"Your father what?!" Annoyed, mom demanded.
"We couldn't say no." Pouting, Ina protested.
"We thought you knew." Wincing, Ina added.
You winced as mom huffed, obviously angry with dad. "Get in the car, all of you." Through gritted teeth, she ordered. "We'll deal with this when we find your sibling and your father."
No one said a word as we all got into the car and mom drove away from ballet school. She was grumbling under her breath as she dialed dad's cellphone number. Mom had her phone on speaker; you counted the rings. After three rings, he finally answered. "Yes, my love."
"How dare you pull our child out of the middle of an experience!" Furious, mom ranted. "What on Earth possessed you to intervene?!"
"You did not prepare well enough prior to this experience, my dear short visioned wife." Bluntly, dad replied. "The twins had threatened our son with transformations against his will at their leisure which you are well aware is frowned upon under your own laws." You threw Ina and Tia a dirty look, hearing that. They winced, seeing yours and mom's annoyance as dad finished saying, "You failed to prepare the proper safeguards before beginning Joe's female experience so I found it in his best interests to intervene."
"Where is my son?" Annoyed, mom demanded.
"He is with me in his proper male form." Serious, dad replied. "I shall return him home after we have some quality time together. Good day, my love."
With that, dad ended the call. Mom let out a half scream of anger before speaking. "When we get home, I will want some answers out of you, Ina and Tia!" Furious, she said. "When your father returns with Joe, I will need you to keep the twins out of the fray, Gina!"
You nodded, knowing that another heated argument was coming between mom and dad. "I just hope Joe will be okay." Softly, you said.
Mom's face softened. "So do I."
Upon reaching home, mom...