"Oh my eggs!" Lana suddenly said as she scurried back around to where she had set her skillet of eggs. Isaac was relieved she didn't mean her own eggs, though he could feel himself still starting to grow erect. "I made some for you too, Isaac, if you want some." The short woman smiled at him as she plated the eggs.
"Yea, sure, uhm, uh, my dick is going to probably rip out of my pants, and I don't want that to happen, but I can't stop it, so is it okay if it I just let it out?" Isaac shuffled over to a chair at the kitchen table and started fishing his cock out.
"Of course! Do you need any help with that?" Lana set his plate of eggs Infront of the chair and her own across from it at the small circular table.
"No, I've got it." Isaac said bluntly, "but, uh, thank you though."
"Of course, Isaac." Lana replied, watching in amazement as Isaac sat and his cockhead was near his actual head. "Holy Fuck it's so big." She mumbled to herself.
"Yea, it's real fucking unwieldy." Isaac pushed aside slightly as it pulses and started eating his eggs. "Don't gawk too long, your eggs will get cold."
"Oh, right, heh, thank you." Lana responded, her shirt tenting over her erect nipples as she ate, not breaking eye contact with the massive member across from her. "So, have you even left the house since you... Since uh.." she sat back, and cleared her throat, "since you got so big?"
"Some. But only during the dead of night, and I wear a big long coat." Isaac admitted, recalling how hot it would get in the clothing when it was still 70°F at night in this area. "I wouldn't dare go out during the day."
"Why not?" Lana asked as she finished her food, "Do you want anything to drink?"
"Water is fine, and uh, I don't know if you noticed all this" Isaac gestured to his monster meat that was slowly getting soft now, "but it's kind of obscene... I feel like I can't be part of 'polite society' again after this." Lana returned to the table and set down a glass of water.
"What about work? Can you even do remote work?" Lana leaned forward watching the flaccid form of his cock lower down onto the table.
"I've been burning through all the PTO I've saved up the past two years, but I don't know what I'll do after that, I'll have to go to the office." Isaac's eyes darted around quickly.
"Hey, it's alright, it'll be okay, I think. If your work dosent take you, I have space for a secretary where I work." Lana gave him a reassuring smile as she pried her eyes off his dick long enough to make some eye contact with Isaac.
"Thanks." He said quietly.
"You also look a bit more in shape, have you been working out or is it related to your dick?" Lana pointed to his arm
"It's not from working out, so I guess it's from whatever did this to me." Isaac picked up his cock and pushed it back inside his pants, it slapped heavily against his balls. Lana purses her lips as under the table her knees squeezed together.
"And your balls are big too now, right?" Lana asked breathily.
"Yea... They're huge too, and make an ungodly amount of cum." Isaac gestured to the trash bag.
"H-how much? If you know, I'm not gonna assume you've measured or anything."
"Like ten gallons first thing in the morning, after that it gets less each time, but the most I've gotten down to is like 5 gallons after a third orgasm in a day."
"God damn." Lana replied.
"Yea, it's ridiculous, so much to clean up if I don't get it into a bag."
"So that's, what? 10 to 5, maybe 7.5? Over twenty gallons in a day without even t-trying?" Lana's voice trembled.
"Yea." Isaac sighed, "I'm going to take this bag out to the garage and then go back to my room." He slowly got up and grabbed the bag.
"Want to watch a movie today?" Lana asked quickly
"What?" Isaac stopped and looked at her
"Do you want to watch a movie together later today? I can order some pizza or take out or something, if you want." Her hands flitted with each other as she made suggestions.
"Sure, but Lana-- hold on, let me get rid of this first." Isaac started, then went and got rid of the bag. "What I was going to say, is that, I think, well-- it only happened once that I was aware of, but." I saw took a deep breath and collected himself, feeling his balls churn just thinking about it, the arousal rising through his core. "My cum. It makes women grow."
"What?" Lana asked purely confused.
"Like, after the party, this lady gave me a blowjob, and she took it all somehow, bloated her belly all huge." Isaac held his arms out to try and show how big she had gotten, "b-but she said she had done it last night and it had made her really, uh, curvy. Big boobs, ass, hips, thighs, soft belly, and even, I think, I'm not sure, made her pussy bigger." Isaac was blushing now as she had to get his cock out before it reached full length.
"Well, that's certainly something." Lana rubbed her hands together.
"Yea, and you know, you're my friend, and I don't want to ruin your life with this thing." He gestured to his cock, "like it's ruined mine, and you know you've worked real hard to get where you are and, I don't want to ruin it for you."
"That's so thoughtful of you, Isaac." Lana smiled and walked over to him, taking in his girth with her eyes and she strode next to him, "but that's my decision, hm?"
"Yea, sorry." Isaac replied sheepishly
"I understand your concern though, showing up to my office spilling out of my clothes would make my work a little difficult." She winked at him as his cock pulsed vigorously. She pat his back a couple times and stepped away, "I'll text you when I get the movie ready."
Isaac nodded and quickly went to his room, he needed a bag and quick.