Ryan had been paying attention to how she looked, how huge she was, but now, with Jen saying it, he focuses more on his form, how light, how sheer, how insubstantial he feels. He knows it before she says it "You're stockings, and damned fine smoke ones, so sheer, god you feel incredible. I..I have to wear you, you need to know what you are, to own it, to feel it. It's the only way to start gaining control. Also, god, you're perfect, you're going to feel so good on my legs, filling you, I want you."
And she stands, briefly putting him down and he sees her put on panties, before turning back to him "I know, you probably prefer me to not wear them, but...you're pantyhose now babe, and I need to treat you like that, besides, not always glorious the things we are. But you, wow, you are amazing, when you learn to control this, you're going to be so talented, I can tell." And she scrunches up half Ryan's body, and then angles her foot, stepping into him. The trip up her first leg is intoxicating like the best caress ever, but where the caress moves up, behind, his body, his existence, takes on her shape and form. The process happens again with the other leg and is just as sensual. Then up over her panties and he is tight, stretched, mimicking her curves from that pert ass and warm pussy, all the way down her luscious legs to her dainty feet. He worshiped her body before, but now it feels almost religious, like her legs are his whole world now.
She stands there, admiring herself and his new form in the mirror "Wow, babe, you look stunning...now don't worry, its your first time, so you'll be pantyhose for: