The huge Princess decided to go to Zora Domain, but first, she had to break through the Zora Domain's Border Troops in Zora River, a really big snack...but dangerous.
The Zora Border Troops were heavly armored because of the monsters who arrived from the deep Lost Woods.
The Zora Officers said to the Princess:''We're armed, you won't beat our forces, we're strong, you are only one, return to your Kingdom and stop this maddness, your attacks will be useless against our forces!!!''
''It doesn't matter, little and yummmmmy snacks'' said Zelda, ''I'M VERY HUGE AND STRONG!!!''
During the comfrontation's begin the Princess underestimated the Zora Forces, and she had to move backward some feet, but when she was able to counter-strike the Army, she crashed the Zora Artillery and get a yumy snack made of Zora Soldiers and Officers
''Don't worry little but brave snacks, your bravery will be rewarded with the highest honor, JOIN MY MIGTH AND BEAUTYFULL BODY, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!'' said Zelda to her full but not satisfied belly.
She was hungry, because the soldiers didn't enough to satisfy her ravenous stomach, and even, she began to grow again, 'til reach the 300 ft.
Suddenly, she broke into Zora Domain. The Zoras ran like hell trying to escape, but everything was useless, because th princess ate to evry Zora, because she blockaed the ways to Zora River with rocks and Lake Hilya stamping on the Tunnel.
All the Zoras tryed to escape to Zora Fountain, the deadly trap planned by Zelda.
The Princess went to the Royal Chamber, to eat the Zora's Royalty and her taisty enemy, the Princess Ruto.
But when she reached the Royal Chamber, the Royal Family was escaping by a secret Tunnel connected to Death Mountain.
Now, What will the Princess do?