Another day in Great Lakes City, and the Casagrande family was currently enjoying a perfectly nice day as they usually would. Rosa and Hector were out enjoying a nice day together downtown. Bobby was working in the Mercado while Carl was reluctantly playing with Adelaide in the Chang's apartment and CJ was playing pirates. As for the rest of the family, Carlos and Maria were working at their stations at the college and the city hospital, respectively.
That left Carlota, Frida, and Ronnie Anne at their apartment, along with Sid who was currently hanging out with her best friend. At the moment, Carlota was in her room doing her hair and makeup. For a while, Carlota just happily sat at her vanity applying her eyeshadow and making her hair look nice. Her smile quickly became a look of surprise as she suddenly felt her stomach growling, signaling it was time to eat.
"Ohh, guess I'm hungry." She chuckled. "Time for lunch." Carlota then walked out of her room and made her way to the kitchen for something to eat. Looking in the fridge all she could find was one of her grandmother's famous tacos. "Alright! One of Abuela's tacos. And nobody around to steal it. Guess it's my lucky day."
While Carlota was about to eat her lunch, Ronnie Anne was with Sid in her room. Sid was telling her best friend that she and Breakfast Bot had spent the past few weeks working on a new science project. And today, Sid was finally ready to show it to her. "So what is it you wanted me to see, Sid?" Ronnie Anne asked.
"You're gonna love it Ronnie Anne! I've been working on this baby for weeks and thanks to Breakfast Bot it's finally good and ready." Sid excitedly replied. Sid was about to take her new device out of her backpack, but before she could even pull it out of her bag, they heard a knock on Ronnie Anne's door.
In came Ronnie Anne's aunt, Frida Puga Casagrande, who looked very irritated as if something just happened that made her very angry. "Ronalda, I need your help!" Frida said.
"What's the matter, Tia Frida?" She asked.
"Have you seen Sergio? I was just cleaning my closet when I found this old jewelry box. It had my old engagement ring that Carlos gave me. I was really happy to find it and then the next thing I knew, Sergio flew out of nowhere and snatched it from me!" Frida elaborated.
"Really? Yeah that sounds like Sergio." Ronalda said. "Sorry Tia Frida. I haven't seen him."
"Well, I need you two to go look for that bird. He'd better hope I don't find him first." Frida threatened as she left her niece's room.
"Come on, Sid. Let's go find Sergio." Ronnie Anne said. "We can see your science project later, okay?"
"Well okay. I guess." Sid replied dejectedly, she was really excited to show Ronnie Anne her invention, but for her best friend's sake, she knew she had to help. Sid and Ronnie Anne then left the bedroom and went on to find Sergio. They searched every inch of the apartment and found nothing. After a few more minutes of searching, Ronnie Anne and Sid started hearing something that sounded like a bird squawking.
There were currently looking in Carlos and Frida's room and noticed a shadow on the ceiling from the floor lamp. "There you are, Sergio!" Ronnie Anne shouted.
*squawk* "Busted, gotta fly!" Sergio flew out of the room with Ronnie Anne and Sid chasing after him. He was carrying the ring on his claw and Ronnie Anne tried to make a grab for it, but he was flying too high for them to reach. As Sergio flew into the grandparents' apartment, Carlota had just taken her taco out of the microwave and sat with it at the dining room table. Sergio flew right over her, much to Carlota's annoyance.
"Sergio, do you mind?! I'm trying to eat here." Carlota said. Sergio then flew close to her head as she tried to swat him away. But unbeknownst to Carlota, these sudden movements caused the ring that was on the parrot's claw to fall onto her taco. As the bird finally left the oldest Casagrande alone, Ronnie Anne and Sid managed to catch him.
"Alright Sergio, hand over the ring." Ronnie Anne commanded. But then she became confused when she didn't see it on him. "Wait, where is it?!" The two of them looked around for where it could've fallen and then noticed something sparkling from the dining room table. More specifically, from the taco that Carlota was about to eat.
They were about to warn Carlota to stop, but it was too late. She had already bitten into the taco and swallowed it, along with the ring they were looking for. "Oh no." Ronnie Anne said stunned.
Sid realized what happened and decided that it was the perfect time to show Ronnie Anne her new project. Before Ronnie Anne could tell her cousin what she just did, Sid pulled her friend's arm and dragged her back to her bedroom. "Sid, what are you doing?! Carlota just-"
"Yeah, I know she ate the ring. That's why this is the perfect time to show you my new invention." Sid said cutting off Ronnie Anne.
"Now? Why?" Ronnie Anne asked.
"Check this out!" Sid excitedly yelled as she pulled from out of her backpack what appeared to be a miniature, toy submarine. It looked like a toy to Ronnie Anne, as she was left confused by what she saw.
"That's it? A toy submarine?" Ronnie Anne asked, clearly not very impressed her friend's so-called "invention."
"It's not a toy Ronnie Anne. It's a miniature ship that Breakfast Bot and I outfitted with a special size-controlling module. It can alter its size and go from its current size to normal size, to the size of a tiny ant. Isn't it amazing?!" Sid exclaimed.
"Wow. So that thing can actually shrink? Yeah right, Sid. Have you been watching those dorky sci-fi movies again?" Ronnie Anne chuckled as she didn't believe her.
"No really. I'll show you." Sid placed the sub on Ronnie Anne's bed and then brought out a remote control from out of her bag. "This remote controls the size on the sub so I can make it any size I want from out side of it. It makes easier to carry around. Now watch this." Sid turned the knob on the remote and, much to Ronnie Anne's surprise, the ship grew in size and shifted from the size of a toy car to that of a submarine big enough to fit the two of them. Fortunately, it didn't break Ronnie Anne's bed when it grew.
"Wow! It really works!" Ronnie Anne was amazed by Sid's new project as it was everything that her friend said it would be.
"Yep! And with this thing, we can go inside of Carlota and get that ring out of her! What do you say Ronnie Anne, are you up for a teeny-tiny adventure inside your cousin?"
"I don't know, Sid. It sounds pretty gross. Why don't we just tell Carlota about it?" Ronnie Anne suggested.
"What fun would that be? Besides, she already ate it. No way we can get it back without this thing. So come on. Let's go for it."
"Well, I guess it would be fun." Ronnie Anne said as she began to perk up and agree with Sid. "You know what, Sid, you're right. I'm in!" They both cheered and then entered the sub. "So how does this thing work, exactly?"
"Simple. I'll drive while you work the navigation and controls. Now strap in because here we go!" They buckled their seatbelts as Sid input the commands into the sub's computer. The ship then began shrinking with the girls inside it. They were both amazed at how their views quickly changed as Ronnie Anne's bedroom grew bigger and bigger from their perspective.
"Wow. We're really tiny. This is amazing, Sid." Ronnie Anne said. The ship finally stopped shrinking as it was reduced to no bigger than the size of a pea. "So now that we're small, how do we get inside of Carlota?" She asked.
How do Ronnie Anne and Sid get inside Carlota's body?
1. Oral ingestion - They pilot the submarine and get inside Carlota through her mouth by getting into her food or drink.
2. They fly the sub into another entrance into Carlota's body through her head, like her ears or her nose, or somewhere else on her.
3. Projectile Injection Shot - The girls are in the submarine which is placed inside of an injection syringe. And Breakfast Bot fires the syringe directly at Carlota to get into her bloodstream.