“We can each swap something with someone on another team,” Nora explained, bouncing slightly on her feet.
“You sure you don’t want to test it out among us?” Jaune asked wearily.
“That would be fun too,” Nora agreed. “But it would be so much more exciting to swap with another team.” She looked at the other two. “Plllleeeeeeeaaassseee.”
“It would be a change of pace,” Pyrrha admitted slowly. “And, Jaune. Didn’t you say you were tired out from combat class?”
“I’m a little sore,” he confirmed and nodded. He bit the corner of his lip in thought. “Actually, this does sound like fun. I mean, what’s the chance we would find something like this.”
“That’s what I’m saying!” Nora cheered. All three of them looked at Ren, who sighed.
“She’s going to do it regardless,” Ren told the others. “We might as well go along with it. I won’t lie and say I’m not curious about the powers this device holds.”
“So it’s agreed!” Nora wore a bright smile as she beamed at her friends. “I think I got the perfect targets too.”
“Why?” Jaune asked. “We know them at least, right?”
“Team RWBY.”
“Team RWBY?” Pyrrha raised an eyebrow. “I mean, they are right across the hallway so they would be easy targets.”
“Heh,” Jaune laughed. “Nora, you find the weirdest things to keep us entertained.”
“Aww!” Nora hugged him, nearly breaking his bones with her monstrous strength. “You’re the best team leader too.”
“This won’t cause any lasting effects, right?” Ren asked. As the one who has cleaned up Nora’s messes for years, he had to ask.
“That’s what the Undo and Reset buttons are for,” Nora replied, pointing to the buttons. “With one click, everything goes back to normal.”
“Convenient,” Pyrrha commented.
“What should we swap with them?” Jaune asked, picking up the pamphlet and skimming it again.
“How about whatever we decide, everyone swaps the same thing?” Pyrrha suggested. “One for one. That way we can all see what something is like.”
“That’s an awesome idea,” Nora agreed instantly.
“I'm okay with this plan,” Ren added,
“Put it to a vote like usual?” There was a murmur of agreement and everyone made their suggestion on what they should swap with Team RWBY. After about five minutes of debating, the consensus was…