The girl's hand simply held the doorknob as she stared at the bouncy ball of a girl in front of her. She had been in the room for no less than a second and she had been barraged by what had to be the strangest greeting imaginable.
"Uh....woah. I think you need to take it easy on the sugar girl" the new girl responded, finally breaking the silence and rolling her suitcase indoors. "Arisa huh? Well, I'm Marissa, Marissa Dupont", Arisa responded to Marissa's introduction by swiftly holding her right arm out, ready for a handshake. "You're kind of an odd one, arn't you?" Marissa continued, setting her case down and shutting the door. Her arm growing tired, Arisa withdrew it.
"S...sorry, I uh. Don't meet people often" blushing heavily, the spherical girl was rather taken aback as Marissa gave her a swift pound on the back.
"No worries Ris. You're quirky, I like that. Last person I want to be spending my time here with is some stuck up preppy bitch getting on my case". Arisa sighed heavily, she had made a good impression, success! Preppy though? What did that mean...?
"Uh, Preppy?" Arisa questioned.
"Preppy, you someone from a rich school who thinks they're all that, stuck up! That's it". Arisa had never met anyone like that, although, due to her spending so long burying her nose in studies, she had not got to know many people. Flicking her styled blonde hair away out of her eyes, Marissa strode over to the couch, dropped herself onto it and placed her booted feet onto the coffeetable.
"So! What's there to like, do around here?" Marissa called out from her ultra-relaxed position. Arisa tottered round to join her on the couch, with much less springing and more complaining from the couch springs. Arisa hurriedly looked around, trying as best she could to avoid anymore awkward silences, her gaze glanced across Marissa as she did so. Arisa took note once more at how shockingly thin Marissa was, a petite-trim waist that was on full display due to her crop-top. Long legs dressed in a skirt that looked like it was probably an inch or two short. Large fluffy styled boots covered her feet. Her hair was wavy and blonde, styled into semi-curls and covering one side of her face a little, extensive makeup highlighted her long lashes and she was wearing dark pink lipstick.
"Uh...I think they gave us these welcome baskets" Arisa pointed to a pair of large hampers, each filled to the brim with sweets, chocolates and other delicious desserts. Trying to lead by example, Arisa reached into the closest one, pulled out a squidgy cream-filled donut and took a bite. Arisa almost purred as the rich sweet sticky interior ran down her throat. Seeing delight in her new friend, Marissa followed suit. Soon both girls were devouring the confections and making small talk.
"*gulp* Mmmm, so Arisa huh? That's a rather odd name" Marissa pointed out.
"Well, my full name is actually; Arisa Boonliang Spencer" Arisa replied, hand in-front of her mouth to block stray crumbs.
"Woah! Woah woah woah woah.....woah" Marissa cried out. "Boonliang? As in Boonliang Corp.?", Arisa acknowledged with a nod, her mouth was tightly packed with treats. "Holy moly, you're loaded!", Arisa shrugged to this, she honestly never thought about her families wealth much, she wasn't very materialistic and had mostly had a childhood filled with studies and parental affection (bordering on mollycoddling) and sweets, lots and lots of sweets.
"Wow, hey, if you're not using any, care to send any my way?" Marissa thumped Arisa on the back again, sending ripples through her massive form. "Kidding, my family is pretty well off too, just nothing on your level"
The chatting roamed into the pairs interests, childhood and where they lived. That is until the food supply ran out.
"Phoooow, I am stuuuuffed" Marissa laughed, prodding her small food-baby bump.
"Eh, I could go for a little more" Arisa replied, giving her own cannonball of a belly a few dull thuds.
"Seriously? Dam girl you are someth*HIC*ing else" Marissa ogled Arisa's belly, only slightly sticking out from under her shirt.
"Well, I heard there was a opening ceremony, it has food" Arisa was pleased she came up with another idea so fast.
"What the hell! Let's go meet, greet and eat then" Marissa laughed as she awkwardly moved her stuffed body up and off the couch.
On grabbing her keycard and leaving, Arisa was thrilled with herself. Her first real friend!