Goblins! Throughout the trees and small squad charges towards you. They are shouting war cries as come. You analyse them, they are about half your size, their armour is made up of mostly wood and cloth, leaving their limbs completely exposed.
Goblin’s were never known for their intelligence, or tailoring skills, but these seem to be a lower breed of goblins. You could take on three of them at once, and probably come out unscathed, but there are six, that you can see, that’s enough to put even your life on the line in a fight with them. Still, it looks as if you have no choice and draw your sword, with intent to kill.
The cursed bracelet seems to glow.
“Forgot I had that for a minute.” You think, hoping that it doesn’t drain your strength or stamina during the fight.
You wait until the goblins come to a few yards away from you before stomping your foot and yelling.
This stops the goblins momentum for a second, but only for a second, as they look at each other and realize they outnumber you.
The first one leaps at you, and you slice its head clean off. You turn around and stab the taller goblin in the gut, it falls over holding the wound in its stomach. Two of the goblins flee. You chop off the right leg and right arm of one in a single stroke.
The last goblin jumps on your chest, and uses his legs to kick you onto your back. Using his fists, he wails on you, as you drop the sword.
The following is a brutal fist fight between the two of you as you roll on the ground. It finally ends when the goblin tries to bite your face, but you hold up your arm, and it accidently chomps down on the bracelet, breaking his fangs in the process. As it whips its head back in pain, you surprise it by knocking its skull with a rock, and putting it out of its misery.
Your stupid cursed bracelet is glowing green, and an aura of light engulfs your body. You feel a tingling sensation, as you black out.
You wake up, and the sun is in a different part of the sky. You feel exposed. As you sit up, something doesn’t feel right. The world is much larger than it was this morning, it smells different too. You turn your head to look around, but find that that is different too. As you stand up, you see a green arm and jump back in terror.
The fall back doesn’t hurt. You feel tougher than before. Getting up again, you look at the hand. Your fingers seem thicker than before. You defiantly control it.
As a breeze blows, you feel a draft between your legs, and look down to see that you are not wearing pants. Your armor has been replaced by some pieces of wood, held together by string. As you stretch your legs apart, you see that your reproductive equipment is about to retract into your body. “No wonder goblins don’t feel the need for pants,” you think.
The sun feels hot, so hot that you understand why goblins spend most their time underground. You look at a ditch, still flooded from the heavy rain these lands faced just three days prior. You instinctively drop into the stale water, and open your eyes when entering. To your amazement, you can see fine under water. You don’t seem to have trouble breathing either. Miniature gills in your neck open and you feel content to stay here until darkness.
You see some bugs swim by, and open your mouth to allow it to enter. As this happens, you realize that goblins have just as much in common with frogs as they do with humans.
Inspired by this fact, you stand up from the water, and decide to try another experiment. The simple act of talking.
“I am human.” you try and say.
“Ayumeeeeee” you squeak.
You look at your hands, and move your fingers. Those work fine, but something is screwing up between your thoughts and your speech.
“I…” “Am…” “Hu…Man” you say very slowly, and realize that speaking this way is hurting your throat, no wonder Goblins don’t trade with humans much.
As you look down in the pool, the ripples clear, and you see the goblin looking back at you.