A couple days had passed, Isaac still on his PTO. He had gotten a bit more adventurous, going to the store and back out to eat again, late at night, well, early morning, like 2am. He barely ran into anyone, but it was still something. He had been avoiding Lana ever since she discovered his condition. She had sounded far too... aroused by it. He didn't want to make her grow, it would ruin her life like it had ruined his. She'd lose her job, all that prestige and authority she had worked so hard to get. But what if that's what she wanted? No, that's ridiculous. He had seen how much she had put into where she was: the crying, the planning, the careful consideration of minute details to her outfits, all trying to perfect the balance of prowess and attractiveness, assertiveness and flirting, all to appease some old white men in a Fortune 500 Company. Did she want it gone? Or was it something else? Maybe she just wanted him? But she hadn't before... not before that party.
It was his cock, that's what had changed. That's what she saw.
Isaac laid on his bed thinking to himself before getting up. He rubbed his face and pulled the covers off himself. His cock raised itself like a monument to someone else's work. He gasped as it pulsed at it's full length, just getting fully erect was enough to get him close still. He sat up and quickly grabbed a garbage bag, fitting it over the head of his cock like a condom. He had learned pretty quick that cum doesn't really break apart in water, so he had decided that some garbage bags would do just fine, and easier to dispose of. He was going through a few a day though. After he was done halfway filling the twenty gallon bag, he cleaned himself up and tied off the bag, He then waited until his cock was calm enough for him to get some pants on. Carrying a trash bag full of a viscous liquid is not easy, and doing so when you can, at best, awkwardly shuffle, is even harder.
"Isaac! Hey! Whatcha got there?" Lana was standing at the kitchen island cooking some eggs as Isaac exited his room.
"Oh! Lana!? Sh-shouldn't you be at work?" Isaac quickly darted over to the island. His waist was level with the top. Lana needed a stool to be as high up.
"Normally, yes, but I took today off." Lana replied as she pushed the eggs around in the skillet.
"Are you okay? You never take time off unless you're travelling." Isaac's guard was broken by concern for his friend.
"I'm actually really good, Isaac~, thank you for asking, but I was actually more concerned for you." she looked up, Isaac blushed, "You've been taking out a lot of trash for someone who barely leaves their room."
Isaac stammered, he didn't know how to justify it without saying what it really was.
"But that's besides the point." Lana took her skillet off the heat and moved around the island, Standing as imposingly as she possibly could while being more than a foot shorter than Isaac, "I know what you've got, and I would... I want some of it. If that's okay, Isaac I don't want to force you." Her voice waivered in arousal, "I can't imagine how ha-- difficult it must be to have so much... you, down there." she looked up into Isaac's eyes, face flush
"I-- I, uh.. It's cum" Isaac smiled awkwardly, holding up the bag.
"Holy Shit." Lana covered her mouth and gawked at the bag.
"That's what I said the first time." Isaac weakly chuckled.
"I want it, I want it in me, on me, in my pussy, in my stomach." Lana started listing, voice trembling as she braced herself against the island. "How big is it? It must be fucking massive."
"It's uh, like two feet long." Isaac blushed. Lana moaned, holding onto the island for dear life. Isaac watched her reactions and felt his loins begin to stir. Something was going to happen, but Isaac couldn't know what