(Note: for visual frame of reference, Route1 in this interactive will be primarily based off of HGSS's incarnation)
You don't have a lot of time to make your move. While on paper, in raw stats alone, this matchup should skew slightly in Pidgey's favor, the reality is that that the Poochyena is far larger than the Pidgey and possesses a bite formidable enough to scare the bird off. The Pidgey, in turn, carries a clear maneuverability and speed advantage. The natural conclusion of this fight would be the canine scaring off the bird. Should the Pidgey flee, the Poochyena will be free to try to move on to the next most tempting thing to bite at...and with its acutely sensitive nose, it may well sniff you out before you can flee.
You can only hope that the Pidgey decides to stand its ground!
You sprint through the underbrush, prioritizing speed over stealth, in a desperate attempt to clear your way to the other end of the patch. Already, you can hear sounds of the Pidgey beating its wings and squawking Could it be fleeing? No, that doesn't appear to be the case. A growl sounds out in response to the squawk, the two clearly eyeing one another warily, sizing up the opposition. You pant and pant as you rush your way through the tall grass, knowing that a clear path should lie at the other end. Normally, Pokemon are hesitant about leaving tall grass or trees, but will that fear be enough to prevent both of the predators from going after an easy meal? No...you'll have to cross that bridge when you get to it. That is, if you get to it.
As you near the road, you hear a ferocious growl, accompanied by a shriek as the Poochyena bites at the Pidgey, only for it to be rebuffed with a wing beat to the head. Soon, a whoosh follows as the bird flees into the heavens, hurt but nevertheless in one piece. You doubt it will be troubling you for the time being, but that leaves the Poochyena. You begin to hear the telltale sounds of sniff-sniff-sniffing from its direction. You might not have long before it detects your scent. But you're so close! Just a foot or two more. You continue running through the underbrush, the grass rustling around you. You're sure that it won't take long for the canine to pick up on the noise of your retreat, but you have no choice but to run.
No longer distracted by the Pidgey, the Poochyena yips at the sound of something skittering away to the north. A potential meal? He perks his ears up and turns towards the source of the noise. Two sniffs confirms his suspicions. A free meal is up ahead. A volley of thunderous footsteps sounds out from behind you. Your time in the grass now has a very harsh limit. You run with all your strength, the opening right in front of you, the sounds of approaching pawfalls growing louder and louder. You clear the edge of the grass patch, emerging into the light of day once more, right onto a dirt path. Still hearing the sounds of your pursuer, you continue sprinting forward, looking back over your shoulder to see the Poochyena's head poking out past the edge of the tall grass, its paw a few inches away from the dirt path. It eyes you with a menacing glare, sizing up its options, unsure of whether or not to rush out to get you.
You turn your gaze back ahead of you and come to a halt at what you see. A 25-odd year old woman clad in brown brown slip-on shoes, khaki pants and an orange apron with a button-up shirt beneath it is sitting down on a rocky ledge directly in front of you. Her hair is black and medium-short, her weight average, her expression clearly one of boredom. Her eyes are transfixed upon her cell phone. A satchel full of potions is slung over her shoulder, and a few glass containers lie affixed to her belt, though the light of day reflecting off of them makes it difficult to tell what's within. Keenly aware of just how much of a threat the Pokemon on this route pose, you're tempted to get her attention right away. On the other hand, something about her ...worries you. You almost feel thankful that she's too focused on her phone to notice you at the moment.
Turning to the east, you can see another grass patch. Another girl, probably closer to 20, seems to be sitting down on the other side of the patch. Her hair is also vibrant brown and medium-short as well, though it's ever-so-slightly flared out. A white headband completes the style. She appears to be clad in a red jacket that conforms to her bust, particularly short black shorts, and tall black socks. The smooth flesh of her impressive and imposingly tall legs can be seen in the gap in-between. She seems to be focused on writing something on a clipboard, a slight grimace on her face suggesting that whatever she's doing isn't a task she's particularly fond of. This must be one of the league trainers contracted out by the Institute....
To the west, also another grass patch, though a signpost can be seen at the far end of it. The ledge the apron-clad woman is sitting on more or less forms a solid wall to the north. Likely heading northwest would be the natural way to proceed forward down the path, should you choose to avoid human contact. The only alternative would be to try to ascend the ledge, which would likely be impossible at your scale. Whatever the case, you'd rather not sit here until the Poochyena summons the courage to eat you.