Nyx sighed, gently shutting the heavy oak door of the Princess's private study. Celestia had drilled her on Equestria, Discord, and all she knew all day. Nyx glanced at the ornate stained glass window, one that depicted the six Elements of Harmony defeating Discord. The sun was just setting over the low hills of the far-off Neighvada. Snorting, wondering how the time had gone so fast, she trotted to her chambers, entering with a flick of her horn. Rustling through her personal belongings, she found a pair of aqua-glass slippers, to protect her hooves. Rooting through deeper, her horn grazed the golden fabric with a sigh. I wonder how Sweetie Belle is. I must visit her... She thought distantly, pushing the cape to the bottom of the chest. Her magic found a black cloak, and she levitated the heavy fabric on, sighing as the dark material made her resemble how she had looked in the days of her reign as the...monster. She shrugged, discarding the memories, and pulled her purple hair back with her headband. Trotting out the heavy doors, she rounded the corner to the throne room, then trotted down the thousands of sparkling marble steps until she was out the huge, ornate, golden palace doors, and into the gardens of Canterlot Castle.
Heavy breathing disturbed Nyx's deep thoughts. With a start, she whirled around, teeth bared, relaxing as she saw the black-and-azure form of Azure Kage. He winked at her, a smile on his face, and joined at her shoulder, still puffing. In between breaths, he glared at Nyx. "You...know...I'm meant to...be at your side...twenty-four/seven...except when in...the castle...or with the...Princesses." He breathed out, huffing heavily. With a sharp intake of breath, Nyx apologised. "I've just been so...free before. I've never had to wait for a guard before...before my..." She broke off, blushing deeply, embarrassed as she recalled her exploits as a nightmare. Azure just smiled, a twinkle in his eye, and just reminded her of a small, unforgotten fact to Nyx. "Don't mind me. I'm just a teenage colt, after all." He purposely reminded her of their age similarities. Nyx blushed deeper, heart racing, tingling skin. She turned away, feigning hurt, and spread her wingspan wide, gaining altitude fast. She was the one rare pony whom could keep up, and even best, Rainbow Dash, thanks to her almighty wing power and length. As she looped the air, she caught a glimpse of Azure quickly launching, a startled look painted on his beautiful, handsome, gorgeous-Stop it. She harshly told herself, snapping awake. She felt feathers brush her flanks and rump, and saw Azure beside her, taunting her. Their eyes met, and Nyx hovered in the air, Azure drawing closer, green eyes locked on her blue. Nyx flew forward, then smiled, flapping fast, spiraling quickly upwards, gaining height by the second. Azure matched her perfectly, and when Nyx felt the height sufficient, waited for Azure to catch up, he having fallen behind slightly. As he met her height, their eyes locked, cemented to each other's longing gaze. Nyx had never felt the intense passion before, and didn't know how she knew what to do. As Azure drew closer, inch by inch, asking her, Nyx smiled, and flapped forward, so that they were wrapped up in a close embrace. As their eyes met, held together, their lips followed suit, melting into each other. Nyx closed her eyes, and drew in her wings. They were plummeting, held tight together, sharing their lips together. Nyx drew him closer, and they spiraled, down towards the ground.
Luna levitated her blue-striped socks onto her hooves, gazing to the moon. She blinked, relishing in her night, and stepped to her balcony, a smile plastered on her face, moonlight warming her. She felt the warmer touch of a magical mane, and sighed contentedly as her sister sat next to her, yawning. "Another masterpiece, more beautiful than the last." Celestia commented, before wrapping a heavy white wing around her sister. They sat together for awhile, watching the stars move. Suddenly Celestia moved her wing to shield her sister's gaze. Luna uttered a muffled squeak, and fought to surface for a glimpse of what the elder had shielded her from. As she burst up, wings spread, she watched as a dark, enterwined shape plummeted towards the ground. She recognized the windswept mane of Nyx Sparkle, and then the bulky shape of Azure Kage. Luna gasped as she realized what they were doing. A kiss. And it wasn't for her, from the colt she loved. A cry escaped her mouth, and Luna fell to the balcony, where Celestia awaited. She hit the cold ground, and she cried, covered by the elder sister's wing. Celestia sighed, realizing her sister's heartbreak. "You do not know what is good for you, Luna." She consoled, stroking her head. "They are meant to be, dear sister, and I think that you knew. You are so determined, or for want of a better word, plain stubborn." She sighed, and curled round her sister, her own tears melding with those of the younger's. The stars flickered twice, then dimmed. With a final blink, they disappeared from the sky.
Nyx broke apart from Kage as they neared the ground. Flourishing her wings, she gently landed on all fours, breathing heavily. Azure hit the ground, a devilish smile on his face, mildly pleased with himself. He winked at Nyx, and lay down on the ground, ruffling his wings. After a pause, he smiled, winking. "Well...I wasn't expecting that on our first night. As an emlpoyee guard, I'm not sure that was part of the contract." He joked, and walked to her, nibbling an ear, before planting a kiss on her muzzle, then taking to the sky, leaving Nyx alone. With a dreamy sigh, Nyx lay her head on the grass, and summoned a quill and parchment.
Dear Mother,
I am enjoying my stay at the castle so far. Celestia has already tested me on my knowledge, and I await the results...I hope passed!
Luna has been very nice to me. She has shown me around the castle, helped me with...a little problem, and been my guide and friend.
I am coming to Ponyville for a visit tomorrow, Celestia told me I needed a rest.
When I visit, I have been issued...a...guard, of sorts. He will be accompanying me and staying with us, I hope.
I do have a little surprise, I will tell you when I arrive.
Sweetie Belle is doing fine, and has been taken on as a singing student by Top Note, the head teacher at the conservatorium.
See you very soon,
Nyx stepped off the train with Azure at her shoulder. Over the past months, he had grown to be much more than a guard. He had officially asked her to be her 'coltfriend' the night after their first kiss. Nyx trotted towards the gates, levitating her small bag. Her mane was drawn back with a aqua headband, and in plaits. Her eyes were sparkling with happiness. Azure was equally as happy. As they walked slowly towards the massive tree in the distance, Azure winked, and walked closer to her, so that they were pressed together like in clamps. Nyx rubbed her muzzle along his, and Azure planted a soft kiss on her lips, before dancing away a few steps. Nyx sniggered. "Good idea. Not sure how Twilight'd take it if we waltzed in the door like that. She'd grill Celestia, then eat Luna alive." Azure looked at her worriedly.
"Will she take it well?" He was worried.
Nyx snorted, then frowned. "Not sure, really. I've never..well, had a coltfriend, before." She trotted ahead, nearing the library. Azure winked then cast a spell, hiding his wings and donning his royal Nightguard armour. He took on a distant look, flexed his muscles, and pranced forward, magically opening the door. When she stepped inside, she had a brief moment to register that Pinkie had thrown a surprise party before the deafening and almost illegible, muffled cry of 'Welcomehomehappyalicorn-princesstraining' was shouted. Nyx laughed, and trotted forward, only to be tightly embraced by a short, bouncy, pink earth pony. Soon Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, and a shy Fluttershy joined in the warm hug. As the others broke away, Twilight bounced around her, snuggling her, and laughing like an ecstatic Pinkie. "It's been so long! Nothing's happened around here!" she cried, and then literally cried. Nyx took a stunned step back, and then squeezed Twilight tight, before letting her gently go. Pinkie, with a loud call of, "Let's Parrrrttaaayyy!" started handing out cupcakes of all kinds.
Later that night, when the party had dispersed and died, Nyx sat in Twilight's room with Twilight and Rarity, with Azure standing emotionless at her side, like a buff stone statue. Rarity kept looking in his direction, obviously interesed, which pricked Nyx with soft jealousy. Twilight could stand the silence no longer, breaking it with a unwittingly rude, "Does he speak? What's his name?" Rarity gasped, and huffed, muttering something about 'No sense around stallions' and the like. Nyx snorted, and flicked Azure with her tail, signalling him to speak. Although they had grown close, he was still her guard and therefore, when in public, had to act like it. He blinked gratefully, and sighed. "I do speak, Ms. Sparkle. I am Azure Kage, former lieutenant of the Royal Night Guard. I was re-employed to serve Miss. Sparkle." He shifted his weight, and Nyx continued.
"I do have some... embarrassing, uncalled-for and startling news, but that can wait. Azure, stop acting like a guard, and I request that you reveal yourself." Nyx teased. Azure sighed, and levitated his armour off, revealing his flowing, bright-blue and red mane, and more importantly, his gorgeous wings. Rarity gazed at him with more intensity, and Twlilight gasped.
"An alicorn? B-but..."
Azure rolled his eyes with mock anger. He smiled. "I am descended from the original Lapis Lazuli, first guard of the Princess Luna, who was an alicorn. I carry that gene."
Nyx smiled. "Now, for the embarassing and uncalled-for news...
Azure Kage is my...coltfriend!" Nyx blushed.
Both mares gasped.