Considering different options, Sonic settled for making a high sugar, high fat breakfast to optimize Sally's gaining process. He decided to wake up an hour earlier than usual to get everything prepared and study the recipe books. A great cook he wasn't and never sinned with patience, but for the sake of making the whole experience less miserable for his wife, was willing to sit down and learn.
Leaving books opened on the corresponding recipes, Sonic began adding and mixing the ingredients for three dishes at the same time, each in a different pot, all slowly and carefully, afraid of burning anything and letting the food go to waste. This multitasking process was quite difficult for the blue hedgehog, but that's what was so exciting about it - setting the bar high and overcoming the challenge.
The red haired chipmunk's nostrils were hit with a rather pleasant combination of sweet smells, stimulating her senses. The fragnance peaked her curiosity as to where it could possibly come from. Wide awake, Sally stretched the arms and rose from the bed.
"Well, this is unusual" - she said. But, It wasn't the only surprise waiting for her.
The other one was discovered right after taking off the heating pad.
It became apparent where the butter glazed biscuits went. Sally's once flat, toned stomach now displayed some roundness, possible to pinch with two fingers. A small belly roll protruded from her waistline, being an ominous reminder of how "bad" the things would become in the not so distant future.
It was an uncomfortable feeling, knowing you developed some extra chub, while everyone else is underfed, even Rotor, who tremendously cut down on his meals and had to shrink his toolbelt for it to continue staying on his frame.
Her hips grew a bit as well. Now curvier than before, were probably the only good thing she thought came out of the yesterday's binge. If only she could stay like that, minus the belly, that'd be great. Reality however, was brutal. This whole thing had to go on and on until inevitably reaching obesity. The clouds of doubt gathered around her, putting her determination into question.
Snapping back to reality, Sally headed towards the smell's source, which turned out to be the kitchen, with Sonic standing in front of the pots.
"You can cook? - Sally asked, surprised.
"Thought I'd give it a try. Drop some weight off your shoulders. Speaking of weight..." - Sonic pinched her stomach, smiling - "You seem to have put on a few!"
"Yeah. I'm slowly turning into a disgusting pig..." - her face adopted a gloomy tone.
"Aww, don't be like that. I hate seeing you sad." - Sonic whispered, raising her chin with his hand" - Don't you remember? No matter what happens, you have me, Tails, Bunnie, Nicole and all the other friends cheering you on, ready to support you no matter what. Who cares if you become a pig? We will still love you."
"W-well, that's true..."
"Of course it is! We are with you 101 percent. Now, sit down, eat and quit worrying so much." - Sonic finished, giving his wife a smooch. Her face brightened with hope instantly.
The chipmunk's rump plopped obediently on the nearest chair. She gazed upon the huge pile of bacon toasts, slathered with a thick layer of butter from each side, then placed them in her mouth. Not bad! There were a couple of things that could've been improved, like more cheese or spices, but for a first attempt, they came out decent.
"How are they? Better than the green slop Rotor used to serve?" - he laughed, although a bit nervously.
"Don't sell yourself so short, honey. I think they are quite delicious. Keep it up and you'll go places!" - Sal quickly reassured him by finishing the plate to prove she wasn't lying. Her fingers were entirely covered in grease, dripping from the buttery bread; Instead of wiping them with a napkin, she proceeded to lick them clean. Her stomach was already looking quite full, but the meal barely just begun.
Then came waffles, covered with strawberry jam and a generous amount of whipped cream. Working a way through them proved to be more difficult, but manageable. Sally's gut kept on expanding further, bulging past the width of her breasts.
"You still have pancakes left! Come on!" - Sonic encouraged Sal, who looked really bloated right now, belly stuffed like a drum. Sally had to force herself to chew and swallow through the pancakes, despite her fullness. A loud groan let itself out from her insides.
"Sorry... Urp... But I have to do this..." - the chipmunk said to her gut, protesting against the torturous meal. "As much as I like the food, I wish I could actually enjoy it instead of doing, well, this."
Halfway through the pancakes, Sally groaned in pain and leaned back on the chair, panting.
"I can't! How am I supposed to get fat enough if I'm unable to eat a lot? And all the food will spoil eventually before I fnish it, then what? We don't have enough time!" - Sal started panicking
"It's tough, I know. But we need to stretch out your stomach to fit more food. The first days will be the worst, but then it will come easier!" - Sonic cheered her on.
"I just wish there was some way to speed up my digestion... Maybe then I would enjoy it..."
A brilliant idea rushed into the hedgehog's mind.
"Speed up digestion? That's right! I'll ask Rotor or Tails to make a potion! They worked on similar stuff in the past."
"Please do, I don't think I can keep at it like that every day...Ooooohhhh..." - moaned Sally with pleasure, after the blue blur started rubbing and caressing her stomach to ease the pressure. The way he moved the fingers around her inflated ball of a gut felt heavenly. A few burps escaped from it in response to being stimulated.
Then, he grabbed her hips, which were a bit fuller than yesterday and began squishing them. "Looks like some weight went into the right places" - he teased her, then patted her plump butt, making her blush.
"Much better, thank you, Sonic..." - she sighed in relief, her belly bulging a little bit less.
"Okay, I'll go to the lab for a while. Try to finish those pancakes while I'm out!" - said Sonic before leaving the hut.
After the belly rubs, Sally did indeed manage to fit the rest of the pancakes inside of her without issues. Maybe with his majestic hands, the whole experience won't be too bad after all.
This made her think: Does she actually need the potion, or can she do it all by (almost) herself? Besides, the potion could have some negative effects, some could even set them back on their goal. Is it worth the risk?