Taking a few bandages from his apron pocket and wrapping them around the syringe wound, he held the key to Mikan's dorm in his other hand. With a surprising amount of dexterity, he clamped the bandages swiftly around the wound, securing it in seconds.
"Damn... I guess Mikan's body kept some of the nerve muscle memory, or something..." He spoke in a soft, high-pitched tone, entirely unfamiliar to his mind.
Hajime figured he should probably apply a disinfectant or something, but despite his unexpected skill in wrapping a wound, he had no idea how to treat it on an actually detailed level, and quickly gave up. It's not like Mikan would have anything bad on a syringe she was carrying so casually, right?
Making his way to Mikan's dorm, he slipped the key in and opened the door, a breeze flowing past his exposed legs, causing him to uncomfortably quiver.
As quickly as the door was opened, he slammed it shut. Damn, did Mikan always feel this exposed? He almost wanted to wrap his whole body in bandages, just as an excuse to cover himself up.
Sighing deeply to himself, Hajime looked around Mikan's room. It was oddly impressive! A large observation table was set up in the back, with rows of nurse's aprons hanging to the side. At the front and centre, there was a circular table holding all of Mikan's various medical equipment: extra bandages, disinfectants, syringes of vague substance, cleaning pads, and a bunch of other stuff Hajime didn't even recognise.
For a moment, he wondered - was this what it was like to have a talent? Something you adore doing so much, that you wholeheartedly devote yourself to it?
He quickly shirked those thoughts from his mind, walking in front of the closest mirror to get a better look at himself.
It was certainly... Surreal. Seeing Mikan's face move identically in reponse to Hajime's movements was something Hajime hadn't even considered. Even in the mirror, Mikan's face seemed so... Anxious. No matter how Hajime contorted his face, or changed his look, it felt like Mikan's face muscles were somehow genetically designed to appear as whimpering and frightened as possible. It certainly didn't help Hajime's confidence, while he was stuck like this...
The few times Hajime pulled off a smile, it was almost like a ray of hope emanating in front of him, before quickly dropping it from over-exertion. Mikan clearly didn't exercise that particular face muscle much, huh?
Continuing to wander, Hajime got a look at Mikan's bathroom and shower. Of course, he immediately knew he couldn't take a shower while borrowing Mikan's body - surely there were privacy laws or something against it? But, upon feeling Mikan's face, he did feel a bit of sweat from all the wandering he had been doing. Washing his face wouldn't hurt anyone, right?
Feeling a little more refreshed, Hajime continued to examine Mikan's body a tiny bit more. Her hair was so oddly uneven. Every time Hajime tilted his head, he felt like his centre of gravity was entirely shifting based on where the largest chunks of hair were falling from. Surely this had happened by some kind of accident, right?
Ignoring it for now, Hajime went back to the main room. Looking out the window, he noticed the distinct aesthetic of the sun beginning to set.
"Curfew..." Hajime whimpered unbecomingly. He had already realised what this meant - he had to go to sleep, either in Mikan's stuffy, tight apron and clothes, or touch Mikan's body to remove those clothes and go snooping through her stuff to find some kind of sleeping clothes.
Hajime groaned lightly, not happy with either option. Nonetheless, he knew it was an option he still had to pick.