(chapter originally by: worstfailure)
"Two months ago," the Commissioner began, "there was a political debate between Amy Baker and Miles Jacob. The mayor's niece and nephew-in-law attended as Jacob supporters because they're both Tiny Rights activists. Partway through the debate, the Tiny Rights activists got into a scuffle with Baker's supporters. The mayor's nephew-in-law gets lost in the fray. Her niece gets the mayor to get on our cases to find him but we never could. Every lead was a dead-end. Everyone thought some Baker supporter got her hands on him and he was gone for good. Another unsolved missing tiny case. Happens all the time, no use crying about it, just one of those things."
Stan remembered being part of that search effort. It was a tragic thing that happened, which was why he grimaced at the matter-of-fact way that Cynthia described the abduction of a tiny as if it wasn't something to get worked up over. Especially since the total number of tinies who disappeared each year was on the rise, due in no small part to Amy Baker. Somehow, despite being a total air-head who naively believes tinies signing away their rights was beneficial to them, Amy managed to convince the world of a tiny's fundamental right to be used and managed to get her college friend, Thomas Swift, the first man to ever be granted a usage license. The poor guy had spent the last five years as her thong, and Amy had become a political powerhouse with Baker's Law allowing more and more men to be signed up for licenses with fewer restrictions.
"Anyway," the Commissioner said, "two weeks ago, the mayor's nephew-in-law shows up back at his wife's house. Only now, instead of arguing for the equal treatment of tinies, he believes it's a tiny's one true purpose in life to be used by women. He keeps begging his wife to strip away his rights and have her way with him, she freaks the hell out and asks what happened to him. He tells her he was saved by the Used, that they taught him the error of his ways and how his divine purpose in life is to serve women. His wife says there's no way her husband would ever choose to believe the Used's ideology and is insisting they brainwashed him."
"Sick cultists!" Stan said, unable to control his anger. His teeth clenched when Cynthia first mentioned them. "It's bad enough tinies are treated like playthings and run the risk of getting usage licenses for sneezing wrong, but these men go around spreading propaganda that every tiny is a closet pervert who yearns to for a lifetime of domination and trick women into thinking they're morally right for doing so!"
"Excuse me," Izzy huffed, offendedly. "My father is part of the Used party! And so are my cousins, cousins-in-law, and most men in my family! They're not brainwashing cultists, they're part of a legitimate political movement that wants to de-stigmatize publicly expressing the personal desires of tinies and women! You ask me, I say hubby had a religious awakening and his prude of a wife can't cope," Izzy said matter-of-factly.
"Alright, look, I wasn't trying to say all Used are bad, and I didn't mean to insult your family. I don't kinkshame, if your family's into it, that's fine. I'm just saying the leadership of the Used Party spreads harmful propaganda that makes tinies lives harder. And there have been multiple lawsuits against the Used and investigations into accusations of kidnapping, brainwashing and torture to break tinies into obedience by conditioning them to enjoy being hurt by women!"
"None of which was ever proven by lawyers or police!"
"Which is where you two come in," the Commissioner said, curtly, putting a stop to her officers' squabble. "The Mayor wants to put this business behind her and give her niece some peace of mind. A witness says she saw the Mayor's nephew-in-law, Curtis, leaving the Used Center at the Small Saints Spa. Used Party members assign prospective members to act as servants, objects or anything else the women there desire. Padding, you'll be going undercover as a prospective member of the Used Party. Officer Lopez, you'll be his sponsor. They'll trust you because your family has such strong ties to the party. Once you're in, Padding, you gather any evidence you can to prove brainwashing, torture, etcetera, etcetera. You'll get two months to find something. If you can't, we pull the plug on the operation and run Officer Lopez's version of events."
"Two months at a spa?" Izzy asked as if she was dreaming. "Consider it done, Commish!"
A familiar vein in Cynthia's forehead started to twitch in irritation. Stan understood her irritation at his partner.
"Don't worry, Commissioner!" Stan said, saluting his superior. "I'll get to the bottom of this!"
If anything Cynthia's forehead vein seemed to twitch more.
Izzy rolled her eyes and grumbled, "You'll get to someone's bottom, brownnoser."
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