On the way Max watched some pretty basic TV comedies and obnoxiously laughed at the simplest things, stopping Bryan from getting any sleep.
"You know, this is going to be a great growing experience," Max said during the flight.
"You know, you're right Max," Bryan agreed," We'll learn a lot more about a different culture, learn the basics of a new language.."
"Fuck that," Max said and slapped his gut," This baby is going to grow."
Bryan groaned at the idea of a fatter Max pressing into him on the flight home.
After the long 8 hour flight the two arrived at Mexico and Max started sweating as soon as he stepped off the plane and into the wall of humid air.
"Fuck it's hot here," Max said taking off his trucker's hat and fanning himself.
Bryan quickly remembered that heat makes Max eat even more than during the colder months. He barbeques huge amount of food and chugs so much beer during the summer months. Thankfully Max doesn't trust Bryan with the grill so it does take some heat off Bryan during the summer.
The two gathered their bags and made their way to the bus area and boarded the bus. Bryan thankfully got the aisle seat this time.
By the time they arrived by their ocean side all inclusive hotel it was dusk. Max and Bryan made their way to the front desk and they noticed that what Max said about the average height of Mexico was true. Cancún is apart of the Yucatán Peninsula, an area that never has much top soil so the dirt isn't deep and thus the veggies and fruit in the area was never nutritionist and lead to the local population never growing very tall and even their descendants are still short, Bryan's height.
"I kind of feel like a giant here," chuckled Max as he leaned on the front desk counter as the clerk brought up their reservation.
"Yeah," Bryan nodded and noticed another couple of American tourist across the lobby.
"I'm sorry sir, but all we have left is a room with a queen sized bed," said the clerk looking up.
"Ha, that's fine," Max said cutting off any complaints Bryan would have.
"Great, dinner is being served in the main room and the show is on as well," says the clerk.
"Great," Max says," 'cause I'm starving."
A pair of bell hops show up and lead Max and Bryan to their room. It's a decent room with a nice view of the ocean, has a strong air conditioning and the single queen sized bed.
The pair head down to the main dining room where there's a latin show on with dancers and singers. There's a large buffet available and Max loads up two plates full of food. The waiter swings by for drink orders and Max loads up on beer while sending Bryan to get more and more plates of food.
By the time Max had got his share his white shirt was tight and and belly was bloated and he was drunk. Bryan slowly helped the big man back to their room where Max quickly undressed and fell asleep on the bed on his back, like a starfish.
Bryan took a quick walk around the hotel to see the layout and found that the hotel was truelyna five star resort. Five restaurants, several pools, hot tubs, gyms, shops, you name it. It was here at the hotel.
Bryan returned to the room to see his naked step father asleep, and snoring away like a bear. Bryan was used to Max's snoring, but through a wall. But Bryan did come prepared with ear plugs.
Bryan nestled into the bed and rested his pillow on Max's arm. And slowly fell asleep.
Halfway through the night Bryan woke up and felt the bear hug of Max holding him tight. Max held Bryan close to his thick hairy body. Bryan kind of felt safe in this embrace.. until he felt Max's hard on pressing against his leg.
"Babe... I missed you," Max said in his sleep and hugged Bryan closer.
Bryan knew he couldn't escape and after awhile Max fell back into his deeper sleep.
In the morning Bryan woke up to see Max was no where to be seen. So he got up and went down to one of the open air restaurants with a view of the ocean. He grabbed some tea and some pancakes and some fresh fruit and took a seat and wondered where Max was..
It didn't take long before Max showed up..