahead, I can see that it's going to be difficult to spend a lot of time in WdC and I may have to write off any writing until my wife goes back to work.

So, was it the light at the end of the tunnel, or is a freight train coming my way?

For now, I have to run, my wife is watching puppies and I can hear a consistent string of no's disrupting my blite...
March 29, 2023 at 4:15pm
March 29, 2023 at 4:15pm
It's almost the end of March and the lion still roars! What happened to in like a lion and out like a lamb? The entire month has been a lion and as I look at the next ten-day forecast, I wonder, "Did the damn beast eat the lamb?"

This morning, it was minus ten degrees Fahrenheit with a minus 18 wind-chill factor and we will be doing well to break twenty degrees. Tomorrow it will reach thawing temps, barely, with freezing rain. Friday more snow is forecast and once again barely in the twenties. In fact, it's the same for the next ten days!

Other than crappy weather, things have been progressing pretty well. The sore on my leg has finally started healing and the fracture seems to be mending. Bellah has started using the puppy pads once again, and as much as the weather permits loves to be outside. I've been working with potty training her to go outside and she does well as long as she can get through the snow and doesn't freeze her little feet. (She weighs a whopping ten and a half pounds now)

Max is doing well, even though his training kind of got put on hold as he adjusts to having a little puppy around. (He weighs just over fifty pounds now but is still a puppy and loves to play but can get a bit rough with Bellah, so his training has been switched to playing nice with her,)

We have everything moved and set up but are still organizing things a bit. I even have my office set up and usable and have actually used it a few times. In fact I was in my office when I started bliting (blog-writing), but had to move out to the dining room because Bellah was crying. (She was sleeping when I retired to my office and woke to find herself alone.)

That's been another issue; she was supposed to be seven weeks old when we got her, but as it turned out, she was three days shy of six weeks. Much too young to be removed from her mother and other puppies. As it turned out, this may have been a good thing for her since they had homes for all the other puppies and they left the next day. They had also removed all the puppies from mom so she would put weight back on, so she would have been isolated and alone had we not taken her.

There's still a lot going on and time is still an issue but things are improving and I'm hopeful that I will not only continue to spend a little time here but will also start having more time to spend. I'm also hopeful that the weather will improve one of these days and spring will arrive so I can start working more with Max outside on a leash. Being a Husky, he doesn't mind the snow and cold, but my coat isn't as warm as his.

March 23, 2023 at 11:41am
March 23, 2023 at 11:41am
I'm trying this again. Lately, I've had very little time to spend in WdC and the one entry I did manage got lost somewhere in cyber-space. It's been that kind of a month. Not necessarily bad, just very busy. I set my clocks ahead, but I still haven't found the extra hour it was supposed to provide...

Anyway, we have Max, a five-month-old Husky that keeps me very busy. We also have had the size of our living quarters doubled (two halves of a duplex rejoined into one house) so we have been cleaning, moving rooms, and reorganizing our household. One teen was in a play, so there was driving him to practice and back, the other joined robotics, so there was picking her up. And, there has been a lot of snow storms and cleaning up after them. Oh, and our boiler still cuts out at least a few times a day/night.

On top of all this, and as a result of some of it, the snow on the roof has gotten deep and a thick ridge (6" to 8") of ice has formed along the edge making the water from melting snow back up under the shingles and leak through the ceiling. Luckily we caught it right away and very little water damage was done, but it meant getting the ladder out and climbing up on the roof to remove some snow and try and chip some of the ice away. I also dumped a bunch of salt along and on the ice. Thankfully we had one of our niest days in a long time, and it melted back quickly and solve the problem.

Unfortunately, there is so much ice under the snow that there wasn't any stable footing for the ladder. Knowing this, I did anchor myself just in case the ladder didn't stay in place, which it didn't. When the ladder slipped out from under me, I was securely suspended by my anchor rope and was able to lower myself to the ground. But, once I was down the ladder decided to join me and topped over. It hit a bunch of ice and snow I had removed from the roof and bounced back into my leg.

It scraped up my shin and hurt a lot, but shins are like that. So, I didn't think much about it and hobbled around putting stuff away and going on with my day. That was a week ago and my leg still aches and throbs, it's bruised and swollen, and my wife thinks I may have cracked the bone.

Yeah, she also thinks I should see a doctor, but I don't think they would be able to do anything for it after this much time. Well, they would likely have me stay off my feet for a while, but with two puppies I don't see that happening anytime soon.

It's been a busy, crazy, stormy, and snow filled month and I'm definitely ready for April...
March 9, 2023 at 9:35am
March 9, 2023 at 9:35am
It's been a while since I've done much in WdC or in here, so this seems like a good place to start, then off to the Newsfeed, and then off to get some work done.

So, what's been happening with me? It's been crazy; let me tell you...

We reside in a duplex, one apartment up front, and we live in the back. Well, we did until just recently. Our neighbor in front decided to move at the start of the year, so we talked to our landlord about opening a doorway between the two apartments and renting the entire house. He said yes, and that he would work on it as soon as Lisa moved out on February first.

She started moving in January and it was looking good for us to be in shortly after the first, but she didn't move much at a time and only one or two days per week, so it was pushed back to March first for us to officially move in, and the landlord would have things ready about mid-month so we could start moving some things around.

There are four of us, two teens and two adults, ad our apartment is only two bedrooms and is rather small. Our bedroom is pretty big, so we divided it into two rooms, so each teen has a room, there is a kitchen-dining area and a decent-sized living room. The front apartment is about the same size but has a bigger and new kitchen, so we wanted to move our stove and fridge over here, put one teen in the larger bedroom river here, and get our entire bedroom back. The extra bedroom in the front is a bit small, so it became my office/writing haven.

The front finally opened up the last week in February and the doorway was installed the last day of the month, so we finally could start moving (I despise moving) our stuff over, after a good cleaning. The woman who rented the front didn't clean anything, and it turns out, she was not a very clean person, so it took a week to deep clean everything. Finally, after a thorough cleaning, we could move. On'y, my wife works and the teens have school, so a lot of the heavy moving was done on the weekends and I did the lighter work on weekdays. We finally have things pretty well moved and set up, but still a lot of little things to do, My office is a mess, with stuff stacked and piled since it was the last room to set up.

I thought it would go faster since we were moving within the same house, but moving is moving and it sucks, takes a crap-load of time, and with trying to keep up with cooking and getting kids off to school, I just have not had time for much of anything else. We also had our youngest teen in a school play this last weekend, so there was driving her back and forth for practice. Our older teen is in robotics right after school, so she also needed a ride home, and of course, these extra activities could not coincide at the same time.

Our heating system has been acting up a lot this year and it's been a weekly, sometimes bi-weekly, call to get someone out to fix it. No matter what they do or replace, something else messes up (I reset the damned thing at least twice a day, sometimes more) so we don't freeze up. On top of this, the weather hasn't cooperated in the least, it's been cold (sub-zero) until a week ago, and now that it's getting up to thawing during the day, we are getting snow every other day (like I really have had time for shoveling and chipping at ice). Oh, and I know most of you already know we got a Huskie puppy in December, so I have a great deal of time taken up with training and spending with him.

As you can imagine, I have had little time for anything, including sleep, since the end of February when this all started. But, now that we have the biggest chunk of the work complete, I can finally get a full night's sleep and have some time during the day to spend here and with my writing; well, once I get my office set up (I'm currently on my laptop at the dining room table).

But wait, I still have my training to do with Max and taking care of Bella. Who's Bella? My wife thought and convinced me, that having a companion for Max would free up more time for me. I mean, he needs a lot of interactions, playtime, and training, so it makes sense. She saw an ad for Australian Shepards and went to look at them on Tuesday. She returned home with Bella, who just turned seven. I'm talking weeks, not years.

So, Max weighs about 45 pounds now and will be five months old on Saturday. Bella weighs 4.5 pounds and will be two months old in another week; she's about as big as his head. I don't know how long it will take for Max and her to get used to each other, but hopefully will just be a few days. He does pretty well with her, but he's so big and she's so small that it takes constant supervision whenever they are together. So much for my extra time!

On the bright side, they are both napping right now...
February 23, 2023 at 11:05am
February 23, 2023 at 11:05am
Didn't I just write about this in "Question of the Day!? I did, just yesterday. The question was, "What’s an essential part of your daily routine?"

My mornings! Actually, it's having some peace and quiet in the morning to gather my thoughts as I sip a couple of cups of coffee. A typical morning would go like this. I get up and visit with my wife for a half hour while she gets ready for work, and I enjoy my first cup of coffee. Then, she is gone, I take Max out for a few minutes, then we wake the girls for school. Max and I pack their lunches while they get ready. Shortly after seven, they emerge from their lairs and all hell breaks loose as they try and find stuff, get shoes on, and I get them out the door without (most days) forgetting something. Some days that's it, they are on the bus and off to school, other days I'm running something out or they are running back in, but by seven-thirty, the bus is hauling them off to school and my day begins.

I take Max out to do his thing, then we go in and he gets his breakfast. After, he does a few tricks and gets a treat, and takes his morning nap. I do my devotions and log into WdC.

But, that routine is anything but routine. Once again, we are getting dumped on with a lot of snow, it's colder than petrified penguin poop, and school is closed. Because of blizzard conditions, my wife didn't leave for work until shortly after nine, and I'm trying to squeeze a few minutes in here before the kids wake up.

I did try and have my normal routine this morning; I really did. But, try as I might, it just won't happen if anyone is home. I don't understand it, I really don't.

Maybe instead of joining the two units of our duplex together into one dwelling, I should move into the other apartment. Yep, just me and Max; no one to disrupt our daily routines.

No, that won't work, they will be over knocking on the door, banging on the walls, calling my phone, or finding some way to disrupt the peace and quiet.

It's kind of like "Sleepless In Seatle", only different. For me, it's "Out Of My Wits in Ottertail".
February 21, 2023 at 6:23pm
February 21, 2023 at 6:23pm
It's been an interesting day. I got a call shortly after eight about them coming out to change a power cable on the boiler. I got everything moved and ready, then at about ten they called back, the part was for someone else, mine wasn't there yet.

Noon, they called again, it was here. One cord, two wires in it, factory sized with connectors on one side, a four-prong plug on the other. How long could it take to change it?

Instead of removing the old one and installing the new one, they cut the end off of the old one and spliced the plug from the new one with wire nuts, and it still took them a half hour.

It's a boiler, you know, high heat, water, steam. Not the best idea for an open wire connection; it's why they sent an entire cable instead of just the plug. It wasn't the regular guy, it was a couple of young guys (kids to me).

After, it would not ignite. They pulled out phones and started looking for reasons, what the error code meant, and so on. I already knew what the code meant, it indicated the connector they put on wasn't working, and the regulator wasn't opening. But would they listen to me?

The new cord had a red wire and a green wire in it, the old one was black and white. they hooked the red to the black and the green to the white, which I knew was wrong, the schematic plainly showed the black wire was ground and the white was power. Again, even after showing them the schematic, they insisted I was wrong. They ended up calling the tech number for the boiler.

I didn't say anything, even though they had the phone on speaker and the tech informed them that they shouldn't have spliced the plug to the wire, as it will corrode, he also explained that the green wire should attach to ground and the red to the white power wire from the old cord.

They switched them around and guess what? Yeah, it works again. It took those clowns all afternoon, but hey, at least we have heat. Just in time, too. It's snowing and it's cold. We are in a severe winter storm watch with possibilities of blizzard conditions until Thursday afternoon, and the temperature will barely get above zero with lows near fifteen below.

As they were leaving, the dopey one tells me to keep the electric heaters until after the storm, just in case we lose power... *Headbang*
February 21, 2023 at 10:55am
February 21, 2023 at 10:55am
I was trying to think of something to write about today, then I stopped over at "Question of the Day! and I knew what I would like to blite about today. Hopefully, I get this done before all Hell breaks loose.

The question was about quiet time. It's simple, really, when everyone is gone, I have quiet time. Except, right now, there is a lot of crap going on. The boiler system in here is junk and has been acting up all winter, so we have repairmen in and out a few times a week it seems trying to get this thing fixed. They replace a part, another goes out. Then the whole thing quit working completely during a very cold spell (below 0 Fahrenheit). They worked on it for two days and we ended up using electric space heaters to keep the place kind of comfortable. In the end, I became frustrated and went after the boiler myself, now it's back to working intermittently, but at least it's comfortable.

We are also combining both sides of the duplex into one unit if the person up front ever gets fully moved out and turns the keys over. So, the landlord is over at least once a week. All this has the neighbor visiting a few times a week, for hours on end, because he wants to know and put his two cents in,

Then there's school. the kids are home as much as at school, between holidays, special days off, and snow days. Then, my wife gets a sinus infection so she was home most of last week. So much for peace and quiet.

Now, for a lot of people, this wouldn't be so bad, but for me, it's disastrous. I'm an introvert, so I need my alone time. I also get very lost in my work, reading, and especially my writing. I can handle a minor interruption or distraction, maybe two, but if there's more, I may as well throw in the towel.

This is the problem. With outside people, I can see it, but with family, they know. I've explained it to them numerous times. But, as soon as I get lost in something, they sense it and poof, there they are. The kids won't say anything seeing as I'm really lost in something, they just stand right in front of me and do whatever it takes to get my attention. My wife will actually say, "I know you're doing something, but if you have a minute or two, I have a question. Most of the time, it's something she already knows the answer to or something that really doesn't need answering at all.

If I'm not lost in something, making myself available for them, the kids vanish "POOF" into their rooms for hours, possibly days. My wife is busy doing this or that, and I sit, pace, or fumble with something as I wait for them. But, if I see that it's quiet, they're all busy, and I have a few minutes to read, write, or get lost in something... "POOF" they are back!
February 16, 2023 at 2:42pm
February 16, 2023 at 2:42pm
I know, I have not been very active here for a few days, mayhaps even about a week, or at least about seven days. I can explain.

The weekend was chaos! Our oldest daughter/granddaughter turned 18 on Sunday. There was a lot of fuss and stuff over the weekend for her, of course. Add to that, her boyfriend was over, and that was even more hubbub for me to deal with. Don't get me wrong, he seems pretty nice and I like him just fine, but with Max, the birthday stuff, and a guest over, it was a bit more to deal with.

Our youngest also had a birthday party to attend on Saturday, with a sleepover. So, it was trying to get her to clean up her room, get her to the party, and more mumble-jumble.

Our landlord also stopped by on Saturday to let us know that we would be getting the front apartment on March first now instead of February first. He refunded what we had paid for the difference and apologized that Dingbat didn't get moved when she was supposed to.

All in all, it made for a hectic weekend, lots of running around, busy, and not much time to get online. Then, Monday arrived.

I was excited, kids back in school, wife at work, and just me and Max to enjoy peace and quiet and get caught up in here. At least, that was the plan. Those plans got flushed right down the crapper as soon as my phone went off.

We've been having trouble with the boiler heat all winter, but with a bit of tinkering and jumping past a sensor, it's running and working fine. However, Monday the people came out to fix it right and replace the defective part. They arrived at about ten and didn't leave until after five. Nothing went right for them, they couldn't get the old sensor to come off without tearing up the pipe it's attached to, the bleeder valve didn't fit, and so on.

A little past noon, they had done as much as possible with it, with the sensor still bypassed, the old bleeder back on, and not much accomplished. They closed it up, turned on the power, pushed the button, and...

You likely guessed it, no heat. The boiler is now defunct completely, and by the time they left, it was determined that the circuit board, much like a motherboard in a computer, had fried up as crispy as over-cooked bacon. They removed it and took it with them, with hopes of having it fixed by Tuesday.

They did bring us some electric heaters. But since we did not get the keys for the front, we had no way to put any on that side. Luckily, the temperature was staying above freezing.

Tuesday they put the repairs board back in first thing in the morning. They turned on the power and pushed the button. Nothing. The ignitor was not igniting. He again removed the board and checked the fuses; one had blown. He changed this and turned the power back on, the fuse blew again. It seems there is something shorting out in the board, so one was ordered with overnight delivery.

The plan was to have it by Wednesday afternoon and put it in right away and get us some heat. But, Tuesday it began with rain, then freezing rain, and by eleven that night, we had blizzard conditions. The temperature also started to drop, but we did get keys to the front and set up heaters over there, as well as the ones we have here.

It has not gotten over ten degrees yesterday or today, and has dropped below zero at night, and will again tonight. The delivery was delayed by the storm, the landlord is in Texas (he drives truck) and we are trying to keep warm with space heaters as we run up a horrible electric bill. Meanwhile, we have a crew of three people trying daily to get this boiler up and running.

It's been a crazy weekend, a crazy week, and some crazy weather. It's almost enough to drive me sane!
February 14, 2023 at 1:29pm
February 14, 2023 at 1:29pm
Written in pink for "Invalid Item

It's Valentine's Day and it's been a while since I made an entry, so if you put them together, it's time to write something. I have been adding a lot of posts about Max, and if you've read through them, you know, he's my (our) new Husky puppy. If you haven't kept up with my blog, Max is my (our) new Husky puppy.

He's a handful at times but doing well. His training is going well, but we still have a long way to go. He's four months old now and weighs in at a whopping 32 pounds; he's growing so fast, but that's normal for his breed. We still need to work a lot with him coming to his name. He does well if he's hungry and the treats are wanted, but if he's not, it's a bit of a challenge. If anyone has any tips for this, please comment. Thank you.

Max and I did a bit of shopping today, since it's Valentine's Day, and he is getting better at riding in the car. He still fights it a little, but then gives up and hops in. When the weather gets a bit nicer, we'll be going to the lake and the park, which should persuade him that car rides are for fun.

Today it was to pick up a Valentine's gift for my wife, he waited in the car, but I'm sure he would have picked something nice; red meat most likely. Anyway, I don't do much for Valentine's, and before meeting her, didn't do anything. Like some, I figured it was just a money-maker for mid-winter sales. But, she enjoys the day and always gets me a little something, so this year I went beyond my normal card and purchased her a very beautiful, live orchid, a box of chocolates, and a nice card.

I figured if I can do the Secret Valentine's in here, I better not get cheap with my favorite Valentine. I know the surprise will likely get her crying. Yes, I'd make my wife cry on Valentine's Day, just like I do on her birthday, our anniversary, Christmas, and just whenever I get the urge to surprise her with something thoughtful.
February 10, 2023 at 6:42pm
February 10, 2023 at 6:42pm
With three more days to go to complete the challenge over at "Invalid Item I better get hustling. I've been keeping up pretty well but I would like to browse through and read more of the other entries in the challenge.

At the same time, I seem to have less time. I'm not sure if it's a result of the Earth spinning faster, the core stopping and possibly reversing, or the chunk of the sun breaking off. Actually, I think it's because Max has stopped taking as many naps, that boy is growing so fast, and maturing quicker than expected. Whatever the reasons, possibly a combination of all of these, more likely just less time to spend in W.C, I'm running a bit behind.

But, this entry will help and hopefully, I can get another done later, or tomorrow. But, the weekend is looking kind of busy, our oldest is having her 18 birthday on Sunday, with friends over tomorrow. The younger one has a birthday party tomorrow and a sleepover after, so yeah, a lot going on this weekend. Weekends are tough for me to write anyway, since I like peace, quiet, and no one bothering me when I write.

If all goes well, I'll get things finished up this weekend, if not, I'll have to finish up on Monday. I've already explained to Max that I may need him to mellow out for me on Monday, but talking to him is like talking to a four-month-old Husky, well he is, so yeah.
February 6, 2023 at 4:51pm
February 6, 2023 at 4:51pm
We are six days into February now and still waiting on the dingbat to get moved out. I know, one should never resort to name-calling. I'm not! She is a friend of our landlord and he avows she is indeed a dingbat, from the bat family Ding-a-lingoptera.

Like Charlie Brown in discussion with Lucy, I tend to get a headache and an upset stomach when I converse with the woman, so my wife, sweet and patient as she is, went over to find out how much longer she would take in moving out. She returned with a headache and an upset stomach but no precise or even guessed date.

She had informed the landlord that she would be out by the first of February. He informed us that we should be getting a new neighbor shortly after since he just purchased the property from his Dad and is taking things over. Since we are a bit cramped for space with just half the house, I asked if we could rent the entire house and connect the two apartments. He agreed, knowing we have been good renters and since it was originally a single-unit home would take very little to open them up again.

So, now we wait, he waits and she contemplates what items to take now and which to take later. I'm serious, she has actually carried out boxes, then carried them back in because she wanted to take something else first. She also has items in her side of the garage, which is now technically ours. Items she moved from her apartment into the garage because she was locked out of her Rush Lake Storage Unit.

Being a member of the Ding-a-lingoptera order of batty, she was not locked out, she was at the wrong storage unit. Her's is St. Lorance Storage on the other side of the road. Seems she got confused and made a wrong turn, despite the fact that she had her unit about half full; yes she had taken multiple loads over a few days before.

Like I said, it's not name-calling, she's a dingbat.
January 30, 2023 at 8:09pm
January 30, 2023 at 8:09pm
I just finished another edition of "Blogging Bliss Newsletter Subscribers and have to say well done to Wordsmitty ✍️ ; the Newsletter is always well-written and enjoyable.

"One of the topics he touched on was changing things up in our blogs. I think that's worth trying, so I'm talking instead of just writing."

"Who ya talking to?" Halo asks.

"Halo, nobody but me knows you."

"So, introduce me, you clown. Are you ashamed of me? Is there some reason you don't want your friends to know about me?"

"No, Halo, I'm not ashamed of you. Why would I be, your terrific, you're always here to tell me what to write, and you a damn fine-looking muse. Even Max likes you."

"Okay, everyone, Halo here is my muse. She's a great muse and has stuck by my side over the years, offering up suggestions and sometimes even telling me where to go, like when I don't listen to her suggestions."

"Hey, TJ, did you forget that time I left you?"

"No Halo, I didn't forget, it was a terrible time for me. But, if you remember correctly, you didn't actually leave me, you wandered off and got lost. Yeah, now it's coming back to you."

"That's right, you were trying to write something but I forget what. I'd likely remember if you had listened to me, but you had to be stubborn and do it yourself. I got bored and went for a walk. But it's not my fault I got lost, you never told me where I was."

"That's right, Halo. I was writing something that I never finished because you wandered off and I could find you when I needed you to help me out. It was right after we first moved here, and you wanted to go explore."

"Yeah, but I never lived in the woods, and it's kind of scary all by my lit' ole' lonesome. I tried to find my way back, but I went the wrong way on those train tracks and then I found a highway that sounded familiar, so I followed it. The next thing I know, I'm at the house you moved out of. I didn't know what to do, so I stayed there and hoped you'd come back."

"I did come back for you. Well for you and some more of our stuff. I was surprised when I pulled up and you came running out of the house. You'd been missing for months, I thought you left me for another writer. I never realized how much you mean to me, Halo."

"Anyway, I think everyone knows I'm your muse now, so let's get to the writing."

"Yeah, I was going to write in my blog, but after all this, it's getting kind of long. I don't want to bore everyone, so mayhaps we'll do this another time, if that's alright with you, Halo?"

"Sounds good to me, TJ."

Anyway, Halo says it was fun, and enjoyed getting to talk to you. I'm happy 'cuz I got to introduce you to my BMF (Best Muse Friend). Until next time, be kind to your muse.



"Do you think anyone would start a Muse's Day?"

"I don't know. Someone should. Where would we be without you? How 'bouts I post this and you and I can sit and talk about this?"


January 26, 2023 at 2:33pm
January 26, 2023 at 2:33pm
So, I've been making entries in "Invalid Item and the prompts make it a bit difficult to write silly foolishness. So, I thought I would share a short story about a kitten I rescued when I was but a wee lad in school.

I was walking home after school one fine autumn day when this little, fluffy, and scared kitten ran out of a hedge with a rather large dog right on its tail so I rescued the cute, fluffy beast. Well, I didn't actually rescue him, he, in sheer terror and panic, almost ran into me. Needing a hasty escape, he proceeded to climb up my pant leg and shirt, taking refuge on my shoulder as I felt those tiny, but needle-sharp claws piercing my skin from my ankle to my shoulder.

I reached up to remove him since his tiny but needle-sharp claws were still deeply embedded in my shoulder, but the little bastard bit my finger, hard. Being a somewhat intelligent youth, I quickly gave up any thoughts of removing him and popped my injured and bleeding digit into my mouth. After administering first aid I yelled at the dog who was still jumping and trying to get the kitten, which was making it dig those little, needle-sharp claws ever deeper into my now very sore shoulder.

The dog retreated back around the house it had appeared from and I, still fearful of removing the terror-inflicted little beast went up to the house and inquired if it was their kitten. "No." I went to the other houses in the neighborhood and inquired the same, and received the same answer, "No." With no other choice, I proceeded on my way home with a bleeding finger, multiple punctures up my leg and torso, and a cute little kitten attached to my shoulder.

Once home, my mother was able to painfully remove the kitten, which didn't bite her, but instead curled into a tiny little ball and began purring. She told me I had to try and find the owners, so after it had gulped down some leftover meatloaf and drank a small bowl of milk, I took a picture with my dad's polaroid and made a poster with our phone number and address so the little, cute, and now very tired kitten curled in my mother's lap could be returned home.

I posted it on the side of the phone booth, and being a very small town, figured that would be sufficient. After a few days, someone had boldly written "No" under the text asking, "Is this your kitten?" Someone else had posted another sign next to mine stating, "This is a public phone please do not post signs here!" I took my sign down and wrote on theirs, "If we can't post signs here, what the hell is this?"

Anyway, I ended up with a tiger-striped kitten I named Tiger Elroy Killroy Butch and a week of being confined to my room after school for my notations on the sign on the phone booth. It seems the phone company recorded my phone number and address from my sign and notified my parents of my comment on theirs. I said I was somewhat intelligent, not a genius!
January 26, 2023 at 9:56am
January 26, 2023 at 9:56am
Yes, this is my third attempt on the third day of trying to write something here. As I quote myself, but seldom say it these days, life has been a big plate of fuccaroni and cheese (and not the good cheese, that powdered crap that smells like dirty socks.

I don't even remember what I was first going to write, since I didn't save the few sentences I had started before being interrupted, distracted, and yanked back into reality. I know, "Save often!" And, I do if it's serious writing, but when it's not, there isn't any sense in saving because I won't be able to pick up that thread of thought.

With all this reality getting in the way, it was only a matter of time before I had to let the excreta hit the thermantidote and try to get things back into some semblance of order. If you've followed my blog, you already know I have a new puppy; if you haven't followed, I have a new puppy. Anywho, Max is now fourteen weeks old, or three and a half months, and is doing pretty well.

He does pretty well if his routine and schedule aren't fubar, which they have been since last Thursday. I've been trying to get things as close to normal as possible but have not been getting much support from Max's other family members. It seems like there was a bit of a mutiny attempt. I know it's because I've spent so much time working with Max and giving him so much of my time. However, this was all discussed prior to getting a puppy; everyone knew it would be a lot of work and I was elected as the best person to take up the challenge.

Of course, it's not just family, there's a big change coming on the first of February and that's also created more demands on my time and more interruptions. I also made a devastating mistake by telling my neighbor that all the interruptions and distractions are driving me sane. (Yes I did say that right, being off my rocker, it makes sense)

Anyway, our neighbor is a pretty nice guy, but he's got this critical fault; when he hears something is upsetting someone, he can't help but also do something upsetting. So, while visiting last Sunday, it slipped out that all the crap going on was driving me stark raving sane. Now, he is adding his bit to the problem.

I'd throw in the towel, but Max would likely grab it and tear it up. Besides, I have a shit-ton of things to get done over the next week or two, if the front apartment opens on the first as planned. So, the only option available is to keep on keeping on, give it back as much as they give it, and keep my focus on what's important, my vegetable can list. I don't have time for a bucket list so I had to use an empty vegetable can...

January 19, 2023 at 11:16pm
January 19, 2023 at 11:16pm
Today has been another scrambled day, which is only fitting since it's been an out-of-whack week. I know life is topsy turvy and we never know what each new day will bring. Weeks and days like today really do mess with Max, however, and it makes training a bit difficult. He does well, surprisingly well, in fact, but disorganized days do affect him.

Monday school was out, so we had two teens distracting him. They do pretty well, but they can only resist a cute, new puppy for so long. It's not that they should, Max is a family member and it does him and them good to interact. Unfortunately, it seems they show up just as our training is getting going, or right when he gets relaxed and ready to nap.

My wife's aunt passed away earlier this week, so she left for the funeral this afternoon, which has him messed up. He looks forward to her return from work and spending some play time with him, which he didn't get today. Our daughters are adopted and did not know Dorothy and I only met her a couple of times, so I'm staying home with them and Max, who wouldn't do well with a puppy-sitter and wouldn't handle that long of a drive. It only makes sense, but I still feel bad not being there to give support and comfort to the rest of the family. Max seems to pick up on this as well; he doesn't understand it, but he picks up on it.

I'm a bit disappointed that we weren't able to go out walking for his leash training, it's been tough with the weather, and he needs a lot more time walking on a leash. I'm hoping tomorrow we can spend at least fifteen to twenty minutes walking, and maybe even get out twice.

On the bright side, since the day was messed up and his training schedule was altered, I decided to spend our school time (training session) teaching him a new trick, shaking hands. He struggled with it, but received a lot of love and praise, along with treats, even though I had to show him each time. After ten minutes of working with him, he was tired and getting bored, so we went outside and played a bit, then when he came in, he took a nap.

After he woke and we went out for him to go to the bathroom. It's our routine, when we come back in, for him to come over to my chair with me and do the tricks he's learned. First, he sits and gets a treat, then talks and gets another treat, and just a few days ago, learned to gently press his muzzle to my lips (kisses) for another treat. I thought I'd try and see if he would work a bit on shaking hands, so I told him, "Shake." He lifted his right paw and set it in my hand. Yes, he figured it out and does quite well for it being the first day with this new trick.

Tonight we had supper and then I took him out. He usually plays a bit before falling asleep around nine, but tonight he really fought going to sleep. He does this some every night, like a little child he just doesn't want to go to sleep and will try and do anything to stay awake. But, tonight was worse and I spent almost an hour trying to get him to lie still and relax. I'm sure it's because his "mom" isn't here.

Tomorrow should prove interesting since he gets up when she does, and she won't be here until later tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to stay positive and hopeful that we will still have a productive day. Fingers crossed and all that mumble-jumble.

January 18, 2023 at 3:05pm
January 18, 2023 at 3:05pm
Max just turned three months old last Saturday, and he's growing way too fast. Not in the meaning of faster than normal, he is right in his size and weight range for his age, but he is so much bigger than he was when we first brought him home. We put him on the scale the day after we adopted him and he weighed seven pounds. Saturday he tipped the scales at twenty-two pounds.

Training is going well, but it's a lot different training a Husky than it was with some of our other canines. He's very smart (maybe a bit too smart) and learns fast, but with his intelligence comes very strong stubbornness. He knows his name and comes all the time in the house, but when he's outside, he finds all sorts of distractions and will completely ignore me. I'm still trying to figure out a way to overcome this, and I'm hoping I can find some solutions online.

As far as tricks, he learned to sit first. It took all of one ten-minute training session. The problem is, once he learned to sit for a treat, he will sit before I tell him. Next, I taught him to talk, so if he sits before I tell him, I have a backup for him to do to get a treat. Again, one training session. His most recently learned trick is to give kisses. Not the licking, slobbery kind, but by pressing his muzzle to my lips. One session and he has it down.

The other task I'm working on is leash training. Because of the weather, as well as all the distractions, I started him in the house. He does pretty well for a short period but then get's bored with walking around two rooms. Today we took it a step further and walked outside to increase his time on the leash and to get him more accustomed to riding in the car.

He isn't very fond of car rides since it doesn't provide him with anything to do. Mostly, he rides along if I have to pick up or drop off someone or run to the store for an item or two. He rides nicely and is pretty well-behaved in the car, but he's bored. So, I thought if he went for a short ride to a place he could get out and investigate, he would start looking forward to riding. It also provided me with a small parking area to walk him.

There is a boat landing about a half mile from us, and since it's winter, it's not very busy. We walked the yard for a few minutes, then went to the car. He didn't like getting loaded into it, but did alright. He just stretched out on the seat as I drove over to the landing; I suppose he thought of it as just another car ride. When I parked he didn't get up, again figuring he was going to wait in the car. But, when I opened the door for him, he perked right up.

I put the leash on his harness and told him to unload, which he did even as I was telling him. He sniffed around and I let him pick where he wanted to go. He, of course, became distracted numerous times with all the new sites and smells, but he did respond to "Let's go" after a bit of coaxing. We walked the perimeter of the lot twice, and he was showing signs of getting tired, so we loaded up and I brought him home.

I'm thinking a few more times of his getting to explore on the leash and he will do fine, maybe he will even get excited and eager when I bring his leash out. Once we have this part down, I can start bringing him more places and start letting him get used to new people and hopefully some other dogs.

We still have two more phases of leash training to work on; getting him to pay more attention to me and him not pulling in every direction, but walking beside me.

January 11, 2023 at 4:40pm
January 11, 2023 at 4:40pm
I want to start woking walking my dog; good exercise for both of us. But, before I can take Max for walks, I need to train him to walk on a leash. I know leash training is difficult, I've trained a few dogs in my life, but Max is different. I employed the same techniques that have worked well with other dogs but up until today, Max would have nothing to do with the leash; he pulls back and drops with a look that conveys the message, "Leash me alone!"

Let's see, we brought him home kind of late on a Saturday when he was eight weeks old. I let him adjust to the new home and family for a couple of days, we did no training except some simple name association (his, not mine). From there we increased using his name and of course, introduced "NO!" and began using TPA techniques for his good behavior; Treats, Praise, and Affection are the best means to train anyone canine or otherwise.

I did put the leash on him at nine weeks and let him get the feel of it, but we didn't really walk at that point. He got hold of the leash and shook it like it was his mortal enemy then dropped to the floor and glared at me, leash still clamped firmly in his mouth. I tried every few days to put it on and let him get accustomed to the feel of it, but he would do the same each time. Over and over I tried to get him to adjust to the feel of being on the leash, and over and over he would try to rip it to shreds, drop as flat as he could, and glare at me, "Leash me alone!"

This Saturday, Max turns three months old and should be accustomed to being on a leash in a manner other than tearing at it and lying flat on the floor, so I needed to up my game. He had not been leashed this week until yesterday. I thinly sliced up a nice beef roast and put it in the oven to dry out (homemade beef jerky without any additives). I cut them into small treat-sized pieces and restarted the training again yesterday. We made a few steps by holding the yummy beef in my free hand and letting him follow his nose. Every few steps he was praised, and we worked for about ten minutes. Five of them he did good, five of them he tried to rip up the leash, but he did not drop like a rock.

Today, we again did some leash training. I had cooked up a steak for lunch, and I also cooked up a smaller one for Max. I ate mine, his was chopped up into small pieces and used to reward his walking on the leash. We did ten minutes again today. The first few he wanted to tear the leash up, but enticed with the steak, he walked pretty well. We will work a bit more before his supper after everyone is home so there will be no distractions. If he does well again, perhaps we will do another round a bit before bed.

I'm hoping that by this weekend he will no longer want to kill his leash and start walking well enough that I can take him on a real walk so he learns that it's fun to see the leash come down. No more, "Leash me alone!" But instead, "My leash, l getta go for a walk!"

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