This choice: Josh lounges in the living room • Go Back...Chapter #6Mom Remote - Josh takes it easy by: Morphology  Watching his Mom drive his car out of the drive way in order to pick up his sister, Josh slowly made his way over to the couch and sat down. Propping his feet up on the table, he couldn't believe that he was living his Mom's life. He thought about getting a glass of her wine that she keeps in the garage, but decided that since she still had the remote, it would be best to not antagonize her. "I guess I can get something to snack on." He said to himself as he got up to go to the kitchen. Turning on the light, he saw his Mom in the reflection of the glass on the door. Nearly yelling out a scream, Josh brought his hands up to his chest in surprise. "What was that?" He asked as he got closer to the door to get a better look. The closer that he got to the door, the more his Mom's image disappeared.
Still feeling his heart racing, Josh made his way over to the guest bathroom that was on the bottom floor. Looking into the mirror, he saw the reflection of his Mom staring back at him. Even though she had just turned 40 several months ago, she still looked like she was in her early 30s. Not smoking and the occasional alcohol certainly did wonders for her body and skin. Of course going to the gym 3-4 times a week, drinking plenty of water, and weekly pilates certainly helps keep her body trim. Looking at the reflection, Josh noticed his Mom's chest. "I wonder." He thought out-loud while bringing his hands up to his own and watched as the reflection started to mirror his actions. As he watched the reflection touch the chest, Josh felt a wave of pleasure rock through his body. "Wow." He stammered after feeling the pleasure wave. Looking back in the mirror, he could see that the nipples were much more pronounced. Continuing the experience, Josh soon found himself getting warm all over, but more around his face and groin. Looking back into the mirror, he could see that his Mom's face was flushed. "That was something, but I need to stop." Crossing his arms across his chest, Josh went back to the kitchen to get the snack and a drink.
After spending several minutes of looking around the kitchen, Josh finally found some snack crackers and decided to head back out to the couch. "I will need to tell Mom about this when she gets back. Actually I think I will keep it to myself." He said to himself as he set his drink and bowl of crackers on the table while he grabbed the gray faux fur blanket that was sitting next to where he was sitting earlier. Draping it over his legs, Josh grabbed the remote and started to look through the various apps on the television for something to watch. "This looks good." He replied while looking at the movie screenshot. It was one of the cheesy Christmas movies about a nanny finding love while at a ski resort. As the movie started, he sat back, pulled the blanket higher on his body, and set the bowl in his lap..
*** Meanwhile with Kim ***
Pulling up to the curb in front of Mary's house, Kim put the car in park and made her way up to the front door. She decided to leave the car running as a secondary excuse, just in case this remote idea didn't work as it was supposed to. Plus leaving the car running will help it stay warm with the snow coming down. Pulling her son's jacket closer around her body, Kim made her way up the walkway, to the front door. Pressing the door bell, she waited for somebody to answer. As she waited, she could hear the McCulley's dog, Murphy, yipping at the door in hopes of scaring away the possible intruder. "Stand down Murphy." Mary's Irish brogue demanded from the other side of the door. "Come here, you little yapper." Hearing the door unlock, Kim stepped back slightly. As the door opened, Mary saw 'Josh' standing on the porch. "Oh, me lordie. Josh, why don't you come in." She requested as she stepped aside to let her visitor inside. Kim could see that she was now holding Murphy and he was eagerly smelling her arm and wagging his tail. "Yer mum didn't tell me you were comin' over." Standing back slightly and resting her free hand on her chin, she got a better look at Kim. "I swear, you kids are growin' like the weeds. I remember back when you were only up to me shoulders." Kim, not wanting to blow her cover, just smiled.
"Hi, Ma... err... Mrs. McCulley." Kim started. "I'm here to pick up Courtney."
"O' but of course." Nodding her red, frizzy head, Mary looked back towards the back of the house. "Courtney, yer brother is here to pick you up." But she turned her attention back to Kim. "Will you tell yer mum that I would like to have a talk with her?" Kim nodded her head and started to mentally pat herself on the back for thinking of this plan.
It didn't take too long for Courtney to come around the corner, but seeing Kim standing by the door, he smile soon turned into a look of disgust. Kim suspected that she was already packing up her stuff when she texted that she was ready. 'She's always been so responsible, but whats with her? She's never like this when I'm around.' She thought to herself as she watched her come towards them. "Have a good night, Mrs. McCulley and I will tell J... err, my Mom that you would like to talk to her." Both Kim and Courtney gave them a wave as they started to walk towards the car.
Hearing the door close behind them, Courtney turned to Kim. "Why are you picking me up? Could Mom not get off the couch?" She asked with a slight hint of disdain in her voice, but before Kim could respond, Courtney continued. "You know, I don't like being seen in your piece of shit car." She turned her nose up slightly as they got near. Opening the door, Courtney started to put her stuff in the back seat, took her place in the passenger side, and opened her phone so that she could check out her social media feeds.
Stunned at how her daughter was speaking to her, Kim silently took a seat on the driver's side. Putting the car into drive, they started to make their way home. During the drive, Kim wanted to see why Courtney was acting this way and started to dig a little. "So Court, why are you acting this way?" Kim asked, finding it easier to ask the question directly instead of beating around the bush. "God Courtney, are you on your period or something?" She knew the answer since both her and Courtney had synced up several years before.
Putting down her phone for a moment, Courtney looked over at her 'brother'. "Why do you want to know, perv? And I don't know why you have to be such a goody two shoes with Mrs. M and all the adults. You know that they prefer me over you, right?" She chuckled a harsh laugh at her brother's expense and continued. "I mean, who wouldn't prefer me over you? I'm on the Student Council, a cheerleader, and I make decent grades. While you only got into college because your girlfriend helped you out." Sick of how her daughter was talking, Kim sat there silently as they made their way home.  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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