"Okay... you know what. I think I'm just going to have some fun with this," Anna said looking over the other players with a predatory grin.
"Oh come on now Anna... don't be sore about things," her mom said, trying to chivy Anna out of a sulk. "You get this way when you lose at any game. Come on, have some fun with it. It's just a game."
"I know mom, like I said, I'm going to have some 'fun.' All the swaps are for twenty four hours, right?"
"Forty eight sis," Michael said. "Two days."
"Even better. I think that my next two days are going to be pretty laid back. I want to swap authority and respect with Cindy Ferguson," she said, leaning back in her chair with a smile.
"Authority and respect?" Cindy asked. "What's that going to do? Does that mean I'm supposed to let her tell me what to do?"
"Um, the magic will take care of that I think Cindy," Philip said, not even realizing he'd called her by her first name. "That was a nice one Ms. Ferguson," he continued, looking at Anna.
"I know," Anna giggled, very excited. "I get to be the one who decides when bed time is, and who has to do the dishes and take out the trash... and people will listen to me!"
"You're not going to get all mean with that authority now are you Ms. F?" Josie said looking over to Anna. "I mean, you're not going to play tyrant over there for the next two days. Cause when things get swapped back..."
"Oh don't worry about it Josie," Anna said reassuringly. Normally, a reassurance like that from Anna would only have set off alarms in everyone's mind. But now, people at the table trusted her the way they would have trusted Anna's mother a few minutes ago. "But I do think we'll need to wrap things up here in a few more hands, so if there's something you guys want, play hard for it because it's lights out in an hour. And Josie..."
"Yes ma'am?" Josie said, looking at Anna.
"I haven't made up my mind about whether or not you can spend the night with Michael... but the next few rounds of cards might influence my decision. Just keep it in mind okay?"
"Now wait a minute Anna," Cindy said, chiming in. "I thought I had told Michael that even seventeen is too young to have a girl spend the night. Sorry, but there are rules in this house."
"I'll tell you what, why don't we have that chat when dad gets home from dropping Jeremy off. If he agrees with me, then my word goes. If he agrees with you, then that settles it. Deal?"
"Yes ma'am," Cindy said, still not happy with it, but also realizing that they were right, the magic was making things happen.