"Well since your such an eager little butt sniffer, I'm promoting you to butt licker effective immediately, you'll get 1,450 bells for the next hour of service, bringing today's earnings to an even 2,000 bells and a month of rent payed in labour, not a bad start." Nook giggled a bit as he waited for you to start licking. Much to your surprise, his butt wasn't very gross, he kept it pretty clean, it still smelled and tasted like a rotten gassy rump, but at least it wasn't a slimy mess. For the first ten minutes or so you licked his buttcrack up and down as he moaned a little, clearly wanting to get off to the attention. At the fifteen minute mark, Nook farted on your tongue. He laughed and replied, "Hope you don't mind the..." Nook was soon cut off by the feeling of your tongue poking against his tailhole, essentially cleaning up after the poot, causing him to moan ecstaticly. Nook let several more farts rip into your mouth as he felt you keep licking, you figured if you serviced him well enough, the gassing wouldn't be so bad.
Nook got up and turned around, exposing his erection to you, "I need to get my rocks off human... I'll throw in 8,000 bells if you suck me off." You figured you could really use the money, so you get off the seat and on your knees. You reply, "Alright Mr. Nook, I'll gladly accept the opportunity to taste a tanuki cock." Nook went wild after hearing that, thrusting his hard on into your mouth and deepthroating as hard as possible for the next twenty minutes or so until he shot his load into your mouth. You waste no time swallowing, telling him how good it was. Nook moaned even more, handing you the now 10,000 bells before asking, "Want to go work at Nookington's for some hourly pay, or you wanna go home early? I... I know there's still awhile left, but you earned early release." You thank Nook and decide to...