It was at this moment, that one of those you'd appointed as an advisor came to you. Their nose looked freshly broken, as if they'd just been in a fistfight, which wasn't unusual. What was unusual was how nervous they were.
"General, there's a visitor here seeking you," they said, as they looked behind them, over at a rather scared crowd.
"What for?" you asked, as you looked at them.
The other orc gulped, nervously. "They're looking for a specific human, or their family. If we don't do as they say, they'll see to it that we have no battle scars."
"What do you mean?" you asked.
They looked back at you. "As in they'll remove every proof we'd ever been wounded in a fight. They're a very powerful cleric - Joda looks like he's fresher than most pups - at least they get at least one or two good ones growing up. His skin is intact. That being said, they don't mind dishing it out either - he used his skull to bust my nose. Said that if I didn't get you, they'd make my nose perfect."
You frowned. Scars were badges of honor. It was a serious insult to mock a scar, especially one earned in battle.
"I'll deal with this one," you said. You stomped over. You heard the breaking of bones, and more. You soon came to the area, other orcs making way for you.
There, seated at a table, was one of the lizardfolk, sipping tea.
"Ah, General Arob Ironboot," they said. "Perhaps you'd be willing to help me with my issue."
"Threatening to heal up our battle scars is a big insult," you said. "I ought to kill you for that."
The lizardman grinned, showing off their predatory teeth. "I'd strongly advise against that." They snapped their finger, causing a groan.
You turned, and saw the nose of your advisor heal up.
"I can increase the power, and see to it that the nose looks as if no one had ever punched him there," the lizardman said. "You see it as a point of honor to have scars. I see it as an insult to the Goddess of Healing to not be allowed to remove injuries that I could fix."
You looked back at the lizardman. "Alright, why do you want this particular human you seek?"
"Now we're getting somewhere," the lizardman said. "Call it a Bounty job, of sorts, where the human is worth more alive, than dead."
"And the reason you want this human?" you asked.
The lizardman grinned, and said....