Bayley starts to get a little concerned as she gets closer to the table and doesn't see her jar waiting for her. She stands right up at the table and sees some loose papers, a small pencil... but no collection of shrunken women. She starts to panic a bit and her palms become sweaty, grossing out Asuka and Kairi as they feel her perspiration seep into their clothing. Bayley gently places Asuka and Kairi's little bodies down on the surface of the table and points her finger down onto the wood directly in front of her. "DON'T YOU TWO MOVE. NOT A MUSCLE. I'M GONNA GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS." The two little women stand perfectly still as Bayley scans the entire area looking for any evidence of what happened to her blonde barbies. "Maybe the jar rolled away off the table... Maybe they found a way to escape... Damn it, this isn't good, i shouldn't have been so careless with them!" She gets down low onto her stomach, looking for more clues, and right underneath the table where she started, she spots a small pink envelope with her name on it. "Oh great. That's not creepy or anything." Bayley places one hand on the tabletop to steady herself and readjusts her body so she can easily reach under the table and grab her present. As soon as she reaches out for it though, a sharp pain strikes her square in the tip of her pinkie finger. "OUCH! WHAT THE HELL?" Bayley shakes her hand out and places it back on the table, as she pulls her body up forward to see what caused the sting in the first place. To her surprise, the Kabuki Warriors have moved from their spot on the table, and have commandeered the pencil left next to the loose papers! Kairi is at the front, pointing the sharpened graphite tip right at Bayley's massive hand, intent on pushing it in again. "We not toys, Bayley! You make us big now!" Asuka hoists her rubber eraser covered end of the pencil up high, ready to plunge it back into her delicate skin. "Unshrink Asuka! Unshrink Kairi! Or we get you good!"
Bayley doesn't even change her expression, she just holds the remote up to Kairi and Asuka and says "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS." With a quick zap of the button, the two doll sized women are no longer able to hold the weight of the pencil and find themselves trapped beneath it. Using just the finger tip of her index finger, Bayley slowly rolls the pencil to one side, freeing the double-shrunk Asian girls stuck underneath. As the two climb to their feet, they are immediately pressed down into the table by that same fingertip, only now it seems to be covered in a thin layer of sticky liquid, which covers both Asuka and Kairi and lifts them off the table with it. Bayley has obviously licked her fingertip and trapped both of the Kabuki Warriors, now only a quarter inch tall, on the surface of her extended digit. Kairi and Asuka scream in horror as an eye several times their size focuses in on the two of them. "FIRST I LOSE MY OTHER DOLLS, THEN YOU TWO ACTUALLY TRY TO THREATEN ME WITH A FREAKING PENCIL? ANY OTHER TIME I WOULD HAVE FOUND THAT KIND OF CUTE, BUT NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR FOOLING AROUND... SO UNTIL I GET WHAT I WANT, YOU TWO ARE IN TIME OUT!" While she's talking, Bayley shifts her foot from side to side, loosening her boot until she is able to slip her foot out of it. To the Kabuki Warrior's absolute dread, they see that Bayley has clearly been wearing the boots all day, and hasn't been wearing socks inside them. Bayley's finger travels down the length of her body, finally reaching it's destination at her smelly, sweaty foot. With one powerful swipe, Asuka and Kairi find themselves forced off of the fingertip, and directly in the space between Bayley's big and second toe. The smell of her feet is unbearable and the sweat, much like her saliva, sticks to Asuka and Kairi's skin and will not allow them to move much. Bayley blows the two insects a kiss before clenching her toes together slightly, unable to feel their insignificant weight even in one of her most sensitive areas. "I'LL DEAL WITH YOU SPECKS LATER. TRY NOT TO GET CRUSHED DOWN THERE AND MAYBE I'LL GIVE YOU SOME FRESH AIR AT THE END OF THE NIGHT." Asuka and Kairi can say and do nothing as they are pressed on all sides by walls of sweaty flesh and carried into the darkness of Bayley's waiting boot. Her attention no longer needed to take care of the fleas under her feet, Bayley returns her attention to the envelope, and opens it up revealing a small note:
"I know what you've been up to, and i have something you want. Come see me in the private suite and bring the remote. Come alone. No funny business."
The note ends there, but Bayley turns it around and sees two initials, telling her just who took her shrunken playthings, and who she's going to have to confront... It's signed: