(Chapter originally created by PhoenixStriker)
Whisking you around to her gigantic behind, Ashley crouched as she lowered the thong to the floor and stepped through the holes. Your eyes widened in panic, and your flattened mouth let out an inaudible scream as Ashley slingshotted you up towards her ass, wasting no time in pulling the thong on. Your life flashed before your eyes in seconds, and finally the thong impacted with the bottom of the redhead's jiggly, doughy butt cheeks.
The thin thong, more like floss than fabric, easily slid between the milky-white cheeks, and you with it. Still, the girl's doughy flesh pressed in on you from all sides, and only bore down on you tighter as the thong slid further into the girl's ass crack. Ashley even began shaking and shimming the thong, pulling it was tight as she could, and pounding you back and forth with her moist cheeks. Sweat was already dripping onto your body, stinging your eyes even as a growing odor assaulted your nostrils.
Finally, as the last shred of light dimmed from the thong filling up the girl's ass crack, you saw a single flash of the almost unspeakably foul puckered hole at your destination's end. Screaming with such vigor that you actually reformed your squished limbs, you flailed and punched and kicked at Ashley's cheeks. Right as your foot touched against the girl's anus, Ashley stopped yanking on the thong.
"Hee hee, Matty! I can actually totally feel you in there." The girl's voice was honestly barely audible through the mounds of thick flesh all around you. "And, like, again, I'm totes a super genius! Just like I thought, you're like a little living wall in my booty, holding back my thong from my...well...you know!" The girl giggled again, her laughter sending a ripple through her derriere that dropped a few more sweat beads onto your face. "And, let me say, this thong is super duper comfy! I think this was the best idea I had yet!" She laughed once more.
Ticked off past your breaking point, you snapped. "Ashley, damn it! Let me out of here!"
In response, Ashley's ass shifted, and your face was squished into her anus, contorting flat against the disgusting wrinkled surface.
The girl had leaned forward.
"OMG, Matty! Stop tickling me!" Ashley chuckled. "Seriously, it's super sensitive right there! I know you're excited, but we've still got a bunch more thongs!" Laughing (and blushing a bit) at her one-inch tall helper's playfulness, Ashley yanked her current thong free, shimmied it down her legs, and then stepped out of it. "Okay, Matty! That's one down, and I think it's a keeper. Now we can move on...to..." She trailed off, looking down at the black thong she'd just been wearing.
You were nowhere to be found.
That last crushing movement Ashley had subjected you to had been just enough to squish you more to her puckered asshole than to the thong you'd originally been attached to. When she'd pulled the thong out, you'd been left behind, even as your smushed mouth screamed and cried for relief. Your ride out of the redhead's booty left you all alone, and now the only thing surrounding you was the crushing pressure of heavy ass cheeks and the downpour of sweat. What had briefly been miserable was quickly becoming much more terrifying.
Of course, only from the perspective of a tiny, as Ashley herself was grinning ear-to-ear.
"Oh, wow! You're really eager today, huh, Matty?" Ashley shook her head ruefully. "That's, like, super considerate of you. Cuz, I mean, I have a lot more thongs left, so I guess it totally does make sense to just stay in my butt, huh? No sense taking you in and out over and over, right? Geez, I guess you really are the smarter genius at the end of the day!" Ashley squeezed the black thong she was still holding. "And, like, this thong is still super dry and smelling fresh! You really did work wonders, cutie!"
Smiling warmly, the redhead fished another thong from her pile, stepped through the holes, and started lifting it up her legs.
"Thong number two, Matty! Get ready, cuz here it comes!"
Ashley's slightly muffled, happy-go-lucky voice totally drowned out your own inaudible groans of misery.
1) Ashley's thong try on lasts for an eternity, but it finally ends with her retrieving your exhausted self. Of course, Ashley's not about to let you rest, as she's still got even more clothes to try on!
2) Ashley's thong try on ends eventually, and she safely retrieves you from her ass. And, to your utter shock, she's finally done trying on clothes, and she's ready to return you to Jenna and checkout with her purchases.
3) Ashley finishes trying on thongs, but the repeated crushing has gotten you so squashed deep inside her ass that she can't feel you to get you out. Anxious, Ashley texts Jenna for help. Of course, this being Jenna, how exactly does that go?