(Chapter originally created by PhoenixStriker)
While you started to slowly reform in the redhead's palm, Ashley beamed down at you like she didn't have a care in the world.
"Okay, super great stuff so far, Matt!" Ashley was ecstatic. "This is easily the most fun I've, like, ever had with clothes shopping, ever! It usually takes me like three times as long, and I totally keep bumping into stuff like a klutz! But, like, you must be some sorta lucky charm or something, cuz I totally feel more in control and like I'm getting through all of this a lot faster! I've gotta do this with you more often, cutie!"
You groaned, as the exact last word you'd use to describe the past hour in Ashley's clutches would've been 'fun'. You cursed your sister for knowingly exactly what would happen by setting you up to be Ashley's little changing room helper. The redhead, for as nice and funny of a friend as she was, seemed incapable of going a single minute without crushing you through sheer forgetful absentmindedness or because of her propensity of blowing a simple misunderstanding into a day-ruining incident. Her overbearing flirting didn't help either.
Reforming your head, you stared up at the bright-eyed girl's smiling face. "Ashley...are we almost done? I'm not sure how much longer--"
"Oh, don't worry about me!" Ashley smiled. "I can keep going at this for a while...but sweet of you to be concerned. I guess that's, like, so you, right? All selfless and stuff? It's honestly pretty inspiring how you're willing to dedicate so much and be kinda put through some rough stuff all for a little old girl like me!" A faint blush dappled Ashley's cheeks. "Like, do you remember when you filled in for my insole a few months back? That was so nice of you!"
You rolled your eyes. Of course you remembered that. Jenna had flicked you into Ashley's shoe without the redhead realizing, and you'd spent the better part of a day being demolished by the girl's sweat foot. Then, when Ashley slipped off her shoe and noticed you, she'd promptly triggered her unceasing airheadedness and assumed you'd willingly become her insole as a nice gesture. Not wanting to be rude and remove you, Ashley left you right where you were...for the better part of two weeks. It was hellish, made even more so by Ashley alternating between forgetting all about you, and not telling anyone your whereabouts to keep your nice little gesture a secret all to herself. Mari had ended up saving you, almost entirely by chance.
Trying to mask your mounting annoyance, you feigned a pleasant smile. "Look, Ashley, I'm happy that you love shopping for clothes so much. But, I've really got to--"
"Ugh, I'm sorry!" Ashley moaned, loudly cutting you off. "You're totes bored, right? Gawd, I'm such a dummy. Of course you wouldn't be having fun just telling me how I look for all this time. You'd be happier being put to use, right? Like, I totally get it!"
You paled, and you began frantically waving your arms. "Uh, no. No! That's not what I--"
Ashley giggled, and gently flicked you in the nose (though her dominating stature caused that simple movement to dent your face into itself, squashing your head). "Geez, Matt! No need to be embarrassed by wanting to be used. It's gotta be more fun than sitting around, right? And, like, I always read stuff about the CTC on, like, the internet and everything, and they say little cuties like you almost always prefer being used and molded and squished and stuff. Course, that's a-okay with me! As you know, I totally super duper love chances to be creative, especially with a little adorable guy like you!"
Voicing the cripplingly demeaning ideology of the CTC without a single thought, Ashley once again evidenced just how dangerous she could be. She was, effectively, the exact target demography of the CTC and their war against affected-rights. You made a mental note to try and correct Ashley's mindset before she really did something horrible to either you or another innocent tiny...but for the moment, you were more focused on reforming your face so you could yell at Ashley and correct this growing misunderstanding.
However, taking your silence for agreement, Ashley continued. "So, like, the next thing I really want to get into trying is some nice underwear and bikini thongs. I totally love thongs because they're super super comfy and look really good on me...but I kinda always feel bad trying them on in a store. Cuz, like, the best way to try on a thong is to get it super wedged in there, right? Really push it to the limit? But, like...my butt gets kinda sweaty, to be honest, and I sorta feel guilty about making the thongs I try on a little gross. Does that make sense? It really embarrasses me, and I end up just wearing the same thongs I already own over and over."
Ashley's inane rant aside, you knew that last part of her speech to be true from firsthand experience. Ashley's collection of thongs in her home wardrobe were essentially bits of brave scrap trying (and often failing) to hold the girl's gratuitous glutes at bay. Most fabric simply wasn't built to hold up to the mammoth-sized ass cheeks of the pale-skinned beauty, nor the outpouring of sweat so commonly festering deep between those same cheeks. Many a time you'd been coerced (or sometimes straight-up forced, courtesy of Jenna) into acting as a temporary thong for Ashley, and every single time was a nightmare you tried hard to forget.
But where was Ashley going with this?
Grinning like she was about to drop the figurative bomb on you, Ashley hummed with excitement. "But, like, genius that I am, I totally just thought of the best way to use you AND to try on some new thongs. I can, like, super easily stick you to the inside of the back of the thong. Then, when I put it on, you can, like, brace yourself inside of my butt as I wiggle the thong on, and totally keep it from getting too soaked in sweat! You'll sorta be like my little booty gatekeeper, right?" The redhead giggled at her own ridiculous mental image...
...while you trembled in fear. Was Ashley seriously considering ramming you inside of her ass an appropriate way for you to help her try on some thongs? Did she seriously not realize how hellish the deep interior of her creamy cheeks were? You fought like mad to reform your mouth to protest, frantic to shut this idea down before Ashley overpowered you.
Yet, overpower you she did. Already blissfully convinced that you were onboard with catering to whatever her whims for you were, Ashley wasted no time in squishing you in her one hand as she dug a thong out of her clothing haul with the other. Producing a shiny black thong, Ashley grinned and winked at you as she then slapped your squishy back into the fabric of the thong. With just a bit of pressure, Ashley smeared your malleable body into the thong, essentially gluing you to the fabric. It wouldn't hold for long, but Ashley theoretically only needed a minute to put the thong on and seal your fate.
You started twitching and thrashing to break free, causing Ashley to smirk playfully and crush your body with her thumb. "OMG, I love the little dance you're doing, Matty, but you kinda gotta stay still or else you'll fall off. Won't be much help inside my booty if you aren't even on the thong, duh!" She giggled, as if it was you who was the idiot in this scenario. "Anyway, better brace yourself, my brave little helper!"