"Hey Adam" Richard says "sorry t'hear about your grandma, man, she was a sweet lady. Best cookies i ever tasted". He grinned.
Adam laughed. "Eat too many of them and you'd get fat".
"I wish!" said Richard, "Oh god I wish!"
"Well, why don't you?" Adam asked. Mentally, his mind said: 'I wish that there was a HUGE plate of cookies, just like grandma used to make, sitting in the kitchen. Make them suuuuper fattening. 200lb gain for just ONE cookie!'.
"Hungry?" Adam asked.
"Hell yeh!" Richard said, "let's eat!"
In the kitchen, Richard reaches out for two cookies togehter. He munches them down. Adam rubs his hands, hopefully...waiting...
Suddenly, Richard starts swelling up, his clothes rip! A huge double-chin forms and soon, he's standing there, 450 pounds heavier, clad only in his grey underwear!
"This is soooo COOL!!!" Richard gasps!
"Careful Rich!" Adam calls out, but it's too late, Richard starts wolfing down the cookies, there's LOTs of them there, at least a dozen. 12x200=2900 pounds!!
"Richard stop!!" Adam screams, but sure enough, it's too late...
Richard fattens up in lightning speed! His now HUGE 12yr old butt smashes onto the kitchen floor, actually cracking the tiles!! All his FAT pours over his legs, completely covering everything, all the way up to, and PAST his feet!!
Half panicked, half excited, Adam comes running back with his dad's tape-measure...
Richard's gigantic upper-arms were now soft and huge, 2.5 feet in circumfrence! He had three, huge chins and a pair of boy-tits the size of watermellons! His belly-button could take a baseball!!
"Wow!!" Richard gasps..."This is AMAZING!!"
"You like it?" Adam asks. He had to admit, Richard was now so fat, it WAS kinda cool.
"I gotta get myself FATTER!!" Richard shouts out, "a LOT FATTER!! How'd you do that?" he asks.
"This thing". Adam shows his friend the ring.
"Cool! A ring of fatness! Wish me bigger man! C'mon!"
"How much?"
"I wanna be HUGE!! No wait. I always wanted some kinda pump, that would just PUMP ME UP WITH FAT LIKE HELL!!" he screams.
Adam grins. He makes the wish. The ring glows.
A pump that looks like one of those public water-despensers at drug-stores and doctor's offices, suddenly appears. A clear plastic tube comes out from where one normally puts the cup.
Adam takes one tube and plugs it into Richard's belly-button. He sticks the other tube down Richard's throat.
"Ready?" he asks.
Richard nods, and Adam hits the switch.
Adam looks at the sheet of paper on the side of the tank: It contained: Whale-fat, seal-fat, elephant fat, pig-fat. Not to mention 50 gallons of super-saturated butter!! Wow!!! Richard's going to become a whale!