Nyx sat on the large velvet bed, sinking into the covers. She was deep in thought, brows furrowed, when her mind created an image. Muscled, black, with an azure mane and tail, stood Azure Kage, at attention. His glowing horn illuminated the dark night, catching Nyx's eyes in the shadows. He started, then smiled, walking forward with a devilish grin. He laughed, then nodded towards the sunrise appearing over the horizon. "Walk with me." His deep voice rumbled, and he turned. Nyx followed, trotting to keep up with him. She brushed his warm side, and a shiver ran through her body, wanting more. As she went to nuzzle his cheek, a lighter voice broke into her dream. "You know, I once had a crush." Nyx jumped around, blushing deeply, as the navy-blue Night Princess emerged. The dream faded, and Nyx woke, thrashing in the soft covers. She flapped her wings and landed aside the bed, still red. "P-princess Luna." she stammered, bowing before the alicorn. A small smile touched her face, and she walked to the large window which held the perfect image of the full moon. Luna sighed, then turned to Nyx. "He was all I ever dreamed about. Perfect in every way. My best friend, when Tia and I were...not seeing eye to eye. He comforted me. When I transformed, he was the only one whom did not look to me with hate. He looked to me with concern, with worry. But...a thousand years banishment takes its toll. He is no longer." she sighed, then blinked, her purple eyes on Nyx's turquiose. "If you love him, let him know. You never know what can happen." The night princess turned, winking. "I will return in the morning, to guide you around the castle." She winked again, then with a flash of navy magic, disappeared. Nyx sighed, then flopped onto the duvet, wings spread, magic soothing her aching muscles. She groaned with pleasure, and soon her dreams came, filled with images of Azure and more.
Nyx awoke to the sun in her eyes. Blinking, her catlike pupils dilated, to a wisp. Stretching, she sighed, only to be greeted by the sight of Luna standing aside of the bed. Scrambling to make herself presentable, she levitated her hairband to her head, smoothing her flyaway mane. "Princess." she greeted Luna, dipping her head as she jumped ungracefully from the bed. Her rear hooves caught on the heavy quilt, and she stumbled, landing squarely on her rump with a muffled 'oomph'. Luna snorted and levitated the young alicorn to her feet. "We have our work cut out for us. Thou shall follow I, when ready." The night princess trotted off, mane flowing gracefully, head held high. Nyx scrambled after her, hooves echoing once on the marble floors. Luna blinked tiredly, then led the alicorn to the Sun Princess's private study. With a rap on the door with her magical mane, Luna and Nyx entered the high-ceilinged room. She gasped at the library surrounding them. Books upon books adorned the shelves set on the wall, their covers all different. Nyx went to run to the closest shelf, then stopped herself, remembering where she was. Striding across the room at Luna's heels, she stopped at Celestia's chair, then curtsied. Celestia snorted warmly. "No need for that every time you see one of us." she laughed, then indicated the nearest book stack. "Today we will start with the history of Equestria. Skim the books, them wait for me." Nyx promply levitated the first book, opened it gently, and started reading, her eyes darting across the page at a rapid pace. Celestia looked to Luna, eyes narrowing. "You are tired. You must sleep, but first, you must tell me what you found last night." The sun princess said, casting a silence spell around the two. Luna grimaced, then started. "It was an intrusion of her privacy. Nothing but...simple dreams?" she turned away, grimacing, not wishing to expose the young alicorn's secret. Celestia narrowed her eyes, a playful smile on her face. "Simple dreams...of what?" Luna sighed. She rolled her eyes, ears twitching.
"She has...feelings...for a colt..." she said vaguely, and seeing the expression on Celestia's face, preempted the next question. "Azure Kage. Desendent of Lapis Lazuli, original Night Guard for Princess Luna. Azure is her personal bodyguard, the colt alicorn. Around her normal age...and..." Luna stopped. Celestia smiled devilishly, squeezing it out of her. "And what, Luna?"
-"Tia, I really don't think..."
Celesta started again. "Luna, what is it?"
Luna glared at her, then whispered a jumble of words at rapidfire pace.
"LapisLazuliwasmycrushbeforeIwasbanishedandheobviouslyfoundsomeoneelseth ereforehercrushwhenIsayherImeanNyx'scrushisdescendedfrommineandforsomereason AzureisanalicornandIthinkInowhavefeelingsforAzureanditsallabigmessnowbutIhavenoc hancebecause..."
Celestia widened her eyes, somehow keeping up with the jabber. "Because of what?" she asked, worried and curious.
"Because...because...he has feelings for her, too." She sighed, and looked away.
Celestia snorted, annoyed. "You have to fall for him, don't you...nevermind. Luna, keep it to yourself. Being High Princess of Equestria, you need to put these feelings aside and-"
Luna snorted. "-And I suppose you have put aside yours for that stallion?"
Celestia reeled back. "You know about-I mean, that is different. Our private student, who happens to be an alicorn, does not have a crush on him!" She lashed back, fuming. Snorting, she turned to Luna, and looked her in the eye. "You are tired, Luna. Go to bed." She removed the silence spell, and trotted over to Nyx. Luna sighed, anger smouldering and dying, then trotted out of the study in the direction of her chambers. Nyx looked up as Celestia approached, then put her nose back to the book, already up to her third. Celestia looked at her, then cleared her throat. "Nyx Sparkle, tell me, who founded Equestria as we know it today?"
Nyx's eyes shone as she recited the well known Hearth's Warming Eve tale to the Sun Princess, Azure still sitting in the front of her mind.
Oh, I had to put the Lunaloveshimtoo thing in this.