As the last of the plates clattered to the sides the moment Applejack feared came to pass.
'MORE!" the stallions voice bellowed. There were still traces of her brothers calm and gentile nature to it, but a commanding tone filled his single word to the point of making them non-existent. It put applejack in mind of Luna's 'Royal Canterlot Voice', but even the RCV was more declarations and statements than orders.
"MORE!" Big Mac bellowed again and Applejack hopped to to bring over more food. She tried to grab the biggest first, a pair of large and heavily frosted apple cakes and set them before her mountain of a brother. It wasn't so much she expected those to be enough these days, but they'd buy her the time to grab the rest from the counters around the kitchen and move the empty plates off the table. With every plate used she had to resort to pans and pots and any other item that could be used to serve food. Had Rarity been there she might have stood aghast at using cookware for serving but that was only if she could get over the sight of Big Mac stuffing his face into the cakes and consuming every last gob of dough and frosting he was able.
Applejack stood back, hesitantly fingering something in her pocket as she held the last food item, a dish of apple cobbler. She knew this couldn't go on and the other day, when she'd had time, she'd gone to seek Twilight for help...
"I can't take it anymore," Applejack muttered as she paced the crystal floors of Twilight's library, nervously rolling her hat brim in her hands, "I thought it might just be a phase at first, like another growth spurt. Granny always told me Big Mac ate like a dozen ponies when he was growing up, but it was always 'up' and not 'out'. Now... it's like I'm watching him become a landmass right in front of me. I don't know what to do Twilight."
The lavender alicorn sat nearby, book in hand, dressed in blue shirt and purple skirt. Despite being a princess Twilight was never one for such formal wear (regardless of Rarity's eagerness to design for it) and insisted on keeping it simple.
Twilight mulled over the situation as she set her current book aside before her horn lit drawing another couple to her off the nearby shelves."Well if it really is just his body growing then there's little I can actually do Applejack. Messing with your brothers biology could have lasting consequences."
"But what if it's a spell or something?" Applejack replied, tugging at her overalls nervously, "Or an illness? What if he got into some Poison Joke and can't remember doing so?"
"Unlikely," Twilight replied as she flipped through the hovering books, then amended, "Not impossible mind you, but unlikely. Although..."
When Twilight went silent for a minute Applejack had to prompt her to continue. "It's my brother," Twilight finally admitted, "I mean, in my last letter with Cadance she said shining was putting on a few extra pounds these days. Maybe it's just a coincidence."
"But it could be magically related?" Applejack pressed, concern for her brother growing in her chest.
"We don't know yet. Still if it is we need more information. If it's more than Big Mac others might be effected too. I'll look around town over the next few days and ask if there's been anything unusual in this regard."
"But what about my brother?"
"I can whip up something that should stunt his apatite for a time," Twilight stated, "But without knowing the cause of all this, if there even is one, there could be side effects. Nothing dangerous, but you have to be prepared for anything that might happen..."
Applejack held the small vile of green powder Twilight had given her. She just had to sprinkle a light dusting on Big Macs food and hopefully that would be enough. However as the vile began to pour over the cobbler, Applejack's hands, already bit slick with nervous sweat, dropped the whole thing in.
"MORE!" Big Mac bellowed, having finished everything else. With no time to fish out the powder, Applejack handed over the pan and Big Mac gulped it down eagerly.
Choice 1: The powder does nothing, big Mac is still hungry and forces his way out into the orchard to consume the fresh apples.
Choice 2: The powder seems to work and Big Mac seems satiated for now, but soon his belly begins to give an ominous rumble as the side effects kick in.
Choice 3: Something else unusual happens.