Bayley looks around the corner and is a little confused by what she sees. Asuka and Kairi Sane are standing alone and talking on an empty soundstage, with cameras off and nobody around them. It’s not unusual to see the Kabuki Warriors are standing together, Asuka is holding the Raw Women’s Championship. “Wait, did i miss something? Did she cash in on Becky already?!” Looking at her phone she does a quick google search and says “OH.. Hmm. Well guess I've got a new target then. Don’t wanna get Becky mixed up in this when i can just grab her replacement instead…” She spots a table on the side of the soundstage and places the jar near the edge of the table. She bends over and points at the huddled women inside and says “NOW DON’T MOVE A MUSCLE. I’LL BE BACK WITH A FEW MORE PLAYTHINGS.” She smirks and stands back up to full height, peering around the corner and holding an arm out, staying out of sight so she can aim the remote and zap one of the unsuspecting women.
Asuka looks down at her title and smiles, finally letting it sink in that she’s won the title again and didn’t even have to cash in her money in the bank to do it! Tears of happiness start to well up as she looks back up and sees… nobody. Her friend Kairi was right there, she couldn’t have gone far, but looking around left right and forward, Asuka doesn’t see her going anywhere. But then she hears a faint squeak coming from the ground and looks down at her feet. Standing next to her boots and waving her arms wildly to get her attention is a tiny, doll sized pirate princess. Shocked and startled, Asuka drops the title do the side and gets on her stomach to look down at her tiny friend a little closer to her level. She whispers something in confused Japanese and holds a thumb and forefinger out to emphasize just how small her partner had gotten. “K… KAIRI?! WHAA?” Asuka is so dumbfounded she’s not really paying attention to any of Kairi’s motions, just mesmerized by her stature. Which is why she doesn’t notice Kairi pointing wildly behind Asuka, trying to tell her to turn around. In a flash, Asuka finds herself no longer looking at Kairi, but instead Kairi’s shoes. She gets back to her feet and hugs her friend, happy to see her at a similar size again, but a booming sound behind her drains her of all those happy feelings. She slowly turns around and sees her newly won Women’s championship, in all it’s glory, now the size of a building. Judging by their heights, Asuka and Kairi barely come up to the red underline of the WWE symbol. And that sight is replaced by a huge hand reaching down and grabbing the title, lifting it off the ground. Asuka and Kairi grab each other as they find themselves in the shadow of a woman who normally stands 5 and a half feet… but now towers over them looking more than 100 feet tall. Bayley doesn’t even acknowledge the tiny women cowering in her presence, , instead looking at the title belt she’s just confiscated off the floor. Holding it in one hand she says “YOU KNOW IT’S KIND OF A PAIN HOLDING TWO OF THESE AT A TIME… WHY DON’T WE MAKE THIS MORE MANAGEABLE…” She holds the belt out and with her other hand, shrinks it down to a much smaller size. Now holding it like a class ring (which admittedly it looked very much like anyway, Bayley simply wraps it around her ring finger and clasps it shut. She says as she holds her hand out in front of her face to admire her new jewelry “MUCH BETTER. IT’S SO MUCH EASIER TO CARRY THESE THINGS AROUND WHEN THEY’RE SMALL.” She crosses her arms and looks down to finally address the two shrunken joshis and says “SPEAKING OF SMALL… YOU GUYS SURE ARE A LOT CUTER AT THAT SIZE... BUT IT'S PRETTY DANGEROUS DOWN THERE ON THE FLOOR WHERE YOU CAN GET SQUISHED... WHY DON'T YOU LET ME TAKE CARE OF YOU FOR A WHILE?” Asuka and Kairi scream and point at Bayley, immediately taking off running in the opposite direction. Bayley merely takes one slow step behind them, allowing them a few yards of distance to give them a sense of false hope. With her second step, she slams her boot down right next to Kairi’s minuscule body, causing her to fly to the left and knock over her partner in a tumbling mess. Bayley crouches down to see her new toys in a different light and says “COME ON NOW, I’M WAY TOO BIG FOR YOU TO GET AWAY. BUT I HAVE TO ADMIT, IT’S ALWAYS FUN WATCHING YOU SHRINKY DINKS TRY AND FLEE.” Bayley expects a similar attitude from Kairi and Asuka that she got from her previous victims, but instead, Kairi and Asuka simply pick themselves up, brush themselves off, and start pointing up at her, squeaking out a few choice words in Japanese, before going over to her boot and giving the toe section a swift kick, showing they were not afraid.
Bayley is stunned, and honestly loves how feisty they are acting. They’re in no condition to beat her in any fight, but still they feel the need to act so tough. It was actually really endearing. “ARE.. ARE YOU THREATENING ME? AT THAT HEIGHT? YOU TWO ARE SO ADORABLE, COME HERE MY LITTLE WARRIORS!!” Bayley bends down and swiftly picks up each of the newly shrunken Kabuki warriors, wrapping her fingers around one in each of her hands. She rises back up to her full height and brings her fists right next to each other at eye level so she can see both of her new captives up close and personal. Asuka continues her high-pitched ranting while Kairi silently shakes her head in anger as Bayley’s giant lips open to reveal a grin large enough to swallow them whole. “HEHE… I SHOULD REALLY BE GOING AFTER MORE TAG TEAMS. YOU GUYS ARE WAY MORE FUN TO CAPTURE TWO AT A TIME.” Bayley continues to laugh, loving the power she feels as she occasionally tightens and loosens her grip Asuka and Kairi who are struggling against their fleshy prisons. Asuka had been yelling at her nonstop since the realization she was only a few inches tall, and while being held in the air she seems to run out of energy and just breathes heavily. Bayley tilts her head and condescendingly pouts her lips “AWWW, TUCKERED OUT ALREADY? HOPE NOT, I’VE GOT A LOT OF IDEAS ON WHAT TO DO WITH SOMEONE LIKE YOU, ASUKA.” The shrunken facepainted woman pounds both of her hands against the thumb held tight over her chest, angry that she is powerless to stop someone she knows she could beat in a fair fight. Bayley walks off the soundstage with her prizes in hand and whispers “ALRIGHT THEN… LET’S GO SHOW YOU TO THE REST OF THE TOYS.” When Bayley makes it to the other side of the studio where she had placed the jar, she looks at the table and sees...