Based on an old Fanfic by FatSallyAcorn a fellow author that I feel as if has gone too long without a sequel, Sadly she has disappeared so the task is up to you.
'Don't be ridiculous Sonic that's just a fairy tale.' Sally said one arm around Sonic and the other holding a dusty old lamp. Sonic was holding Sally as he whizzed through the forest, back to knothole village. They had found the lamp abandoned in a lifeless part of the forest, under some tangled bushes.
'Aw come on, Sal, let me have my fun.' The blue hedgehog said, as they zoomed into the village. He halted in front of their hut. Recently the two had gotten married, and shared the same place.
However, even though now Knothole was peaceful and no longer under the threat of Robotnik, they were still going through difficult times. The village, along with several others, was suffering a severe drought, and as a result, it was almost impossible to farm, and there was barely any food to eat.
'Well, I'll admit it does need a bit of polishing.' The squirrel/chipmunk hybrid held the golden lamp up to the sun to examine it. Sonic stepped back a little to admire his wife's beauty. She wasn't the curviest or bustiest Mobian alive, but he still couldn't get enough of her body. And though her beauty wasn't what you would call traditional, he still found her absolutely gorgeous. 'Hey, Sal, have I ever told you, you look hot?' Sonic asked, putting an arm around her.
'Only a thousand times.' Sally replied, lowering the lamp and smiling back at him. The two embraced and began passionately kissing each other. Sonic managed to hold Sally up and, while kissing her, stumbled through the door of their hut and onto their bed. Sally was just pulling her vest off when the couple was startled by a knock on the door.
'Um, sorry to uh, interrupt your uh, fun, but there's something you guys need to see.' The villager looked serious, but his cheeks were flushing due to the embarrassing situation he just walked in on.
'Oh, no, this is...This...oh, no...' Sally was speechless. In front of her, a huge garden, which was once Knothole's only food source, was absolutely marauded. What plants were ready to be harvested were gone, and what was not yet fully-grown was uprooted and torn apart. Several villagers were searching around for what little was left, but there was close to nothing.
'' Rotor, who was standing next to her, sighed, rubbing his head. 'It was probably some of Robotnik's old robots...' Sally was devastated. Almost ten years after defeating him, he was still causing them so much grief. How on earth could her village survive though this? 'H-How much food is left in storage?' She asked quietly, almost not wanting to hear the answer.
'Well, we've got about a couple weeks' worth of food left for the entire village.' The walrus replied. 'But with this weather, it'll take much more than that to grow back enough to keep up.'
'Looks like we'll have to get everything out of the forest from here on out.' Sonic said, after being surprisingly quiet for so long. 'But that won't be a problem, I can find more than enough for everyone to eat faster than you can say-'
'Everything in the forest is poisonous, Sonic.' Sally sighed, walking back towards the hut. 'I need some time to myself to think about what to do.'
As soon as she was in her hut and had shut the door behind her, Sally burst into tears. What do I do now? She thought. How am I going to keep everyone from starving to death, I've already rationed food enough as it is, I can't have everyone eat even less....Oh, this is my fault somehow, I know it! She wiped off her eye. She glanced over at her nightstand and saw the lamp she'd left there.
'Oh, I could really use a genie right about now...' She mumbled, picking up the lamp. In spite of herself, she began rubbing off some of the dust. Then, to her surprise, it started glowing. 'Oh my gosh-' Sally stumbled backwards, still holding the lamp. She ran outside and saw Sonic talking to a group of villagers.
'Sonic, Sonic! Look at this!' She showed him the glowing lamp. He blinked and took it from her. 'No way....did you-' 'Yes!' Now the villagers saw the lamp and gasped. 'Could that be...?' 'Is it really?' 'It's not possible!'
Silently, Sonic rubbed the lamp some more, and it began glowing brighter. Excitedly, he began rubbing it against his arm, when it have a blinding flash of light and shot in the air. It burst into a colorful cloud in the air, and then, a large Lion's head, sporting a turban, emerged from this cloud. All the Mobians could only stare and catch flies in their mouth.
'I am the Genie of the Lamp.' The lion's head declared loudly. Now much of Knothole village, attracted by the loud noise, came running to see what was going on. 'For setting me free, you shall be granted one wish, but choose carefully...' The lion's head lowered a little and narrowed its eyes. 'For whatever you wish will require a great personal sacrifice on your part.'
The two leaders we stunned. 'What do we wish for?' 'I know.' Sally stood up a bit straight. 'I wish for all this famine to end, I want Knothole restored to the glory it once was, maybe even something better!' She lowered her head. 'Please, I'm willing to give anything...' 'Your wish is granted, but at a price.' the genie replied. 'That price is your beauty.' 'M-My what?' Sally blinked, not sure she heard him correctly.
'The state of a leader reflects the state of their subjects. A ruler with a great girth gives the impression that their subjects also enjoy a healthy, profitable lifestyle. So, to improve your village's condition, you must gain as much weight as possible.' Sally began to speak, but was interrupted by the genie. 'The only way to save you village, is to sacrifice your beauty and gain as much weight as possible. Be the fattest woman you can be.' And with that, the genie disappeared into another bright cloud and floated away.
Chapter Two
'Come on, Sally, you said you'd give anything...' 'Sonic, I can't make a pig of myself while everyone starves.' The two were in their hut again; Sally was sitting up on her bed, Sonic standing next to her.
'Look, the villagers were more than happy to share a bunch of their food, the least you can do is eat what you were given.' He held up his arm towards the other side of the hut. The villagers had given Sally plenty of food alright. Enough to fill up half of the place, barely leaving room to walk. Mainly anything that wasn't fruits and vegetables, in hopes of Sally gaining as much weight as possible.
'Sonic, there has to be more than enough to feed the village for two days! I can't eat all of this-' 'Not in one sitting.' 'You're jabbering me to live on this stuff?!' 'Well, how else are you supposed to get big enough to save the village?' Sally began to argue back, but then sighed. After a minute of silence, she walked to the table.
'Well, anything for the village, I guess...' She looked around. 'What on earth do I eat...?' 'Here' Sonic held up a large plate of biscuits. 'It'll be easy to work your way through these.'
Sally sighed and sat herself down. Sonic placed the plate in front of her. She began to reach for one when Sonic stopped her. 'Wait, you know what these need?' 'Sonic, what are you-' Sonic became a blue blur, speeding through the food and biscuits. When he stopped, the biscuits all had butter on them, which was now melted from moving so fast. Sally glared at him.
'You're not helping.' she muttered, glaring at her husband. 'Hey, butter is nothing but fat, just trying to help.' Sonic said with a grin. Sally sighed again and took a biscuit. 'Well...down the hatch.'
Being hesitant to start becoming fat after being slender her whole life, Sally went through the biscuits slowly. She took as small bites as possible and chewed them for ridiculous amounts of time before finally swallowing them. They were rather large, so it only took about five of them for her to feel full.
'Alright, I'm finished.' Sally began getting up, but Sonic put his hands on her shoulders to force her down. 'No, eat.' He said, getting slightly impatient. 'Knothole's counting on it.'
'But...but...' Sally sighed and bit into another biscuit. Now they didn't taste as good, and soon her stomach began to hurt. She wanted to stop, but she kept herself going with mental images of Knothole as it used to be. Ten biscuits down, she had to pause in order not to puke all over the table. But she still forced each one down, one after the other. After a little over twenty, she sat back in her chair and groaned. Her stomach, which was flat and even had a bit of muscle to it, was now round and beginning to stick out.
'I feel like I'm going to burst!' moaned Sally, putting a hand on her aching belly. In front of her, only one more biscuit remained. Sonic picked it up and held it in front of her.
'Come on, Sal, you've only got one more to go...' Sonic said teasingly, waving the biscuit in front of her. She looked as if she was about to vomit.
'Oh, I feel awful...I'm going to bed.' she mumbled, struggling out of her chair. Sonic was about to start teasing her with the biscuit again, but decided against it and dug into it himself. She glanced over at Sally, who was already passed out in bed. Sonic observed her again. She was lying on her back, with her stomach hanging out on top. Before he went to bed, he put a heating pad on it, to help her feel better.
(my addition) Sonic then began to ponder about what he should cook for her in the morning for her breakfast given the situation the meal's portions would have to be both gut-busting massive, and as fattening as Lard.
(Here is were you come in this story has gone with out a follow up for more than 6 years. Please make it a good and lengthy one it disserves as much.)  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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