"Kiba Lockheart, the human that's not you're property" you reply defiantly as you fold you're arms over you're chest.
Silvia crossed her arms as an amused chuckle escaped her lips, "Defiant little thing, aren't you?" She adjusted her glasses before stepping closer to you and eying you up and down as if she were sizing you up. "That's alright, you'll learn how to behave yourself soon enough."
Mayor Deluma reached down and cupped you're lower jaw and cheeks in her paw before bending down and turning your face every which way while she examined you. At this point you realize that her one paw is big enough to encompass most of your face in her palm. This doesn't intimidate you though as you jerk you're face out of her paw and back away from her. "I have respect, I just don't give it to people like you."
Deluma snarled and bared her fangs at you befor approaching you with clenched fists. Before she reached you though, Luna jumped between you and the mayor. "I was just about to take him to the station until we figure out what to do with him. While he's there I figure we can get to know him and possibly-"
"-The station?!" Deluma echoed while raising an eyebrow, "Get to know him? Captain, he's a human, not a lost pup. He should be on his way to a lab for analysis and study!"
Luna was taken aback by the mayor's response, "Mayor Deluma, with all do respect he is a living and sintient being! He has rights and he's only a boy! We can't just lock him up to poke him and prod him!"
Deluma sighed and placed a hand on her forehead while shaking her head, "Captain Barker, you raise valid points but I must remind you that he is a HUMAN. Human's are supposed to be mythical, as such a creature has come into our midst we should take advantage of the opportunity to study him and understand him, the best place for that is a lab. And as far as rights go, again... He's HUMAN, the last time I checked, only ANTHROS had rights here." Luna clenched her fists and growled in response. Deluma stared her down as she removed her paw from her forehead. "Now I want him taken into custody and delivered to 'SD Labs' within the hour.
Luna shook her head, "I won't do it, this is a police matter. The police will deal with it."
Deluma's tails flared as she marched up to Luna until her snout was touching Luna's, "You don't have a choice 'Captain'!" Deluma hissed, "As I told the boy, I own this city and the region around it. That includes the police force! Either you carry out my instructions, or Turn in your badge, find another job and I'll have someone else do it."
You on the other hand were trying to decide what to do yourself, should you bolt and run while everyone's distracted or wait and see if Luna can help you?