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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/991801-A-Different-Sort-of-Wonka/cid/406145-Field-Trip
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #991801
An Alternate reality where Wonka is a woman, whom is sadistic and quite kinky...
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Chapter #3

Field Trip

    by: wraith
"Ms. Markus are we there yet?" asked Jimmy for the seemingly hundreth time that day.

"Nope, not yet Jimmy but soon." Ms. Markus said in the sweetest sounding voice she could manage at that time. Norma Markus was your typical grade school teacher, about six feet tall, shoulder length sandy hair and a fair complexion. One thing that was different about her though was how she felt about her job, she hated it. After two years she just decided it wasn't worth the pay to put up with the little brats. The constant questions, the whining, the inability to sit down for five minuets, she just wish should could do something to make it stop. Today was an excellent example of the times she had come to dread.

After a recent fundraiser that her school had held, she and the five students of her class who had made the most money had been awarded with a trip to the chocolate factory owned by the enigmatic Wilma Wonka, who had promised to meet them when they got there. This wasn't the problem, she had always wanted to visit the towns chocolate factory, But she wished she could do it without the various ten to eleven-year old company she kept.

First of all there was the aforementioned Jimmy, she cold swear that the little squirt had been taught how to speak by a skipping record player, as her was constantly repeating himself and restating the obvious.

Next was Sarah, probably the most antsy kid on the planet, as she couldn't even stay in her seat when Norma was adressing the whole class.

Then came Jeremy, a bully in every sense of the word. Always pushing and shoving and laughing at other kids just because he was a little taller than the other children. Norma wanted so much to put him in his place.

Maggie was another bad apple. No matter what anyone told her she was always listening to the little voices inside her head. She did whatever she pleased at all times of the day without listening to anyone, even if she hurt.

Finally, there was Amanda, a complete snob. Not only did she think that she was better than everyone else, she demanded to be treated better than everyone else. The best books, the best lunches, the best attention, nothing was to good for this girl and she knew it.

These were the kids that Norma was stuck with for the rest of the day, but unbeknownst to her, before this day was over, she would wish that she could have this day over and over again.

You have the following choices:

1. They arrive at the factory

2. Something happens on the bus

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/991801-A-Different-Sort-of-Wonka/cid/406145-Field-Trip