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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
July 22, 2015

I'm going to start today to record on a daily basis whatever happens to strike my fancy. So, it is a very cool breezy day. I just posted 5 short book reviews to The Monthly Reading Challenge. I'm suppose to put away some winter wood today from the woodpile outside but I'm playing hookey from work to write so starting this blog will get done.

I'm having a daily fight with a flock of English Sparrows that are trying to take over my barn. They are making a terrible mess so they have to go. I have destroyed several nests so far they don't leave but they get out of the barn when I am around. I'm just starting the fight so I guess I don't know how far I have to go to discourage them.

I'm trying not to spread myself to thin on WDC because I find so many things that are interesting here and I am trying to work on a new story. I really enjoy sitting at my desk with a cup of tea and reading blogs on WDC.

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November 19, 2020 at 12:36pm
November 19, 2020 at 12:36pm
Share a time when an interaction with a stranger had an affect on you.

owl for signature use*Shield9*

When we start raising different inconsistent truths, life may tip into bewilderment and the brain may go haywire. The confrontation between what is, not is, and maybe is, might embed an enduring showdown, harboring an intense apprehension, and bring us sometimes unwittingly to our knees ("The hidden sides of his character" )”
― Erik Pevernagie :https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/confrontation

Almost all significant interactions with strangers have some affect on me. I am the kind of person that usually does not register an affect until later. Or the affect may go unnoticed, because it isn’t immense. I can just shake it off or scream about it hours, days, or years later. Hence my constant work on mindfulness.

I’ve had a lot of interaction with strangers. Most generally, people who come here may be strangers to me, but not necessarily strangers to K or relatives of K or my brother or some cousin's acquaintance. I’m often left wondering, who sent someone to my home without telling me? So, picking one incident or another isn’t special, because there are many.

Many years ago, I don’t really remember when this occurred. Sometime in the 1980’s maybe. I was unloading a small load of manure from cleaning horse stalls. An automobile came up the drive. An elderly man got out and approached. He was a thin and wiry type of person. Maybe he was not as elderly as I thought at first. Possibly late 50’s which today isn’t really elderly. I would have been in my 30’s. His clothes were worn work clothes. Not dungarees, a type of work pant worn in shops around the area. Dark tan with a matching shirt of the same color. Heavy work shoes as well. Not well kept up either. He said he came to talk to me about the boat I sold him. I didn’t sell him or anyone else a boat. I told him that, pretty much exactly as I stated it.

He knotted his hands at his sides into fists. His eyes were hard and nasty. And he argued. A simple argument. Yes. You did. No. I didn’t. This went back a forth between us a couple times with me staring straight into his eyes for emphasis. With each statement his agitation grew. He took a couple quick strides in my direction. I menacingly raised my pitch fork. He stopped, not really too close. About 6 feet between us. Then he just turned around got back in his vehicle and left.

At one time, I owned a boat, which I gave to one of K’s cousins, because it was not being used and the weather was depreciating it. I told K about the incident but, I never learned, who the man was or why he thought I sold him a boat. Because I never learned any more about the incident, it has become one of those unresolved memories that flies into my mind some times. The unanswered question. What was he intending to do to me? What would have happened if I had to use the pitch fork?

Not the last time I had to threaten a stranger with a pitch fork either. This was 10 or 15 years before home invasions started around this rural area. Also 15 or 20 years before the women of the area started getting license to carry permits. I have a small amount of these stranger stories stored in memory. I have several, but one is too many, I think. To me it makes me think as I age, that our country is more dangerous as the years move on? Also, younger people in the area, without a thought about aging are inclined to make fun of or threat the elderly as if we have no minds of our own. *Pthb* .

Merit Badge in Risk Taker
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November 17, 2020 at 12:31pm
November 17, 2020 at 12:31pm

Write about the biggest risk you ever took. What was the result?
In your entry today, plan yourself the perfect day. Who would you see? Where would you go? What would you do? How do you spoil yourself?

signature dancing owl *Type*

Started out the day with cinnamon apricot tea. Went to sleep last night with green grass and green fields woke up to 2 inches of snow and climbing. Now have 3 inches blowing in the wind and coating all the trees. I tried to get a blog done yesterday but could not get the busy work caught up. Today I'm combining yesterdays prompt and today's because what we did today was kind of risky.

November 16, 2020

I guess I’m a risk taker. I once read an article in a magazine about people who take on jobs that they are not suited for are risk takers, so that makes me what I am.

Two different riding instructors told me I was too short and too underweight to ride the horses I was riding. One instructor was so worried about my size he took me off a lippizaner, that I had been encouraged to use in lessons because the owner wanted the horse to get some jumping experience.

I was married the first time when I was 18. I left home immediately to live in North Dakota.

I traveled to the Panama Canal Zone with my 9 month old son alone.

All my stories contain some type of risk because I never once considered whether I could or would be able to complete what I endeavored to do. I cannot settle on one since my whole life I have been taking one risk or another. I guess jumping my 3 year old horse in training over a hay wagon was a biggie, I know the teacher was dismayed.

November 17, 2020

I would not go anywhere today. Blizzard going outside. First Blizzard of the year. Suppose to be in the 50’s next week. Three inches of snow down now.

As for the day. We spent the morning moving two easy chairs to the family room in the basement. The corn stove is chugging and it is really cosy in the family room. I don't plan special days any more. I do make a plan for what I will do each day. Sometimes I follow the plan sometimes not.

Over the years the family room has changed according to the need. Now with the corn stove there, it is a cosy sitting room. I’m going to sit and read all afternoon. This morning the dog and I ventured out to fill bird feeders. I cleaned steps and salted them. And shoveled snow off the back part of a porch that does not have a roof cover on it.

People in their 70’s moving furniture from one floor of the house to another is a risk. Once accomplished it is good to know it worked well. I’ve been missing blogging days because each day lately seems stuffed with get it done things. Maybe the snow will slow down some of my projects.

I can get back to blogging and writing. News is pushing corona again so keep safe.
November 12, 2020 at 11:21am
November 12, 2020 at 11:21am
This book is a Hoot! *BookStack3*

Imagine you are invited to a party celebrating your favorite book. The dress code asks you to dress up as your favorite character. Who or what do you dress up as?

The last time we did this prompt I dressed up as the apprentice, in “The Last Apprentice” by Joseph Delaney. It is still one of my favorite books.

But, to do justice to the many books I’ve read, I could surprise you by dressing up as Dinah from “The Red Tent’” by Anita Diamant. I just read it this summer.

Or an FBI agent in the more recent series I am reading, book 2 now, Atlee Pine, from “A minute to Midnight, by David Baldacci..

I am also fond of Sister Jane from the series about hunting with horses by Rita Mae Brown or Anna Pigeon the forest ranger from the series by Nevada Barr.

There are so many good choices. Please be sure I get my invitation at least a week before. I may have to put pieces of paper in a jar with names on it Shake it up and pick one out to choose.
November 9, 2020 at 11:31am
November 9, 2020 at 11:31am
Write about something you own that is weird, wacky, or downright silly. Where did you get it and what significance does it hold for you?

signature dancing owl *Crayons6*

The child's toys and the old man's reasons are the fruits of two seasons. William Blake

Read more:{link: https://www.wiseoldsayings.com/toy-quotes/#ixzz6dJdzQMf7}

I Still Play With Toys

When I went to college my daughter gave me a pencil case. It is a tiger, with a zipper in its’ back. It is pink, purple, and yellow with black spots. It has a loop in the back of its’ neck I can use to carry it or hang it up somewhere.

The front end, (head, chest, and front feet) are stuffed. The back end, (tail and back feet are stuffed. So it will stand up on the desk. The long middle is where the pencils are kept.

It’s 3 inches high, 2 inches wide, and 10 inches long. Plus the tail which is another 4 inches, but not stuffed so it just dangles. It is also washable.

I really like mechanical pencils so the tiger holds highlighters, mechanical pencils, extra lead, and usually an extra pen or two. I still use it on my desk. My mechanical pencils and lead use to come up missing so keeping them in one spot is an advantage.

It also is one of the places I keep my crocheted doll. One year I crocheted a tiny doll with pigtails , a hat, dress, and shoes, out of variegated crochet thread. She is my friend. I started carrying her to school with me in my pencil case. Now she rides with me in my purse because the pencil case stays on my desk.

She is about an inch wide and 3 inches long. She is soft with just a little stuffing in the legs, middle and head to give her form. Because of her size she fits in pockets, purses, or just little places when she wants to ride along. Human nonsense to sooth the raging spirit.
November 7, 2020 at 2:01pm
November 7, 2020 at 2:01pm
It's said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Describe something that you think is beautiful or attractive that someone else might consider unattractive or ugly.

Owl with signature

I have a brown tea cup. It's light brown on the outside and dark brown on the inside. The color on the outside isn't done properly. There is a white flower on it and it looks like the white color ran when it was fired or however it was manufactured. There are a few dark brown vines swirling around the flower. It was a second and I paid 99 cents for it in a department store. It was the only one like it on the store shelf . A soon as I saw it I wanted it. There really isn't anything special about it, but I really like to drink my tea from it.. It is a perfect circle across the top and round enough to warm my hands on while I drink my tea.

Sometimes when I see it I wonder why I Like it so much. It's just a cup?

November 6, 2020 at 10:30am
November 6, 2020 at 10:30am
signature dancing owl *Unicorn*

Would you ever take a trip to a place "off the grid?" Where would you go?

I think I am off the grid. But, I guess a state park would be more off the grid than my home. Just a trip would be fun but, isn’t going to happen because I have lots of pets.

I could take the dog with me maybe. But, not the parrots and cats. Well, my kitten (two years old) would love a trip as long as she can sleep safe. Also, it is a problem to hire someone I could trust to house sit. I used to nag K to go to places around that offer trails to bike ride and walk on but, it just isn’t his thing.

If the situation was right I think a dude ranch or trip to a riding establishment would be fun. Right now a trip around the block in the car seems kind of fun.

Covid isn't conducive to thinking about new environments.

So, I think we are as far off the grid as we are going to be for now.

Merit Badge in Blog Camping
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I would travel to the ends of the earth with you. It was a very enjoyable blogging experience. Thank you for participating. *^*Heart*^* Lyn
November 6, 2020 at 10:05am
November 6, 2020 at 10:05am
Imagine the year is 2030. Write about what has happened in your life over the last decade in the past tense.
Dear Me:

signature dancing owl

Imagine the year is 2030. Write about what has happened in your life over the last decade in the past tense.

Dear Me:

It’s been ten years more now. Ten years doesn’t sound like much when you are constantly learning about new things.

Home security is big business even for small incomes. There are lots of new gadgets out there like flashlights and batteries that charge with USB. Drones are used more for security in the cities. We even have a drone that we can program to skim the walking trails once in awhile.

Most people have changed over to greener appliances. There are more windmills since they learned to make them bird safe. Solar took off, as well so we have a lot of ways to bring in electricity. I’m still fond of my corn heat. That’s because I like going to bed warm and waking up warm. Only now, I have a corn furnace to go along with the stove which uses the existing heat runs.

If it’s possible I’m slower and my hair is whiter. The mortgage is paid so I’m putting in a lift so I don’t have to walk up and down stairs 40 times a day. Just for the exercise I still use the stairs sometimes.

We built horse and walking trails and took on a few horse boarders to offset the tax burden.

The three cats and now two dogs are still around. I take the dogs walking along the trails. They like getting out of the house.

I changed my desktop to a laptop a few years ago. WIFI has become more stable as the years move along. Covid 19 was conquered and the world was more prepared for the 2nd pandemic. It was almost cleared out before it began.

The USA began educating children and turning lots of smart brains toward science. The medicine business started leaning toward the natural way to achieve health. I am working on a new degree. It took me a few years to decide which one to go after. WDC is still around. Too many people can't do without it. Quite a large crowd on the site now.

Ten years isn’t enough but, the world is definitely changing. Looks like the next generation has a chance at making their mark.
November 4, 2020 at 12:19pm
November 4, 2020 at 12:19pm
owl for signature use *Cart*

Details, details, details... Pick something in your view and describe it in as precise detail as possible without naming what the object is. See if you can get your readers to guess what object you're describing.

What Am I?

The object has metal parts, plastic parts, and paper parts. Two round plastic wheels on a moveable axle are 2 inches in diameter with ridges and grooves.It Also has a word on each dial. The dials are black. The metal is one continuous piece forming a C on two sides, also black. There are two black plastic rings in the center. The paper is white and heavy, two inch by 4 inch pieces, attached to black plastic rings.

Corn Stove!

This next part is specifically for the people who wanted to hear more about my Corn Stove. It was scheduled to arrive on October 31, a Friday. However, The shipping company dropped it at a warehouse in Erie, Pa. on Thursday. The warehouse was not expecting it and refused to deliver it until Monday November 2.

The first snow storm of the season hit over the weekend which was irritating, because our heating was inadequate for the season as it was. Plus, I had installation help lined up for Friday and Saturday, not for Monday. Anyway, they delivered early Monday. K went down to the road with the 4 wheeler and wagon and the truck driver unloaded it onto an elevator ramp which was nice because the elevator was stopped at the height of the wagon and they were able to just push it into the wagon. When K got it up to the back door he put the movers, cart up to the wagon strapped the stove onto it and between the two of us we were able to get it in the back door and into the place it was suppose to set in our family room.

Next, we read the directions. and installed the legs. After work my son took K to get the pipe needed to build the exhaust. On November 3rd the two of us worked on different parts of the installation and we had it running by the end of the day. So, last night it ran all night and we got up to a warm house. Yay!.

The stove is Approximately 30 inches by 28 inches high. I'm not sure this is exact height.. It has adjustable legs which make it higher when they are installed. It has a glass door so you can see the fire.

You can read the specifications on pinnacle.com. Pinnacle is the seller. The Company name is Global stoves. It has a hopper that holds about 40 lbs of corn at a time. It runs a fan that blows out heat. there is a thermostat that aromatically drops corn into the burner depending on how high you set the temperature.

Corn burns down to a point where the ash forms something called a clinker. The clinker has to be removed about twice in a 24 hour period. It takes about 10 seconds to turn off the stove, open the door take out the clinker, shut the door, and turn the stove back on. If you do it properly the fire continues to burn and it is an easy part of keeping the stove clean and running.

There is an intake for clean air and an exhaust pipe that goes outside. We have a farming community that is set up to grow and dry corn specifically for burning in stoves.

A 60 year old male and a 75 year old female set this stove up. It is so easy to install and comes with good directions. A company man called us and told us some special things about the stove that was very helpful. Plus, they gave us telephone and email addresses to keep in touch. Very helpful people who want to insure their product works.

Last year I spent a lot of time splitting wood for the wood furnace. Me, I split the wood. This is so much easier and runs all night. The wood furnace would go out at night and the house would cool clear down then have to be reheated from the beginning again.

The blower, auger for the corn, and thermostat run on electricity. On the website where the specifications are it says the stove will run on electricity provided by solar so you can be warm even if the electricity goes out. we usually don't worry about losing electricity because we are on a rural electric co. , but since I am also working on setting up a home solar energy network it was a selling point for me.

This particular corn stove has a patented part of it that throws the heat out the heat vents and keeps it away from the exhaust pipes. I can actually lay my hand on the exhaust pipe and not get burned.

This stove is safe to run. My pets will be safe around it and I'm sure it would be OK to leave it run and shop. It has an automatic shut off encase the fire goes out. I usually reserve judgment about a new product until I have it a while, but so far I'm really happy we invested in this stove. I recommend it to anyone considering alternative heat.

Merit Badge in Risk Taker
[Click For More Info]

Thank you for reading and commenting in my blog!
November 3, 2020 at 12:00pm
November 3, 2020 at 12:00pm
signature dancing owl *Goggles*

Write about a time when you were "thrown in the deep end." This can be taken literally or figuratively.
November 3, 2020

Literally? I can’t remember one time. I was always afraid of deep water but, my first husband taught me to swim. I’m still not the most efficient swimmer but, at least I can swim some. When we vacationed we spent a lot of time fishing from a boat.

I like to fish. My Dad and Granddad took me and my brother fishing sometimes. When you go out in a boat you really ought to know how to swim . Just in case.

October 28, 2020 at 11:06am
October 28, 2020 at 11:06am

Fairy playing a flute

Describe your favorite candy:

My favorite candy was spiced gumdrops. They had to be made with corn syrup or I could not eat them. Even today, I do better with candy made with corn syrup, than candy made with sugar.

I gave up a lot of candy for many years. Except for homemade fudge. Now, we eat various kinds of chocolate. I bought M&Ms for my monthly treat. I actually prefer a lot of different kinds of nuts to candy.


Write an entry inspired by monsters, zombies, and vampires

An interview with Count Dracula for FORWARD PRESS by Apondia:

As I entered the castle across a lowered drawbridge. It looked like serious rot was showing across the whole of the bridge. I tiptoed around the obvious holes and was careful to tap some parts of the surface before putting weight on it with one of my feet.

The castle main was heavy stone so it seemed as safe a place to enter as we would see during today's jaunt into the unknown.

As soon as I entered into a hallway with a ceiling high enough to drive a truck into; someone I think is human undead approaches me. She is quite tall, wearing a long filmy white dress spotted with dark blood red spots that seem to drip down from her throat onto the dress. She was holding one hand up against her throat. When she came within 5 feet of me she stopped. With a colorless, glassy stare she beckoned me with one hand, turned and moved soundlessly out a west side doorway.

This action seemed brazen to me. I had expected to be told odd facts today since this was the first exclusive the Count had allowed in many years. Nevertheless, I would like to get a closer look at the woman’s neck where she continued to place the palm of one hand.

We traveled not to far down a hall into another room. This new area was comfortably furnished. The rug underfoot was modern in plush fabric and coloring. An odd pattern of blood red and black swirls. The same pattern was woven in a smaller way into the chairs and sofa.

Aha. Apondia. You have arrived right on time. Can you be seated for a moment it seems Alyssa has a minor problem I need to fix.

As I chose a very soft and form fitting comfortable chair and took out my pen and pad, Count Dracula was motioning Alyssa to come closer. However, he was standing next to a very modern electric fireplace. It was one of those that have pretend flames leaping and dancing across a screen.

Alyssa shook and trembled and backed away from him. Oh bother Alyssa the fire is not real. I guess you don’t feel the heat though, do you? Just see the flames. “ Come here immediately,” he ordered.

Hesitantly, she obeyed . The Count took a roll of gauze out of his pocket and began to roll it round and round her neck. Red oozed into the white of the gauze but did not seem to be flowing freely down her garment any longer.

Now run along to the kitchen my dear. Tell cook to bring some good English tea and some of those cookies I bought at the store. No. Um, not the ones we eat at the castle. Something purchased from the town grocery would be better for this visit. Apondia isn’t one of us. I think she would not appreciate castle made fare.

As she turned to go, Dracula settled into a chair opposite me. Now, exactly what are we talking about here today.

As you know Count Dracula, I started.

Just Dracula will be fine Apondia.

OK. As you know this time of year the minds of people turn to things other than the living and your name comes up a lot. I had a few questions that would enlighten the public who read our publication.

He rubs his chin. Some things maybe people shouldn’t know but ask your questions and we will see what comes up. Pardon me while I turn the lights a little lower. He touched a dial on the arm of his chair and the lighting became very low with just enough to barely see where to put my pen to paper.

There, I think better in a darker area.

Tell me a little about your name?

Well of course you know Brom Stoker, who created me in his story Dracula, took the name from Vlad III. It’s origin is from a word which describes a dragon or mm sometimes Drac is for the devil. Dracula smiled a kind of intimidating smirky smile.

Why did you want to move from Transylvania to England?

Eligible maidens were coming up missing right and left out there in Transylvania. I guess parents were moving away from the castle and taking their daughters with them. I’m not really to blame, you know. Over the years it’s been proven in many a writing that vampires can be exceptionally desirable.

How did you become a vampire Dracula?

Let’s see that was a long time ago. Oh yes, I remember now, that was the black magic. I was very wicked to use it, wasn’t I. I did it for eternal love of Mina. I did meet her again, in England, you know?

Why are you afraid of crosses?

Dracula tipped his head sideways and rested his forehead in his palm. I heard him mumble something.

I’m sorry I couldn’t hear what you said?

He rose up out of the chair and turned on me with a frightful look. Why do you want to know that?

It’s just one of the things that are often mentioned in vampire stories. People do get curious about it you know.

If you must know it’s very drafty in this castle and sometimes in any castle. He shook his head back and forth and sat suddenly with a plop into his chair. There are ancient ideas that I ignored when I was mixing up that magic potion. It’s got to do with that old book.

Which old book? I asked. Was I seeing what I thought I was seeing? Was Dracula’s colorless pale skin turning an embarrassed pink color?

The one the Christians use to learn about, you know... him.

You mean God?

Yeah. It seems I made a boo boo when I used magic to gain eternal life. Now, I’m stuck forever doing, what I do as a vampire. It’s boring and unusually irritating most of the time. Not only that, I can’t get away with anything really. That cross thing is a constant reminder of the way it actually worked to gain eternal life. Anyway only one person could do that, and do it right. Of course it wasn’t me. People are always picking on me with a cross as though I needed to be reminded.

Just then a plumb motherly looking lady arrived with a beautiful tea service and served us tea.

She scolded Dracula and he took it with a mollified look. Dracula you have to take a walk with the dog tonight. He has been scratching and whining all morning in the kitchen.

Something had followed her into the room. It was large, with the head of a lion, the short feet of a dachshund, and the tail of a pony dragging across the carpet. When the monster puppy sat down he flipped the tail up over his back in a curl and the long hair waved in the air.

Dracula one last question? Will you be out on Halloween night?

No. Absolutely not. To many monsters, other people’s zombies, the undead, and other vampires out that night. I’m just not as good with competition as I was when I was younger. The population of zombies and undead seems to be rising at an overpowering rate the last few years. You know what that means don't you? The important one will wake up the troops and their will be more crosses than ever to dodge. Why did I ever make that magic potion?

I finished my tea and rose to go. I do appreciate this interview Dracula.

Alyssa will make sure you make it to the drawbridge. Alyssa came gliding out from a hidden doorway.

I reached out to shake Dracula's hand.

He startled backwards in a quick move raising the short black cape he was wearing across part of his face. Is that a cross you are wearing on your bracelet? he screamed.

Oh. I'm sorry I'll just go now. I moved quickly out of the room and down the hall with Alyssa in the lead.

As I started to leave the castle and move onto the drawbridge Alyssa became more animated.

Wait, she shouted. She reached out and touched the cross on my bracelet. Can I come with you, I don't like it here. Her face was shining with a new animation.

Of Course,I exclaimed. Holding hands we fled across the crumbling moat. As we reached the other side someone else called from the castle.

The cook was scurrying toward us. " Wait for me," she called.

Behind her the monster had turned into three *Cool* animals a pony, a dachshund, and a lion.

When they left the moat behind they were frolicking on the grass in the joy of finding the light again.

When I stopped in the press room of FORWARD PRESS to write up my article for publication the editor stopped by my desk. How did your interview go? He wanted to know.

Pretty well, I said. How is Alyssa today?

She is so glad to be home. Once a year it's good to be reminded that monsters, zombies, and vampires become human again the day after Halloween.

Merit Badge in Ghost
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Thank you for your participation at the  [Link To Item #30dbc]  in October, an unofficial month! Congratulations of winning the MB for Week 3!! Kindest Regards, Lilli *Pumpkin*


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