Kouji decided to wait until his captor returned from doing whatever she was really doing. Beliamon had told him that she departed to make dinner, but Kouji suspected something much more sinister. In fact, Kouji believed that all he would really get for dinner was the white meat apple that she had tossed him before- the same meat apple gleamed innocently and sat directly across from him as he looked at it with great discern.
If only he had his digivice, then he could escape and return back to the others. Unfortunately, accessing the powers of his digivice wasn't going to be an option for the near future... Perhaps Beliamon had implied that she had it with her, and maybe then he could try and take it from her at night.
Kouji shook his head. There was no way he could count on such a half-baked plan. Beliamon had mentioned that darkness was her specialty, and more than likely, she could catch him in the act before he was even close to reclaiming his precious digivice. That was exactly what Takuya would have done, but at least he would have tried something.
There wasn't very much to see up in the skylight- not much, except to simply observe that it was starting to get dark out.
"I must have been out longer than I thought," Kouji grumbled to himself as he tried to stretch his stiff joints. Theoretically, if he was taken by Beliamon when he was asleep last night, then he would have woken up normally by morning, but here he was just awoken at about late afternoon by his guesses. It could only have been Beliamon's spells that put him in such long a sleep.
A loud churning, grumble came from deep within... not the caves, but Kouji's belly.
Now he felt that if there was one thing he needed, it would definitely be food. His stomach growling made him look back to the meat apple, which was directly in front of him, unmoving and unyielding and utterly appealing to the eye. It was smooth, solid, and a glossy, pale white- it could have just as well been made of ivory if he didn't know.
He remembered the first time he had meat apples. Bokumon had explained, as always, that when cooked, the snow colored apples took on the flavor of a meat... but what meat it tasted like was random and a complete suprise to the one who tasted it.
Kouji turned his thoughts away from the meat apple- he had to, it was just too tempting. There was no way Kouji would accept Beliamon's food. She had kidnapped him and was holding him hostage- why would he ever give himself over to her?
Why would he ever accept any gifts from her? That would just prove that he was weak. That's the last thing he wanted her to think, that he was just some little weakling that could be easily held hostage and taken care of. He had to put up some struggle against her and stand strong! He had to fight that temptation!
The boy in blue peered down a long, dark, cave passage. He took note that this was not the one that Beliamon had ventured down. What if he went down that mysterious passage? Where would he end up going? Perhaps to a way out, to freedom, and to his friends... or perhaps he would end up getting himself lost in a multi-layed labyrinth of catacombs that crumble and collapse ever so easily- then, almost instantaneously, he would find a quick and early grave... And even if he found a way out, the outside might be a complete wasteland or empty, dusty plain- like Beliamon said, even the Trailmon hadn't found their way here... and it all seemed hopeless... and now Kouji faced dealing with a sense of defeat, that he would have to deal with Beliamon's whims possibly forever.
While he was lamenting over his no-win scenario and sunk hopes, his mind zig-zagged and sidetracked back over to a familiar fruit.
"I wonder what flavor it really is?" he asked himself as he caught himself reaching forward to the meat apple. Quickly, he retracted his hand as if it had just touched upon a hot iron, shocked at himself. Was he that weak? He wanted to slap that reaching hand so much...
What was he thinking?
He had almost submitted himself over to that tempting present, that devious meat apple. He had almost given in to the alluring, tantalizing sensation of...
His stomach growled, groaned, and even started to pain him a little... He was starving! This was absolute torture to behold! It was horrible, and that terrible Beliamon had planned it all- she knew he would drive himself crazy over it, but when she threw it to him, it didn't seem that way. She tossed it to him lightly, almost without a second thought...
Well, he still wouldn't let himself be such a pushover... but he couldn't help but wonder if it was gingered pork, his favorite- it had always been one of his most favored of dinners and it also happened to be the flavor of his first meat apple: ginger pork, a combination of words that made his mouth water.
Suddenly, a thought came across his mind...
There was one instance he could think of- one instance only, where he could eat the meat apple, and it would be perfectly acceptable and understandable, but itwould only be in an emergency.
If Beliamon ended up abandoning him in the cave, then it would be alright for him to eat the apple, he guessed. You see, if she left him there to starve, then it would be a matter of survival. Yes, she could have been merely toying with him before...
Kouji then remembered something else- meat apples taste horrible if raw. Now he wondered if meat apples got this way if they cooled off for too long... and there was just only one way to find out.
He tried to stop himself, but then he realized that nobody was really there to stop him or even notice for that matter- besides, it was just a measly meat apple, and he was simply making a big deal about it all.
Leaning over from his crosslegged position, Kouji quickly snatched the meat apple into his grasp. He sighed to himself in pleasure and relief when he found it still warm. Then, after turning it over and around in his hands a few times, he contemplated a bit, but then took a big mouthful out of it.
Instantly, his mouth flooded with the sweet flavor of warm gingered pork- it was just too good to be true! His body swarmed with energy and increased strength as he savored the taste. It was all too good, and only a moment later he swallowed reluctantly. He looked around cautiously to make sure that nobody was looking, and then he took another bite greedily, then another, and another. He was pretty hungry, after all, and although he was content for the moment, he still had to admit he was a little hungry.
Then, hiding the meat apple core where nobody could find it, in a large crevice in the cave wall, Kouji returned to the same position he was sitting in and continued to sit for a long while. At least he was content, but he prayed that Beliamon wouldn't find out... maybe it wouldn't be as big a deal to her, though, Kouji thought again.
And so, Kouji continued to wait... and wait... and wait, in that same cross-legged position with his head down. After a while, a familiar voice and figure became apparent.
"... you just won't give up, will you? I'm telling you, you're so stubborn..." came the voice of Beliamon as she emerged from the shadows.
Kouji glared up at her but said nothing.
"Well, I hate to say it, but I've been here watching you for quite a while," Beliamon stated, "And you haven't moved since.
Kouji grew a little nervous that she might have seen him pigging out on the meat apple, weakly giving into temptation, much unlike the Warrior of Light she took him to be.
"The dinner's only going to get cold, you know," Beliamon murmured.
So she had cooked dinner after all, Kouji thought with optimism. Lowering his vision from her, Kouji muttered, "I'm sorry, but I can't accept your food."
Beliamon placed her hands on her hips and looked worried, "You're so stubborn!" she exclaimed, "Loosen up a little or you just might starve yourself to death- I didn't poison anything, for your information."
Hmm, poison, Kouji didn't think of that yet...
Kouji didn't reply, but rather gave an icy stare in response.
"And I spent all that time... Why don't you just follow me into the kitchen? I'm sure I made at least one thing you like- maybe you'll like my food as much as you did that meat apple," she grinned.
Kouji jerked nervously, blushed vividly, and felt like he was about to puke. So she had seen him.
Quickly pulling himself together, Kouji muttered, "Yeah, well... go ahead, I'll get up and see you there when I see you, when I feel like it."
"You know..." Beliamon remarked before turning around to return to the kitchen, "I'm sorry, but I have a bad feeling that you'll be sitting there feeling sorry for yourself all night long. That's just fine by me if you want to be that way," she huffed as she sashayed down the passage, her dress audibly russling against the floor, "I'll be in the kitchen if you admit you need anything."
Kouji continued to sit, his legs falling asleep, and his mind a little befuddled.