This choice: Reserved (next part is arriving in few days!) • Go Back... As promised, here is the second part, focused on Gohan facing a well known enemy.
Here is the version of Gohan on which I base this story (I found him so hot in his black suit! ^^) :
Enjoy and don't hesitate to send me your feedback!
"Holy shit ! Did you see that !?"
"Yeah... it's... HUMONGOUS !"
Two soldiers of Frieza had seen the show. They had detected a gigantic Ki and had been sent for to see what it was. But nothing could have prepared them for this show... Even Frieza's transformation wasn't so impressive ! And all this thanks to a ray gun ? It was the unexpected opportunity they were waiting for: if they could bring this to Frieza, they would be graded for sure. But they have to wait for the right time; this "guy" could nuke them with his little finger. But he seemed concerned by other thing. Perfect !
Suddenly, the woman who seemed to be the creator of the ray gun left by plane. And the fucking titan gone to the other side. HOLY CRAP ! They had to hold for not to be swept away by the storm caused by his departure. Yeah, really, they had to steal this ray gun !
They followed Bulma discreetly until her lab. Very well, it was now or never !
"Distract her ! I surprise her from behind and we leave with the gun" said the first soldier.
Bulma had landed the ray gun. This experiment was a success, a great success. She would never have imagined than his son would become as powerful. It was far beyond anything she had predicted. With this gun, they would no longer have to fear any threat.
Suddenly, she was startled to hear a noise behind her.
"Who is there ?"
She saw someone run away. Bulma wanted to pursue him when suddenly she felt someone behind her. She turned around and had just enough time to see a fist.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! YES ! Take the gun, we are leaving for our promotion."
*Several hours later*
"L...L...Lord Frieza..." said a soldier, in charge of bringing the news to the tyrant.
"Yeeees ?" said slowly Frieza, with a slight sound of impatience.
*GLOUPS*; the soldier swallowed. One wrong word and his life would end !
"I...I..have news of the patrol sent to Earth."
"Finally I almost waited !" said Frieza, with a tone of annoyance.
"I...I...have bad and good news."
"Yes ?" said Frieza with a tone which gets tougher.
*GLOUPS* "The...the... the saiyans have invented a machine that... that... exponentially increases the force... and they used it on a saiyan named Trunks"
At this name, Frieza's face went into a black fury. Trunks... this FUCKING MONKEY, the one who had killed him.
Frieza raised his hand, ready to kill the soldier to pass his nerves.
"WAIT... WAIT MY LORD... I...I HAVE A GOOD NEWS !!" said the soldier, terrorized.
"I prevent you, if I don't like it, it will be your last seconds" replied Frieza, totally angry.
*GLOUPS* the soldier swallowed harder, it was the end for him...
"The...the...patrol stole this invention..."
Frieza froze... The wait seemed interminable for the soldier, convinced that his death was very near, that he would see a ray coming from the tyrant's finger and going through his head.
But Frieza... smiled.
"They stole this invention ? Well, well, well, very interesting ! Bring it to me..."
The solider was frozen, still not realizing that he was alive.
"NOW !" yelled Frieza, which startled the soldier.
Several minutes later, the patrol that stole it entered in the room, shaking of fear, with the gun.
"Well, so I heard that you managed to bring me this machine and that it increases the strength ? If it's true, congratulations. But if it's a fake... you are dead". The patrol swallowed. Few people liked to be here because it meant for many the death.
"Let's check it !"
One of soldier activated the ray gun and pointed it towards Frieza.
"But Lord, you wanted to use it on yourself and..."
"ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT ? I don't know what it does, it could be a trap. Use it first on a test subject !"
"A test... subject ?"
"... do you want us to call the captain Ginyu ?"
"NO ! If this invention works well, I don't want to end up with someone who could start a mutiny."
Suddenly, someone entered in the room.
"Lord Frieza ?" asked Jeice.
Frieza looked Jeice... and smiled. Perfect ! Absolutely perfect; here is his test subject ! Jeice was strong but well bellow Ginuy. He would not run any risk with him and could always crush him if needed.
"Aaaaaaaaah Jeice, your timing is perfect ! I was just looking for someone like you" said Frieza signaling the soldiers to shoot Jeice.
"You were waiting for me ? But for wh... ?"
Jeice didn't have time to finish his sentence when a ray hit him in the chest. What the hell ? Almost instantly he began to pant quickly and he was hot, very hot.
"B...but...wh...why ?" asked Jeice, falling on his knees.
"Oooooooh don't worry, it won't kill you ! Well probably not hahaha ! See it as a... promotion !" smiled Frieza
A promotion ? But he had just been shot ??? Why ? Why ??? And this pain, he must have been hit ! But... it... it was... strange. It was not painful as a wound... in fact, it was even pleasant, well extremely intense but... pleasant... no ! Totally enjoyable !! What the hell was going on ?
Jeice looked his hand, he was shaking and sweating profusely ! It was then that he noticed his forearms, it was flexed to max, veins pulsated and... it was... moving ? ... No ! It was... growing ! His eyes followed his arms and... it wasn't only his forearms ! It was his... WHOLE BODY ! He was FUCKING GROWING ! He had not been injured no ! On the contrary, he had been "promoted" !
He didn't see what was happening under his armour but on the other hand he felt it; he could feel his shoulders swelling, stretching the fabric of his black shirt, he could feel his growing pecs against the fabric, he could feel his abs tightening up and swelling, his biceps filling, stretching the sleeves, veins were even visible through his black shirt, his back was widening, stretching his suit and pushing against the back of his armor, his legs were growing.
Oh fucking gosh ! The feeling was indescribable ! Never he had not felt anything like that. And it wasn't just about physical appearance... he felt it, clearly; he was becoming stronger and stronger and stronger, at every second.
the fear he had felt at the very beginning gave way to ecstasy and lust. He smiled slightly despite the pain, because yes, it was painful, it was like thousands of workouts in one. He wanted to speak when the burning increased considerably.
His pupils disappeared to leave only white eyes, his red skin was shining with sweat, he was clenching his teeth and emitted a loud moan. His whole body was swelling like a balloon, very loud stretching noises could be heard when suddenly...
*riiiiiiiiip riiiiiiiiip riiiiiiiiiiiiip*
Tearing sounds could be heard; it was his black suit which was tearing, can no longer contain his new muscular mass. His armour was adapting but but how far could it hold on ? Especially as the growth was very quick. And it wasn't all: Jeice was becoming taller. He was almost the smallest of the commando and there he got closer to the height of captain Ginyu (and also of his strength). And it wasn't going to get any better...
His muscles were not the only thing which had changed, his voice was louder, deeper. Maybe because his neck was now larger than his head, surrounding by two huge traps. And it wasn't finished...
His shoulders exploded, he suddenly raised his head when his when it was the turn of his traps, touching almost his ears, his armour took a leap forward when his pecs exploded, his armour was starting to cracking, not being in his case designed to support such a change. He flexed automatically his biceps when they exploded. He had an amazing strength, maybe 10 times more before. Under his armour, Jeice could feel each row of his ripped six-pack, popping out of his stomach and almost doubling in size and the cracks continued to grow, his legs becoming true tree trunks, becoming so big that he was no longer able to put his feet together, his quads being too big. And finally, it was his back that gave the coup de grace to his armour, yet designed to adapt to the user's body but it was too much muscle mass so it exploded, leaving Jeice naked. The new Jeice was very impressive, like an ultra hulk version of himself, there was not a single place that was not filled with muscles. His whole body was sweating profusely, making it completely shiny and increasing very much all details.
Jeice got up, he was as tall as Recuum. He was panting and was looking his hands.  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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