The shimmering oceanic blue where you had first witnessed your own reflection give off an expression of confusion and terror had given you the initial impression that this was Azelf, Phione or some other blue legendary seen through your now distorted world view. Eventually your higher mental functions came alive and told you that this had only been its eyes.
Still, your mind found it difficult to process what you were witnessing. This elusive creature had been known to strike awe into the most hardened men when seen at a distance, and now you were taking it all in so close and larger than life. The most troubling aspect was the color of this creature. It was pink; you understood that much. But it was no shade you had ever seen before. It was not covered by skin. It was not covered by hair. It was simply an unnaturally clean and bright pink, almost like a cartoon character come to life. One would have to be blind, deaf and dumb to miss that this was not a regular Pokémon.
It was Mew. Stunned to an almost religious degree, you did nothing as the legendary's hand grasped your sides and lifted you up in the air.
"Hello, human," the Mew spoke with a sweet voice, not sounding too loud but covering you in further its non-descript breath, "You must be very startled by my apperance, but if you remain calm then all will be fine. Do you understand?"
You didn't, but you found your head nodding up and down anyway. A suggestion crept through your mind that all was fine, there was nothing to worry about, just admire the view and take it easy...
The sweet little Mew placed you back down on your old clothes and then proceeded to rummage through your belongings. This was fine. Nothing to worry about. You took the opportunity to the admire the view of the legendary's unremarkable backside, with its long tail waving back and forth in excitement. How lucky you were! Instead of trudging through the night like a putz, you got to meet up with Mew! You couldn't wait to tell everyone at the bar about this! You decided to take in every feature so you could explain this in as much detail as possible. Mew picked up a a bag of snacks that you had brought and smiled, placing it beside its unremarkable backside. Its unremarkable backside covered your view as the Mew went on and you began to make a mental note on its unremarkable backside and the rest of its far more interesting body, starting with its unremarkable backside. Its? Uremarkable? Backside...
The first feeling of something being amiss crept up your spine. You had always considered legendaries to be genderless, and like most others you had never been able to confirm this theory with hands-on experience. That was until now, and there was no denying that this Mew was female. For with her backside in view, there was a view that had seemed unremarkable before but now appeared to be the most interesting aspect of this creature. Mew's tail shone. Mew's hind legs shone. But Mew's vagina was as common and predictable as they come.
Your eyes remained glued to Mew's womanhood as her butt waved back and forth and your cognition slowly began to kick into gear again. Suddenly your brain was suggesting that this sweet little Mew was a, in fact, a gigantic creature that whose tail's invoulentary twitch would be enough to send you flying whatever qualified as miles at this size. As logic follows, this would suggest that this situation was not alright at all! The only view you were "admiring" right now was of the callous legendary stealing your shit!
Mew hummed cheerfully to herself as she ran inventory on her haul. This was the best idea ever! Why fight a trainer's six Pokémon and risk capture when you could just shrink them from behind? A little psychic suggestion to keep them from freaking out and she was free to take whatever she wanted! Food, snacks, bottles of who-knows-what; even those interesting human gadgets appealed to her, though she handled them with care as to not get swept into a Master Ball by mistake. She hadn't made it this long by being careless.
You look up at the giant smirking to herself and get ready to do something about it when suddenly your body enters shock. You sieze up and fall to the side, an unimagiable cold crushing your body from all sides. It felt like being frozen in ice and you remembered your earlier concerns about hypothermia. But this was worse than anything you could've ever imagined! You couldn't even move! Wheezing and gasping your last breaths, you attempt to cry for help. To someone. Anyone.
"There! Thank you for y-" Mew started as she turned around, seeing the human now dying on his old clothes. Her mind racing in panic, she quickly scooped up his tiny little body and examined it closer.
The entire world wooshed by as you narrowly escaped the jaws of death. In an instant your body thawed out, and you noticed the non-descript scent of Mew's breath like a wind of life. Heat radiated from the ground, and you felt your body tickled by very fine hairs; thin even at your size. And above you was Mew's gigantic face, her massive eyes staring at you.
Conflicting thoughts arose within Mew. Observing the naked man, it appeared that his metabolic system was designed to dissipate heat through the surface of his skin. Now that he was so much smaller, his body couldn't compensate and he would most likely freeze to death. If it wasn't for the heat coming form her body, he would already be dead. This was not what she had planned.
You tremble, both out of fear and residual cold. Mew was staring at you, but it was impossible to tell her intentions. Nothing about the way someone walks can tell you where they're going. She is capable of speech however, so you consider the option of talking your way out of this. You decide on how to go about your persuation attempt...