Before they dealt the hand, Cindy interrupted the flow of the game. “Wait a minute. I have a nice idea. I mean, you can do everything with this game, right?”.
“Yeah, mom.”, said Michael. “You can swap everything you can think of. Doesn’t matter if it is physical or abstract.”.
Cindy smiled. “Thanks, hun.”. She then looked at everyone on the table. “So, I’ve thought about it. How about we all swap lives with each other?”.
“You want what?!”, asked Anna astonished. “Swapping lives with each other?!”.
Cindy nodded. “Yes, Anna. Just think about it. It might help you all to understand other people. I think this will be a great experience, especially for you Anna.”.
“I think this is a great idea.”, smiled Josie. She had something like that in mind before but was too afraid to suggest it to everyone. “I mean this could be fun. You don’t get the opportunity to live someone else’s life. Nobody will notice anyway.”.
“I’m not sure this is a good idea…”, said Michael but he was alone with this thought. Well, nearly alone but Anna had no voice on this subject.
Philipp had hoped to get some feminine parts, that are not the voice of a little girl, but the thought of getting into a ladies changing room was appealing to him.
Melody was curious as well about how a different life was. She was still not quite sure why Jeremy had to go instead of her but that did not matter for her at this point. She hoped she could swap with Michael’s mother. Being a grown-up woman with such a handsome husband was very appealing to her.
“Then that’s decided.”, smiled Cindy.
“And how will we decide who gets which life?”, asked Anna annoyed and hoped they would drop the plan just as quick as it had come up.
“Don’t worry.”, smiled Cindy at her daughter. There was something mischievous about her smile. “We’re six people, right? So, let me get a dice.”.
She got up and got a dice, and then she sat down again and continued explaining her plan.
“Now everyone gets a number.”, she explains. “We’ll roll and swap with the person whose number we roll. If you roll your own number, roll again. If you roll the number of a person who already is involved in a swap, roll again. When you have rolled, we’ll play a hand, everybody except the person who rolled will fold and then swap lives with the person he/she won.”.
“Okay, number are like this:
1- Michael
2- Josie
3- Anna
4- Philipp
5- Melody
6- Cindy
Cindy shoved the dice over to Michael. “Since this is your birthday, you can roll first.”.
Michael hesitated but grabbed the dice and rolled.