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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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October 12, 2020 at 4:43pm
October 12, 2020 at 4:43pm
Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne *GiftW*

Write about elevator muzak---music.

Google says: Elevator music, more commonly known as Muzak, came to use in 1922 with original purpose to calm the fearful passengers who used the elevators for the first time.

All the elevators I have ridden lately are absolutely silent. Since they would have been in hospitals it’s kind of an eerie silence. The air and atmosphere deadened by being enclosed in a little box flying up or down without the feeling of movement until the box jounces silently to a halt and the door swishes open sounding like something from STAR TREK. Then it dumps you out on an equally silent hallway. You look up and down wondering if everyone else in the building is already dead, or maybe just hiding.

However, let’s not HIDE the little phrase, “PLEASE HOLD." At this point, while you are waiting to do some kind of business on your phone, you are subject to someone else’s choice of music. I'm likely to quit listening to the music pouring from the phone, so The person who put me on hold is often yelling, “Are you there?” Yep, elevator music!

Grocery stores are another place background music plays. The stores I shop in mostly play 60's music. It brings to mind, flower children. And then I wonder, if they are putting us in the mood to spend more money? Then I think maybe they are just trying to liven up the crowd. So I like to sing along. But, I draw the line at dancing down the isles.

It is kind of people who are trying to keep impatience at bay and entertain passengers and waiting people. I’ve never heard a lot of Muzak that sticks with me, as something I want to hear again soon. Now, I have earphones, and audio books on my telephone.

October 8, 2020 at 9:45am
October 8, 2020 at 9:45am
Two More Prompts:

owl for signature use *Books4*

Quote:“No book or magazine article is for "everyone" so know your audience, then target them with your writing.”
― W. Terry Whalin, Book Proposals That Sell: 21 Secrets to Speed Your Success /https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/magazine

C. Are you currently obsessed with a current TV show/series?

No. I wish I was. When we had Netflix we became involved with two or three different ones at different times. It was nice. We were drawn to the characters. Always wondered from week to week what actions and reactions were going to occur.

We have Amazon prime and TV hook up but, K has given up all TV and movies at the moment. A lot of the TV series we get are reruns. We have an antenna and get some excellent channels.

I've found that a good series can take your mind away from present problems for a space.

D. Make a list of your top 10 favorite magazines. And share why you enjoy them.

1. Yoga Journal-I enjoy the articles,the pose teaching, the editorials, the advertisements. This magazine was up on all controversial subjects involving Yoga when I was reading it.

2. The Washington Post-I would rather read anything in a newspaper or news magazine than watch a half hour news show by ABC, CBS,NBC, There isn’t enough in depth coverage on those TV shows.

3. Newsweek- I liked this magazine a lot but have not read a copy in a long time.

4. Prevention- Probably another real favorite for me. I use to subscribe through Amazon. I don’t presently have any subscriptions at all .

5. Readers Digest is also a great magazine. Good articles about relevant subjects and some stories and light hearted reading material.

6. Birds and Blooms-Never subscribed but was able to read a lot of their magazines when I spent a summer with the Purple Martin Association.

7. Mother Earth News - Used to subscribe to this for awhile when I was raising children, sheep, and Dairy Goats.

8. Practical Horseman/Horse&Rider- Both good magazines for expert advice. Keep up with the trends pretty well.

9. Bird Talk-I did subscribe to this magazine for awhile. It t was an excellent advice magazine for pet bird owners. There were lots of story articles about real owners and problems.

10. When I was in high school there was a news and magazine store in a town near us. The owner would order in a copy of a dog magazine for me. I saved my allowance to buy it once a month. I cannot remember the title. Seems like it had a lot of advertisements for puppies of different breeds. Lots of pictures. It was Dog World magazine.

Presently, I do not subscribe to any magazines. I read a lot of articles on the computer. In life I go through phases of having money for magazines and not having money for magazines. I read some magazines free through Prime once in awhile. This list may tend to date my progress through life. Dog magazines on Amazon tend to be more informative and relate better training information than the one from my youth. Keith has had a subscription for many years to Pennsylvania's Game News which I read sometimes

October 7, 2020 at 10:50am
October 7, 2020 at 10:50am
Two new prompt answers for this week.

owl for signature use Read a whole book yesterday. Cold is still with us. I fear a really cold winter this year.

A. What is the most expensive thing you want to buy right now.

Want to buy a multifuel stove for our home. We have a very nice propane 99 percent efficiency furnace for our home. Two years ago the price of propane to us went out of our buying power. We reverted to our older model wood furnace. This year the wood furnace may not be practical. Besides, I’ve been against the use of wood for some years for environmental reasons.

The problem is once you get into a groove it is difficult to get out of it financially. Don’t even know how it will play out yet. An elderly couple in another part of the state froze to death some years ago, because they could not buy fuel. Interesting that this would keep recurring to me during a pandemic year? Sometimes, I can’t stop thinking about something that occurred to someone else but, did not actually happen to anyone I know personally.

Time to shrug my shoulders and move on to a solution.*Owl2*

B. Share a memory about a family member.

I have good memories about my Dad. Besides working in a local factory he also milked cows and shipped a small amount of milk weekly. This was back in the late 1950’s. The barn in the winter was a great place to be during milking time. It was always warm in the barn from the insulation of the hay mow above the basement of the barn, where the animals, were kept and because of the body heat from the animals. While I played with brownie, Dad’s dog. Dad would be pitching loose hay out of the mow to the 3 cows in stanchions. He milked by hand and while he milked he sang spiritual songs. One of my favorites was “Swing Low Sweet Chariot.” I heard it so many times sung in his voice, that when I want to revisit a memory of Dad, I can still hear that song echoing in the barn, in his voice, with the swish, swish rhythm of the milk hitting the bucket.

I’ve always found that clean barns in the winter are warm and welcoming. The animals are happy to be fed and appreciate the company of the person doing the chores. They like music and enjoy the breakup of winter monotony each day.

Dad did not sing this song like this but, I do. *Laugh*

Dad"s Version/ so cool.*Cool*

A Time When a Battle Hymn is needed!!

An extra from Johnny Cash. Thank-you Johnny!!

October 5, 2020 at 4:21pm
October 5, 2020 at 4:21pm
Week 1 -- 3 posts

signature dancing owl

Took time to do theses answers to prompts over the weekend.

B. Three things that made me smile yesterday. Two of our cats were having a friendly wrestling match

. I was reading a book “Play Dead,” by Leslie O'Kane. There were several places that made me laugh.It’s a murder mystery. The Protagonist is a dog psychologist, who is trying to start up a business helping people with dog problems. Parts of it are light hearted entertainment.

Read on.

C. Write about the best book you’ve read this year.

I’ve read a lot of excellent books this year. Two that I’ve read recently that I really enjoyed are

1. The Red Tent

2.Innocence by Dean Koontz

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant was an audio book and it took longer to read. Audio always takes longer because I listen slower than I read. It was a fabricated historical story about Jacob and his wives. Mostly, it was about women’s lives at the time in history when Jacob was taking wives. Even though the story is historical fiction it sheds a lot of light on the reasons our society is run by males.

Innocence was about the downfall of a civilization, and the cruelty people do to people, in a time similar to the one we live in now.

Now I’m reading Connecting With Life by Martin Summer. It’s a breathing environmental subject. How to connect with the earth and environment while living in a suburban environment. So far, it is just about the earth and why people need to be connected to wild things, trees, plants, lawns, bears, deer, bunnies, dogs, cats, birds, etc...

Read on.

C. Is there a story behind your middle name? If not make one up?

I was told that my 5 year old brother had a girl friend named Judith and he wanted me to be named after her. As for my middle name, Diane, no one ever said anything to me about it so I would have to make up a story.

Instead of a story how about a history lesson? My go to place for information is often Google. This time google related the name Diana and Diane.There are possibly more different spellings that are related to the historical aspects of the name.

Diana in Roman history is the mythological Goddess of hunt, forests, and childbirth. The Greeks also thought of the Goddess Diana as the Goddess of Hunt. Interesting facts may reveal that female animals of some species are better hunters than the males.

In the Anglo-Saxon version of Diane it refers to a valley. To a specific valley that the tribes of Great Britain settled at that time.

The Biblical name portrays luminous perfection and references to a woman, who knows future occurrences before they happen.

If you go any deeper into the use of the name you have to dig through Gothic demonization of different situations. As the church, any of them, moves through history it changes its’ attitude toward situations. That type of thought change is often aided by scientific examination of facts. So, what is demonized in one instance by religious misunderstanding may simply become another form of moving on in a new age.

I wonder if any child should be saddled with a name that someone, who is without knowledge, may lay a centuries old meaning on. Therefore, treat that child in a contemptuous manner.

To relate this to my recent reading of the book The Red Tent, which culminates in the story about Jacob’s daughter by Leah who was raped. Her name in the story is spelled Deana. The story relates her characteristics to the ancient definitions of the name. Deana became a midwife in the story. If you decide to read the book you should read the Biblical account first. In comparison one version of the story, does not visual the other version well. However, I think you will understand the reasons the author wrote The Red Tent as a historical comparison.

I did find the phonic, Gothic, Latin, and other forms of syllable meaning but, chose not to extend this into that depth of explanation. It is enough to say in today’s world it is just a name.

Have a Nice Day.

October 1, 2020 at 4:07pm
October 1, 2020 at 4:07pm
What does Autumn mean to you.

owl for signature use


When I think of Autumn I think of subdued skies. Where I live we get cloudier weather. The leaves on the trees turn red, yellow, orange and fall from the limbs. This turns the trees a darker color bare against the blue sky. The bark even seems darker in color.

October is a warning month. Sometimes it is warm and welcoming weather. Other times, it is windy, rainy grouchy weather, that seems to want winter to walk in. I really prefer the variations of green in the summer time to the multicolored leaves of Autumn that are sprinkled all over the lawn in greater depth, with each passing wind storm. It gets cooler to cold in Autumn. Changing climates are part of the weather transition.

It is also the time when sweet corn, one of my favorites is in season. Apples are dropping from the trees. Wild life of all sorts are raiding the fruit under the trees in the afternoon and evening. Autumn is an active month because of all the insistent changes going on from harvest and weather.

Autumn hosts it’s own personality.
September 30, 2020 at 11:15am
September 30, 2020 at 11:15am
Congratulations on making it to the last day of the competition! What was your favorite prompt from the last month? What was the most rewarding aspect of participating in the competition? Did you learn anything about yourself or your fellow bloggers?

signature dancing owl *Thought*

I enjoy the prompts. They make me think. Some of the prompts I recognize, from other times, so try to find a new twist. I always like the one about silence, because I really appreciate real silence. I enjoy the comments since it gives me interaction with other humans and shows me where the blog thoughts are originating. I enjoyed the humor. Lighthearted expression keeps us from obsessing about covid 19 and being isolated.

Keep good thoughts, throw away bad ones.

Merit Badge in Cheerleading
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Congratulations on finishing your  [Link To Item #monthlyreading]  goals for June 2018 *^*Bookopen*^*!

September 29, 2020 at 11:03am
September 29, 2020 at 11:03am
List the top ten things you most desire in life and the top ten things you are most grateful for.

signature dancing owl *WaterDrop*

Always Grateful

Grateful for:

First of all, I find it difficult to chose a top ten since I am grateful for everything also grateful for lots of people who I have no contact with.

1. The Messiah. Yashua HaMashiach.

2. Health--recently, I was accused of flaunting my health. I'm astonished that being joyful and being able to continue to do some work is seen as flaunting. I have to work at staying healthy. I was taught work ethics as a child. Maintenance of body, soul, and home are irritatingly always necessary. There are lots of people my age or close to my age running around doing whatever is necessary in life. Maybe the accusations are coming, because I'm the only ageing person the accusers have noticed lately. Widen your outlook.

(note: Where I live they make special times for the elderly to do their shopping. Over the years the governing body seems to think isolating elderly people from young people is good. I'm not convinced segregation of age groups is ever good.)

3. My children. all four of them, because they each have a different personality and approach lifes problems in their own way.

4. Pets.

5. Knowledge. I wanted to take a new course this fall. I had to put it off because K had a lot of tests for his heart done this summer. Maybe by winter.

6. Music

7. Winter heat in the house.

8. All the mowing was easier this year because K and my third son put an old tractor into production, that is working really well. It makes the job easier and faster. The property looks neater on a regular basis.

9. The ability to see needs, even when I am helpless to supply solutions.

10. K is getting help with furnishing his medications and that is a blessing.

Most Desired: I'm not so sure these are necessarily in order. Most of these things are immediate thoughts.

1 . A second dog.

2. Continued health.

3. Winter house heat. This includes the continued getting outside things ready for winter. We are making some progress.

4. To speak honestly with my first two sons. To understand their life struggles, To know they are safe now with the pandemic. (This is a long standing problem. Up to now nonnegotiable)

5. I would like to know more about what is going on in this neighbor hood??? I'm not a nosy person just an interested citizen.

6. To continue to gain knowledge.

7. To gain back my level in the Township game. When they updated I lost a level 78 township and 500 township dollars a really despicable loss.

8. To find out who K has been letting into the house over the last 40 years and why they meddle in my life? (this is a biggy).

9. I also have concerns about things like the violence in the USA, the election, women's rights and other problems, that I have no control over but nevertheless think about regularly and wish for solutions.

10. Flooring and wallboard in a couple more rooms. And to redo the upstairs bathroom, garbage collection, Spray for the fruit trees before next spring, Spray for the dog pen before next season. (odds and ends)

These lists gave me trouble because there is a lot to think about when you say Most and add it to desire and grateful.

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne

September 28, 2020 at 9:40am
September 28, 2020 at 9:40am
If you were forced to eliminate every physical possession from your life with the exception of what could fit into a single backpack, what would you put in it?

owl for signature use *BackpackBr*

Why? I need to know where and why. I have gone over this in my mind before. House fire is one reason. Watching media coverage of California burning is another. Eviction because of monetary entrenchment can be another. Extraction for any reason.

So. Just the backpack. Kindles, solar charger, USB wires for charging, cell phone. Dog food,cat food, parrot food and dog dish. If it is extraction, Parrots and cats get loaded into kennels. Dog goes with me on a leash. clean underwear especially socks. At least one change of clothing. A journal and pens. Human snacks and cans of food. Could be tuna, salmon, gravy, beans. I'm assuming military backpack with lots of places to hang things. bottled water, blankets, shampoo,a couple bars of Kirk's soap, tooth paste and brush. Maybe throw in some herbs and coconut oil. Olive oil and pan for cooking and heating water.A cup and some bags of loose tea. Hooded sweatshirt and a couple t-shirts. Depending on whatever circumstance I should try to take my dogs blanket. He really is attached to it.

Rechargeable flashlights rechargeable radio, lately I wished I had bought a laptop because they are portable. I would tie on a sleeping bag if I had one but, I don't. a small tent if I had one but I don't. Also wish I had harnesses for the cats. But, I don't.

I have a small pillow that came with my dog that is the neatest pillow. {It's two washcloths sewn together stuffed with a piece of foam. Washes great, holds it's form, and is just enough comfort in an emergency. It would pack easy too.)Probably my revolver. Of course my ID and important papers, bible, and flip dictionary as books. Any other book I need would be on my kindle. Books are heavy to transport but these two are necessary.

See where I am going is important because if I'm never coming back or moving to another place or running away I might take more or try for less? I really can't travel lightly any more, so hope I don't have to walk very many miles to get where I'm going. I'm kind of concerned about what I leave behind for others to find. Might need a bonfire before I go.

We camped as a family a couple different years. I made up packages of pancake mix, oatmeal mix for breakfast to take. Quick and easy to make.Packed well in plastic sandwich bags for travel. Mix with water cook over an open fire, eat.

There use to be a tent city in a county near here. It was homeless people who had aided each other and set up this place where they all had a tent and helped each other with meals and needs. The county government ran them off. It made me angry and disturbed. Media did a story on them. They had pets and children with them. Just up and disappeared tents kids, pets, and all one night. Someone said they went south for warmer weather.

Just read an article about President Trump's fight with Montana ranchers over access roads to public lands. Really I guess the fight is with the forest service. Guess we won't go there.

OK. If this was real I might revise it some. So, just need to know where and why?

Merit Badge in Blog Camping
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I would travel to the ends of the earth with you. It was a very enjoyable blogging experience. Thank you for participating. *^*Heart*^* Lyn *Earth*

September 27, 2020 at 9:49am
September 27, 2020 at 9:49am
We are nearing the end of the month, and as always, I need your help to fill the Challenge War Chest with new prompts! In your entry today, write three of your own blogging prompts and then use one of them to complete your entry.

owl for signature use

1. Tell about an experience you have had with nature walks, hiking, boating, camping, or even driving a car on a road trip?

2. Write about something in today's news.

3. Find something about a new technological gadget, explain it and talk about it.

Ring and Drone

I'm using my prompt labeled with a three. Something I just learned is this is the time of year Amazon releases new products or new features of older products.

Recently, they released a new feature for their Smart Security Brand they call Ring. On TV advertisements Ring at your door can send video to your phone about who pressed the door bell.

You can speak to a delivery person and even open the door lock from another room, then re lock the door behind the delivery person when they leave.

The new product coming out next year attached to Ring is a small drone that can be set by an app on your phone to fly preset patterns inside your home. It has a small camera capable of taking film and sending it to the cloud. It has a motion detector that will send the drone to a place in the home where it is detecting motion. And, it can respond to fly a preset path if the alarm on Ring goes off.

PACKAGE SNATCHERS AND BURGLARS BEWARE! Wish I had this when I still had horses in the barn. Even now, it might be interesting to find out what kind of activity goes on out there with rats, mice, stray cats and the occasional possum. Really, I wouldn't mind if it had night vision and I could fly it around the outside of the house and barn once in awhile after dark.

Something to add to my $5,000 wish list. A drone with night vision, a camera, programmable to an app on my phone.

Merit Badge in Point of View
[Click For More Info]

Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne

September 26, 2020 at 9:14am
September 26, 2020 at 9:14am
It’s apple-picking season where I live and I’m so excited! Write about your favorite seasonal activities. What is something that only comes once a year, but you always look forward to?

owl for signature use *Construction*

I always look forward to the seasons for sweet corn, apples, strawberries, cherries, and just fresh produce of lots of different kinds.

I like haying season. I watch the fields grow green and the timothy, orchard grass mix grow up from my window by the computer. As the grasses grow taller it blots out whatever is beyond the field, including forest and wildlife.

Then the field gets cut. The haybine leaves long rows of curing grass laid out on the field. After the proper amount of time curing, the rake rolls the hay up into long continuous rows of grass like cream rolls without the cream. The baler rolls along picking up the long rows-smash, smash,kersmash-then cuts the twine on the bales, kerchunk. It has a specific rhythm that tells you how long the bales are going to be. As the baler moves along the field becomes mowed green grass.

The deer come out in the evening to graze. A flock of wild Turkeys come out of the woods in a single file. They stretch themselves down one side of the field then sweep across the field eating insects and grasses as they go. Now that the field is down I can see the woods. Wild apple trees along the edge of the field are visible.

The smell of fresh hay in the storage barns is delicious. When crops are finished and stored for winter there is a feeling of accomplishment. It's also a sign that winter will be soon upon us. My dad taught me to pull a long piece of orchard grass from the stem and eat the moist part at the bottom. It is delicious like eating cucumber.

Found this poem on the internet. I did not know if I should copy it but it is very accurate so here is a link https://www.scrapbook.com/poems/doc/34607.html

I looked haying poems on Google was surprised about how many there are. The leaves are just beginning to turn on a few trees. One more week and there will be a big change.

Winter is on its' way. *TulipR*

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